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Oh wow… no dairy? That really would be tough for me. Not going to lie.

Definitely let me know how you do! I think I might have lost a pound myself… however it’s not official weigh day until Saturday. Another boost though would be great!

Yes the dairy is very hard for me, but just 3 days, so that is doable

I just had a teaspoon of mashed potatoes. That is going to blow it... I'll shoot myself!

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Well, y'all are just a coupla losers so there!!! Wish I was.....I am sitting tight! I need to drop 2 pounds from my signature, but that is it! Has been that weight for weeks! LOL Wierd thing is, when I lost it the first time, I sit at this weight forever then too! So I am confident it will happen when I am in the game, and not til then. I am so up today emotion wise, I might actually get my head back in the game. I feel hundreds of pounds lighter. I am awake and energetic, not sure what is up with it, but I am enjoying the feeling!!!

Spent the day with DD and DGD, we went to Durango, CO to get a bill of sale for a 4runner she just bought, and then they went to the dentist. DD has 2 teeny cavities, her first! She is 28--DGD has none. DD's are so minor they are filling them without any meds, they are surface, in the enamel only, have not gone below, so little to no drilling will be involved.

We tell Kinsey she has to brush after eating especially sweets so the sugar monsters don't get in and make cavities in her teeth. So Manda tells her she has 2 cavities. Kinsey ask her why she didn't brush, and Manda told her she did, but apparently not good enough. Kinsey thought for awhile and told her, she bet they got in when she snored at night, because she snored with her mouth open! It was hilarious, the look on my DD's face. Of course the dentist is the exact image of tall, dark, and handsome!!!

Then we went and had a salad bar lunch, and come home to finish my laundry. Was a WONDERFUL day.

This place we go to have salad, sells by the pound. There are 5 sections, with veggies, and fruit, and hot foods, etc. It is PERFECT for me. I can fill 10 plates if I want with a bite of everything, and they subtract the tare weight of the plate, and charge for your food. So I pay for what I get and not a ton extra! Kinsey cracks me up, she wants to try everything! Today her new discovery, and she ate a bunch of them, was marinated mushrooms! Last time she ate her weight in cottage cheese and avocados! LOL

Me, I am a traditionalist, made me a small, but loaded salad, and was a happy camper!

Coupons here are doubled or tripled, up to a dollar, so even the quarter ones take off .50 -.75 cents depending on the day you use it, so it adds up quickly. Makes shopping a bit of a challenge, and not so mundane!!

I always buy dried Pasta, and keep Cereal on hand, and snack foods, so we have lots to use coupons on. And Safeway gives ones out for $1.00 off your next shopping order of under $20.00 and $5.00 off if over......so it even helps on meat and veggies. Hell I'll take their buck....or even all 5!!!

Today I bought granola bars for Kinsey, and with the sale and the coupon, the boxes of Quaker granola bars ended up being under .50 a box. I can handle that.

Ricks best friends Mom is in the hospital, she is dying of ALS, and not expected to make it much longer, her ability to swallow and breath is being affected. So we are going to the hospital tonight, and then out to dinner. Scary how that disease is, she is 100% mentally alert, and could converse with a letter board for awhile, and still follows conversation, but has no movement left to join in, she moves her eyes for yes and no. So, so sad. We call her Perfie, would you remember her in your prayers, as well as her family please.

Y'all are the best!

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No milk would be ok with me, it's the other dairy stuff. cheese, cheese, cheese and more cheese.

I fixed a small pot of chili and had a little bowl. I used about 5 crackers with it. That's where I run into problems, all the side stuff. I tend to over do it with the extras.

I worked for 1 1/2 hours and than stood there and talk to the girls for an hour. I should have stayed on the clock for that. lol.

Snow is gone but it's cold, very cold out. And I have to be at work at 6am. Brrrrr...

When is our old Tracy coming back. I miss her alot. Tracy, hope you are doing better. Did you miss the hubby today?

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Well, y'all are just a coupla losers so there!!! Wish I was.....I am sitting tight! I need to drop 2 pounds from my signature, but that is it! Has been that weight for weeks! LOL Wierd thing is, when I lost it the first time, I sit at this weight forever then too! So I am confident it will happen when I am in the game, and not til then. I am so up today emotion wise, I might actually get my head back in the game. I feel hundreds of pounds lighter. I am awake and energetic, not sure what is up with it, but I am enjoying the feeling!!!

I second that, my head is in the game, but at the point of frustation, I want a fill back to 1.5, I know I lost, I usually do, they think it stays in the line and just vanishes, it is always the exact same amount. I do feel healthier myself.

Then we went and had a salad bar lunch, and come home to finish my laundry. Was a WONDERFUL day. How nice, I need a wonderful day

Me, I am a traditionalist, made me a small, but loaded salad, and was a happy camper!

That sounds just like me!


Ricks best friends Mom is in the hospital, she is dying of ALS, and not expected to make it much longer, her ability to swallow and breath is being affected. So we are going to the hospital tonight, and then out to dinner. Scary how that disease is, she is 100% mentally alert, and could converse with a letter board for awhile, and still follows conversation, but has no movement left to join in, she moves her eyes for yes and no. So, so sad. We call her Perfie, would you remember her in your prayers, as well as her family please.

Y'all are the best!

I'm so sorry, she, as well as family are in my prayers

No milk would be ok with me, it's the other dairy stuff. cheese, cheese, cheese and more cheese. yuppers.... I love my 2% cheese, it's not easy I'll tell you that!

I fixed a small pot of chili and had a little bowl. I used about 5 crackers with it. That's where I run into problems, all the side stuff. I tend to over do it with the extras. Again, same problems... some sourcream, cheddar cheese... mmmmmmm

I worked for 1 1/2 hours and than stood there and talk to the girls for an hour. I should have stayed on the clock for that. lol.

Snow is gone but it's cold, very cold out. And I have to be at work at 6am. Brrrrr... Yuck, I'm up drinkng coffee, but glad I don't have to leave

When is our old Tracy coming back. I miss her alot. Tracy, hope you are doing better. Did you miss the hubby today?

I reall miss Tracy too...

Hey girlfriend... get your sh@% together! You brought us here girlfriend, our turn to rescue you... so get your butt up and give us a Tracy post! :redface: Did I say that????

Well, On that happy note, I'm going to take a little pill to help me sleep without caring about all the things that are completely stressing me out.

Have a good night... and think happy thoughts that i'm going to be at least 182 in the am


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Good Morning all

I'm up, long hard night ... very little sleep

Have a meeting today ... Check it out, sign the petition.. .please. Patriot Hills of New York :: Transition, Reintegration & Therapeutic Healing for Our Nation's Veterans

That is what I'm doing with some of my time.

OK, off to drink coffee and get ready to walk and go to the school bus.

OH... down another lb... 182 this am, and that was after eating a roll last night too.

I'll be back

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Good Morning All

:redface::ohmy::smile2: Went to Lapband dr and lost 11 pounds ... extremely happy since I have not exercised with the asthma problem and MIL condition petrified if I had to go to the hospital, DH is so stressed :eek:

Today, MIL will be admitted into the hospital and surgery in the morning .. so Thursday I will be a wreck...not to say I am not now:sad:

On a happy note

I live for :tt1::tt1::tt1: Coupons:tt1::tt1::tt1:

You can google for the coupon and print it out

I use a service and pay a nickel for them delivered to my home

My favorite site is The nations largest source of Grocery Coupons, maunfacturer Coupons and Printable Coupons.

I used to shop alot but with everything going on here, I have not used all the purchased ones... IF you purchase 20 coupons and use 10 and save tens of dollars..who wins,,,me

the reason I suggested the clippers site is they have the most that you can double.

A coupon is used on a sale item

Sales on a product run in cycles .. so you wait

It is a science.. that I love

yesterday...ran into my local supermarket, DH wanted fresh cold cuts...run around perimeter of store...really in a hurry...see a peel off coupon on a 4 pac of proactive ? yogart..selling at $3.89, to costly for me BUt


next to it is a sign that the reduced fat (same product) is half off for 1.89... so take the three peelies of the other yogart and use it for these.. the peelies are put on in the store

so 1.89 less 1.00 peelie...

89 cents for a 3.89 product that I will happily use and really will make my life easier with MIL

Yesterday, I did not have my repeat my coupon stash with me since .. it was a non planned shopping experience

I love my coupons :tt1::tt1::tt1:

It makes grocery shopping fun

As for my Thanksgiving Turkey, got mine last month. The store had three FRESH turkeys and they posted a dollar off each. So I asked (which I swear have ever done) ... asked if he would mark down the turkeys and I would take all. Well, he said the label machine was not working... then he comes back and says...you would take all three... definitely...so he tells me a number and I say..no way..you know I am the coupon lady and that is not a great price...says stay here... he comes back and says would I be willing to pay this amount for the turkeys...I danced out of the store..one I placed for my MIL for the holidays and I saved 2 for me... I sometimes make them and freeze into smaller portions to defrost..................:w00t::ohmy::( so how much did I get these excellent veggie fed fresh turkeys for...............................price per pound 3.99 and got it for one dollar...............................they are all 16 pound each..I usually use the 12 lb ones but fresh and the price... so coupons usage also saves you money but the store people feel you are a creditable shopper

Have a great day


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Hey Jen, it’s just a teaspoon after all. Don’t let a tiny teaspoon break you. Yay you for being 182!! You did it!! J

Kat you are too funny! LOL J Well this is the one and only time I like being called a loser… haha! And for you, 2 lbs is great! I wish I could lose two pounds! I’m trying and I mean REALLY TRYING!

Sounds like you had a wonderful day with your DD and DGD. J

Saying a prayer for your dear friend’s Mom Perfie… Hugs.

Suzie, if it’s dairy I love it. Love it love it LOVE IT!!! But yeah 3 days isn’t bad. I’ve done it before. I went 7 days on Clear Liquids, but I’m telling you… it wasn’t easy at all. I never felt so crabby in all my life I think.

Jolly, prayers to you also for you MIL. I hope all will be ok with her.

Tracy, what’s going on? Is she taking a break? L Miss you girl!

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Hey Jen, it’s just a teaspoon after all. Don’t let a tiny teaspoon break you. Yay you for being 182!! You did it!! J

Kat you are too funny! LOL J Well this is the one and only time I like being called a loser… haha! And for you, 2 lbs is great! I wish I could lose two pounds! I’m trying and I mean REALLY TRYING!

Sounds like you had a wonderful day with your DD and DGD. J

Saying a prayer for your dear friend’s Mom Perfie… Hugs.

Suzie, if it’s dairy I love it. Love it love it LOVE IT!!! But yeah 3 days isn’t bad. I’ve done it before. I went 7 days on clear liquids, but I’m telling you… it wasn’t easy at all. I never felt so crabby in all my life I think.

Jolly, prayers to you also for you MIL. I hope all will be ok with her.

Tracy, what’s going on? Is she taking a break? L Miss you girl!


Waiting for call from hospital...poor MIL is calling..constantly


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Hi everyone! Sorry I have been gone for a day or 2. I have been SO busy! Running here, running there, doing this, doing that, yada yada yada. lol :redface:

Today isnt much better but I saw the worries and threats (Jenn, lol) and I figured I better post. :w00t: I am about to go shower and get dressed to go eat lunch with dd at her school. I have never done that and she is SO excited!

Yesterday I had errands to run a house to clean then when I got the kids from school I had to go to the mall and let dsd get some 'business clothes' for a field trip she has tomorrow. Spent money I didnt have. Ugh. Awww, man, I just remembered I need to get some hem tape from Walmart just now....crapola...one more thing I have to do. See what I mean?! I am starting to remind myself of one of ya'll that are busy all the time! :smile2: I am the busiest non working person I know. Whew. I have been wanting to see if I can reteach myself to sew and I can not even sit down long enough to do that!

On the food front...I am going to weigh tomorrow, I am at least wanting to be what I was a week or so ago. I will take the same, just not more! Especially considering some of the junk I ate last weekend!

Jenn & Irene-you both are inspiring me by reading your ast few posts! I am gonna join you on the band wagon...but MY way. No sugar. :(

OK, gotta run go shower and get my butt in gear... I will be back later today. I promise. :tt1:

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Busy day for me....going to "work" for Dad!!! Going to help him install some insulation in his shop, since I am experienced.

This morning I got up, and started cutting and peeling, and dicing, and sauteing, and baking.....had a plan, was going to make a big pot of stew to share with my inlaws, MIL is sick. Well I was having such a good time, we are having stew, they are having stew, my folks are having stew and so are the neighbors!!! I have bread rising....french bread. My house smells wonderful!!!

I better run, before I get a dessert idea! I cannot eat much, so it is fun to cook when I know it is leaving the house!!!

Talk to y'all later!

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I’ve been doing kind of a “part-time” liquid diet. This is what I’m doing. Breakfast: Myoplex Protein Shake, snack 1: banana, Lunch: Slim Fast shake, Snack 2: Other fruit, Dinner: Lean cuisine type meal and a side green salad (or a lean tuna sandwich to shake things up a bit, or something along those lines), Snack: whatever as long as it’s not more than “3 WW’s points”.

So far this is really working great for me. The liquids are helping to shrink my pouch like I can’t even begin to describe! But I’m not burning myself out on all liquids too. It’s helping break some of this crazy sugar addiction I’ve been working so hard to rid of.

Right now I’m trying to choke down my Protein shake. I’m telling you… I’m getting full off of this! Girls, we can do this!! I’m just going to be so ecstatic the day I reach Onederland. Do you know how long it’s been? LMAO! I won’t even go there. J

Kat, have fun today!

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I promised to be back in so here I am. I am exhausted.

Kat-you sounded happy in your post! I love that!

Irene-sounds like a good thing you got going! I am going to weigh in the morning...pray for me!

Jenn-you summons me here then you haul as*? I dont think so girlie! lol :thumbup: How are ya?

Laura-you certainly do know your stuff coupon wise. I am just really getting into it, but it is like a challenge...I love it!

I am starving right now, but I need to get macy to bed. I hope I make it to my room without detouring to the kitchen!

Goodnight friends :)

Suzanne...did you work today? I do not even remember what I read. Sure has been a long day! lol

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I am exhausted!!!!

We went and bought Dad's insulation, and went back to his house, and we were just getting started, when my brother showed up. Well he took over what I was doing, and I began cutting insulation, he and Dad were both stapling it up. Mom was there, handing things to everyone. Was kinda nice, our original core family all there working together, good quality time, and you could tell it meant a lot to my parents. I was so glad to be doing that for them. We worked til about 1, stopped for lunch, then hit it again, finished up about 3. Then I hauled butt home, and began raking and mulching leaves in the yard. That was my original plan for today, before talking to my Dad. My brother come by when he left my parents, and he stopped and helped me, and 2.5 hours later, it was all done, as well as the neighbors. Rick has done his yard all summer since he is so bad with his cancer. So my brother and I did it too.

I am physically exhausted, but I feel SO GOOD. Not sure where this energy is coming from, but I am gonna take full advantage while it is here!!!

I feel good Tracy, not sure what it is. Rick says it is stress relief from not working under the conditions I was. I don't know, I just know the world seems bright, and I can breath deep. I look at my DH and my family and I can hardly contain the love I feel for them.

It is strange......but, I am liking it!!! Now when the lack of additional paycheck hits, I might rethink it!

Well I am off to the shower. See you all in the mornin'!

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Home from our hospital shift. It was very active tonight. Lots of people having surgeries and trying to get home before the holidays.

Kat, that was such a lovely post you did. Made me wish I had my whole family here.

I'm pooped and headed to bed. I have my Doc appointment in the morning, so I need to get some sleep. I'll let you know what he finds out and what test he is going to order. I still think it's a mistake.

See ya all in the morning.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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