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I personally don't understand why they don't express there anger of loved ones being denied health care or going broke trying to stay alive when they don't have insurance or a procedure has been denied by a pencil pusher to enhance the bottom line. those with $$$ are valuable, those with limited resources are expendable? I see my mother struggle on less than $800 a month, she has to chose between meds, food , and even the things we take for granted, newspaper, TV, and phone.

The majority of Americans are happy with their health care. America has most of the best care in the world. The 47 million number that Obama throws out has been proven to be approx. 5 million, due to him counting immigrants, the people who could afford it, but choose to buy a new car instead, and the 18-26 year olds who feel they are indestructable and don't need it to name a few. This country is supposed to be a country run on free enterprise, not on government handouts and/or socialism. Everyone should be planning on their future, and saving for it, but the people make their own choices to spend their money over the years on other things they desired, or to live it up with their excess while they are young instead of putting away for their retirement years. This is noones fault but their own. I should not be expected to pay for others lack of financial dedication throughout their lives. If you want to talk about tort reform, or medical ins. reform, let's talk, but the lawyers have padded Obama's campaign with funds, and he needs to 'repay' them. Notice that there was not ONE thing in the bill about tort reform? Why not? It's a pretty easy fix. How about private insurance company regulations and rules and laws? But, when the government wants to MAKE an ins. plan of it's own, that will cost trillions, and then everyone will eventually be forced to be on it because over time the private companies will not be profitable enough to compete with it, that's wrong.

the majority that HAVE health insurance are happy with theirs. Any Clue how much Cobra is..... Any clue as to how many do not or cannot secure policies that are "useable" by that I mean without deductibles that cannot be met without going broke? Or policies the average person can afford that are comprehensive. Those that have great policies , just wait until you get cancer and you out live your lifetime max benefit like my BIL did. He had to cash in his life insurance and his stocks and 401K to continue to receive care.... Guess what after 5 yrs he died and left his wife and kids with NOTHING but debt. This is a man who was high up in a company making 250K a year doing all the right things to prepare for his family for retirement etc. He worked until he could no longer.

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My husband worked as an illegal in England and Spain and received healthcare in both countries with no problem, there were no questions asked, no bills to him... and he didn't hide from them.

I'm, guessing by this statement that you feel that those who are illegals in this country should be allowed to get free medical care here. Paid for by us? If so, I'm in total disagreement with that. For if you are an illegal working here, you are not paying taxes which entitles you to social programs here.

I should clarify ... my husband PAID TAXES in those countries , he has NEVER been unemployed NOR has he claimed a false # of dependents to advoid taxes.... He also learned English, he works hard and is honest. I have been married to him for 16 yrs and he has never been on public assistance. And yes he and we have been without at times.

I am so against the illegals raping our system, just as much as the citizens cheating the system, they have really nice cars, tennis shoes and electronic gadgets I will never have. Our schools in CA SUCK partly due to an over taxed system as well as poor management.

So I suppose you guessed wrong about my opinion. I also think it is wrong that a 67 yr old green card holder who has never in her life worked in this country, lives with her son here and collects SS , not only that but she collects MORE than my mother who was born here and worked since she was 16 all of her life until she became disabled due to an accident. THAT IS WACKED!!!!

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Town Halls should be used to find out what Obamas plans are and get a firm grasp on the plan and let him know of our concerns and answer our questions not to start riots so nothing is accomplished that is so ghetto. I believe those behaviors are fear based, fear of change and that someone may have a good idea. If the idea is not good enough lets suggest to make it better, being counter productive is NOT moving us toward any solutions.

No. town hall meetings are for the people to be able to speak face to face with their elected officials and to express their approval or disapproval of the outcome of their paid services. WE pay these officials to WORK for us. Not to promote their own agenda.

So explain to me How there is any dialog going on with people behaving like this... give the officials a chance to explain what the plan is so you know straight away what you are objecting to and can make a educated argument instead of going on assumption!!!!!!!! EVERYONE has their own agenda, EVERYONE is trying to promote their own agenda!!!! Give me a frikin brake. GOP has put plants to derail the townhall meetings.... Come on now Everyone needs to sit down like adults and discuss the matters at hand. Find a way to work together. I can agree that the proposal isn't perfect but at least he is the first President to get this far on healthcare since I was born. No one likes change, but you know what the current system is NOT working! Steps need to be made even if they have to be amended , better to take action than NO action.

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Lets talk about Bushs spending us into oblivion ... robbing families of their loved ones here at home and the countless communities abroad that are "collateral damage" Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 WMD was an excuse to settle a score. Any weapons they had The first Bush gave Sadaam to make attacks on Iran, remember , the idot used them on the Kurds in his own country. We hung him quickly so that he would not have a chance in court to bring up Bush and his cronies.

Bush did his share of spending, I agree. But let's face it. There is no denying that Obama has far exceeded him. He has spent more in his first 6 months on the job than ALL the presidents form George Washington up to GWBush put together. Therefore, HIS spending, and HIS alone can be described as "Spending us into OBLIVION!"

Also, what does what Bush did as president have to do with what Obama is doing NOW? This is every liberal and Obama followers fallback. "When we can't argue over the facts of Obama's crazy spending and agenda, let's bring up what 'their' president did."

that is spending you are aware of. Lets stop giving Israel $$$ and weapons . Do you have any clue what is going on there? Bush ran our country into the hole.

At least you know where Obama is putting the money and he is not attacking anyone. You have to put money into our economy , our country to propell it.

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Who better to lead our nation than a man who is bi racial and educated with an educated wife.

This is a racist statement. I agree with the 'educated' qualification, but the biracial part needs to go. For ANYONE with ANY color skin is capable to lead our nation. And it's not 'better' if that person is bi-racial.[/quote

it is not racist. African American young men have never had hope like they have now. they see they can acheive the dream. My point is he is well rounded , he understands the different cultures etc unlike any other president we have had. And with all of this turmoil in the world, he has a sensitivity like no other president. He can bridge the gap between nations, he has a much better shot than McCain every would have, better than Clinton as well. He is not a trust fund baby, he was not raised in politics in a life being sheltered not seeing how the people really struggle. He came from little and worked hard and became a successful man. With a wonderful family.

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I dont agree with this to a point. Yes, there is racism in this country and I don't believe it will end altogether. What I see is 'racism in reverse' coming down the road. I see TV networks entitled Black Entertainment (BET), and even here on lapband talk, there was a Woman of Color thread. I see black people blaming all kinds of disagreements on race instead of the real reason for the discrepancy. I also see colleges that are strictly for educating Black people, and so on. Now, could you imagine the outrage from the black community if we had a network on TV that was entitled White entertainment,(WET), or if lapband talk had a thread entitled White Women only? It would not be tolerated. This is discrimination in reverse.

(I personally don't get bothered by any of it for we are a family of many races and consider,as God does, all equal in our eyes.)

we have threads for different ages, different parts of the country, lesbians and gays, bikers, each has their one set of cultures,foods, passions and issues that everyone does not have interest in. I am sure if you wanted to go hang in any of those forums you would be welcome. We have Gay TV channels , Spanish channels , ethnic channels, Many of our TV channels in the past have been predominatly white. Cosby show was break through, one of my favorite all time shows. Now almost every program has people of different ethnic groups and gays.... What is your point? My family is multi racial, multi cultural, etc. We are all equal in Gods eyes, we are judged by our character and out hearts.

We have come a long way racially, how ever we still have quite a way to go. I am not just talking African Americans but all groups.

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Who better to lead our nation than a man who is bi racial and educated with an educated wife.

This is a racist statement. I agree with the 'educated' qualification, but the biracial part needs to go. For ANYONE with ANY color skin is capable to lead our nation. And it's not 'better' if that person is bi-racial.

computer farted and I responded and can't figure out where the post is I was answering to..........

we have threads for different ages, different parts of the country, lesbians and gays, bikers, each has their one set of cultures,foods, passions and issues that everyone does not have interest in. I am sure if you wanted to go hang in any of those forums you would be welcome. We have Gay TV channels , Spanish channels , ethnic channels, Many of our TV channels in the past have been predominatly white. Cosby show was break through, one of my favorite all time shows. Now almost every program has people of different ethnic groups and gays.... What is your point? My family is multi racial, multi cultural, etc. We are all equal in Gods eyes, we are judged by our character and out hearts.

We have come a long way racially, how ever we still have quite a way to go. I am not just talking African Americans but all groups.

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Originally Posted by pattygreen viewpost.gif

There are people who shouted down a disabled woman in a wheelchair talking at a town hall meeting about the cost of her drugs ($289/week) and how she worries about not being able to pay her taxes or afraid she would lose her home. The people shouted her down and insulted her. One man asked "The disabled have rights and I don't?". What does this have to do with spending?

The plan will cost trillions! That has alot to do with spending. These people were ther to express their anger and frustration over government they are oppsed to.

So, they expressed their anger about health care spending by attacking a disabled woman worried about the costs of her medication? How does that make sense? And Pres. Obama has said he won't sign a bill that will increase the deficit.

Several preachers are asking for prayers for Obama's death.

This is outragous, and if it's true, then they are committing a horrific sin. This does NOT represent what the rest of us promote. There will always be a few maniacs within every kind of group. Unfortunately this will be what our opponents will focus on.

Baptist preacher Steven Anderson (Tempe, AZ) gave a sermon entitled: Why I Hate Barack Obama" in which he declared he was praying for Mr. Obama's death and called on God to "melt" the president like a salted snail. The next day one of his parishoners went to a town hall meeting with Obama with a bullhorn and semi-automatic assault rifle. And he was just exercising his 1st & 2nd amendment rights? Give me a break!! And this preacher defends, supports and promotes the bible you base your life on. Who got it wrong?

People are showing up at Obama's events with guns strapped to them and won't answer the question about what they plan on doing with the gun.

The relatively few who have shown up with their guns were demonstrating their 1st Ammendment right to do so. Many of these rights are gradually being taken away from us a little at a time. They didn't have any 'Plans' to do anything with their guns, except to show or prove their right to carry them. It was a stand on government and their attempt to take away our rights. And kind of like a "ha ha, THIS is my right!" sort of thing. In some of those 'cowboyish' states, carrying a gun in public is a common thing anyway. Where I live in Ct, you would never see that or hear about it.

Please be specific about what rights have been taken away from you under Obama. Don't be vague. Under bush our right to have warrants before our phones could be tapped was taken away. The right to be charged with a crime before being incarcerated was taken away. But please list those rights that have been taken away by Obama.

Parents don't want their kids to hear Obama talk about staying in school and studying because it would be an endorsement of his agenda.

That's right. He wants to promote his socialistic agenda, and we don't want him to try to indoctrinate our children towards leaning towards his way of socialism and government control.

Obama is going to talk to students about staying in school and studying hard. Wow! Talk about radical and socialist!!! When bush was president it was "If you criticize the president you are a traitor" and now it's "Hide your kids from the president".

He has always talked about the need for more parental oversight on their children's learning and study habits - turn off the tv, spend time with them. And he's also told men to "man up" who bring children in this world - to be responsible for them. Again, WOW! What a socialist thing to say. If this message scares you then that says more about you.

None of this has anything to do with budgets, the stimulus, spending or aides. The people who hated Obama before he became president and are angry that he became president have now found an outlet - which started witht the town halls. It is a mob mentality and these are the same people who are the birthers and deathers and others who are extreme in their views and intolerant of others.

I didn't bring up Obama's race - you did.

I can't understand why you would think that I am a bigot and a hater for any reason except for maybe you feel that I am a racist. Is it not possible to love all people yet hate the things that they do? I have no reason to 'Hate' Obama. He has done nothing personally to me. I am not a prejudiced person. I have biracial children, and family members who are black, white, and philippino, and even some who are gay. I love them all dearly. This is about his spending us into oblivion with all his actions!!!

I didn't say that you were a bigot, I said you brought up Obama's race first. I didn't. And the hatred for Obama has been very evident since these town hall meetings morphed into a feeding frenzy. It is a mob mentality that has grown. Obama being hung in effigy. His face depicted like Hitler (an enormous insult to those who have been affected by the Holocaust), the nazi, communist, etc..rants, and the birthers and deathers. This is all deep seated irrational paranoia and it must be racial because none of this has anything to do with spending. Clinton supported the same agenda that Obama does currently (but he didn't have the economic mess to clean up)

and you didn't see this kind of hatred with him.

But if you believe that our nation is not racist, you are the only one.

Really? Do we not have a black and white president?

I have nothing to "get past" because what I have said is true.

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Baptist preacher Steven Anderson (Tempe, AZ) gave a sermon entitled: Why I Hate Barack Obama" in which he declared he was praying for Mr. Obama's death and called on God to "melt" the president like a salted snail. The next day one of his parishoners went to a town hall meeting with Obama with a bullhorn and semi-automatic assault rifle. And he was just exercising his 1st & 2nd amendment rights? Give me a break!! And this preacher defends, supports and promotes the bible you base your life on. Who got it wrong?

Back to basics...... WWJD what do you think his response be to peoples behavior toward each other?

Any clergy , Christian , Muslim or Jewish that promotes hate, violence or ill toward another is NOT a man of God. "Blessed are the peace makers"

God have mercy on our nation.

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I personally don't understand why they don't express there anger of loved ones being denied health care or going broke trying to stay alive when they don't have insurance or a procedure has been denied by a pencil pusher to enhance the bottom line. those with $$$ are valuable, those with limited resources are expendable? I see my mother struggle on less than $800 a month, she has to chose between meds, food , and even the things we take for granted, newspaper, TV, and phone.

The majority of Americans are happy with their health care. America has most of the best care in the world. The 47 million number that Obama throws out has been proven to be approx. 5 million, due to him counting immigrants, the people who could afford it, but choose to buy a new car instead, and the 18-26 year olds who feel they are indestructable and don't need it to name a few. This country is supposed to be a country run on free enterprise, not on government handouts and/or socialism. Everyone should be planning on their future, and saving for it, but the people make their own choices to spend their money over the years on other things they desired, or to live it up with their excess while they are young instead of putting away for their retirement years. This is noones fault but their own. I should not be expected to pay for others lack of financial dedication throughout their lives. If you want to talk about tort reform, or medical ins. reform, let's talk, but the lawyers have padded Obama's campaign with funds, and he needs to 'repay' them. Notice that there was not ONE thing in the bill about tort reform? Why not? It's a pretty easy fix. How about private insurance company regulations and rules and laws? But, when the government wants to MAKE an ins. plan of it's own, that will cost trillions, and then everyone will eventually be forced to be on it because over time the private companies will not be profitable enough to compete with it, that's wrong.

You know Patty this is exactly the sort of head in the sand attitude that got us into this situation. If we had fixed this 20 or even 40 years ago we would not be in the dire straights that we are in now. Your argument has huge holes in it, but the most glaring is the statement that we have the best care in the world. Do just a little research and you will see that this is clearly not the case. Sure, you can make the argument that we have some of the best facilities and some of the best procedures available, but the cold hard reality is those are not available to everyone – not even people with coverage. The fact is, we spend more than just about any country per person on health care and are very low on the list in terms of infant mortality, life expectance, medical quality of life, etc., etc. I have cited reference to you before on these stats, since you have chosen to ignore them and continue to spout the drivel about how great we are I can only assume you are deaf, ignorant or extremely biased on the issue. If you think it so good today, then why are we spending so much and getting so little?

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I dont agree with this to a point. Yes, there is racism in this country and I don't believe it will end altogether. What I see is 'racism in reverse' coming down the road. I see TV networks entitled Black Entertainment (BET), and even here on lapband talk, there was a Woman of Color thread. I see black people blaming all kinds of disagreements on race instead of the real reason for the discrepancy. I also see colleges that are strictly for educating Black people, and so on. Now, could you imagine the outrage from the black community if we had a network on TV that was entitled White entertainment,(WET), or if lapband talk had a thread entitled White Women only? It would not be tolerated. This is discrimination in reverse.

(I personally don't get bothered by any of it for we are a family of many races and consider,as God does, all equal in our eyes.)

You’re funny

Do you really think BET is a way to put down whites? Have you ever watched the station? It is a niche market mostly run by blacks for a black audience and it is market driven. They make money because they can drum up enough advertisers to pay their bills, they are clearly not getting rich over there though. A quick google check would probably show that they are in their bottom tier of revenue for the various cable networks.

Just curious, what is the “real reason” for dieagreements?

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You know Patty this is exactly the sort of head in the sand attitude that got us into this situation. If we had fixed this 20 or even 40 years ago we would not be in the dire straights that we are in now. Your argument has huge holes in it, but the most glaring is the statement that we have the best care in the world. Do just a little research and you will see that this is clearly not the case. Sure, you can make the argument that we have some of the best facilities and some of the best procedures available, but the cold hard reality is those are not available to everyone – not even people with coverage. The fact is, we spend more than just about any country per person on health care and are very low on the list in terms of infant mortality, life expectance, medical quality of life, etc., etc. I have cited reference to you before on these stats, since you have chosen to ignore them and continue to spout the drivel about how great we are I can only assume you are deaf, ignorant or extremely biased on the issue. If you think it so good today, then why are we spending so much and getting so little?

Good point Kartman, just because we have some of the best technology etc doesn't mean we all have access to it. Quite frankly there are plenty of Americans that leave here especially for Cancer treatment to get treatments that the FDA won't sanction. And it costs less and many are healed.

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the majority that HAVE health insurance are happy with theirs. Any Clue how much Cobra is..... Any clue as to how many do not or cannot secure policies that are "useable" by that I mean without deductibles that cannot be met without going broke? Or policies the average person can afford that are comprehensive. Those that have great policies , just wait until you get cancer and you out live your lifetime max benefit like my BIL did. He had to cash in his life insurance and his stocks and 401K to continue to receive care.... Guess what after 5 yrs he died and left his wife and kids with NOTHING but debt. This is a man who was high up in a company making 250K a year doing all the right things to prepare for his family for retirement etc. He worked until he could no longer.

I'm not saying that ins. reform is not needed. I'm saying we don't need the government starting it's own medical ins. company. We need insurance rules and regulations. Most who are against Obama's health care plan, are not against medical care reforming, they are against Government medical care insurance.

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Pres. Obama has said he won't sign a bill that will increase the deficit.

When has there EVER been a bill that's a social plan that has NOT increased the deficit? Pure lie.

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And this preacher defends, supports and promotes the bible you base your life on. Who got it wrong?

The preacher who pulled such an atrocity.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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