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You better alert the Bureau of Labor Statistics that monitors employment and unemployment that their figures are wrong.

noone, can predict what might have happened if there was no action taken.

I didn't make prediction. I stated facts. We were losing jobs at the rate of about 700,000 jobs a month, in August it was about 250,000 jobs. Those are facts. Economists look at trends and the trend says that while we will continue to have job losses, it is slowing down.

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Wow! I tend to think that it's what you are hoping for. You're actually hoping that it is out of hatred for Obama that the country is upset with government policies, spending, his socialistic agenda, his czar picks, pork spending, corrupt dealings, campaign lies, etc. It sure sounds that way to me. You would love it if it were a hate thing instead of a disgust in the way he's running things issue. Wouldn't you? Then you could justify your thoughts that the nation is still racist and biggoted. How sad. You need to get past that.

There are people who shouted down a disabled woman in a wheelchair talking at a town hall meeting about the cost of her drugs ($289/week) and how she worries about not being able to pay her taxes or afraid she would lose her home. The people shouted her down and insulted her. One man asked "The disabled have rights and I don't?". What does this have to do with spending?

Several preachers are asking for prayers for Obama's death.

People are showing up at Obama's events with guns strapped to them and won't answer the question about what they plan on doing with the gun.

Parents don't want their kids to hear Obama talk about staying in school and studying because it would be an endorsement of his agenda.

None of this has anything to do with budgets, the stimulus, spending or aides. The people who hated Obama before he became president and are angry that he became president have now found an outlet - which started witht the town halls. It is a mob mentality and these are the same people who are the birthers and deathers and others who are extreme in their views and intolerant of others.

I didn't bring up Obama's race - you did. But if you believe that our nation is not racist, you are the only one.

I have nothing to "get past" because what I have said is true.

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Cleo's Mom, I have to side with you on this one.

I chuckle when I read about the staffers for MO , makeup artist etc.... Well if the country wouldn't flip because she wears shorts getting off Air Force One While NOT heading to an important meeting, guess she ought to pay those staffers OT to advoid any of those incidents.... GAWD every one nit picking about Obamas jeans that day on the base ball field .... I can't believe the gossip coverage. Instead of bringing up trivial things that don't matter why don't we all figure out what to do to make our nation strong. Work together instead of having the GOP hell bent on Presidents Obama failing, hoping and wishing for failure. Or an assasination. What is wrong with America? BTW when was the last time or anytime you heard W say opps I made a mistake or I am sorry? Hell I am so impressed to hear our president say I am sorry I made an error.... Now he is only human ya'll. I stand by my vote. Do you think you could do better as President of the USA, would you want to take on and tackle the mess he inherited?

Lets unite to make our country strong.

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There are people who shouted down a disabled woman in a wheelchair talking at a town hall meeting about the cost of her drugs ($289/week) and how she worries about not being able to pay her taxes or afraid she would lose her home. The people shouted her down and insulted her. One man asked "The disabled have rights and I don't?". What does this have to do with spending?

The plan will cost trillions! That has alot to do with spending. These people were ther to express their anger and frustration over government they are oppsed to.

Several preachers are asking for prayers for Obama's death.

This is outragous, and if it's true, then they are committing a horrific sin. This does NOT represent what the rest of us promote. There will always be a few maniacs within every kind of group. Unfortunately this will be what our opponents will focus on.

People are showing up at Obama's events with guns strapped to them and won't answer the question about what they plan on doing with the gun.

The relatively few who have shown up with their guns were demonstrating their 1st Ammendment right to do so. Many of these rights are gradually being taken away from us a little at a time. They didn't have any 'Plans' to do anything with their guns, except to show or prove their right to carry them. It was a stand on government and their attempt to take away our rights. And kind of like a "ha ha, THIS is my right!" sort of thing. In some of those 'cowboyish' states, carrying a gun in public is a common thing anyway. Where I live in Ct, you would never see that or hear about it.

Parents don't want their kids to hear Obama talk about staying in school and studying because it would be an endorsement of his agenda.

That's right. He wants to promote his socialistic agenda, and we don't want him to try to indoctrinate our children towards leaning towards his way of socialism and government control.

None of this has anything to do with budgets, the stimulus, spending or aides. The people who hated Obama before he became president and are angry that he became president have now found an outlet - which started witht the town halls. It is a mob mentality and these are the same people who are the birthers and deathers and others who are extreme in their views and intolerant of others.

I didn't bring up Obama's race - you did.

I can't understand why you would think that I am a bigot and a hater for any reason except for maybe you feel that I am a racist. Is it not possible to love all people yet hate the things that they do? I have no reason to 'Hate' Obama. He has done nothing personally to me. I am not a prejudiced person. I have biracial children, and family members who are black, white, and philippino, and even some who are gay. I love them all dearly. This is about his spending us into oblivion with all his actions!!!

But if you believe that our nation is not racist, you are the only one.

Really? Do we not have a black and white president?

I have nothing to "get past" because what I have said is true.


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Originally Posted by pattygreen viewpost.gif

There are people who shouted down a disabled woman in a wheelchair talking at a town hall meeting about the cost of her drugs ($289/week) and how she worries about not being able to pay her taxes or afraid she would lose her home. The people shouted her down and insulted her. One man asked "The disabled have rights and I don't?". What does this have to do with spending?

The plan will cost trillions! That has alot to do with spending. These people were ther to express their anger and frustration over government they are oppsed to

I personally don't understand why they don't express there anger of loved ones being denied health care or going broke trying to stay alive when they don't have insurance or a procedure has been denied by a pencil pusher to enhance the bottom line. those with $$$ are valuable, those with limited resources are expendable? I see my mother struggle on less than $800 a month, she has to chose between meds, food , and even the things we take for granted, newspaper, TV, and phone.

Several preachers are asking for prayers for Obama's death.

This is outragous, and if it's true, then they are committing a horrific sin. This does NOT represent what the rest of us promote. There will always be a few maniacs within every kind of group. Unfortunately this will be what our opponents will focus on.

Now you know on how us Muslims feel, we are the evil doers according to W ? I am Muslim now but I am a former preachers kid , Christian college educated. I would not dream of judging Christianity by the actions of the KKK or other extremists any more than Islam should be judged by the acts of a few brainwashed uneducated hopeless men. They do not demonstrate true Islam.

People are showing up at Obama's events with guns strapped to them and won't answer the question about what they plan on doing with the gun.

The relatively few who have shown up with their guns were demonstrating their 1st Ammendment right to do so. Many of these rights are gradually being taken away from us a little at a time. They didn't have any 'Plans' to do anything with their guns, except to show or prove their right to carry them. It was a stand on government and their attempt to take away our rights. And kind of like a "ha ha, THIS is my right!" sort of thing. In some of those 'cowboyish' states, carrying a gun in public is a common thing anyway. Where I live in Ct, you would never see that or hear about it. Once again the media has sensationalized things. See how they do that? Hurts doesn't it?

Parents don't want their kids to hear Obama talk about staying in school and studying because it would be an endorsement of his agenda.

That's right. He wants to promote his socialistic agenda, and we don't want him to try to indoctrinate our children towards leaning towards his way of socialism and government control. Think of what socialism means and think of all the things that are already socialized. Think of where you will be when you want to retire and have to be a greeter at Wal-mart to pay for your medications etc. I have relatives in Canada, Germany, France, Spain and Algeria, all have social systems and they receive wonderful care, ya'll are hearing propaganda unfortunately. I have taken my daughter to the hospital in Algeria 2 seperate years and she received wonderful care and I did not have to pay. I paided for her meds a a pharmacy and submitted for a refund from the system and got it in a couple of weeks. My husband worked as an illegal in England and Spain and received healthcare in both countries with no problem, there were no questions asked, no bills to him... and he didn't hide from them.

None of this has anything to do with budgets, the stimulus, spending or aides. The people who hated Obama before he became president and are angry that he became president have now found an outlet - which started witht the town halls. It is a mob mentality and these are the same people who are the birthers and deathers and others who are extreme in their views and intolerant of others.

I didn't bring up Obama's race - you did.

Town Halls should be used to find out what Obamas plans are and get a firm grasp on the plan and let him know of our concerns and answer our questions not to start riots so nothing is accomplished that is so ghetto. I believe those behaviors are fear based, fear of change and that someone may have a good idea. If the idea is not good enough lets suggest to make it better, being counter productive is NOT moving us toward any solutions. There are plenty of countries to use as models and find out what is more successful and what is not and work a plan from the best examples. For a nation like ours there is no excuse to have such poverty and poor health care, and to continue to rape our education system

I can't understand why you would think that I am a bigot and a hater for any reason except for maybe you feel that I am a racist. Is it not possible to love all people yet hate the things that they do? I have no reason to 'Hate' Obama. He has done nothing personally to me. I am not a prejudiced person. I have biracial children, and family members who are black, white, and philippino, and even some who are gay. I love them all dearly. This is about his spending us into oblivion with all his actions!!!

Lets talk about Bushs spending us into oblivion ... robbing families of their loved ones here at home and the countless communities abroad that are "collateral damage" Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 WMD was an excuse to settle a score. Any weapons they had The first Bush gave Sadaam to make attacks on Iran, remember , the idot used them on the Kurds in his own country. We hung him quickly so that he would not have a chance in court to bring up Bush and his cronies.

But if you believe that our nation is not racist, you are the only one. Unfortunately we still have a racist nation. I have seen that traveling through the south in particular... still fighting the civil war. Even the churchs show that side.

Really? Do we not have a black and white president?

I have nothing to "get past" because what I have said is true.

Who better to lead our nation than a man who is bi racial and educated with an educated wife. What an example!!! A man who has been raised in more than one country, a man who has been taught about different religions. A man who loves his family and his wife. A man who is humble enough to admit when he makes a mistake and does what needs to be done to right it.

Why would we not allow him to address our children... encourage them to be educated and be the best they can be.

I encourage everyone to get a passport and travel outside the US and spend some real time with people in other countries. I mean for real not in a hotel hanging out at tourist destinations. I have been blessed to have started my worldwide trek around the world at 17 and I am now 42. The only way to truely have peace in the world is to make sure people have clean Water, food, medical and education. Education is power, How many illiterate adults and children in our own country. Come on America... Lets show our compassion, that is the greatest lesson we can teach our children.

I am convinced that if we all follow our religions to the best of our abilities we would have an incredible world to raise our kids. We need to raise them to be world citizens.

Ok enough of my soap box ;o) HHCC

Edited by HappyHomeCC

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HappyHome, great post – you are an inspiration.

CM, you are so right as usual. I totally agree with you on the racism aspect of this. I think there are factions out there truly hate Obama not for his policies but for the color of his skin. You see it in the fracas about his birth certificate, in they way they oppose his speech to the students, in the emphasizing of his middle name, and in so many other ways. I have seen racism up close and I know it when I see it, this is it.

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I personally don't understand why they don't express there anger of loved ones being denied health care or going broke trying to stay alive when they don't have insurance or a procedure has been denied by a pencil pusher to enhance the bottom line. those with $$$ are valuable, those with limited resources are expendable? I see my mother struggle on less than $800 a month, she has to chose between meds, food , and even the things we take for granted, newspaper, TV, and phone.

The majority of Americans are happy with their health care. America has most of the best care in the world. The 47 million number that Obama throws out has been proven to be approx. 5 million, due to him counting immigrants, the people who could afford it, but choose to buy a new car instead, and the 18-26 year olds who feel they are indestructable and don't need it to name a few. This country is supposed to be a country run on free enterprise, not on government handouts and/or socialism. Everyone should be planning on their future, and saving for it, but the people make their own choices to spend their money over the years on other things they desired, or to live it up with their excess while they are young instead of putting away for their retirement years. This is noones fault but their own. I should not be expected to pay for others lack of financial dedication throughout their lives. If you want to talk about tort reform, or medical ins. reform, let's talk, but the lawyers have padded Obama's campaign with funds, and he needs to 'repay' them. Notice that there was not ONE thing in the bill about tort reform? Why not? It's a pretty easy fix. How about private insurance company regulations and rules and laws? But, when the government wants to MAKE an ins. plan of it's own, that will cost trillions, and then everyone will eventually be forced to be on it because over time the private companies will not be profitable enough to compete with it, that's wrong.

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Now you know on how us Muslims feel, we are the evil doers according to W ? I am Muslim now but I am a former preachers kid , Christian college educated. I would not dream of judging Christianity by the actions of the KKK or other extremists any more than Islam should be judged by the acts of a few brainwashed uneducated hopeless men. They do not demonstrate true Islam.

I agree with you on this.

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My husband worked as an illegal in England and Spain and received healthcare in both countries with no problem, there were no questions asked, no bills to him... and he didn't hide from them.

I'm, guessing by this statement that you feel that those who are illegals in this country should be allowed to get free medical care here. Paid for by us? If so, I'm in total disagreement with that. For if you are an illegal working here, you are not paying taxes which entitles you to social programs here.

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Town Halls should be used to find out what Obamas plans are and get a firm grasp on the plan and let him know of our concerns and answer our questions not to start riots so nothing is accomplished that is so ghetto. I believe those behaviors are fear based, fear of change and that someone may have a good idea. If the idea is not good enough lets suggest to make it better, being counter productive is NOT moving us toward any solutions.

No. town hall meetings are for the people to be able to speak face to face with their elected officials and to express their approval or disapproval of the outcome of their paid services. WE pay these officials to WORK for us. Not to promote their own agenda.

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Lets talk about Bushs spending us into oblivion ... robbing families of their loved ones here at home and the countless communities abroad that are "collateral damage" Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 WMD was an excuse to settle a score. Any weapons they had The first Bush gave Sadaam to make attacks on Iran, remember , the idot used them on the Kurds in his own country. We hung him quickly so that he would not have a chance in court to bring up Bush and his cronies.

Bush did his share of spending, I agree. But let's face it. There is no denying that Obama has far exceeded him. He has spent more in his first 6 months on the job than ALL the presidents form George Washington up to GWBush put together. Therefore, HIS spending, and HIS alone can be described as "Spending us into OBLIVION!"

Also, what does what Bush did as president have to do with what Obama is doing NOW? This is every liberal and Obama followers fallback. "When we can't argue over the facts of Obama's crazy spending and agenda, let's bring up what 'their' president did."

Edited by pattygreen

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Who better to lead our nation than a man who is bi racial and educated with an educated wife.

This is a racist statement. I agree with the 'educated' qualification, but the biracial part needs to go. For ANYONE with ANY color skin is capable to lead our nation. And it's not 'better' if that person is bi-racial.

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HappyHome, great post – you are an inspiration.

CM, you are so right as usual. I totally agree with you on the racism aspect of this. I think there are factions out there truly hate Obama not for his policies but for the color of his skin. You see it in the fracas about his birth certificate, in they way they oppose his speech to the students, in the emphasizing of his middle name, and in so many other ways. I have seen racism up close and I know it when I see it, this is it.

I dont agree with this to a point. Yes, there is racism in this country and I don't believe it will end altogether. What I see is 'racism in reverse' coming down the road. I see TV networks entitled Black Entertainment (BET), and even here on lapband talk, there was a Woman of Color thread. I see black people blaming all kinds of disagreements on race instead of the real reason for the discrepancy. I also see colleges that are strictly for educating Black people, and so on. Now, could you imagine the outrage from the black community if we had a network on TV that was entitled White entertainment,(WET), or if lapband talk had a thread entitled White Women only? It would not be tolerated. This is discrimination in reverse.

(I personally don't get bothered by any of it for we are a family of many races and consider,as God does, all equal in our eyes.)

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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