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I wanna go to Jenns, can you stop and pick me up on the way??

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come on girls!!!!

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Morning all

Up early, not sleeping well, have a ton of stress that I can't even mention but I'll survive, always do.

So I'm up drinking coffee, and have only lost 4lbs of bloat or whatever. My head is not in the place of my last fill, I'll be lucky if I survive 3 day of Clear liquids because I'm in a snit and want to cover with food.

So that is my story, probably doesn't help that I was looking for food to make for my party next week...

Anyone have good plans for the day? I am cleaning, and cleaning. Got my room done, moved furniture and all yesterday. DS cleaned his room and DD went shopping with her best friend and her sister, she finished my shopping except for my mom and dad. I'm going to get my mom a dinner and a movie gift card and she is done. DD is going to go with her, mom has wanted to take dd to dinner and a movie so she wil be so happy. And last thing for dad to pick up is one of the digital frames. and we are done.

I'm wrapping what I have tonight ... santa stuff is wrapped and hidden in my closet...on a serious budget but what we have will be nice. Just called dad and want to do xmas eve with him because it is always crazy on xmas morning, ok they don't get here until noon, we are all tired and on overload. Hope stepmom agrees.

Ok i'm off for another cup of coffee.< /p>

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I am alive and well, had Kinsey and Connor most of the day yesterday, all night, and they just left! They dearly love one another, and get along wonderfully--BUT they are exhausting!

We went to the Christmas childrens program, and choir cantata at church last night, and then went to dinner, and then we drove around looking at lights. We all had fun. They slept well, we had a big breakfast--because they think that is what Granny is supposed to do. They just left--both whining and crying, they wanted to stay and play longer!!

DIL was in a complete pissy mood, because DS stayed here too long when he come after Connor, so she was super bitchy on the phone with me.....irritated me! She is going to be even more pissy when she sees I altered the pictures she took!

She went through the pictures we had made, and took all but one wallet of the pose she liked, took the one I had set aside for my MIL, changed it out, because she wanted it.....and to hell with Abbey and Manda, I guess she decided. She made me mad she kept saying some of her family members wouldn't want them, because of the kids---and she was meaning the 2 from my sons first marriage. I told her those kids didn't choose their parents anymore than your 2 did---none of it is their fault. They cannot control their Mom being the way she is, and like it or not my son is the father of the oldest granddaughter, he was 8 years ago when she was born, he was her father when you met him and married him, he is now, and he will be when she is 30 so she better get used to it! She was mad at me saying that and got flustered when they left and forgot to get the pictures. So I looked at what she took--------she took 3/4 of them, and all of the one like I say, so I fixed it! LOL I predict her mood is not going to improve a lot!

I am going in to town in awhile to buy a frame for MIL's pic, will frame it, and go hang it and the picture thing I got for her as part of her Christmas on the wall for her. I found this stitchery that says "All because Two Hearts Fell in Love". On one wall of her dining area, she has a collage frame for each of her kids, that has their families in it. So this will work perfect.

I made a big pot of green chile chicken cheese soup---smells good, Rick just got into it, so we will know if it is any good shortly!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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you are funny....

but that Soup sounds great!

I am spent, finishing up the last of my laundry, was a cleaning fool this weekend, ok scrubbing fool. I started at the top and worked my way down. 1800 sq ft of scrubbing. Have to finish laundry room and wash the kitchen floor, buso nice and clean. Ready for party here friday night... except for food.

so... needless to say, i'm exhausted and going to relax with a fire and maybe have a drink.

liquids turned to cream liquids, broth is bloating me for some reason. So just had broc, cheese, chicken soup... chicken spread so nice and soft and mushy. I'm going to make seafood chowder to take to work to get lots of Protein, and a shake for Breakfast.

OK Well have a great night all, i'm going to check my shipment status of dd's new cell she is getting for xmas and shut down for the night.


i'll see ya'll when i get home from work tomorrow

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Kat & Jenn-the Soups sound SO good! YUM! Me, however, I made spaghetti and it was awesome. I suck! lol

Suzanne-I will stop by and get you on the way to Jenns house. (i wish)

Just sitting here watching some football and watching my neighbors daughter. I am keeping both kids tonight because she has a christmas party to go to so I told her I would keep them. At this time of year, any money helps.

One of the 2 houses I really want to lease...has a reduced price now. OMG, I hope that at least one of the 2 are available next month!

Have a great night ladies!

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Hey everyone! I was hoping someone could help me out-

the layout of this site is a little confusing, so I need some help...

How do I join a group? I've (kind of) figured out how to join a thread, but joining a group seems to elude me.

Also- posting new posts is enormously confusing to me. I have to basically search the site for like 10 minutes until I can find a link to post a new thread!

Any suggestions or step-by-step instructions would totally help.

Thanks in advance!:willy_nilly:

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Stopping by for just a sec.

I've been so super busy and just now able to get on the computer. Abby spent the night last night and we had a blast. But like Kat's two, she wears me out. But we had such a good time.

So I'm headed to bed. I have work in the morning and then head to the Doc's office. Hubby and I had a little talk earlier and I'm on the edge of tears again. I'm hoping for the best.

I'll check in when I can.

Kuurtamo, I wish I could help you out. I just know how to come to this group to chat. Good Luck.

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Hey everyone! I was hoping someone could help me out-

the layout of this site is a little confusing, so I need some help...

How do I join a group? I've (kind of) figured out how to join a thread, but joining a group seems to elude me.

Also- posting new posts is enormously confusing to me. I have to basically search the site for like 10 minutes until I can find a link to post a new thread!

Any suggestions or step-by-step instructions would totally help.

Thanks in advance!:unsure:

Hi Kristen-I will help as much as I can. I am sure someone else will chime in too. As far as 'joining' a group. There really is no join process. Just go to the thread you like and start posting. Just like here...consider yourself joined :willy_nilly:

As far as starting a new thread, just go to the catagory you want to post your thread, whether it be rants & raves or Lap Band Talk lounge or in a specific month and there were all the different threads are listed in the catagory you desire. There will be an option to start a new thread there on that main page. (I suck at explaining)

KAT, IRENE, Someone... HELP ME!!!!!!! LOL

I hope we hear from you again. We would love to have you post with us. :biggrin:

Suzanne-please let us know how it goes tomorrow. I am sending up major prayers for you, ok?

Edited by TracyK

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Suzanne, just stopping in to say I will be thinking of you tomorrow, and am anxious to hear what the Dr. has to say. Special prayers for you tonight.

Tracy, will you still keep the children when you move?

Hi Kristen--Tracy give you really good advice--this site, like most seems a bit overwhelming at first--but you will soon be flitting around without issue!

There is no formal joining in on any thread, by simply posting you have the option of being notified when others post to the same thread....

All the way to the top upper right hand side is a Quick Links---it will bypass several steps for moving around in the site.

Without closing the thread I am on....and thereby losing my post...I think there used to be a FAQ area, which addressed a lot of newbie questions. As well as cluing you in to what a lot of the abbreviations stand for, and what some of the lap band lingo means.

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to PM me at any time. To do that just click on my name or avatar in one of my posts, and it will give you options....one of which will be to PM me.

Jenn, it sounds like a great trip to your house! Might be something to consider.....

Well, I am going to go find something to snack on....shame on me!

Michelle where are you? Is the family well? Does your DH's fire dept. do all the toys for kids things??

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I'm here, Kat! Thanks for checking on me. I posted a quick drive-by yesterday but it probably got lost! LOL!

Kat, DH works for the State, not a city department. We have a huge thing here for Toys for Tots so DH and I always do that. This year we got DD involved in buying the gifts. We do that first before we buy for family. Then we also throw in a check so they can buy for the age groups needed. Trying to teach DD about giving to others, especially those in need. Things are tight for us but we're in good shape. There are lots of families here who aren't. Our grocery store also does food bags for the local pantry. You can "buy" a bag of groceries for only $10! The store fills the bags and it's usually worth a lot more than the $10. We try to do a bag every time we go shopping. I could give directly to the pantry but it actually goes further by doing it thru the grocery store.

Kat, can I have some of your recipes? Please? The Beans that you made the other night for one. I'm not sure what red chili is unless it's the chili w/out beans kind. I'd like that one too. Also, the green chili thing you made today that Rick was getting in to. I have a seldom used crockpot and I love beans. I've just never mastered them. I want to cook more beans! I hear people say they "put a pot of beans on" but I have no idea what that really means!

Suzanne, my best wishes and lots of prayers and hugs for you! I'll be with you in spirit tomorrow!

Jenn, sounds like the job is good. You sound tired and frazzled tho. Are you still trying to get back in to a schedule?

Tracy, good luck with the house stuff. I'm sure it will all work out the way it's supposed too.



Been working on the blankets for the Veterans. Got 3 done. I still need yarn for the 4th. Taking a break for the holidays before I start another one. I want to work on blankets all year for the Vets and maybe I can turn in a whole bunch for next Christmas. I'm having a problem w/my corners curling tho. I'm going to have to find help on that.

We're all fine.

I'm having a hard time sleeping. I went to bed last night. Slept for a bit then was awake and restless. Finally just got up. Went back to bed about 3, then DD woke up about 4 when she fell out of bed. There's not enough room for her w/all the stuffed critters she has w/her! Then I was awake again around 5 and again around 6 and again around 7. Finally gave up and got up just before 8. I fell asleep in my chair this afternoon for over an hour! Never did make dinner. We just fended for ourselves instead!

I just started taking Melatonin to see if I can get my body back in sync. I'm going to take 2 tonight and see if that helps more. The one isn't working as well as it should. We'll see.

Had DD's Children's Christmas Program at church this AM. Too cute! DD did great! And of course, as is my usual, I left the damn camera at home! :willy_nilly: Oh well.

Tomorrow night is the staff/counsel party at work/church. Got a sitter and I'm making some shrimp thing. DH and I will have a nice time. I'm headed to the city in the early afternoon for a pelvic ultrasound. Fun, fun, fun! NOT!! Afterwards I'll go finish shopping for DD. DH is helping in DD's class Tuesday so while they're gone, I'll wrap everything we have so far. WE still have a little shopping to do but most of it is done!

Then we get to figure out dinners for Christmas day at the station and Christmas w/his family at our house the 27th.

Well, I'm off. Have a great night everyone!

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I'll be glad to share any recipes I have....I just do most of my cooking by tossing this and that...so giving you an exact amount, like a cup of this or that, is difficult!

Tonight I took a package of chicken tenders---raw, and chopped them into small bites, put them in the pot with some butter and minced garlic---cooked it on low so the chicken would be very tender. A half hour later or so, I added some onion and lots of diced green chile---onion was diced too. Let it cook for a bit. Then I used about 3 tablespoons of chicken bouillion, and mixed it in, added some chicken broth, with about 2 tablespoons of corn starch mixed in--let it thicken some, and added a can of evaporated milk, then a can of broth. When it got hot---I kept it on low cooking----when it was hot through--which took awhile with it simmering, I tossed in a few cubes of velveeta cheese.< /strong>

It could easily all be put together in a crock pot and allowed to sit and simmer----I have done it many times.

My Beans, I start with dry pinto beans, for Rick and I I use about 1/2 a pound bag. Clean and sort the beans, you sometimes find small pebbles or yucky looking beans so I get rid of them. Rinse them. Put them in the crock pot, add some salt---couple Tbsp. Fill with Water to 2-3 inches above the beans. I add some onion, and either hamhock, a hambone, or salt pork, a few shakes of red chile powder---put the lid on and let them cook. That is it! LOL

The red chile is mexican chile, not like the canned bean free chile----it is nothing more than hamburger, crushed red chile powder, and garlic salt. I put 3 pounds of lean ground beef in a pot, cover it in water, add several tablespoons of red chile powder (not Cayenne) and let it cook the water out, adding water and chile powder as it simmers and cooks all day. The water allows the hamburger to cook into a fine, fine grind. There are no big chunks....it is fine almost a paste. It tastes more like the red chile you get on enchiladas. It has the same base, just has meat added.

We do tons of true Mexican food. We like it hot, and spicy.

Rick and I took Kinsey and Connor and let them pick an angel off the tree to buy a gift for yesterday. Kinsey got it, Connor was a bit young and pouted when he had to give the toy to the fireman!! LOL

Kinsey wanted to go get more angels. Wish I could afford to do tons of them!

I need to get to bed, it is almost midnight!!!

Nighty night!

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Quick good morning

Hope you all have a good day. I AM going to the gym on my way home today.

Kat, I'll take it... I am a great cook and that is how I work... a little of this and a little of that... so estimates would b great I'll alter it anyway. LOL

That is what I do with the ham and cheese soup... which i might make this week.

ok got to run... i'll post big when I get in


SUZANNE - super good thoughts for you today.

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Well that settles it. I guess with all the well wishes, I don't need to go to the Doc's. Thanks guys for thinking of me.

I got on the scale this morning and in 2 days I have lost 7 pounds. Thank goodness for Water pills. But the bad part about that is that it puts me right back where I weighed 5 weeks ago. ughhh. And I have a fill appointment next monday. Here's the hard part, I have 3 parties this weekend and a concert to go to. I'm sunk.

Kat, those recipes sound wonderful and I think I'm going to try the red chili one.

45 degrees right now and supposed to drop all day. By 5pm it's only supposed to be 18 degrees.

Michelle, glad you checked in. I'm still jealous about the blankets that you do. I wish I could do that. Keep up the good work.

Everyone have a great day and I will check in when I get back from the Doc's.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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