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Oh hey Tracey, I work for CAL-FIRE (The State of California’s Fire Department). These are invoices that are in result to the fire. It’s a little bit boring, but you know – maybe I just need a break from the office. I don’t think it will be too much of a big trip anyway. Nice, I would take a vaca... ok... I would take a job

Jen, sounds lovely! Those are the best days IMO, when you don’t have a whole lot going on and you can just enjoy the sunshine. We’ve had some nice weather here too. But, ours won’t last. We’re supposed to be getting a few days worth of rain soon. L

It was beautiful, went to lunch with a friend, and drained the Water off the pool cover, and played with my son. I'm exhausted. It has rained here all weekend, our last football game was saturday and we were in tropical type rain for 3 hrs. So sun is nice

Hey is anyone watching that show Flash Forward? I must say… it’s pretty darn interesting! I started watching it last night. I missed the first few episodes and I’ve had a few hanging around on my DVR. I went to abc.com to watch the first ones and I’m already hooked! I’ll continue tonight with maybe one or two on the DVR.

I have them DVR'd but have not watched them, I am hooked on Mercy and Ghost Whisper and that is all I have time for. LOL

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I got all my hugs from Suzanne!! I miss you all also. Not really much to say! I had a terrific time yesterday also. I wanted to post something to Suzanne, but can't remember what it is.

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I got all my hugs from Suzanne!! I miss you all also. Not really much to say! I had a terrific time yesterday also. I wanted to post something to Suzanne, but can't remember what it is.

Hi Jane

I miss you, how are you doing? I'm so glad you guys had a nice day yesterday

love ya!!!!

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Tracy: It hasn't rained here today, thankfully. It looked gross almost all day, but no rain.

Suzie: regarding Halloween candy, I do believe that reese's Peanut Butter pumpkins are the work of the devil...they will be the downfall of me yet! Luckily they are so yummy,:cryin: there are never any left on the shelves close to Halloween, so I am almost safe!:wink2:

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Oh Tchr, I agree totally, anything Reeces, be it eggs, pumpkins, trees, or the everyday old Peanut Butter cups---and I am a goner!!!

Jane!!!!! I am so glad you and Suzie get together on occasion, jealous as hell, but glad just the same!!! What is going on with Charlie, did the other stylist quit? Do you think you will pick up any of her clientelle -- however you spell it!

I miss seeing your posts!!! (((Hugs)))

Tracy--wooohoooo you loser you!!! LOL I am hangin' I will lose a pound, and gain 2 then lose the 2, and then sit tight for a day or 2, it is just silly, same old weight. But that is ok right now.

You can yak about your friend, I think in one way or another we all know someone who has been left in the lurch in similar fashion. She is lucky to have friends, and she is just now getting to where she will realize how lucky!!! Does she have anyone going to the delivery with her?

Jenn---keep up the good work, and enjoy your fun days with the kids!!!

Diva---many motels have a gym----so maybe you could still work out. Plan ahead, and maybe you will be so busy checking out all the things around you----you can walk extra and not snack. Yeah I know it would be hard if not impossible, but it sounds good!!!

OOoops, gotta go----company, see ya later!

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Good Morning everyone

slow going today, changing my schedule a bit so I'm off.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm peanutbutter pumpkins

it is so strange not knowing what is going to happen this month after my little surgery, but I feel bloated and pms is hitting... it feels strange to have pms and not know if tom is actually going to come or not. I hope not, but yuck, I feel so fat.

Well, off to the bus and then shower, go for a small walk, Breakfast with my aunt, and then kids have 1/2 day so have to be back by 11.

so i'll be back... have a great morning all

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Good Morning Folks.

Left my house at 5:30am yesterday and didn't get back home till 10:30pm. It was a very long day but a very enjoyable day also.

First it was my six hour shift at work and than off to the Doc's office. I'm down 5 pounds, not real happy about it but I'll take it. I was hoping for at least 8 pounds because of being sick last week. We had a good talk about that and I found out that I should have called for some nausea med.

Left there and it was off to go meet up with my friend Judy. We met at a Chinese Buffet. Holy cow, that was all I needed. So we sat in the restaurant for 3.5 hours talking and enjoying the conversation and laughing. It was such a good time. I miss her being close to me. Wish I could see her more often. So I left there and had to drive all the way home to get hubby and BIL so we could drive back to the Casinos. It was my nephews 21st. B-day. We ended up gambling for about 30 minutes and was out $10.00. Ran into some cousins and than we headed to the Buffet. I could barely eat anything and it was a waste of $15.00. We didn't eat till about 9:15pm. I hate eating that late at night.

So far today I'm having a quiet day. I have a few things to do around the house and than I have my afternoon shift. Sometime in there I need to get some walking in.

I'm up to date on Flash Forward and I find it very intriguing. I'm also watching Mercy. I hope they don't get me hooked and than cancel the shows.

The Halloween candy is still put away, may stay that way till saturday.

Have a great day everyone.

Hi Janie, I miss you alot.

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I got all my hugs from Suzanne!! I miss you all also. Not really much to say! I had a terrific time yesterday also. I wanted to post something to Suzanne, but can't remember what it is.

Hi Janie! Glad you 2 had fun...wish we could have been there :cursing:

Tracy: It hasn't rained here today, thankfully. It looked gross almost all day, but no rain.

Suzie: regarding Halloween candy, I do believe that reese's Peanut Butter pumpkins are the work of the devil...they will be the downfall of me yet! Luckily they are so yummy,:drool: there are never any left on the shelves close to Halloween, so I am almost safe!:unsure:

I think we should draw up a petition banning reeses of any kind be sold. The reeses plant needs to be closed. LOL They are my fav's. Glad you did not get the storms we got. It stormed and flooded all day here. Our weekend is supposed to be beautiful for the trick or treaters! YAY!

Oh Tchr, I agree totally, anything Reeces, be it eggs, pumpkins, trees, or the everyday old peanut butter cups---and I am a goner!!!

DITTO!!! I am a choc-o-holic. Remember the dream I had that you and I were at an auction for a goose that lays caramel eggs and you outbid everyone and you & Rick had to go all the way back to your house with the both of you and the goose on his motorcycle?! Then you mailed Macy (me) some caramel eggs!!! lol That was hilarious! :lol::lol:

Jane!!!!! I am so glad you and Suzie get together on occasion, jealous as hell, but glad just the same!!! What is going on with Charlie, did the other stylist quit? Do you think you will pick up any of her clientelle -- however you spell it!

I miss seeing your posts!!! Me too :sad:(((Hugs)))

Tracy--wooohoooo you loser you!!! Check out my ticker...that was in 6 days!! I am going for my first fill Thursday. It will be GREAT to not have an empty band :w00t:.. This is like a pre-op diet for me. lol

LOL I am hangin' I will lose a pound, and gain 2 then lose the 2, and then sit tight for a day or 2, it is just silly, same old weight. But that is ok right now. That is alot better than gaining, huh? :wink2:

You can yak about your friend, I think in one way or another we all know someone who has been left in the lurch in similar fashion. She is lucky to have friends, and she is just now getting to where she will realize how lucky!!! Does she have anyone going to the delivery with her? Her cousin (best friend) and her sister Prob her mom too.

Good Morning everyone

slow going today, changing my schedule a bit so I'm off.

Being a bit off is normal for ME! lol

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm peanutbutter pumpkins I hear ya sista! lol

it is so strange not knowing what is going to happen this month after my little surgery, but I feel bloated and pms is hitting... it feels strange to have pms and not know if tom is actually going to come or not. I hope not, but yuck, I feel so fat. Strange that you would still get the symptoms! Will it go away?

First it was my six hour shift at work and than off to the Doc's office. I'm down 5 pounds, not real happy about it but I'll take it. Way to go on the -5. We always want more out of ourselves but we have to give ourselves a break. The scales are - not + :scared2:

Everyone...I really got a wake up call last night. Me and my 15 year old dsd were talking in my room and I was telling her that I really hope the scales were still the same in the morning (234.5) so I could claim the 4 pound loss that I had that morning. I said that down there (my chest of draws bottom drawer) was my 'wish drawer'. She opens it up and sees the 8/10 label and says, "OMG, you really got into these? I'll bet I can wear 'em" I said no way...so she pulls them up and they FIT HER! Oh, my, GOODNESS :w00t: I did not realize until that moment how much progress I had made. It 5% made me sad, the other 95% is now determination. Now that my brain has caught up and KNOWS what I looked like, I am gung-ho more than ever. :woot: Then...to top it off, the scales went down another 3...so tomorrow will make one week and I have lost 8.5 pounds!!! :woot:

Everyone have a GREAT day...drink plenty of Water and stay away from the evil stuff that hurts us. :wink5:

Thank you all for inspiring me. :cursing:

Edited by TracyK

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IRENE....how did I leave you out of that last post? :scared2:

Sometimes it is good to get away...even if it is for work. When are you going?

I starting tracking my food on livewell.com and praying again every night. When I was gaining weight back, I had quit prayig and I have started again and am gaining strength from HIM and all my LBT friends and real friends. :cursing: All of you are a big help :cursing:. Have a great day!!

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Good morning, still don't remember what I wanted to tell Suzie!

As far as the clients go, we didn't make appointments for her, they all called her cell phone. So I really doubt if I get any of hers.

Hi Tracy and Jennifer, you both look like you are doing GREAT!!

Hope all have a good day!!

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Little Miss Piggy has been at it again today.

Will se ever stop??????????

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Tchr, Reese’s Peanutbutter WHATkins??? OMG… where can I find those? Those WOULD be worth the points!!

I heart pumpkin anything!!! I’ve been thinking about the pumpkin shakes at Jack in the Box. OMG OMG OMG. It’s taking all my will power not to get one. I almost did last night but talked myself out of it. It was almost a done deal!

OK Kat with your post I just realized it just shaped like a pumpkin. *sigh* I don’t know why my family even lets me out of the house some days! But I have to say… pumpkin, chocolate and Peanut Butter sounds so good right now!!!! They should make that.

It’s super windy here! I did a mile and barely made it. I have to walk under some really old scary trees and one was crackling and blowing around bark debris. I said that was enough for me for the day! LOL

Suzie, what are you talking about? Five pounds is great! Have you seen one of those 5 Lb blocks of fat they use for reference? Yeah, that’s what you just lost. Congrats! J

However I understand what you mean. For all that time being sick, more was expected. I personally have never been able to lose weight while I was sick. I’ve never been that lucky!

As far as buffets go, I went once since being banded. I felt so out of place. I couldn’t go back for seconds and while everyone around me gorged all I could do was sit there and stew on why I just spent 20 bucks on a few bites of food. I couldn’t even bring home a plate! LOL Bandsters are a Buffet Restaurant owners dream! J

I’m glad you had a nice time with your old friend! Hope for many more for you as well.

Tracey, OMG FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! I’m soooo happy for you!!!! Let’s keep this up! I’m so wanting to just finish this up! Or if anything just get into onederland. I’ve been dreaming of that day for years now. It’s just TIME!! You’re right too… HE is a huge factor. I’m exactly the same way. I have to put it in HIS hands and realize that this is HIS temple. I have to treat it right! It’s the only one HE gave me. ;o)

I’m not exactly sure I’ll even go out really. They said they would let me know by the end of the week or later. The fire is already more than half contained… however it was crazy windy today. I haven’t heard anything since. We’ll see.

Hi Janie! I’m new here.. nice to meet you! J

Okay all, have a fabu day. I’ll do the same. I didn’t do my workout last night like I should have but I at least did do 2.25 mile walk and 30 minutes calisthenics. I was supposed to also do 30bike/30elliptical. That part didn’t happen… hehe.

I’ll definitely do that tonight. I only got a little over a mile walks today, so I have to do something.

Edited by LilMissDiva

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Hi all

another drive by, very crazy day, and going to make dinner, and then going on a date. Go me

Yes tracy, I'll have symptoms until my body says no more, they didn't remove anything to effect my hormone levels which is something I liked, but I feel huge and got a ton of compliments today. Go figure, maybe I'll drop a couple when the bloat is gone.


My dd has a pr 8 jeans that are too short and she was going to give them away, I took them and have them hanging on the back of my door. I am 2 sizes away from my dd, to me that is insane!

Oh how sad, a 5 year old drowned in a tub today.

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Hey everyone, I hope yall are all doing good!!!! I see a lot of you are having the same struggles as me with the holloween candy. This has been a major problem for me I was only 1lb away from being 100 lbs down and thanks to the holloween candy I am up 2lbs making it 3lbs away now. I have a party to go to this weekend and am seeing people I havent seen in a while so I really wanted to do go, but the candy has a hold on me. My daughter hid it in her room but I can't help it, It's also that TOM for me and I can't stop eating the reeces Peanut Butter cups. Well hopefully we can all get passed this without to much harm. Congrats to you Tracy on your loss, I wish it was me instead I'm going in the opposite direction.

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