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I did watch the BIGGEST LOSER last night...If anyone wants to vote,,,nbc.com is the place

and I have voted for LIZ this morning...she is in her 40s and believe me that had to be sooooooo hard for her

I had DH watch... but he complained..next week is th finals and my tissue box will be out

have a great day, all

laura aka jolly

or when watching the biggest loser..cry baby

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Jen, I know what you mean! I feel bloated and awful too. Also my scar tissue from some previous surgeries has been hurting bad last few days. Probably why I just haven’t really felt up to doing much of anything. I hope you feel better soon!

Hey Tracey, those letters meant, Away From the Keyboard, Know What I Mean? LOL too much text talks for me this morning!

I feel really sluggish and just not well. A lot’s been goin on with my body and maybe I just need a few days to just lie in bed and sleep it off. It would be really nice! But with so much going on who has the time for that?

Tracey, yes I do often wonder things like that! Now whenever I’m watching TV I’ll pay attention to see if anyone locks their door. LOL

Myself, I’ve still been weighing every morning. I’m stuck at 253. I know I could do more with the not eating as much junk. That is a major contributor to why I’m not losing. I’m so glad I’m getting a fill on Friday.

I haven’t watched the Biggest Loser yet! I thought it was the finale. I’ll find out later tonight.

Hope you all have a great day!

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Hey y'all!

Quiet morning here, been doing some sewing, and cleaning---I wanted to start decorating, but going to wait til tomorrow, so I can get Rick to take the antique trunk, and end table out so I have room for the tree. Oh how I wish my house was a bit bigger sometimes!!!

I was going to have him do it last night, but his brother was passing through town, and always spends the night so we spent time with him and the family.

Pictures actually went quite well. I was FURIOUS when I got there, and spoke to my DD. She ask "is this enough brown?" in regards to what Corvin was wearing. I had no clue what she was talking about, and she told me my DIL has said she was having the 4 kids wear tones of brown.....so here I have 5 grandkids in brown shades, and Kinsey in black as she had not bothered to mention this to DD or myself. About the time I was going to blow up, I noticed my grandson had on a brown tshirt and black pants----more to the story there----so in the end it pulled it all together. Story there, is former DIL did not comply with current DIL's dress requests, so they come grunged out from school---luckily DIL anticipated it, and brought some things from home. So anyway.......oldest grandson, Mason, did not want to smile, because his teeth are too big! LOL He is such a handsome kid---and he does have rather big teeth at this point in time in all honesty. However they are gleaming white, and PERFECT! When he grows on in to them, he is going to be a killer with that smile!!! So since he didn't want to smile neither did oldest DGD, Ally, because she had a loose tooth! And does anything she can to be like her brother! So they did the close mouthed thing--but eventually relaxed! Kinsey and Connor were psyched about all being together, and were looking EVERYWHERE but the camera! At the babies, and the big kids, at us....finally got through to them to look at the camera and smile and nothing else! Garrick, at 4 months could have cared less, was tired, and simply zoned out, staring ahead, did not even focus on the photographer, but he is precious anyway!!! Now Corvin who is 10 months, was in his element----he smiled, and grinned and posed, and every single shot she took, he was perfect! We finally settled on a couple of pictures, and they will be ready on the 10th. I am thrilled!

And the photographer allowed me to snap a pic in a hurry with my camera. The angle I was at was not good, but all in all I am happy with it too.

No one cried, no one pouted, no one fell off the table----so it was a success!! I will put my snapshot on my Facebook page.

I have made a decision not to make any candy this Christmas. How long that will last is yet to be decided!!! Until one of my kids asks for it I imagine!

Rick goes for biopsy on the 10th.

Suzanne, let us know as soon as you hear from your Dr. And I wish I had words of wisdom in regards to your nephew. It is so hard to deal with the disappointment. You want so badly for them to be the person you know they are capable of being, and for whatever reasons they simply don't care to be their best. It is hard to come to terms with, and extremely hard to know where and how to draw the line of what is acceptable and when it is too much. I will pray for you to have strength to deal with it---I am sorry it is coming to a head at this time of year....it really tests your resolve I am sure.

Jenn--can you like eat in your car? That sounds silly, but maybe it would be better positioning? Or can you roll your desk chair to the kitchen area? We have a restaurant/bar here we love to eat at but if they do not have a booth available we just leave, the tables and chairs are horrid! They are like the old ice cream parlor chairs---metal, and round seats--hurts like hell to sit in them, so we don't!

Well I am off to find something hopefully at least semi healthy for lunch!!! Talk to you girls later!

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THE BIGGEST LOSER finale is next week!!!!

When you go on NBC.com to vote, I saw that they have prior episodes there. They used to allow to call in BUT then there would be no advertisements.

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You make CANDY....my DS gets carmel apples for any occasion..that boy loves carmel.

If you have any EASY recipes please pass on.

To all-

Now that I am banded..they have a Ghiradelli site to purchase chocolates, and they make chocolate chip cookies...omg...but next year...I will get my son the carmel Syrup.< /p>

Also, Did you know that Walmart sells Ghiradelli and other baskets to send to others? (check out there website)

Does anyone have a pattern for an afgan with a four leaf clover?

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Rick goes for biopsy on the 10th.

Wishing Rick all the best.

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Brrrrrrrrr. it's not supposed to get above freezing today. And without the extra insulation on me, I get cold and stay cold real fast. Looks like it will be a 4 layer day. LOL.

Off to out monthly family Breakfast. I really like to go to these. It's fun to see everyone and to get caught up on how everyone is doing.

Then home to do stuff around here. Tonight is also the monthly Women's Ministry meeting and tonight is our Christmas party. We do an ornament exchange. I like doing that, even though we don't put a tree up. The last few years I have gotten ornaments that I have put in windows as decoration. And it's pot luck too. Still need to figure out what I'm going to take.

Kat, Keeping Rick in my prayers.

Irene, I hope you get to feeling better soon. Not a good time of the year to be sick and achy.

Laura, Ghiradelli??? Oh yes. I remember when I would go to San Francisco on the weekends to visit my friend, we would always go to Ghiradelli Square. I loved it.

Hope everyone has a great day.

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Got my Doc report today. E-mail me if you want the details. But here is what I can tell you here. I have an appointment with a Pulmonologist Dec. 14th. I guess I will find out then what will all be involved with this. Not sure how they want to take care of it.

When you lay your head down tonight can you keep me and my family in your prayers? I would greatly appreciate it.

Now is the really hard part. I'm going to have Hubby put a lock on the refridgerator. I'm teetering between eating everything in sight to just not wanting to eat at all. Good thing I haven't started my holiday baking. Holly Crap. It would all be gone by now. Waiting is going to be tough.

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Hey ya'll

just wanted to check in. I had cup of Soup today for lunch and was ok.

I' could lose a few anyway, so what can you do?

I'm so tired i can't stand myself. going to relax for a few and go to bed with ds at 7

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Suzanne-yes, e-mail me please. And heck yes, you are in my prayers sista!

Edited by TracyK

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Where do I begin. GO NEW ORLEANS SAINTS!!! :lol:

Macy had a visit the tooth fairy last night. I pulled her 2nd tooth ever last night. Drama...drama...drama. lol

We have been been hem-hawing around trying to decide if we are going to resign our lease for another year. I am NOT going to (or dont want to) move into another apt or townhouse. I want to lease a house. I am tired of living with people up my butt all the time. So, after lots of talking between dh and I, we went ahead and gave our notice of intent to vacate in 60 days. There are so many places available now that I would love to rent but we need to ride out our lease. God will see fit that we get a good place. :w00t: maybe one of those I like will still be available in January.

OK, so you all know by now I live in the Houston area. It is supposed to SNOW here tomorrow evening. OMG...everyone is so excited. I hope it really happens!

I guess I am going to have to MAKE myself get on the scales just to keep me honest. lol

I am not making holiday treats for my family & friends either this year. I know I am not in a good place in my brain to have that kind of evil in my home. It would last like a snowball in hell. It would be self sabatoge at its finest.

I went to my dr office with dh yesterday. To make a long story sort, his wife (47) passed away the Tuesday before Thanksgiving unexpectely. (she was also a dr). Yesterday was my dr first day back to work. I get really emotional when I know someone is in pain so I was not going to say anything to him because I did not want to cry in front of him. Well, he came in the room and omg...he looked like...the life had been taken from him. Just sadness. After we talked aboout a few things dr patient wise, I got up and walked to him and reached out to hug him and something happened that I was not expecting...he grabbed me and hugged me so tight and so long...I could *feel* his pain. I told him, "I am so sorry for your loss". He said "it was so unexpected". I still do not know what happened and all the patients were told not to ask to allow him his privacy. The newspaper did not say either. Anyway, when dh and I got outside, I fell apart. I can only imagine the pain he is in. Please pray for Dr. Johnston and his 2 daughters.

Everyone have a great night and I will talk to you all in the morning. :lol:

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How terribly sad Tracy. Hard to say what happened, we had a woman here, who was a Dr. died when she was like 40----it was all kept quiet, but eventually her sister told my Mom that she had apparantly taken some muscle relaxants, then they had some friends drop by and she had some wine with them. She went to bed soon after, and never woke up! Scary! Not an overdose on the pills, and not tons of booze, but the combo killed her!

Suzanne, I will get an email off to you, I am terribly concerned and want to know what is up with you. You are always in my prayers, as are all of you, but without question, special ones have already been said, and will continue. Would it be all right to add you to our church prayer chain, I can do it by first name only if you prefer....

Jenn, sorry work is kicking your butt!!! Is the work not what you were hoping? You just don't sound very thrilled. I mean I know you are glad to have the job, but......

Looks like Rick will be leaving on Sun the 13th, and going to Odessa to fill in the shop manager position through the 23rd. I am not happy about it, but it comes down to him or his co worker, and he has 4 young kids all under 10. So, he feels he should go and let him do the run in January, so he can be here to help out his wife prepare for Christmas. I see the logic, and I love that he has that concern for his friends, but I am sad for him to be gone through that time.

Of course some of that will depend on what he finds out on the 10th.

Got my tree up and decorated today, and most of the other decorations up---have a couple areas left to do-----I tend to seriously decorate for Christmas!

I am worried about Rick being gone during the baking time, being alone here.....OMG I could gain 50 pounds!

I need to get with the program and get some cards ready---I have already got a couple in the mail! I want to get them ready, then I can add some pics of the kids, and mail quickly. Kids pics will be ready the 11th. I got some of the ones I snapped printed, so I can send them too.

Well girls......going to go check on DH---he is working on one of the bikes....of course!!! Not that there is anything wrong with it, but he fiddles with them non stop!!! He is wanting to start a new build, and knows he has to wait til after Christmas.

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1:05 AM... just running through... :lol:

Kat-that sucks tat Rick has to leave for so long before Christmas. I would only be a hinderence while baking, so I can;t come help you! lol

:w00t: :lol:

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Good morning

drive by post, late

Tracy that is horrible about Dr's wife. How sad.

kat - I'm ok, just a long week adjusting, up at 4:15 and running every day and in bed by 9. I'll be good, need to sleep in tomorrow and it will all be good.

Remember I started this week with no sleep on sunday and I just can't catch up.

My job is going to be great, monday I start training for the job I will be doing, so that will be so much better. Long days when you are just backing up a receptionist, and i'll tell ya, i would have not taken the job if that is going to be my main purpose.

Ok off to get ready, have to get gas on my way in because I was too tired to go back out.

Hey did any of you watch UP? OMG, we cried our eyes out. PMS I'm sure didn't help but it was so sad, my dd and her friend both said that is why you don't fall in love. How sad is that.

OK, really off now.


Suzanne, I have not read all post, but how are you? Did you get your results? you are in my thoughts daily

Tomorrow ladies, I will be 100% caught up with ya'll, I have a thing after work so I know I won't be on.


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SEE??!! Lookie what we got over here in SE Texas!!! This is a REALLY big deal to us down here! :wink2:

Can you see it? lol



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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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