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Suzie, the Riverwalk is very warm! Yet it is really cool!! LOL

I had been before, many years ago, in another lifetime I lived in SA. But Rick has never been. It can be as expensive or as cheap as you want to make it! If you want to stroll, and see things, and even stop for a beer, it is affordable. It can also be REALLY expensive, with lots of high end shops etc.!!

I would love to meet up with you guys there! Or anywhere!

To get to SA from our farm is reasonable---gotta love the interstate! LOL So that is why I said Spring or Fall, that is when we go there!

I think our husbands would get along great, they all seem pretty down to earth! Rick has a great sense of humor, and would start out quiet, not knowing anyone, but he loosens up, and I know you would like him. I miss him so much it is unreal! Not sure why today has been so hard, but it has.

I got word through my parents, who saw old friends, that one of my oldest friends was in town for a week at Christmas, with her husband, DD, and DGD. I never even got a phone call. She said Happy New Year on FB, never even mentioning she had been here. I know she has family, and obligations, I am not asking that she spend hours with me. Just a phone call... In the conversation her MIL had with my Mom, she did say they (friend and her DH) spent a lot of time golfing. Well ya know what.....good for her. She wants to wrap herself up in no one but them, that works for me. I have worked to keep the friendship going, but no more. I called one time we were in Fort Worth for Rick's cousins transplant surgery, and she lives in a suburb in the DFW area, and she had company (his family again) and could not meet up with us. She has been in town before, and never called. I always made excuses for her, but for some reason 2010, has brought out in me, a need to do away with the excuses for friends! So enough is enough, and I had enough. I will respond ONLY if she is in touch with me DIRECTLY. Same with a bunch of people in my life!!!

Roads go 2 directions, phone lines work both ways. I know you guys get what I am saying....doncha???? LOL

Going all out for dinner....thinking tuna salad sandwich!!! LOL BBL

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Kat, next sept we will be going to Calif. for a wedding, if money allows us. We thought about flying but I told hubby that there is a lot that I want to do if we make this trip and would prefer if we took the van. I have a friend that has a winter place in Pheonix and they will be there at that time. So that is one stop. There's a little town in New Mexico that I would also like to stop at and hopefully spend at least one night there. (hint, hint). And just right outside of Dallas is another place I hope to stop by. But if you will be around SA in the spring I will try and see if I can get away for a couple of days. It all depends on the money situation.

I have had a really excellent eating day. So tonight I think I will make myself a salad and maybe put some tuna in it. I need to get in a little more Protein. I'm only up to about 50 grams right now. Calorie wise I'm at around 1200. And doing good on my Water also.

They have announced that schools will be closed for tomorrow. It's just to bitter out there. And it's only gonna get worse as the week goes on.

Sis was in her nice warm apartment when I got there and she grabbed a coat and swung it over her shoulders. I tried to tell her how cold it was. I ever grabbed her scarf. Nope she wasn't going to listen to me. I got her in the car and than got in and she was shivering and telling me how the cold was making her hurt all over. Duh. I had to bite my tongue and not go into the fact that I had gone to work at 6am when it was only 1 degree and that I had to drive over to her place and find a parking spot. She never thinks about how we are inconvienced by having to do so much for her. It's just easier to not say anything to her.

OMG, it is so cold out and they are now showing that the "Boat Show" is going to be this weekend. Spring is on the way. But it might take till July for the pool to thaw out enough for us to go swimming in. LOL.

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Suzie----you are WELCOME at my little corner of NM anytime!!! I am literally in the corner of NM--we are about 50 miles from the 4 corners monument.

I would love to do the Riverwalk, and I have no issue doing it "on the cheap"!!! We can find a motel away from the walk itself, and take the bus system---I understand it is excellent---a trolley system or something, and it takes you all over the place. OUr Aunt & Uncle do it that way. I will know more, when Rick decided for sure about this job.

The chemical company called again today, and through me offered him the job again, and when I told them, he was probably not interested due to the pay cut, he said he would discuss the matter and be back in touch! So wierd, they cannot get ahold of him, they are off by the time he is accessible anyway but the company cell phone.....so they talk through me!

Anyway, things were so chaotic tonight, I forgot to even tell Rick he called again!

Tonight, as I was sitting down to eat, my DIL called, and my MIL was headed to the hospital, she had pain in her leg, and my FIL drove her to the Dr. they sent her to the hospital for a doplar, and sure enough she has a blood clot following surgery. We ALL told her WALK, get out of that chair! But she is stubborn as the day is long. Add to that, she refuses to eat----so her blood sugar is bottomed out---under 70.....and she actually seems pretty pleased with herself! She is getting the attention she wanted from the surgery. Although she is upset tonight that the Denver kids have not mentioned getting here, and Rick is not immediately headed home. Although for both to end up happening would not surprise me.....

I have made a crockpot full of chicken and rice, and a pot of black eyed peas, and a crockpot full of chicken and dumplings, and taken over there. I am not a mama bird, I cannot chew it up and spit it in her mouth. She is an adult and has to take SOME responsibility! It is so frustrating, she does not realize that these tricks and attention getting schemes she used 30 years ago do still work, but at her age, could have devastating results! She went against ALL advice given with her surgery, she didn't walk, she didn't drink lots, and she even took off the TET hose, and sat on her legs crossed in her chair like it was not a big deal. We told her with that 8 hour car ride from Denver 2 days before surgery and then the surgery, she really needed to be careful, and it seemed like everything we told her not to do, she did, and laughed because she was just doing so good......and even tonight she is laying in that bed looking like the cat that swallowed the canary.

So there goes my next few days, will be shuttling FIL back and forth. SIL and I drove up together tonight, so one of us could drive him home, he should not be driving in the light of day, let alone dark and occasionally still icy roads!!!

Come home and my fire had burned out, a few coals, enough to start a new one, but not enough to keep my house warm! So I am slowly thawing out! When I got FIL to his house, I had to carry wood in for him. Wish my son had thought and done it. But he is in a GROUCHY mood, so helping anyone is out of the question!

Their septic leach lines are frozen, so they have serious sewage issues, and he is trying to work full time out in this cold, then come home and deal with that. I understand the anger and frustration, but still wish he was not so moody.

Well, I am off to get some things done so I can go to the hospital tomorrow.

Will check in as I can.

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Morning gals

Tracy- that pic of the bonfire gave me goosebumps! Holy crap, you can't miss that face!

Suzanne, wow, schools closed because of cold. It is warm here... a whole 17degrees as a high, usually - numbers with the wind chill

Kat - amen - I guess this is going to be the year to clean house and realize a lot about some people. I miss my friend but I just don't have it in me to put all my effort into it, when I need to take care of my needs for once in my life.

I was watching miss congeniality *sorry for the sp* and all the memories of the Riverwalk came back. I would so love to take the kids there, I loved it. I'm going on vacation with my kids this year, who knows where or when. We are also going to get good camping equipment at tax time and are going to spend our summer weekends camping. I miss that.

Ok, now that I'm really late for work, I guess I should get up. Took a muscle relaxer last night because I have not slept in days and my back was killing me from my ds sleeping on top of me the night before. I'm foggy but slept. Trying to find a good head dr.

Have a great day everyone... hope all the mia gals are doing well.

see ya all in the am, I have my ways and means committee meeting tonight.

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good morning

I am typing 1 handed cuz i have a baby in my arms. lol

this will be short...oh wow...I will bbl pray for me. ha

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Boy, Tracy does have her hands full. Good Luck.

Home from work. And I'm glad. So cold out there. I sound like a broken record but it's only going to get worse in the next few days.

At 1pm today I have a dentist appointment. I shouldn't be there long. Than I'm going to have to stop and put gas in the van. I have half a tank but they are calling for 3-6 inches of snow tomorrow afternoon. Don't want to get caught.

Younger sis just came up and told me that she is going to sound like our older sis and said, "I hurt all over". :smile2:

Going to the garage now. I need to find what I did with that little lamp that sits on the piano. Maybe I packed it with the christmas stuff. LOL. I miss it and it's dark in here at night. I'm afraid I might trip over one of the kitties.


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Suz---I never found my chain, thinking it will surprise me come Spring and I finally clean the garage, or I will find it next Christmas! I hung a yoke piece there, but it looks wierd to me! LOL

Tracy, there is a part of me that is jealous--I miss having the kids here, and feeling the excitement, at teaching them things, and having a schedule for them etc. But.......it was my job---and it made my grandkids feel like an extension of my job. I had kids all day, then kids would come for the night, and I didn't enjoy them like I wanted to! So.....

If an opportunity like yours fell in my lap, I would do it too tho! Kinsey starts school this next year, and there is no way my DIL is going to work so I won't be keeping the boys. So, I would enjoy that!

This job that Rick had considered for the chemical company-- keeps popping up! Today we walk into the hospital, and there in the refreshement room across from MIL's room, is the guy who is trying so hard to get Rick to come over there to work! He waved, and we talked and then this girl (yes I KNOW theoretically we are not girls anymore.....but you know!!!) I have known forever--seriously since Jr. High, comes up, gives me a hug, and we are discussing our mutual friend who moved away----and the chemical guy says "oh you guys know one another?" we laugh and say yes, and she tells me, he is her little brother!!! And lo and behold one of the guys who would have the say in things is her HUSBAND!! So we are laughing, and she suddenly says to her brother, "remember when I was in high school and those guys blocked me in the pig barn at the fair, and I told you a guy from school intervened for me? Well that was Rick, that was Kat's husband!!" So then he had to tell her he really knew Rick, not me! Was a ring around the Rosie kind of thing! We all had a good laugh about it. Her brother said, he kept telling them to give him more money! I guess the 2 guys work in different dept.'s of the company. For some reason, every single day, something comes up about this job. I feel kind of like God is beating us over the head with it.....now to see how Rick feels about being beat over the head!! LOL

MIL is still in the hospital. I am going to be exhausted. Got home last night, could not sleep. I knew Rick had a 1 AM call, so I talked to him then, and watched TV in bed til around 3 before finally falling asleep. At 6 AM my FIL calls, he was trying to reach my son......at 7, Rick calls, while talking to him the phone beeped for call waiting, it was Becky.....finally got off the phone and said to heck with it, I was going to sleep for an hour. DIL calls, not 10 minutes later.....doze off FIL calls again, and I have to get up to get him a ph. #. I give up! Got up, went and got him, followed the path HE wanted to take to the hospital (irritating me to no end!!!) spent the day sitting there, trying to make conversation, while HE dozed in the chair! I told them, my house is going to be cold, and it is getting dark, and I need to go home to haul wood in. MIL was unhappy about everyone leaving, but good grief! I have no desire to sit there all day every day------but SIL does not want to go get her Dad and take him....for some reason that is my job.

Sorry, needed to vent!!

Jenn, we camp a lot, and love it! Will of course let you know if we decide to do the Riverwalk------we would never leave you out! Maybe you should do a cross country camp out all the way to TX and back!!! Or you could drug up and fly!! LOL

Will check on all of you later.

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Tracy: yep, sounds like your hands are full

Suzie: I hear ya about the cold....ugh

Kat: yeah, the job sounds like it is meant to be...too many coincidences. Hopefully they will find more money for the position so he will take the job he is obviously meant to have; Oh and repeat after me, NO! You are going to have to tell them no, so they don't run you in the ground. Your SIL will have to do what she is supposed to and give you some relief. Those are her parents and she needs to step up.

Jennifur: I hope your meeting went well and you weren't late this morning; I am going to have to take a muscle relaxer myself this evening. My dang neck muscles are locked up. This is the third time since my wreck last year that it has happened. It usually lasts 4-6 days and then goes away:crying:

Waiting for Biggest Loser to start so I can try to figure out who will be my favorite, who is the whiner and, best of all, who will be the psycho game-player this season!!!:thumbup:

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HI! <waving madly at everyone!>

Just checking in. I've managed to read everything that I've missed over the last week+ but now can't remember a whole lot to do shout outs. Gotta get back to multi-quoting. I was SO good at it! LOL!

Christmas was wonderful and New Year's was great. On to my busiest season now. All of the financials w/work need A LOT of attention right now. Payroll taxes, quarterly taxes, W-2s & 1099s, council reports, year-end reports, closing out 2009 and opening 2010 and filing!! YUCK!

I miss checking in all of the time. Hoping to be back on a daily basis once all the tax stuff is done - end of this month to the middle of next.

Take care! I'll try to pop in and at least read once in awhile!


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HI! <waving madly at everyone!>

Just checking in. I've managed to read everything that I've missed over the last week+ but now can't remember a whole lot to do shout outs. Gotta get back to multi-quoting. I was SO good at it! LOL!

Christmas was wonderful and New Year's was great. On to my busiest season now. All of the financials w/work need A LOT of attention right now. Payroll taxes, quarterly taxes, W-2s & 1099s, council reports, year-end reports, closing out 2009 and opening 2010 and filing!! YUCK!

I miss checking in all of the time. Hoping to be back on a daily basis once all the tax stuff is done - end of this month to the middle of next.

Take care! I'll try to pop in and at least read once in awhile!


You are the multi-quote queen... I bow down to you. I must get you to school me again on it.:thumbup:

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Good news in our house today.

Nephew announced that he was moving out. Said his dad said it was ok for him to move home till he leaves for the service. I'm sorry to see him go but I'm just not used to so much energy and drama. Plus I get my sewing room back.

Kat, your MIL would not like having me for a DIL. I think at some point I would have to have a nice chat with her. Explain to her that she is a big girl and can take care of herself. That she isn't ready for assisted living. Oh wait a minute. I just had that talk with my sis the other day. But seriously, it sounds like she is a big drain. I'm sure she is a delightful person and for the most part a lot of fun to have around, just very draining. God bless her.

Cindy, I have never watched BL. I might give it a try tonight and see what it is all about.

Michelle, Glad you checked in. I was missing you. I hope you keep your sanity thru the next few months. I worked for the IRS for a few years and know wht it's like. CRAZY.

I made a pot of homemade chicken noodle Soup. I'll probably make some grilled cheese to go with it. I've had another very good day of eating. And I've done really good at my Water intake.

Michelle, Cindy, Irene, Kelly and Laura. If there is any chance that we will get together for a weekend, we will keep you posted. Maybe you guys can make it also.

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hola friends

Well, lets just complete my day... I lost my job today, no more work from me, just get financially back on track and back to the unemployment line.

No reason, but we think it was because they found out about my BIL and he is one of the major subs on the job. "MOLE" is what they call it...

Anway... going to start my next certification tomorrow... no time like the present to start

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My MIL, although I do love her is as needy as needy can be. She wants to be the center of attention, she raised perfect children, according to her, NOT them!!! She is not beyong being manipulative to get her way, or the amount of attention she wants! She talks better than she listens....so it makes it hard to just have a conversation with her. In all fairness, she was not always this way. She used to call, and we would chat away for a half an hour a day----but in her aging, she is getting VERY petty. If she calls you on Monday, you better call her on Tuesday, or her panties get in a ruffle, and she won't call you period, and she is not above calling Rick then at work to just chat.....because perhaps I have not told him that I quit checking on them......THAT kind of thing.

I try to keep reminding myself that she is 82! Then I remember her Mom lived to be close to 100---and I know I need to put things right now, because I am setting myself up for years of it, if I don't.

Rick is just soooooooo patient with my brother, and my family, I want to be as good to his. Such a mish-mash of feelings!

Suzanne, I think that is good that your nephew is going to spend some time with his Dad before joining up....it will be important to both of them. And both he and you know you did your best for him.

I have drank at least 64 ounces of Water every day this year so far. I have had some other liquids too---but MUST drink that much water---it is my promise to myself! So far so good. Had a turkey sandwich with swiss cheese and green chile at lunch, took off as much of the hoagie as I could---but the chile was hot, and it burned in my pouch for awhile, so having a mild dinner.....snacking on crackers!! LOL

So glad you see you girls checking in!!!

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Good Morning Girls.

I'm up a little early, I needed to go potty and just decided to stay up. Hubby and I are going to go workout anyway.

Once again, it is bitterly cold and snow is on it's way. They are calling for friday morning to have wind chills 0f -30 degrees. Great, I have to work that morning. Hubby said that he would drive me and come and get me later in the afternoon. That way the car doesn't have to sit out there and I don't have to wait for it to warm up. He's so sweet.

Jenn, I am so sorry to hear about your job. I'll keep my fingers crossed that something else comes your way soon. Hang in there.

Tracy, how are things going with the kids?

I'll check in soon.

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Good morning everyone!

Jenn-sorry about your job sweetie! That bites!

I have empty arms this morning. Melissa (my neighbor) has the day off because her grandmother died yesterday. I hated to add insult to injury but I told her I wasn't built to watch tiny ones anymore. The problem I ran into was bringing my own kids to & from school. I was having to drag the little ones out of the house 4 times to do school taxi'ing. It wasn't fun at all.

I am the type of person that I know what I can and can't handle. Yesterday it took a toll mentally & physically. I told her that I would keep them until she could find someone that she trusted. I feel bad abut it but I ant see just prolonging the inevitable. PLUS, dh did not like th fact of me keeping them whatsoever. It cuts in on his time. lol

Say a big prayer...we are suppsed to hear about the house we want to lease today. Worst case scenario is they say no but I do not want to hear a no...lol. If I get this house, we can seriously have a get together & sleepover at my house. Bring sleeping bags! It has a custom bar in it. Now I have somewhere to keep my diet dr pepper, lol.

Kat-too many good vibes about that job for Rick! I will keep my fingers crossed.

Nanny passed away yesterday. She went peacefully in her sleep. What more could you ask for? To live to be 99 and go while you are asleep?! Thank God.

I will check in later! I am gonna watch the biggest loser...I have it recorded! It inspires me.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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