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I let the dark rainy weather convince me it was earlier than it really is---so gotta rush!!!

DS said no to the transfer, it may cost him his job, but he was unwilling to take his current family that far away, and he has a DD from his first marriage, he was not willing to be so far from. Good choice!!!

Michelle sorry DD is sick----that sucks SO bad!

Kinsey is hanging in there, she just got over strept throat. We are worried about the H1N1, but what can you do besides stay on top of things.

We are wanting to take her and Connor and leave Friday night to go down to Albuquerque to the Balloon Fiesta. Hundreds and hundreds of hot air balloons, all shapes and sizes, amazing thing to see!

Have to see if both kids are well....and Papa and I!!!

Will try to check in tonight, we have a game, but it is storming, so hoping they cancel, it is a late (8:30) game-------will be cold and damp. yuck

Oh and Diva, I have no doubt he will act "cool" and be ok--but I just lost respect for him due to his smug attitude. Some of it is cultural differences, but not all of it. It did rub me wrong for sure!!

See ya later!

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Heart, I hope your little one gets better fast. L Awful to see the mini’s getting sick... And don’t worry about your rant. It’s not selfish to not want to be sick. You don’t want to get others sick, and it’s hard to take care of yourself and everyone else too. You have a lot going on! That’s great too she’s that into school where she wants to go even though she’s sick. I would have gladly run back to bed myself! lol

Glad your husband is doing well and hopefully will be home soon.

Suzie!! Awesome on the scale victory! Hugs!

It’s very true about the getting back on the exercise. I try so hard not to NOT exercise because I know it’s like climbing a mountain to get back into it. I’m climbing that mountain as we speak. But, I’m going to do it! I did my elliptical last night, for only 15 minutes and I felt like I ran 30 miles! Every time I do it though, it gets easier to do it again. I’m making a promise here and now that no matter what, if I’m sick or whatever I’m still gonna get my butt to doing at least something. No more excuses… ever!!

Re: weather… it’s really cold here too. It’s 44 right now I’m really not used to this at all. I don’t mind it really, it just bumps up my walk until lunch hour. I might still do a small morning walk just to get the metabolism moving. One extra mile never hurt anyone!

Jen, that’s great you talk to your daughter about staying healthy. It starts from an early age! I’ve been battling my weight all my life. I was always 10-20 Lbs overweight until pre-teens when I started doing some crazy stuff to lose weight and be thin. I was never schooled in how to do it while being healthy.

Hey Tracy! Good morning! I hope your legal appointment goes well. Please let us know!!

Kat, I hope you and yours gets better soon. That really sounds like a good time watching all the hot air balloons! They need to do something like that here, I’m telling you!!

You know, my boss and I have cultural differences too. Besides that, he’s just a very strange guy. I’ve been working with him for some time now, and I pretty much just brush off his weirdness to a degree, but not always! I do let him have it sometimes! Respect? Hmmm… I’ll have to think really hard about that one!! LMAO! His cool day was yesterday, and Monday for that matter. We’ll see how today goes.

Hope for a better day for you today!

Well, I have decided that I’ve put off all this weight loss long enough. I’m so done with this tweener stage. It’s all me and I really know this. I can come up with all the excuses known to man on why I’m not losing, or going like a seesaw on my scale. I really can’t do that anymore. I don’t know how long my band will last and I really need to take advantage as long as I do. I know what I need to do, so I need to put those known factors into action! Like right now and ASAP!! I need to really stop screwing around and just do this.

I also have to find a plan where it doesn’t feel so much like a diet and make it more of a lifestyle. I do love to workout, but I also have to refrain from going lax on it too. If I go lax for too long I end up getting lazy and nonchalant about it. I cannot do that!! I also need to bring my portions back to reality and stop DRINKING WITH MY MEALS!! I know that’s cheating but I do it anyway! Why? Well, I don’t think that’s as important as just STOP DOING IT!

Other things that I need to do. I need to set up an eating plan. Pick things I know I like and allow only certain portions. Yes, this would be great and I would definitely lose weight doing that. I have a really great workout plan and I think it, and my band are the only reasons I’ve not gained all my weight back! Yuck!!

I need to stop being a fraud and do the right thing. I’m expected to be support around here, and how can I do that if I’m not living a good bandster lifestyle? There’s no way. I’m really serious and I’m still going to do that 8 Lbs for this month. Oh yes, I am. In fact, I’m going to shoot for 8 Lbs per month until I get to onederland, then I’ll adjust for it’s much harder to lose when your goal is closer in sight.

Okay ladies, sorry for the crazy self deprecating rant. I however really need to step up to the plate and finish what I started!

Thanks for listening (for all who listened!)

Have a successful day all!

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Irene said, "I need to stop being a fraud and do the right thing." I keep telling myself this everyday. What is wrong with us?

Thank You for posting. I thought I was the only one with these feelings.

I LOVE to exercise. I mean "LOVE" to do it. I would walk from here to New York and back if my feet would let me. I get such a rush from it and have days were I crave it real bad. I don't know if that is weird or not but I also use it as my therapy session. Now, on the other hand, I LOVE to be lazy also. I have days were I can just be in my chair all day long. NOt to often because that walking feeling will bug me and I have to get up and go.

I got off work this morning and found out that the brand new Target opened up yesterday. I loved it. There were only about 10 people in the whole store. I'm telling you, it would have been perfect if I had kids and needed to do X-mas shopping. They had everything you could imagine WII's, Guitar Hero and all kinds of stuff. I walked the whole store. It was fun, not running into people and having to dodge stuff. I loved it.

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Irene - Admitting there is a problem is the first step.. LOL... just kidding, kind of. But I understand where you are...Tracy, Kat, Suznne all know, I've been the same 5lbs for over a year, this last 30 was me waking up one morning and taking control of my life, my eating and my exercise. That is the bottom line. I don't alter my food much because I really do well eating the same thing, then something different is a treat. I have stuff that is easy to make and prepare and only takes a few minutes if I'm in a hurry.

I never every drink with my food, bad things happen to me... and I have not put anything with bubbles in it in my body in 3 years, no soda, no beer, no champagne, nothing!!!!!

I hope you figure it out and I know that you can jump start this again! I have faith in you, getting your head in the right place really is the next step (for me it was anyway)

So in March I was a size 16/18 and today I went to Old Navy and bought a solid size 12, and have on a 14 non stretch jean right now that is too big, just didn't hav clean laundry. I found my new winter coat there and it was a size L and beautiful. I can shop in anystore I want and I am finding all these clothes that I've never been able to wear ... and my old navy bag with a skirt in it was so tiny I had a hard time with the reality that there was something in there that would fit on my body. I mean a bag you would get at a salon with Shampoo in it.

I wish I could just make the last 25lbs go away, and I wish I knew what I have been doing so I could share with all of you.

Kat - I'm glad ds made that choice, I think it was a smart one too.

Tracy - good luck with your legal advice... (((((hugs)))))

ok i'm off to have lunch and then go tan so I can hit the gym at 3 with my daughter.

xoxoxoxo all

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I'm so frustrated.

I'm right there with ya, sister! I got off track this summer. It got too hot to walk the neighborhood. I have a perfectly good treadmill but hate using it, so did I walk anyway? NO! Now I'm having a hard time getting back in to it now that the weather has finally cooled off.

I went ahead and got on my scale this morning and I'm down 4 pounds.


I think I'm totally bloated, it is TOM but because of my surgery I only get symptoms... I am up 2lbs and there is no reason for it.

Jenn, I don't know how I missed your pics! They're GREAT!

I hate bloat!! What was your surgery, if you don't mind my asking? Sounds like female issues. I go see my GYN next month and we need to make some solid, serious decisions re: my cycles.

Michelle-sorry tht dd is sick. I will say a prayer that she gets better quickly (and that you do not get it)

Thanks. Best wishes today! Hope you get some good answers.

We are wanting to take her and Connor and leave Friday night to go down to Albuquerque to the Balloon Fiesta. Hundreds and hundreds of hot air balloons, all shapes and sizes, amazing thing to see!

Have to see if both kids are well....and Papa and I!!!

Hopefully you get to go this weekend! Sounds like fun! Hopefully it doesn't hurt DS but I think he made the right decision to stay home.

Heart, I hope your little one gets better fast. L Awful to see the mini’s getting sick... And don’t worry about your rant. It’s not selfish to not want to be sick. You don’t want to get others sick, and it’s hard to take care of yourself and everyone else too. You have a lot going on! That’s great too she’s that into school where she wants to go even though she’s sick. I would have gladly run back to bed myself! lol

Re: weather… it’s really cold here too. It’s 44 right now I’m really not used to this at all.

Thanks, just feels wrong when she's sick, to be worried about how it might affect you. Yea, I know! LOL!

I'm loving this weather but I'm so cold! LOL! Looks like there might be a small possibility of rain next week, coming down out of Alaska! Brrrr! :wink2:

What kind of training are you thinking of? Will it bring you to my area?! :redface:

I got off work this morning and found out that the brand new Target opened up yesterday.

How fun! I love it when the stores are empty! I hate crowds.

So in March I was a size 16/18 and today I went to Old Navy and bought a solid size 12, and have on a 14 non stretch jean right now that is too big, just didn't hav clean laundry.

What great NSVs!!! So nice to be able to shop in regular sizes now! I forget tho and still start to head to the Plus size section. I'm not shopping for much tho! I have clothes and am trying to not buy much since I'm still going down. There are some things I need periodically but I'm not buying much. Can't afford it either. Tho I sure am WANTING to shop and I hate shopping!!! LOL!!!


I let DD sleep in til about 9 when she got up on her own. She needed it. She seems to be feeling a little better today. I'll keep her home tomorrow too tho.

I've got to get some work done today. Need to get it back down to the office. Not really wanting to take DD out tho. I may call the secretary and ask if she wouldn't mind running up to the house to pick the stuff up. I hate to even ask. I'm only a couple of miles up the road but still. Maybe I'll find out if Pastor is going by and see if maybe he'll stop by on his way. He lives up the road from me so he has to go by my street. I'll make some phone calls when I'm done with my work and see.

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Yes feels great, I've been in regular stores for a while... 16 is doable, but still was not into trying things on. We had a blast today, the first time ever!

As for my surgery, I had the ablasion done (SP) best way to describe it is as a DnC that is more perm. I was having very long (2week) periods and get cysts approximately 2-3 times a year. I should only get a very short light period if any and I should not have the cyst problem if all goes well. There was no other medical reason than to have a hysterectomy to straighten my problems out, so this is the best option and worse case, I still have to have the big one at some point in my life. I was back to regular activities the next day, other than leftover pain pills. I can get the exact name if this sounds like a similar thing.

pm me if you want more details


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Hi ya'll...appt went really well. Better than I thought. Now all we have to do is come up with the money. :wink2: We'll see if we can make it happen....

If you want the hairy details of all of it, PM me because I am not really gonna put details on the public forum anymore. :redface:

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Heya Suziecat! Yes, I’ve been feeling that way for awhile now. It’s so sad for me, and might be my biggest struggle of all! I get off track… I feel guilty and like a loser… I eat and be a lazy bum and get more off track… ack! When does it end? What does one do? I won’t give up though, I really have to get this weight off me. In the future I don’t know how that will happen or I might be looking for help in other ways, but the fact is, being overweight is unhealthy and I still have the rest of my life to live. I want to be free from this cocoon!

Jen thanks for the reply. I know what you mean, I actually came down from a size 28W/3X to a now 18/XL. I was almost in 14’s!! How could I have let myself revert that far back? I don’t know but I did and there’s nothing more left for me to do other than get with it. I really wish I knew the answers!

I actually picked up the drinking with eating when I became overfilled. I would take a tiny bite and wash it down with a iddy biddy sip of pineapple juice. It was the only way I could get food in my belly! I have gotten some unfilled a few months ago, but I notice on my tighter days (not as bad as before by a long shot) I tend to revert to this practice again. I actually end up overeating doing this. I’ve also gotten some really strange habits I’ve never had before, like a candy and chocolate addiction.


Heart, I haven’t really decided what I want to train for yet. I’m actually thinking I might become a recycle tech, but really I’d just like to go out there with my unit Foresters if they ever go out. Or, maybe I won’t go out at all. Idk, I’ll think about it when training starts back up which is usually February. I’m pretty sure though they’ll talk me out of it!

It’s likely I could be in your area. I travel all over, North/South/Central… it just depends. I really love the Yosemite training center ECCO. It’s beautiful there! Like a resort and I plan to take a training course there whether it applies to me or not next time! Lol

Glad your DD is starting to feel better already!

Tracy, so glad your appointment went well! Yes, please PM me when you get the chance. Here’s hoping it can be resolved quickly and pain free!

Ok, have a great rest of the day ladies!! xx

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Yes feels great, I've been in regular stores for a while... 16 is doable, but still was not into trying things on. We had a blast today, the first time ever!

As for my surgery, I had the ablasion done (SP) best way to describe it is as a DnC that is more perm. I was having very long (2week) periods and get cysts approximately 2-3 times a year. I should only get a very short light period if any and I should not have the cyst problem if all goes well. There was no other medical reason than to have a hysterectomy to straighten my problems out, so this is the best option and worse case, I still have to have the big one at some point in my life. I was back to regular activities the next day, other than leftover pain pills. I can get the exact name if this sounds like a similar thing.

pm me if you want more details


Thanks, Jennifur, I thought it might have been a uterine ablasion. My doc is probably going to want me to try that first BUT it doesn't take care of the SYMPTOMS and that's a lot of my problem, well besides the bleeding!

I've been on Depo for over a year and have always bled thru and my symptoms have not reduced or gone away and I thought they were going to. I'm sick of it. I have Migraines w/my cycle and they're pretty bad. I'm now cycling every couple of weeks, that includes everything!

I don't want surgery but I'm going to push for a hysterectomy. I'm so done with this crap! I've never NOT had problems. From the time I started as a kid. Can't get pregnant so what's the point now?

We'll see what happens when I see him in Nov.

Hi ya'll...appt went really well. Better than I thought. Now all we have to do is come up with the money. :wink2: We'll see if we can make it happen....

If you want the hairy details of all of it, PM me because I am not really gonna put details on the public forum anymore. :redface:

Good news! I am curious but if you don't want to put it out there, that's okay too. And you're right, probably shouldn't put anything out on the great WWW anymore! Could come back to bite you in the butt later.

~Hang in there, Irene. I keep saying, and you may have heard me say it, that they should have done some brain surgery while they had us out and were working on the stomach! I'm finding there is WAY more head stuff than I expected for myself. I didn't think I had "issues" and I've discovered over the last year, that I definitely have "issues!" We've got your back! Let us know what you need from us and we'll do what we can to help you.

ECCO is a gorgeous place. Next time you're here, holler and we'll see if we can't meet up!


Got my work done and back in to the office. I do the books for our church from home. Very part time, a few hours a week, so I can stay home w/DD. I worked in the office for 9+ years before hiring in behind me and leaving to come home. DD went to work with me for the first year+ til it got too hard to take her with me. She got too vocal and mobile! LOL! Been working for the church for 11 years now.

After we dropped everything off we stopped at the store to pick a few things up. On the way home had to stop for a bad wreck. Thinking at least one vehicle was teenagers. It was right after HS got out and at a road they use to avoid the main exit from school. It was a head on and the pickup and car were a mess. I said prayers for those involved on our way thru. Hope their injuries weren't too bad but it didn't look good. :cursing:

Okay, gotta go.

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Have a good night ladies...I have alot to look into tonight AND put macy to bed.... :wink2: I am mentally drained.

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Home from our hospital shift, it was a really slow night. That's good but makes it a little long for us.

Tracy, so glad you got good news, now I keep my fingers crossed that you can do the finacial part of it. You guys are due for a break.

Michelle, how scary about the wreck. We live about a mile fro the HS and all of them come right by this way. Every now and than we hear the fire trucks coming down and the road and just know that there's been a fender bender. I worry about them but also remember what it was like when I was that age, fearless.

I hope Jenn is having a good time at the concert tonight.

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Michelle - I hear you, my dr says why torture yourself if you can't or are done having children. I did Depo for 3 years and my friends wanted to KILL me, I was the biggest Bitch in the entire world, but it did stop my bleeding. I'll keep you in myy thoughts.

Tracy- that is great it went well for you yesterday, I'm off to help a friend so I'll be out cleaning trees all day! I will catch up later because you know I want to chat with you.

Concert was AMAZING, I got security to put us in the pit and he had a back stage and was right there!!! I will have pics later and will try to post, it is almost unreal!

Sugarland was amazing too, best show in a long time, we danced all stinking night.

xoxoxo off to get ready - have to leave in 20 mins, i'll be back for more personals later

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Hi everyone-thanks for the prayers, PMs and the words of encouragement and the adivice. I am so grateul to all of you! Not quite sure what we are going to do. I hate to juggle bills and skip bills to have double notes and stuff so close to Christmas. I am not going to do that, it would lead to disaster with my luck!...maybe I will buy a lottery ticket. :wink2:

I know one thing I will do (try very hard, anyway). I will do my best to be conscious of what I put in my mouth. I have probably gained weight. I will weigh in tomorrow. I am so tired of letting myself down.

Jen-sounds like you had a fantastic time! I am so glad!

I will check back in later. Thank you ladies!

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Good Rainy Morning to you all.

Jenn, I bet that was a good concert. I have several of his songs on my MP3 that I use in my walking. I also have a few Sugarland songs on also. Glad you had a great time.

Tracy, That's a lot to handle right at Christmas. But hopefully you guys will be able to figure out how to do it. In the long run it's what needs to be done. You know I will keeping you guys in my prayers. Just keep your chin up and your mouth shut, to food I mean. Remember in the stress times t take a walk and not shove the food in. NO ice cream either.

Michelle. I started bleeding huge clots. I know, TMI. So after the 3rd time I finally went to the Doc. After haing a DNC to do a biopsy, I had the very beginning stage of cancer. Thank God I didn't wait any longer. They took me in immediately for surgery and removed everything. I have nothing left, they didn't want to have to do another surgery. Of course at the weight I was at the time, I can't blame them. They wanted to make sure that I didn't have a recurrence and I was in my late 30's anyways. No kids for me. I tell everyone that the surgery was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. No monthly, no clean ups, no miss haps, no mess. I love it. They did have to put me on Premarin for about 4 months afterwards, my hormones or lack of them was all out of wack and I became a blubbering idiot. At the drop of a hat I was crying for no reason. All better now.

Like I said, at that weight I can't blame the Doc. I still cringe at the thought that there were people that had to lift me and turn me. I hate knowing that. I also had to give thought to if I ever fell or became sick, that there was paramedics that were going to have to risk their health just to help me. The more I thought about situations like this the more I gave thought to having the Band done. Best desicion I have ever made, besides marrying my hubby. I still am at a risk of hurting someone if they had to help, but I ma still working on that. Hopefully within the next 2 years I will be at a very reasonable weight for me. A very healthy weight.

Jane, are you rowing that boat yet? It's been raining all night and most of the morning here.

Off to go get my housework done and than get ready for work. I'll chat at ya later.

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Good morning all!

Michelle, absolutely! I’d love to meet you! I’ll let you know when I’ll be in that area. J

I hope everyone was ok in the wreck you seen… I hate to hear about anything like that. L

Jen, glad you had a good time girl! I love concerts. I went to see Def Leppard a month ago and it was such a blast!! I’ll never forget it! Speaking of which, I’m due again!

Tracy, (((hugs))) It’s so very hard when we have so much going on in our lives and we can’t devote 100% attention to our weight loss. Because in reality that’s what it takes.

Okay, I’m going to copy and paste what I wrote in my monthly bandster thread. I know we’re not really supposed to do that, but hey… I don’t want to type all that out all over again!

Good morning taps and all my VV’s.

Taps, I’m feeling you girl! I try so hard to stay on track but I must have some mental block or something I don’t know!

Okay, you all are going to be the first to hear this publicly so brace yourself…

I know some of you might have seen me post in passing that I’ve been thinking about a revision surgery. Well, I’ve looked deeply into getting the sleeve. However, I the only insurance that covers the sleeve is Kaiser. I REFUSE to change over an insurance that has been nothing but great with me since day one to one that I remember growing up as it was. Anyway, that’s not the issue here…

My insurance only covers the RNY GB other than the LB. My surgeon has performed numerous RNY’s and if anything I trust him to do mine implicitly. So, as of yesterday afternoon and making the toughest decision to date, I’ve decided to set the ball in motion to get the RNY GB.

I don’t want to make this a long-drawn out boring post by listing my history. I know most of you here already know it, as we’ve all been posting on this site for years now.

Now here’s my dilemma. I am barely 100 Lbs overweight. That means I’m going to have to try my best not to lose anymore weight. So far that has not been too difficult!!! Lol In the grand scheme, I have become massively addicted to sugar. Now all of a sudden RNY doesn’t seem like too bad an option. Being that I’m barely 100 Lbs overweight the chances of me making goal are very high, especially with my workout ethic.

I’m in no way shape or form going or trying to blast the band. It simply didn’t work out for me, but I’ve seen so many on here over the years who it has worked for. I’m very happy for them and their accomplishments truly.

So as it stands right now, my PCP office opens in one hour. I’m going to schedule an appt to see her, as it’s time for my yearly exams first of all and in that I will discuss what I need to do to proceed with my band removal and RNY.

Okay well, that’s my contribution for this morning. How’s everyone else??

So, there you have it in a nutshell. My life’s gonna change a lot in the next few months.

I’ll check back in soon! Everyone have a great day!

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