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I miss Cindy....I hope she is OK.

Me? or some other Cindy?

I am getting better. The infection is gone, but I still obviously have Fluid in my lungs. When I have a coughing spell I have the sensation of drowning, if that makes any sense at all. My doctor called my dad's house asking for me after hours, but 20 minutes after I got the message, a recording picked up. I will call tomorrow, but I feel he was probably just checking on me.

Tracy: so sorry about that late mortgage thing...jeez it sucks and I wish I had some words of wisdom for you. If you have to take up the payments, you really need to take possession of the house. Even if it is to rent it out, instead of live in it.

Suzie: sorry about that toe, and ummm, no thanks on the pics.

Oh, and I thought Shalee was shalee and I followed her ps journey. So, can we call you kelly?

Side note: Weird thing happened this morning...It was a nasty rainy morning, and I was driving on the interstate with my children. All of a sudden, I had a bright flash of reddish light right in front of my face. It freaked me out and I wasn't sure if it really happened. I ask my daughter what it was and she said she really wasn't sure, but maybe lightning. It was like it lit the whole interior of the car up but there was no thunder clap. So I am not sure what happened, but in my 41 years, I have never experienced anything like it before.

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Cindy, so glad to hear from you and to know you are getting a little better. I know what you are talking about with the drowning thing. When I had pnuemonia years ago, I experienced the same thing. Freaky feeling.

Sitting here watching DWTS when hubby came out and started bugging me about soaking my foot. So I went and filled the plastic tub and had him carry it into the computer room so I could sit and watch football with him. Needless to say I bugged the crap out of him while he was watching his show. LOL. I mean LOL,LOL,LOL.

Jane, I'm gonna start working on not living my life by what I weigh. It is so hard to do though, everywhere you look there are reminders. Looking in a mirror or in a cupboard, watching TV or just watching kids play. It's all a reminder that I don't belong in this world. Somehow I'm going to have to change that and make this world fit for me. I'll work on it.

Hope all of you have a wonderful day.

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Tracy, you wanna go with me to meet Jane Oct. 25th?

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Shalee/Kelly (I too thought it was her name, and I love the name!!!)---anyway---girl it is time for a new avatar, you look awesome!!!

Glad you had such a good time even tho you froze! DH and I do our best to go along with one another to things of that nature.

Won the ball game tonight, was nice. The other team actually played ball as well, some of them just win by making you walk them, they refuse to hit the ball---and it sucks!!! This team played ball and was a good match up for ability.

Suzanne, I know weight messes with your mind, I know it will always be a part of what defines us, and while like Jane, I hope that is not what I am remembered by first, I am sure it will always be a part of me. I mean if someone is describing me, it is going to be part of how they distinguish me from someone else. Same as me being tall, or light or dark hair. I think how we take the description is our OWN issue. Same as when describing someone, often times race is mentioned, it is not done so as a form of racism, but is often taken that way....and that is because the person being described feels lessened by the description, whether it is meant that way or not. Make any sense??

Jane, I can think of so many ways to describe you without your weight coming into it! Now your height.....LOL just kidding! You have to be one of the happiest, most caring, kind hearted, beautiful people I have ever met. And you have such a great attitude....even when stranded in an innertube, you could laugh and worry about other people. I would have been cursing a blue streak!!! LOL

Well I am off to bed, for some reason I cannot seem to get enough sleep lately.

I will come take your DD's naps for them!!!

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Good morning all

Jane - Giant hugs, first, I'm going to say that is not how I would remember you, You have the biggest heart of anyone I know and your kindness outshines everything! But my wieght consumes me too, I just figured out a way to direct my anxiety and my consumed feelings. Even though I'm at a major plateau, I am not letting that interfer with my walking and working out. My food has been slightly out of control but still healthy. I am scheduled for a fill on 12/10.

If you ever want a fall/winter get away, come stay with me, my door is always open.

Suzanne - I am right there with you, working on myself, I personally got to a point where I was ok so couldn't kick start it again because it was deeper than diet. But look. You have maintained what you have lost, that is a huge accomplishment. I've been watching shows, and so many people don't get to the root of what it is and gain it all back, plus a ton.

Tracy - love ya sister, somehow it will all beok

Kelly - Hi,

Cindy - glad you are on the mend... that is odd about the light.


I'll be back, going to make Breakfast, walk, hair, gym... blah blah blah, then finish getting tiles up almost done

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Jane stuck in a inner tube, that's a picture I would like to see. I agree with Kat, Jane that is one reason I like to meet you in Columbia. I absolutely enjoy your personality, your insight on things, your outlook, your caring and the way your face lights up when talking about the people that mean the most to you. Your laughter is precious and contagious. That's how I define you. My younger sister's best friend is 5'4 and my sister is 6'2. Just like us, we don't let outer appearance stop us from being friends. It's what inside that counts, and I am the richest person in the world because I have you in it. Thanks for being my friend.

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Jane stuck in a inner tube, that's a picture I would like to see. I agree with Kat, Jane that is one reason I like to meet you in Columbia. I absolutely enjoy your personality, your insight on things, your outlook, your caring and the way your face lights up when talking about the people that mean the most to you. Your laughter is precious and contagious. That's how I define you. My younger sister's best friend is 5'4 and my sister is 6'2. Just like us, we don't let outer appearance stop us from being friends. It's what inside that counts, and I am the richest person in the world because I have you in it. Thanks for being my friend.


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Me? or some other Cindy? yep, I mean you! I was wondering about you since you have been so sick!

I am getting better. The infection is gone, but I still obviously have Fluid in my lungs. When I have a coughing spell I have the sensation of drowning

omg you poor thing! That has to be scary!

Tracy: so sorry about that late mortgage thing...jeez it sucks and I wish I had some words of wisdom for you. If you have to take up the payments, you really need to take possession of the house. Even if it is to rent it out, instead of live in it.

Yeah but getting her out somehow is what we are figuring out right now. We go see a lawyer tomorrow...gotta be some way to do it!

Oh, and I thought Shalee was shalee and I followed her ps journey. So, can we call you kelly?

Whew, glad I wasn't the only one that thought it!

Side note: Weird thing happened this morning...It was a nasty rainy morning, and I was driving on the interstate with my children. All of a sudden, I had a bright flash of reddish light right in front of my face. It freaked me out and I wasn't sure if it really happened. I ask my daughter what it was and she said she really wasn't sure, but maybe lightning. It was like it lit the whole interior of the car up but there was no thunder clap. So I am not sure what happened, but in my 41 years, I have never experienced anything like it before. Now this is just weird!

Tracy, you wanna go with me to meet Jane Oct. 25th? OMG, more than you could possibly know. Don't tease me :tt2:

SJane, I can think of so many ways to describe you without your weight coming into it! Now your height.....LOL just kidding! You have to be one of the happiest, most caring, kind hearted, beautiful people I have ever met. And you have such a great attitude....even when stranded in an innertube, you could laugh and worry about other people. I would have been cursing a blue streak!!! LOL Me too...lol. I remember this like it was yesterday. Good times.

If you ever want a fall/winter get away, come stay with me, my door is always open. OK! :ohmy: (even though you weren't talking to me! lol)

Tracy - love ya sister, somehow it will all be ok

I know. I wish it weren't so close to the holidays. :D

Good morning friends...wanna hear something that really surprised/shocked me? Nothing really shocks me anymore but this did...i was bringing dsd to school the other day and I was asking her if there was a pep rally that day. She says "yeah, I think so but I have a dollar to get in." WHAT? Pay to get into a pepe rally? Really? :thumbup: Since when do the kids have to pay to show their school spirit? Come to find out later that there are some that you pay for and some you dont but still...c'mon! Sad day in america when students have to pay to go to a pep rally. All the students need to band together and not go...bet that would put an end to that. Unbelievable.

I go for my mammogram today. Just what I woke up looking forward to, my girls being smushed down to pancake size by a huge (cold) machine :cursing:

OK, I have spread enough cheer for this morning :wub::lol:. Have a great day everyone!

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Hola Tracy

Our pep rally was cancelled, they took it away at night and put it during the day, and now not even that because it is not educational so got rid of it. How sad, we don't even get a homecoming queen anymore.

Well, back from my walk, I'm retaining so much Water for some reason. I'm drinking my qt of water right now, going to make an egg, and go get my hair done, then off to the gym.

OH Tracy - you always, always have a place to stay here!

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It is really sad the things that are being removed or reworked in the school systems. I saw the lists of what all is required to be taken---copy paper? And 36 pencils? WTH???

I know there was an article in the paper here not long ago about a town nearby that no longer has any music or art classes of any kind, and got in trouble because a parent bought enough supplies to come in and let the kids make a clay sculpture each to bake and take home. No cost to the school system, but took study time away. Somehow we managed to have an art class, and study, and go to music, and PE, and even have an assembly now and then!

Part of the problem of kids not being able to think for themselves and structure their time, is from not ever having any options in that manner.

Then again, I know when I was in school, teachers could also punish a kid for misbehaving, and that is gone too.

Seems so wierd!

Cindy, I would have no idea of the flash of light in the car. Was another car or place close enough it could have been a kid with a laser light or something?

My Mom and brother saw a ball of lightning one day as they were driving, and it was not storming out at all! They come home talking about it, seriously freaked out! Then that night it was on the news that several people saw it, and the only explanation given was that it was possibly a strange phenomenon of ball lightning.

Then again, we live in an area where they supposedly found a crashed UFO with bodies inside....they have a UFO symposium every year, and have a big to do at the crash site. Maybe they saw another!!!

Is this week over yet??? I cannot believe it is only Tuesday! I am sore....and tired....and don't wanna go to work!!! Guess I better tho. Think I actually get to come home after work---good thing, I have TONS of laundry. Oh joy..... LOL

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UGH... If this is a post for the homeless

What is your take on the swine flu shot?

DR Oz is taking it but his wife is not

The hospitals in NY are requiring their staff

My SIL tells me the side effect is that trouble with walking and if that happens.. physical therapy

Dr OZ claims that it is the same thing like a flu shot and tested the same..so if you have taken the flu shot in the past then you should be taking this

yet on TV last night a pediatrician in NYC is not allowing his patients to take

Any input would be welcomed?

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UGH... If this is a post for the homeless

What is your take on the swine flu shot?

DR Oz is taking it but his wife is not

The hospitals in NY are requiring their staff

My SIL tells me the side effect is that trouble with walking and if that happens.. physical therapy

Dr OZ claims that it is the same thing like a flu shot and tested the same..so if you have taken the flu shot in the past then you should be taking this

yet on TV last night a pediatrician in NYC is not allowing his patients to take

Any input would be welcomed?



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IMO I personally want to tread very lightly with it. I have asthma, and while me being in the high risk group I think It’d be more risky to try something out that has not been tested enough. I’ll wait it out and see how the reactions to it are before taking it.

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IMO I personally want to tread very lightly with it. I have asthma, and while me being in the high risk group I think It’d be more risky to try something out that has not been tested enough. I’ll wait it out and see how the reactions to it are before taking it.


my kids both have asthma too, and it just scares me, my dd got really sick from the regular shot this year.

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I'm a high risk person and I don't plan on getting the H1N1 vaccine. I did however get the flu shot and that was only because it was free and I happen to be there when they were giving it out. I haven't had one in over 5 years and I got sick with that one. So far so good with this one. And I also work at the Hospital just a few feet outside of the OR, and I'm still not going to get the vaccine.

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