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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...............Little Miss :thumbup: Here.


It was soooo worth it.


and my husbands cousin (b..itchy) told me that it looked like I lost weight

thank the b..itch..........I lost my appetite

I had planned not to eat alot but I did eat more that I would if I was at home

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Up early, but no shopping for me. I'm so over that. Several people that they interviewed on TV this morning said that the sales weren't worth it. They showed people in pop-up tents and sleeping bags. Crazy.

Hubby and I will be headed out to the gym in about an hour. Then come home and I'll do some housework and laundry. I have my cat-scan at 1pm today. I can't eat or drink anything after 9:30, so hubby may be taking me out to lunch afterwards. lol.

Just saw on TV that the Governors Mansion in Denver Colo. was TeePee'd. How funny. What a hoot.

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Well, I lied. Hubby and I didn't head to the gym. We went back to bed. I just woke up about 1/2 hour ago and took my shower. Now to start my day.

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Good morning everyone

ok feels like good evening

Had a wonderful dinner, ate entirely too much food. In fact, just had leftovers.. LOL Just out to total self distruction but yummmmmmmmmmm

Friends came over until midnight and alarm went off at 3am! OMG, went shopping, got a pr of Nike running shoes for $34, an $80 vest for $11 and it is beautiful 16 items at old navy including 3 pr of jeans for my daughter for $170 and another 12 shirts and sweaters for $70... ok my xmas present from my mom, but still, we did great!

Brought my car in to get looked at and... $280 later, got oil change, steering shaft adjustment and 2 new tires an alignment.

I am so exhausted, going to close my eyes for 30 mins and go pick up my car

hope you are all having a great day ... be back in a bit

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DH and I did hit the sales! We were up and at Sears at 4 AM!! LOL, we laugh at ourselves every year, but we always do it!

In Sears we bought radar detectors for all the kids. Got them no problem.

Then we headed to Walmart! In Walmart we got Kinsey a new personal DVD player & case, teh V tech smile pocket game and 3 games. Connor a truck, with a trailer pulling a tractor---John Deere of course! We have family who own several John Deere franchise stores in TX. Anyway....tub toys for Corvin, little radio controlled cars for our oldest grandson, Mason, and Manda's boyfriends son. Then we bought 8 pairs of pajamas, 8 sherpa lined hoodies, 8 track suits (pants & jackets) a total of 14 movies--some ours & some will be divided among the kids, a make up kit for Manda's boyfriends DD, candy canes for the tree, lessee, I think that was it. It took lots of bags, and cost us close to $200.00 but we got LOTS of stuff!!! Lots of practical things for the kids. All 6 of our grandkids, plus Manda's BF's kids, each got a track suit, pajamas, and a really nice jacket. Not to mention all the other electronics etc.

We left there, and hit a couple of smaller local places, for some things, went to Breakfast, figured out what all we still lacked. His parents and my brother. So this weekend, the goal is to get those done.

We come home, and my brother stopped by....I yawned the entire time he was here. When he left, we laid down, and I was out like a light!!!

Phone woke me up......might go back to bed tho!!

We had a great day yesterday! Drama stayed away. Ricks folks stopped by and visited for an hour or so, then went to his sisters for dinner. My parents, and brother, were here as well as our daughters and their kids, and DH & BF. A couple of guys Rick works with come to dinner.

Dinner was totally stress free, just kind of fell into place, everything was ready at the same time, the table looked great....and everyone ate way too much....me included! I ate everything! Took me forever, to eat....but I did it! LOL I didn't really overdo too badly, I had a bit of everything, and we all sat around eating and talking, and I just ate slowly, and had no problems.....it probably would have been better if I had not been able to, but it made for an excellent day!

We did not see our son, he apparantly come by late last night, but we had left. We went to my parents house and watched the Denver game, it was on the NFL channel and we don't get it. I was glad he come by, and made that effort, but was just as glad we were not here.....he needs to seriously think about his attitude and not fly off the handle at his Dad---he is too old for that crap.

Well, my nap is calling me back!!

Glad everyone had a good Thanksgiving Day! I am so thankful for all of you here, old friends and new ones, the support, and help you provide is one of the biggest ways I have managed to be successful with the band I think.

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Home from the cat-scan. I was suprised at how fast everything went. They had me checked in and to the radiology dept. We waited for about 10 minutes and they came and got me. Went in and laid down on the table. Didn't even need to put a gown on. I was in and out of the tube in less than 10 minutes. That fast. Now comes the hard part. Waiting. Not sure when I will hear anything. Hopefully it will be Monday afternoon.

We took hubby's truck in to have them weld the tailpipe back on and it turns out to be more than that. $240.00 later. Merry Christmas. And we still have to see about getting the front end worked on.

Came home and finally got something to eat. Hadn't eaten since last night at 8pm. So at 2pm I had a half of a BBQ sandwich.

Weather is really nice here. 62 degrees. Sun is shining.

I'll check in later.

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Nothing like not eating till 2pm to screw up your eating for the day. Looks like a very lite snack for dinner.< /span>

Back to work tomorrow. Luckily it's just for a few hours.

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Situation ..what would you do?

I went into my MILs closet, she asked me to bring clothes for her at the new rehab place. Well, yesterday I left the suitcase with my SIL.

This is the problem, she is close to 90, and she lived thru the Depression. Thank God she has lived a wonderful life but her closets are full of shmatas (worst than rags). I was so sick when I went into her draws also.

I know that she has stopped purchasing clothes and I have always found pretty items for her which she loves and DOES NOT WEAR

BUT ,.. she has altered my deceased FIL clothes for herself.

Now, as from other posts by me..I do not spend on clothes because the family is always needing something BUT she has horrible things...I know when she is not at a function...I just thought that she was cleaning around her home..

OMG...She is short so it not a height problem like me...

BTW...she really is a very beautiful woman, has siver gray hair and does not color it.. and remembers to wear lipstick..vip..adds color to face

So, I spoke to my SILs and one spoke to her this morning and she said no way

Well, I can manage to buy her somethings but she really has the funds, and I will ask her nicely if I can get her some nice things

My sils thought we could tell her we would donate her old clothes

Well, the county we live in will not take donations of clothes from senior citizens..and it is written on their door

the Salvation Army is another place but they would throw out and so would Goodwill....so then she will not have a tax deduction..which she does not need

so..I thought of tell her that if her grandchildren should go into her closet...they would be tramatized....I have basics and do wear sometimes shabby at home but friends convinced me to stop and I agree...but it is hard..since I am so tall and the weight and finances

but her ...no excuss

so any suggestions?

and to all others

PLEASE keep nice things in your closets

and if it is a shmata let it go

it hurts especially since I would have gotten her clothes, and you folks know that I would have crocheted her something

I was so upset last night ... my DH says that she is lucky that I am so sensitive to her feelings

but still try to change those clothes

gotta go

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OMG, I have missed so much. Sickness, hope Rick is feeling better, Suzie, it sounds like you are better, and Tracy, child's feelings are better?

I have been in Florida since Sunday. My family and I have been going to Universal Studios. It rained Wednesday, but the other days have been ok. Today, it was actually cold, so all of the pictures have us in jackets! Oh, and as a note to all bandsters...our bands and ports do NOT like all rides. OMG, the dinky little Jimmy Neutron ride almost killed me. I was in so much pain last night. It is only a simulated ride where you watch a movie and the seat moves around. I normally LOVE those, but this one was really bumpy. Near the end of the ride, it has you doing the "chicken dance" and the dang thing hops up and down for the clapping. It hurt me bad! Anyway, I am trying to attach a few pics. The one of me is on the fish ride and I am trying to stay dry with my hood on.





Edited by crzytchr

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I shopped til I dropped. :Yawn: I will post a nice long post in the morning. As for now.... nite nite all!

Oh, one more thing... oink is a good one but MOOOO is more how I feel! LOL

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OMG, I have missed so much. Sickness, hope Rick is feeling better, Suzie, it sounds like you are better, and Tracy, child's feelings are better?

I have been in Florida since Sunday. My family and I have been going to Universal Studios. It rained Wednesday, but the other days have been ok. Today, it was actually cold, so all of the pictures have us in jackets! Oh, and as a note to all bandsters...our bands and ports do NOT like all rides. OMG, the dinky little Jimmy Neutron ride almost killed me. I was in so much pain last night. It is only a simulated ride where you watch a movie and the seat moves around. I normally LOVE those, but this one was really bumpy. Near the end of the ride, it has you doing the "chicken dance" and the dang thing hops up and down for the clapping. It hurt me bad! Anyway, I am trying to attach a few pics. The one of me is on the fish ride and I am trying to stay dry with my hood on.

:sad::w00t:looks like fun

:sad::sneaky:you are in the first picture

the other ones are you or your daughter

if you reply you......

i need a link for some face surgery:cursing::Yawn::cursing:

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Cindy, welcome back. Looks like you guys had a blast. I can't get over how much your daughter looks like you, lucky girl.

Laura, I wish I had some good advice for you. I've never had to deal with a situation like that. Good Luck and I will send you good thoughts.

Woke up early and my mind just started filling up with my to-do list, plus the fact that I have to work for 2 hours today. Ugh.

Hubby said since the weather was supposed to be nice today that he would get the Christmas lights out. This is early for us. But I don't blame him for wanting to get it done. We used to cover the front of the house but as he has gotten old, we have scaled down. It's still very lovely.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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Good Morning everyone

I'm up and drinking my coffee, and going on strictest diet today, I feel like I've gained 100lbs.

Kat - sounds like you had a wonderful and productive day. We came home for lunch and I fell asleep on the couch for 30- then right back out. So glad it is over. LOL

Tracy, I'm sure you miss Macy but did you get all your santa shopping done? We got Dylan all set yesterday. Mom helped with xmas, thank god! But I felt horrible, she had to have spent $1500 in 24 hours, she got me new clothes for work, $300 worth with shoes, and another $325 to get my car fixed, $200 for Dylan - gifts from her and santa, and Alexandra got a new dress for her Holly Ball. Then we get home and to push it over the edge, Mom got a new Laptop, which she has been shopping for, I built her a Compaq for $508 and it was better than the $700 HP she has been holding out for. It was a little bigger than she wanted and not white, but for $200 savings... she was very happy.

Laura - that is a tough call, my gram was the same way and it was not easy to deal with, she was so mad at us when we started cleaning things out.

what about boxing some of it upand just hiding it for a bit and see if she notices or how she reacts? That was how we started out. Very sad... but been there.

Cindy - looks like a great trip, and your children are beautiful!

Well, I'm goint to make myself some breakfast, shower and go to the gym. Finish decorating and cleaning the house and getting ready for work monday morning. I'm kind of nervous.

Be back

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Cindy, welcome back. Looks like you guys had a blast. I can't get over how much your daughter looks like you, lucky girl.

Laura, I wish I had some good advice for you. I've never had to deal with a situation like that. Good Luck and I will send you good thoughts.

Woke up early and my mind just started filling up with my to-do list, plus the fact that I have to work for 2 hours today. Ugh.

Hubby said since the weather was supposed to be nice today that he would get the Christmas lights out. This is early for us. But I don't blame him for wanting to get it done. We used to cover the front of the house but as he has gotten old, we have scaled down. It's still very lovely.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Suzanne, we had a 70degree weekend a couple weeks ago and I got 99% of my outdoor lights up. I have too scaled back, I'm the only one who turns the lights on and off and the only one who gets to take all the stuff down, so I downsized a lot. Got my trees up on Thurs and going to finish decorating today after the gym and tanning.

It is so cold and very windy here today!

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If you've found a food product that has made your weight loss journey a lot easier, please post in the new thread "Great Food Finds" in the food and nutrion forum.

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