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Good morning ladies!

Suzanne-dsd knows how to bake (a little too well, lol) and we DID go shopping yesterday so...great minds think alike. You and I were on the same page :confused: Thanks for that Paula Deen page. It does look like what Kat is talking about and I am gonna try the toffee one probably.

Kat-luckily, the guy doesnt go to school with her. He goes to her old school. She is much better today. Thank goodness :ohmy:

Have a good day and I will check back in later. Have to run to the store to get more ingredients I need. :redface:

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The toffee is my favorite Tracy....it is so rich, I love it!! The pumpkin one smells good, it looks ok. I cut it into squares, and put my whip cream in my decorating bag, and put stars of whip cream on each piece and sprinkled it with cinnamon. It looks really pretty---like these guys are going to care how it looks. When they see something homemade, they dive right in!!!

Kinsey come over and helped me bake pies this morning. Manda wants a birthday pie on Thanksgiving, as opposed to a cake. Her birthday is on Saturday. So we as a family will Celebrate on TD, and then Sat. morning she and Joe and Kinsey will go to Breakfast, and then later in the day she is bringing Kinsey over here, and she and Joe are going out.

When she was a kid, we always did a family birthday on Thanksgiving, then her friends on a close weekend. Abbey was born on both Grandpa's birthdays, so we always had a big family party----then her friends separate. Lenny, we have 6 family birthdays the week of his so we did the same.

Well time to pull the casserole out and get going.

Hugs everyone.....don't bake too hard!

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Just poking in... I had three pages to catch up on this thread

let's see if I remember what I read to answer :thumbup:


I think that the owner of the home you want with option to buy..........IS PLAYING YOU........trust me on this..........XMAS or not....no one has money and he should be THRILLED to have you as his tenant and knowing that you would purchase it from him in the future ...would assure him of a great tenant.

He might of done that on purpose to see if you guys would start attacking or cursing him (remember I am from NY)

So when he calls you, and he will, renegotiate better terms for you but whatever you do.....I would thank him got the call and then bullsh?? your way thru till you get a better deal

If he does not call....... maybe call him back and ask if he rethought his decision. It might be that if it was never a rental..wants to convert the property in January for tax purposes?????????


Good luck on your new job


Crochetting is contageous....but giving it to someone is a wonderful feeling?


The recipe for the dump cake...before lapbanding i would have sucked it up...now....you know the story

Good luck with your catscan

TO everyone

I hope that I did not miss anyone that I should have replied to...things are a hoping here and MIL...is being dumped on us..but WILL NOT allow her here....not becasue I am cruel but she is not allowing any nursing care and is refusing any help from anyone.

I have giving my husbands family outpatient rehab but she does not want to go to any but ONE specific...unreal..I cried like a baby last night,...I told her younger brother...if she goes home with her stubberness she will definitely wind up in a nursing home or 6 ft under.

So for the grace of god she is still in the hospital because we will not take responsibility and their is no plan that she will accept.

If her brother have her change her mind this place will be hell

Now, for Thanksgiving...I have made some of the items plus turkey is cleaned to be baked tomorrow morning and the family will get together

Last night my SIL sounded like she had been crying..her mother is driving her crazy but trying to be independent and it is so sad........

Have a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving to you and your family..

Thank God...really Thank God...just know my husband screamed up.... his mother was accepted in a heart rehab center that she wanted... far from my home but ok with me..as long as she got in...she will be going in on Friday direct from hospital in the city

When she gets home..... I will worry about that.. but poor husband will have the burden since no one lives as close as us or really are good about it...we cancel our plans and make her happy...his sisters do not

After the fit she flew in the hospital..and with my asthma...I told them that I would not do anything in her home...scared she is that stubborn and has a fit like a kid.... BTW...she is mentally perfect, truly... it is the family stubborness..

gotta stop ranting

have a great thanksgiving


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Went into work this morning. This was our last day there. Store is now closed. Everyone handled it pretty good but that's because they are coming to the other store. So we will be seeing everyone on Monday.

Came home and got hubby and we went to Best Buy to talk to them about the computer that will be on sale Friday morning. She offered us a ticket to get one of the 37 that they will have for sale. Turns out that we ended up getting a laptop instead. We went ahead and got it now while it is on sale. One reason was because it is a name brand and not some name we had never heard of before. Got a really good deal on it. We have to go back this evening to pick it up. We will go after our hospital shift. So looks like I won't be seeing hubby for awhile. LOL. Oh well.

I'll check in later. Looks like I'm gonna have lots of time on my hands now. No hubby.

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Hey ya'll

Happy Amature Day!!!!!

what a crazy day, woke up this morning doing my normal morning thing... and out of pure laziness, didn't pay the cable bill and well... was shut off this morning... I didn't care because I had lots to do, then realized I needed income verification so I had to pay the stupid thing...get my stuff printed and then had to run to cable place to swap out my modem and cable box, neither of them have been working... anyway, had time, all was going well so went to the gym and did 30 mins on the arch trainer... go me! I'll get there... get home to get Dylan off the bus 1/2 day and all.... then go down to Social Services to apply for HEAP, assistance with heating bill. got approved for $400 ... very helpful since that is my bill in Jan and Feb, so I'll take any help I can get. I'm now super annoyed because I'm someplace I can't do anything and Time Warner screwed up my email, so I spent 3 hrs dealing with that...

So I come home and I made my mother promise she would not put up a single decoration, it was th way I wanted it, so as I pull up on the phone with Time Warner, There is a wreath with a huge orange extension cord over my front door, with blue lights that do not match the lights I put up.

For those who know me well.... .OCD!!!!! I freaked, still have not seen her... but I freaked.

So, showered and having a quick bite to eat and it is the one day of the year I go out with my best friend since we were 3.... I'm so happy...

Tomorrow I'm doing a Turkey Trot at 7:30 so I'll check in and do personals...

Love to you all.....

Happy Turkey Day to all I miss... and Happy Amature Night to all that know what it is... I sure do and going to start soon!

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This is why I hate Holidays. THE DRAMA HAS STARTED.

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Oh no Suzanne, what's going on???

Some drama here, but it has to do with DS's bi polar issues, not the holidays----and him throwing a temper tantrum. Which would likely go away if my DIL would just leave it be. Oh well. I refuse to be drawn in.

MIL had her tests run, and she has gall stones. They will decide when to operate next week. I know she is hurting, but she is one of the original drama queens!!! She refuses to eat, and refuses to drink anything like a Protein Drink, then tells us she almost passed out in the store, and at the Dr.'s and how she hopes they get it out in time.

Meanwhile, I think she is at least drinking and not saying anything, she is alone a lot of the time, while FIL is out and about on the farm. If she wasn't she would be dehydrated seriously, and she isn't.

On second thought, I might be right there with ya Suzie----too much drama here too!!!

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My older sis, the one with the head trauma called me crying today. She said she was sick and her throat was hurting. She said she called her daughter and she couldn't help her out, she was too busy at work. She called her oldest son and he was already on the road to OK. She tried calling our younger sis and she wasn't answering her phone. She called me an hour before we were to leave for our hospital shift. She wanted someone to go get her some cold-tylenol and some ny-quil. I said why didn't you call me earlier. She said she didn't want to bother me. So now we have to hurry up and put our scrubs on and head to Walgreens and then over to her place. She said she doesn't think she will be able to do Thanksgiving if she doesn't feel better. So we go to work, get off about a half hour early and head over to Best Buy to pick up Hubby's new laptop. Come home and I asked my BIL to come upstairs. So my younger sis comes up and says he won't come up because he is in a bad mood. I asked her what was happening. She said that they aren''t going tomorrow because they can't afford it. I told her that I had told them that we were paying for it and she said that they still weren't going to go. I said that was fine, that Hubby and I were still going and we were going to have a good time.

Why is it that people can't just suck it up and make one day a happy day for everyone. Someone always has to throw a wrench in. My stance is that I refuse to beg anyone to go. If you tell me that you can't or won't go, than fine. I'm not going to get on my knees and plead. Hubby and I are going. This is more about Bob having to spend his first Holiday without his wife of over 45 years. So Hubby and I are going for him and no one else.

I had gallstone about 8 years ago. They found them in a ultrasound. Doc said they were small enough to not worry about at this time. So about 2 years later I was experiencing nauseua for days. I went back to the Docs and he ordered another ultrasound. All gone. He said I must have passed them and that wa why I wasn't feeling good.

Sis just came upsatirs and wanted to borrow some black socks. She wants to wear them with her new shoes tomorrow. So now I guess they are going. :thumbup:

And people want to know why I want to go away for the holidays. :frown:

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I hate family drama! Sorry it's going on for some of you!

Jen, congrats on the new job! So exciting!

dinner tomorrow w/DH at the station. DD is all excited! She thinks it's fun to eat there. We don't do it very often so it's a real treat. My mom will be coming in later in the day/evening. She'll be here til Sunday. We'll see extended family Friday. Saturday will be relaxing and a little shopping. There is an alpaca farm in the area and they have a store that is open now on Saturdays for the holiday season. I've never been and so we're going to go Saturday. There is also a craft fair up at the lake village that we may go to as well. We'll see.

I hope everyone has a Blessed Thanksgiving! 'Night!

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Yeah.......My food that have to brought to SIL for thanksgivig is done......the spices that I put into the turkey that I will bake on thurs is smelling up my home...DH had to be woken up to put the bird downstairs

Family drama is what I hate

We always cut up the turkey and make the gravy at sil and out all the food...well MIL, is not there.. used her recipe but mine is herb-ie and over the top but SIL has changed the time...remembered

remembered that I have 3 insulated bowls

so the small one will be my gravy

the middle one will be the brown meat

the large one will have the white meat

and they will remain hot for FOUR hours.,,,,,

enough time for family to get over the drama

anyway...i think that this way... i am out of the kitchen and it should be fun

dh is diabetic without meds...so he gets his own bread, cranberry sauce,,, and cake

so..........I will live and if I get thru all the traffic to go to SIL...which I am grateful they do not come to my home..did that and they were

horrible....so I go and then leave...and thank god, I am me

I hope that all of you have a great thanksgiving

its late and have to get some zzzzzzzzz s otherwise i will be a zombie tomorrow

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Happy Thanksgiving!!

gobble gobble gobble

I am thankful for all my homies in here :wink:

Hope you all have a fantastic holiday. My house smells sinful. Tomorrow is back on the wagon day but for today...Katy bar the door! :frown:

I have so much to do. I need to finish this cake, bake a corn casserole, make a green bean casserole...is there a casserole theme going on? lol Anyway, then I need to pack macys suitcase because she is staying with my family until Saturday :thumbup:. Get the kiddos ready and pack the car. The hour and a half drive there will be the calmest part of the day!

Gotta run, my oven is about to BEEP! Love ya'll!

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here.

I'm Thankful for so much, my husband, my health and yes, my family. As much as they drive me bananas, I'm still glad I have them. Our Troops and everyone that keeps us safe.

I wish my house smelt good. I did take a shower so I guess that does count. LOL. This is just so foreign to me. Not cooking and baking, it feels weird. But I am really looking forward to spending the day with Bob and making his day a little brighter.

My Thanksgiving Prayer is that all of you enjoy your day and have the time of your life with your family and loved ones.

Hugs to all.

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Happy Thanksgiving all my favorite peeps!

I am so thankful for having all of you in my life.

Here cooking my first thanksgiving dinner in 3 years, and first one I cooked at my house in 8years.

Have a stress free day all! Appreciate your crazy disfunctional families (lol) I don't have any left and kind of miss them.

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In a Jewish Home everything is a KUGEL and us younger people can not get the kugel off the table.... or as my SIL says why change a good thing, if it is not broke

You can spoon out your food, today they slice

beats me how they allow my cranberry sauce on the table

gotta laugh at life


I think, scratch that know that you have really taken Thanksgiving to its true form of giving. I am on awe that you remembered a friends husband and having a non traditional day, so he will feel better.


Put on some music during thanksgiving and you will have a wonderful dinner. Thanksgiving is making traditions, and we do go to my SIL. Friday, we were going to have out of town guests of my sons but the economy, prevented them from coming. If I had the time, since they had cancelled the last minute and am a little depressed that they did not show. You just get a group together....as long as you are cooking, just open the door, and they will come

To Everyone-

I am grateful for the friends that I have made on this page. It has been a needed sound off for me.

I am truly grateful that my MIL is well, and she called me from the hospital to pack her a bag for rehab. AND I thought that she called to ask about the turkey. INstead I told her how much she was loved by me. She knew that she scared me when I heard her voice...

I am grateful for my husband and son

BUT I am really grateful that I finally took care of me by being banded :thumbup:

AND I really am grateful for my crocheting, enabling me to give my finished items to charity. With the economy as it is, a personalized item means a lot. So, I am praying that God leaves me my eyes and fingers to make some wonderful projects for others!

Happy Thanksgiving


PS-MY MIL went into the hospital and left me some of her friends to call (to tell her status) and now, every day, they call to talk..


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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...............Little Miss :thumbup: Here.


It was soooo worth it.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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