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Suzanne-I have had someone tell me that before...and I agree with you. I know what they mean by it, but it feels like it is defining. It is hard to get a new outlook until everyone else looks differently towards ME. I know it should not be that way but....

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Hi I'm back

Suzanne (((hugs))) my weight defines me too, it may not to other people, but it does me. I wish I could see myself being thin, but I still see myself as being big, and dieting and exercise are my life too. The dieting I have down that I don't even really think about how to eat anymore and what I put in my mouth, but i exercise 1-2 hrs a day min. sometimes I get 2-3 hrs. I obsess about it and can't help it, I want to be different, I want to be someone else.

Tracy - sorry sister, I hope you have a better time at family court than I am going to and yes, you need to get all that stuff taken care of. I'm just so sorry, I don't want to do it and wouldn't wish that on anyone

ok off to make Breakfast

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Suzanne, my MIL is not all bad--she is a loving Mom --she is the type that her children NEVER do any wrong. She raised perfect children who never fought, who never raised their voices at her, and her marriage was always ideal, etc. Now to hear the kids talk, she is living in an imaginary world!!!

So most of the criticism I get from her is if I say something about going out to eat----that is terrible! I should cook for her son, he works hard all day, she always had a meal cooked for her DH, no matter what schedule he worked. I believe her, but she has never, not one day of her life worked outside the home. She "worked" for him, doing books for a couple of years when he first began his own business, but then they hired that out, and she was a wife and Mom....which I totally support, but she has no idea of how her claims do not fit in with my life.

Now she is well into her 80's and she is getting grouchy beyond belief! She wants things her way, she is not up for discussion, and she has it in her head my FIL's health and mental faculties are failing....and is mad at us kids for not listening. His biggest problem is his hearing, he cannot hear, so answers things goofy. He refuses to spend $5K on hearing aids at his age he says.

I think they are both failing, as you would expect at 80+ years of age.

I love them both, and cope with the outbursts by remembering who she was in years past, and by knowing, I would fight to protect my "cubs" and that is pretty much what she is doing too....

Tracy, sorry you are dealing with crap with the ex. I feel for you, I feel for you for the need for an attorney. The whole mess stinks. When we battled the paternity, custody, visitation, and maintenance with DH's ex, we spent well over $ 50,000.00. Closer to $60K. Makes my stomach sick. And what did we get for it? One simple thing, and that is peace of mind in its own way. I would still have preferred giving it to the attorney than giving it to her in maintenance. And we do have a lien on her house.....so we just sit and be quiet, and pay, and pay, and pay........afterall that was all he was wanted for in the first place, why should that change now??? Courts, not a nice place to be!

Will be praying for a good outcome for you.

One thing about it, with this economy, there are going to be so many people with foreclosures on their records, it is not going to be viewed as the definitive black mark it had always been seen with before, if you know what I mean. People of all ages, races, educational backgrounds, employment backgrounds etc. got caught up in this flip on the cost of their homes, and have foreclosures on their records.

Hang in there, get legal advice, and Cover Your A$$!!!

Well it is a Monday----yuck. Seriously do not want to go to work. She is such a grouch on Mondays. Oh well---the best thing I can say about it is that it is payday! LOL

Better go get finished getting ready. Have a great day everyone. Game tonight, so will check in late.

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Hello and good late morning!

Hello to you too Michelle! :frown: Also, keeping your hubby in good thoughts for a safe return.

Kat, Happy Birthday to your whole family! :-D

Tracy, Hope all goes well with that awful house issue. That just stinks! It's probably going to be a huge problem, but we're here for any venting!

As for me, well - just boring report. I had a great day yesterday watching football with fam. Yay Niners!! Don't care if they beat the worst team in football. Nope. Like my brother said on Facebook - They ate a big bowl o' booboo for breakfast! ROFL!! Hey Kat, remember that loud crass family you mentioned? Well mine's just the same, and gawd do I love them!?!

Okay everyone, busy day at work. Just thought I'd say helloooo!! Hope everyone has a funtastic day! :eek:

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Tracy I live in Sacramento, CA. But don't tell anyone! :frown:

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~Jenn, thanks for the prayers. We'll take them! I always worry when he's out.

Someone yesterday told me that my weight doesn't define who I am. ????? I know they are right, but that is who I am. This is what I have been all my life. Having been overweight since childhood, I know no other way.

I think when we deal with something for a long time, it does end up defining who we are. Whether we want it to become that way or not. Weight is such an issue for so many of us and has been for a long time that it can't help define who we've become. It gets in the way of such simple things as even eating, bathing, just flat MOVING around! It's not something we can help but it is something we can work on changing. It doesn't have to define you anymore. You can change it.

Michelle, is your husband headed to the fires in the San Gabriel Mntns? They have been showing it on the new here. I will keep all of them in my prayers.

Yep, was going to be on night shift last night. Thought it might be structure protection. Haven't talked to him yet today so don't know how things are going w/him. It's called the Sheep Fire and it's in San Bernadino County.

Thanks for the prayers!

How old is your dd? Naps in the car never really kept macy from sleeping at night but sugar will do it FAST! lol Sorry you had a rough timegetting her to sleep.

She's 3. We stopped fighting the nap thing over a year ago. Would take us, literally, hours to get her down for one, then she wouldn't go to bed that night! No naps = bed at a decent hour. Naps = no bed for a very long time! Which would you chose? LOL!

I'm still sending best wishes on the whole mess you've got going on!

~Thanks, for the prayers, Irene. Are you going to get sent down for that one?

~Okay, I need to go deal with laundry. :frown: I hate doing laundry!!

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Hello everyone,

I haven't been on at all much lately. I was gone most of the weekend. Friday I took my hubby to see Star Wars in concert, they show clips of all 6 movies and an Orchastra plays the star wars music live. . He loved it, Me I tolerated it. :-) But before the show I was able to meet up with a friend I havent seen in 25 years. We found each other on Facebook. It made my whole weekend to see her, we can't wait to visit again, but for much longer then 30 minutes.

Affter the show we spent the night at my in-laws house, had breakfast with them then drove back home.

Last night we went to Disney on Ice Princess Classics. I loved it, I love ice skating and the fairy tale princesses. :-)

He actually liked the show also, I think we were the only people there that had no kids. The lady sitting next to me with her 2 yr old was like, OH how sweet of your hubby to bring you, mine wouldnt come. :-) I love my hubby:wub:

Heres a couple pix from my weekend,

1st is me and my hubby,,hehe I mean chewbacca, the next is me and my friend denise that I met up with. and then Wes and I on our way to Disney on ice. And yes I froze the whole 2 hours of the show. Brrrrr

Have a good day everyone, I have to pay the bills and get to the grocery store.





Edited by Shalee04

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Home for a little while. I have to take my sis to a Doc appointment this evening. 5:50, wow. Anyway.

I went to take a shower this morning and took the band aid off my toe. There was dried blood everywhere. So after the shower I called the Doc's office and the nurse said he didn't want to see me, that I would have to go see the Podiatrist. The one who did my surgery a few years ago. So I called there and the nurse told me that he wouldn't want to see me unless there was an infection. I told her there wasn't and that I was keeping it really clean, using peroxide and neosporin. She said not to use the peroxide anymore. That I was to get Betadine at the store and use that instead. Put a few drops in a pan of Water and soak my foot for awhile. So I told her that the toe on my other foot was doing the same thing but that the nail was still on but it had the fungus under it. She said that I needed to come in and have the nail removed. Oh no, ouch. She said they would deaden it first. Like that makes me feel better. So next monday I have a date with the Podiatrist to have that taken care of and to have my feet looked at. She goes, "You know you haven't been in since 05". Ummm, didn't know I had to see him on a regular basis. She said yes I was and that he was to cut my nails. I told her I hate the way he does it. I had even told him that one time. He's awful, like taking a chainsaw to my toes. LOL. I really like this Doc. He has such a good sense of humor, just not good at pedicures. Do you want me to post pics?????? Of the toe I mean.

Kat, I so miss my MIL. She was such a sweet lady. I do understand what you are saying, about them getting older and a little more difficult. Poor things. You're right to always try to remember them like they used to be. They can't help what is happening to their minds.

Tracy, The more I hear from you the more sadder I get. I just wish there was something I could do to make it all go away. What a mess. I will just keep sending you well wishes and keep you in my prayers.

Sacramento. Last time I was there, Jerry Brown was the Gov. He was such a cutie. I think he was dating Linda Ronstadt at the time. I wish I knew the name of the restaurant we went to. It was a hoot, we had a good time.

I'll check in later this evening after I get done sis.

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Michelle, nope. My unit has been short staffed all summer, plus last months battle with the flu I haven't been out all summer. Oh well.. I guess it was just meant to be that way. I think though I'm going to train to do something else while I'm out there next season.

So until then I'm hanging out in the office getting lots of work done!

Shalee, thats fantastic! In fact that's the original reason I signed up with MySpace. I seen a long time friend (from when we were 7 years old!) was there. Then she told me she spends most of her time on Facebook so I signed up too. I caught up with tons of my old friends there! It's been a blast!

I love Star Wars!! Glad you had a great time and thanks for posting the pics! You look so great girl! :frown:

Suzie! OMG girl! But yeah, post some pics... lol! Wow that fungus must be something if you have to see a podiatrist for it. I hope it gets cleared up really soon! Sounds fierce..

You were in Sac? You probably went to the Rusty Duck. That's where everyone goes when they come here. Or rather used to... its closed down now for about a year. Tough economic times!

Okay y'all, check in soon again!

hugs if you need them!

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Just a quick note to say HI!!! Nothing new going on. Maybe the reason why we can let weight define us so much is because we are always so overwhelmed by it!! We always have it on our minds. I would hate to think that someone would say when I am dead, boy was she fat. I want my life defined by how nice I am! I really wish it wasn't on my mind all the time. Maybe I need to make some time for other things!!

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Just a quick note to say HI!!! Nothing new going on. Maybe the reason why we can let weight define us so much is because we are always so overwhelmed by it!! We always have it on our minds. I would hate to think that someone would say when I am dead, boy was she fat. I want my life defined by how nice I am! I really wish it wasn't on my mind all the time. Maybe I need to make some time for other things!!

OK Jane...lets make time to go to Vegas :frown:

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Tracy I live in Sacramento, CA. But don't tell anyone! :frown:

Mums the word! ;)

She's 3. We stopped fighting the nap thing over a year ago. Would take us, literally, hours to get her down for one, then she wouldn't go to bed that night! No naps = bed at a decent hour. Naps = no bed for a very long time! Which would you chose? LOL!

I'm still sending best wishes on the whole mess you've got going on!

Macy is really good about sleeping when she should. But she falls asleep faster too when she hasn't had a nap. Me too for that matter, lol

But before the show I was able to meet up with a friend I havent seen in 25 years. We found each other on Facebook. It made my whole weekend to see her, we can't wait to visit again, but for much longer then 30 minutes.

Last night we went to Disney on Ice Princess Classics. I loved it, I love ice skating and the fairy tale princesses. :-)

He actually liked the show also, I think we were the only people there that had no kids. The lady sitting next to me with her 2 yr old was like, OH how sweet of your hubby to bring you, mine wouldnt come.

Heres a couple pix from my weekend,

1st is me and my hubby,,hehe I mean chewbacca, the next is me and my friend denise that I met up with. and then Wes and I on our way to Disney on ice. And yes I froze the whole 2 hours of the show. Brrrrr

Have a good day everyone, I have to pay the bills and get to the grocery store.


OK Shalee/Kelly...lol, what would you like to be called? I just assumed your name is Shalee :eek:

Sounds like you had a fantastic time! I would love to go to Disney on Ice! :sad:

Do you want me to post pics?????? Of the toe I mean. My vote is ummm, no. lol:blink:

Tracy, The more I hear from you the more sadder I get. I just wish there was something I could do to make it all go away. What a mess. I will just keep sending you well wishes and keep you in my prayers.

Thanks Suzanne-keep the prayers coming. I do not mean to make you sad right along with me! lol God will see us through it all. Keep the prayers going! :blink:

The mortgage company called again today and we asked when the last payment was made and when they will start foreclosure procedures and they said next month if they do not recieve a payment.

Anyway....have a great night everyone :wink3:

Thanks for listening to all my bologna!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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