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Sugar Addiction

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I just went to the kitchen to fill up my bucket-o-water. ERIN IS IN THERE MAKING FRENCH bread pizza. It's 10:30 in the morning. Ten F-ing thirty, and the office smells like pizza. I'm going to die. I know I will.

I finished the one Propel, but I gave the supply to my buddy, Jon. He's on my side through all this. I'm gagging down Water to get the pizza smell out of my nose.

YES, I shook up those damn sodas! The whole front row of them.

Queen - I'm really weird and would probably love a North Dakota winter. Any time I've walked through hip-deep snow all I can do is laugh my ass off.

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I am sorry that you have a fat chick in your office that wants to drag you down with her. Just remember whenever she sticks her Evil head into your office - YOU TOO COULD WEIGHT 300 LBS - if you LISTEN to her - she will make SURE that you do... Misery loves company!

Ain't it the truth! Just say to yourself, if she wants to eat herself to death then thats her problem. You've come to far to turn back now and you certainly don't need her crap. Maybe you should start throwing some apples or diet soda her way lolol.

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ERIN IS IN THERE MAKING FRENCH bread pizza. It's 10:30 in the morning. Ten F-ing thirty, and the office smells like pizza. I'm going to die. I know I will.

OMIGOD--that is really tough. I konw I couldn't cope with that. Maybe you should keep a big fresh bowl of canned dog food by your desk. When anyone asks about it you could just say you like the smell better than french pizza.

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I always thought I was such a clever chick, but you guys come up with some great stuff. Where did I put that Alpo?

And because I've got hyper sensitive allergies, any smell is ultra strong for me. I feel my band really tight around my belly, the the smell of pizza won't go away.

Twenty minutes till I get to eat my lettuce cup! I can't wait!

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You need to get some really strong room deodorizer, or maybe one of those timed wisps room fragrancers, and perhaps a candle or three... make sure they are all rain forest or whatever scent you enjoy that is NOT food scented. Keep the nice ones in your office.

You must spray the strong room deodorizer OUTSIDE your space while moaning about the smell making you "nauseaus in here". Then close your door and enjoy the clean relaxing scent from your soft fragrancer while they do the job of snuffing out the scent of simmering in sludge food slurping Erin.

Erin's unspoken goal is to make you fatter so SHE looks skinnier. Then SHE will be the hot Amazon in the office, and YOU will be the failure she's pretending not to be. Her agenda is strictly personal. Remember... SHE wants you to look bad so she looks better, and if you wont fail on your own, she will try and force you to.

Perhaps an office wide memo about the unprofessional setting produced by staff eating at the desks, not to mention ruined documents from spillage, drips etc... are creating a need for a food only at breaks/lunch, and from now on only in the break room rule? Perhaps a bug in the ear of a higher up would help everyone improve their diet habits? If you have customers come into your office that would be a "common sense approach to professionalism".

Has Erin met DeLarla? I think it's time she did.

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Hey, try seeing a snake on the front of every can of soda...even the sound it makes when opened is snake-like....SSSSSSSSSSS! Temptation comes in many forms. RESIST! Show that evil snake who's boss! (The soda, I mean, but if it applies to Erin McEvil, well.....)

I believe in YOU! You just gotta get on your white stallion and slay the dragon! Cindy

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Put a picture of who ever or what ever (meaning a sexy outfit) you want to look like on your desk. When chubsy ubsy comes walking in, keep looking at that picture :)

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Okay Lisa, being who you are, I assume you've used the direct approach and asked this woman to stop offering you food and drink. I would also expect that she knows that you are trying to sustain a low-calorie healthy diet and that pizza smells at 10:30 a.m. (what's up with THAT?) make it this difficult for you. Considering the above have been discussed, her behavior sounds like downright HARRASSMENT to me.

Since you are a paralegal I'm sure you know more about such things than I do, but have you considered serving her with some sort of "CEASE & DESIST" order? Or just some sort of letter to that effect? Is it possible to giver her something in writing along w/ a cc to TPTB at your work making an official complaint? Considering the health risks associates w/ her eating habits you might make a case for the rising health insurance rates. I know there have been workplaces (heck, even whole towns) that have encouraged weightloss as company projects. Maybe you could start something like that. Even if it didn't fly it would certainly call atteniton that is well-thought-out and nonemotional to the issue.

Just by lodging a complaint you could have proof of justification down the road if further action is necessary. Personally, i think anyone who knowingly offers you pizza when they know you are dieting should have the book thrown at them. (Weight Watcher's cookbook, of course.)

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Ain't it the truth! Just say to yourself, if she wants to eat herself to death then thats her problem. You've come to far to turn back now and you certainly don't need her crap. Maybe you should start throwing some apples or diet soda her way lolol.

I love it! Throw apples at her. 10 points if you hit her in the head and 50 points if you hit the food or beverage out of her hands ! Do it! Do it! Throw those apples!

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I love it! Throw apples at her. 10 points if you hit her in the head and 50 points if you hit the food or beverage out of her hands ! Do it! Do it! Throw those apples!


100 points if she knocks her out cold :)

Yup and then you can post it on the exercise thread :P

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This is probably gonna get me hollered at by all on this post but I have to play devil's advocate here for a brief post.

Erin has every right to eat what she wants when she wants just like Lisa does. What Erin doesn't and shouldn't be doing is tempting Lisa.

I agree that eating a pizza at 10:30 in the morning is not normal. But I didn't see in Lisa's post where Erin offered her a piece unless I missed that part. Yes it is hard to resist the temptations of the nice ooey gooey smells of food being cooked in the kitchen at any time of day. But that is where we should all be strong and resist. I assume that Lisa did resist and HOORAY she made it through another temptation. That deserves a happy dance. Proud of you Lisa.

The other comments on this post about throwing apples, sending a telegrams, etc are shocking to me.

Even though they were hopefully meant in jest it is those types of comments that would have hurt my feelings had I heard them. We do not know what Erin is struggling with in her life to make her eat that way.

I can feel Erin's pain and I understand Lisa's dilemma as well. I don't think suggesting humiliating Erin is the way to solve this problem.

A formal letter to your boss Lisa is much more diplomatic and puts the problem in their hands to correct. We were all in Erin's situation at one point in our lives. We must all remember that. Well at least I was in her situation and can relate.

I support Lisa in her endeavour to resist the tempations from Erin.

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Penni, I was just coming here to post something similar.

While I have been enjoying the devious suggestions and creative ways people have thought of to snuff out Erin the Evil, I took them as I believe they were intended - in jest, and as a way to support a dear friend. However, at the same time I feel for Erin, and have a hard time with some of the degrading comments about her obesity. I know in my heart it's something similar to "if you're in the club you can make fun of people in the club, but if you're not in the club, it's NOT okay to make fun". From what I understand, she has been totally ignoring Lisa's valid requests to not bring food into Lisa's office, and to not offer Lisa food. There are obviously some deep rooted problems on Erin's side.

However, we cannot control other people, we can only control ourselves. The world and people like Erin are NOT out to get us - they are just being themselves, as maddening as it can be. It is up to us to find ways to not succumb. The world will NEVER be a friendly place for people trying to throw off the chains of obesity, so we need to find the skills and tools to deal with these types of challenges, because they are ALWAYS going to be coming up.

I wish Erin would hear Lisa and accommodate her requests. But since she can't, or won't, I hope Lisa is able to develop some tools that make her not only Erin-proof, but world of temptation-proof.


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Sorry, Penni, but Erin deserves every apple that bonks her in the head. And then some. Not only have I talked to her like an adult, but I have begged borrowed and tried reasoning with her. I've warned her, I've talked more, I've asked, I even cut deals with her. YES SHE DOES offer me pizza. She walks into MY OFFICE with plates of steaming food, tantalizing and taunting me. She was in here last week arguing with me because she wanted me to try some chocolate candy corn. I told her several times that I hate the crap, then she sent me e-mails telling me how much better the chocolate ones are, and she even sent me the ingredient list of sugar & cocoa. She walks into MY OFFICE with her Coke in the left hand, and one for me in the right after I've begged her not to. I told her I have an addiction, and it's no different than a cocaine addict. I've "talked" to her 50 times and said I don't care what she eats in this office, as long as she keeps it out of MY office. She can cook a buffet of nachos and caramel corn in the kitchen because it's not my business. Anyone can eat or drink whatever they want here, WHENEVER they want, but nobody needs to bring cocaine to a clean addict. And thanks (up there) for the suggestion, but I alreayd have an industrial strength can of Apple Lysol at my desk that I spray every time she leaves the kitchen.

Everyone here is right and has been extremely helpful, so please don't stop with the great suggestions. I can't drink soda or eat when I'm laughing. People that are threatened by my success will try to bring me down. I've asked her to join me in healthier eating. I've asked her to invite me for a walk. I cut a deal with her that "Erin, if you promise not to talk about food with me, or bring me menus, or bring food in my office, or offer me Cokes, or tempt or tantalize me, then I will treat you to lunch once a month, and during lunch you can tell me all your fabulous food finds and recipes." She agreed, but then rang my line at 9:00 the next morning to tell me about the new buffet around the corner. I'm starving right now because I'm back on track, but I can hold out till lunch or I'll go over my daily calories. I don't need visions of buffets or cheese, thank you. That's mean and torture.

Finally one day she spilled her plate of dinner and Coke all down the front of her all over our company documents during a morning meeting in my attorney's office. I was horrified for her and figured the embarrassment of that scene would teach her a lesson. I told her at least 30 times to keep food, menus, Cokes, suggestions, temptations, etc. out of MY office (NOT THE WHOLE COMPANY.) I close my door, but that makes me look like a stuck up bitch because I believe in an open door policy. People are afraid to come to me when my door is closed because I only close it for emergencies.

After all that, she marched in here with a plate of Cookies that she knows are my favorite (fresh extra-baked sugar Cookies, hint hint.) That was the last straw - she wanted me to smell them. I snapped and started screaming like a raving bitch and said I was going nailing a cup to my door and she had to put a dollar in it for every time she mentioned food near me, brought food past MY door, drank Coke in MY office, had food, candy, menus or temptations directed at me. It got damn ugly that day, and she finally learned her lesson. But it only lasted a couple days, because she's back to handing me new menus and talking to me about recipes, restaurants, cheeses... it's insane. I stopped having lunch with her at regular lunch time because she thinks it opens the door for us to discuss food all day.

As far as lodging a harassment complaint, trust me, I've talked to both the managing partner and the office manager. The sad part is that she's a wonderful person, but now her year-end raise will be affected because there's a section of our review about respecting co-workers. She's been making her dinners in the kitchen then bringing them to her desk lately, so they must have talked to her. I spray Lysol when she's done (she's in the kitchen right this second preparing dinenr at 10:00.) But she still offers candy, and last week she asked if I wanted a Subway (she knows it's my weakness) AFTER I TOLD HER I BROUGHT tuna AND VEGGIES AND NEEDED TO GET BACK ON TRACK. Then she says five times, "are you sure?" Then she stand with her purse and keys in my doorway, "Are you sure? last chance?" It's friggen weird. The look on my face alone would scare the hell out of me.

Nobody needs to defend her or her actions. If I were a heroine addict or an alcoholic and someone was tempting me with drugs or booze it would be completely intolerable. She doesn't need anyone defending her, she knows exactly what she's doing.

If throwing apples at her coconut will stop her, then PLEASE don't stop with the suggestions. It's not about Erin, it's about ME AND MY ADDICTIONS. I have made it through two days with NO SODA because of this thread.

I resepect Erin as a "friendly co-worker," which is why this problem is ultra sensitive. By complaining to management, I screwed a friend. I could make a huge stink about it, but I'm not the drama queen most people think I am. I fight my own battles. I'm 43 years old and don't go running to management when

co-workers misbehave, I just throw fruit at them.

I'm not going to throw anything at anybody, but these suggestions bring humor to an extremely ugly problem in my world. All these suggestions of shaking up soda cans and throwing apples at her have kept me strong for two days.

I haven't had a soda in TWO DAYS because of this thread. Can we make it three? BRING IT ON! More suggestions please. I can't drink soda while I'm laughing.

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I love Erin as a friend, which is why this problem is ultra sensitive.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

I don't really get that statement in light of the things she has done. She may be pleasant to converse with, thoughtful and funny in other ways, but if she has continued to sabatoge you after repeated requests, this woman is no friend of YOURS.

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Lisa -

It's my foot to your @$$ if you touch a coke today. (How's that for non-huggy, non-sweet motivation!)


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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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