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First Lady now requires 26 servants

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It's the radical right wing nuts who take it one step further and carry out their hatred of our government and/ or of a liberal (in their eyes) president, or a group of people they hate (blacks, gays, women, etc.) by killing.

Starting with the lynchings in the south, the KKK, Timothy McVeigh (who hated our government) to Richard Poplawski who executed 3 police officers in cold blood because he thought Obama was going to take away his guns, to the guy who killed the Holocaust museum guard because he thought the government (that he hated) was going to take away his (socialism) social security checks, to the man who killed the abortion doctor, to the guy who hated women and killed 3 in a gym, or the boys who killed the young gay man in Wyoming.

By and large, when we see these kinds of abhorrent acts of violence, they are committed by those on the radical right, not liberals.

And yes, before anyone says that liberals kill too, I know there are a few examples. But those on the radical right live with such a violent hatred of our government or president that it doesn't take much to send them over the edge. Plus they love their guns and are armed to the teeth. And all the hate talk on the radio and tv just provides fuel to the fire and incites these people.

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It's the radical right wing nuts who take it one step further...

Of course it is. (rolling my eyes)

You just can't admit your groups a 'hate' group. Or you just don't want to believe it.

That Jones Czar was a nut who stated that it's only 'white' people who do these columbine type shootings. Never the 'black' people. This kind of mentality is scary. And that from a liberal.

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It's the radical right wing nuts who take it one step further...

Of course it is. (rolling my eyes)

You just can't admit your groups a 'hate' group. Or you just don't want to believe it.

That Jones Czar was a nut who stated that it's only 'white' people who do these columbine type shootings. Never the 'black' people. This kind of mentality is scary. And that from a liberal.

All those people I mentioned were white and right wing extremists. You don't see the liberal left involved in these type of hate killings. There might be a few. I'm not aware of any. But by and large the hated of our government and groups of people (that I already mentioned) DO NOT COME FROM THE LIBERAL LEFT. They come from the extremists on the right. If you choose to stay in denial and ignore history and the facts, well, that is nothing new. :tongue2:

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He also offered a downsized version of his public option which wouldn't be available till 2013 only because he wants to keep the (lowball) 10 year cost to only $900 billion, But the option also is timed to sweep up the millions of Americans who would lose their insurance once their employers realize it's cheaper to "chip in" an 8% payroll tax than to continue to pay insurance premiums.

Even if this happens, and again you are taking huge leaps, so what? I support a single payer approach to health insurance anyway. But if an employee would go on a government health option, it might be better and sure would be cheaper and paid for by premiums and the 8% employer payroll tax.

I have not read all of this thread; just some of the opposing views. The problem I had with the President's plan was his statement repeatedly that if people were happy with their current coverage they could keep it. I am only a small business owner, but I know my employees would not have that option because I would drop paying 1/2 of their high current premiums in a heart beat for a cheaper program. I would imagine larger business' will do the same.

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He also offered a downsized version of his public option which wouldn't be available till 2013 only because he wants to keep the (lowball) 10 year cost to only $900 billion, But the option also is timed to sweep up the millions of Americans who would lose their insurance once their employers realize it's cheaper to "chip in" an 8% payroll tax than to continue to pay insurance premiums.

Even if this happens, and again you are taking huge leaps, so what? I support a single payer approach to health insurance anyway. But if an employee would go on a government health option, it might be better and sure would be cheaper and paid for by premiums and the 8% employer payroll tax.

I have not read all of this thread; just some of the opposing views. The problem I had with the President's plan was his statement repeatedly that if people were happy with their current coverage they could keep it. I am only a small business owner, but I know my employees would not have that option because I would drop paying 1/2 of their high current premiums in a heart beat for a cheaper program. I would imagine larger business' will do the same.

Isn't that what choice and competition is all about? If one of those choices was a government plan or even another private plan that offered the same or better coverage for less and you switched - I don't see the downside to that. It sounds like a win-win.

How did you choose the current healthcare provider that you chose for your employees? Were there a lot of choices (plans), a lot of different health insurance companies to choose from?

And on Wednesday, the president said there is nothing in the plan that would require any employer to change coverage for his/her employees. Haven't you always had the right to change plans during open enrollment? Or something similar.

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All those people I mentioned were white and right wing extremists. You don't see the liberal left involved in these type of hate killings. There might be a few. I'm not aware of any. But by and large the hated of our government and groups of people (that I already mentioned) DO NOT COME FROM THE LIBERAL LEFT. They come from the extremists on the right. If you choose to stay in denial and ignore history and the facts, well, that is nothing new. :tongue2:

I believe that you are the one who is in denial and chose to pass over my link which proves liberals can be just as hateful.

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Isn't that what choice and competition is all about? If one of those choices was a government plan or even another private plan that offered the same or better coverage for less and you switched - I don't see the downside to that. It sounds like a win-win.


The downside for all americans would be that the government would monopolize the industry. That would be the only option left in the end. Where 's the choice in that? What we are trying to do is keep the government from getting any bigger than it already is and keep the country from servitude to our lenders.

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I believe that you are the one who is in denial and chose to pass over my link which proves liberals can be just as hateful.

I'm talking about killings here - MURDER - acting on the hatred. Not just walking around holding a sign. Geez!

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Isn't that what choice and competition is all about? If one of those choices was a government plan or even another private plan that offered the same or better coverage for less and you switched - I don't see the downside to that. It sounds like a win-win.


The downside for all americans would be that the government would monopolize the industry. That would be the only option left in the end. Where 's the choice in that? What we are trying to do is keep the government from getting any bigger than it already is and keep the country from servitude to our lenders.

That's right - because you say it would happen, then I guess it just would. There's no speculation here on your part, is there?

And to that I say - if the government can offer a better plan at a better price and the private insurance can't or won't then they should be put out of business.

The government plan would be paid for by premiums, the same way that private plans are now.

And it is the private health care insurance industry with ever rising premiums that is putting the burden on taxpayers.

Here's what the president said: When healthcare costs grow at the rate they have, it puts greater pressure on programs like Medicare and Medicaid. If we do nothing to slow these skyrocketing cost, we will eventually be spending more on Medicare and Medicaid than every other government program combined. PUT SIMPLY, OUR HEALTHCARE PROBLEM IS OUR DEFICIT PROBLEM. NOTHING ELSE COMES CLOSE.

So, by allowing for competition (government plan - paid for by premiums for this non-profit option) the private insurance industry would have to clean up their act or go out of business. Right now there is no competition. Some states have only one or two insurers. They can keep premiums high, deny coverage and claims. In 34 states, 75% of the insurance business is controlled by 5 or fewer companies.

Doing nothing will cause our deficit to grow. Providing competition in the insurance industry and reducing the costs of insurance, eliminating waste and fraud will help to lower the deficit.

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I didn't vote for Obama, but kept an open mind when he was elected. I hoped that this obviously intelligent young man would storm into Wasington and stir things up. Clean up the mess left over by the past several presidents. Cut the fat and get us back on the right track. Save us. That is not what is happening. We're going downhill faster than ever. I am not a radical who thinks both Bush presidents walked on Water and hung the moon. They made mistakes. But this health care reform really scares me. Making government bigger scares me. It is putting more power into the hands of those most of us don't trust completely already. I want to have affordable options. And I don't agree with spending money the country doesn't have to bail out big corporations that are floundering. Where will it end. Each time something like this is done, it sets a precedent. How do we make it stop? How much debt is too much? Did it really help the economy, or just prolong the inevitable? Benjamin Franklin said it well......"Trade freedom for security, and you will have neither." We are giving up too much here. Don't want to offend anyone with differing opinions, but that is how I feel.

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Isn't that what choice and competition is all about? If one of those choices was a government plan or even another private plan that offered the same or better coverage for less and you switched - I don't see the downside to that. It sounds like a win-win.

How did you choose the current healthcare provider that you chose for your employees? Were there a lot of choices (plans), a lot of different health insurance companies to choose from?

And on Wednesday, the president said there is nothing in the plan that would require any employer to change coverage for his/her employees. Haven't you always had the right to change plans during open enrollment? Or something similar.

Unfortunately, no! Options are few. Small businesses suffer greatly offering plans to their employees because the rates are so very high. I go for the best rate I can find for the coverage as I'm sure others do as well. However, the employees may be very pleased with their current coverage. After all, they are only paying 50% of the premium. They won't have any say as to whether their employer drops their group plan for a cheaper government option.

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First Lady Now Requires 26 Servants


Dr. Paul L. Williams Bio

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watermain.jpg By Dr. Paul L. Williams Monday, August 17, 2009

Her-Royal-Higness-sml.jpg“In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much,” she said. “See, that’s why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service,”— Michelle Obama.

We were wrong.

Michelle Obama, as we reported on July 7, is not served by twenty-two attendants who stand by to cater to her every whim.

She is served by twenty-six attendants, including a hair dresser and make-up artist.

The annual cost to taxpayers for such unprecedented attention is approximately $1,750,000 without taking into account the expense of the lavish benefit packages afforded to every attendant.

Little did American voters realize the call for “change” would result in the establishment of an Obama oligarchy.

The discovery of the additional attendants was made by D’Angelo Gore of factcheck.org and by calls to Katie McCormick Lelyyeld, Michelle Obama’s press secretary.

Mr. Gore launched his investigation of the First Lady’s staff in the wake of an article that appeared on thelastcrusade.org and Canada Free Press on July 7.

The article, which became a chain letter viewed by millions of Americans, reported that Michelle Obama requires more than twenty attendants - - more than any First Lady in U.S. History. It provided the following list of White House staff members assigned to the First Lady:

  1. $172,2000 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
  2. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady)
  3. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary)
  4. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the First Lady)
  5. $102,000 - Winter, Melissa E. (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
  6. $90,000 - Medina, David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
  7. $84,000 - Lelyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)
  8. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)
  9. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady)
  10. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn J. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
  11. $65,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
  12. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First Lady)
  13. $60,000 - Fitts, Alan O. (Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)
  14. $60,000 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)
  15. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady)
  16. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)
  17. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
  18. $45,000 - Tubman, Samantha (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
  19. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
  20. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
  21. $36,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
  22. $36,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)

Readers throughout the country expressed outrage that Mrs. Obama would hire an unprecedented number of staffers in the midst of the Great Recession.

I have not read all of this thread so this rebuttal very well may have been presented

snopes.com: First Lady Requires More Than Twenty Attendants

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I'm not saying that ins. reform is not needed. I'm saying we don't need the government starting it's own medical ins. company. We need insurance rules and regulations. Most who are against Obama's health care plan, are not against medical care reforming, they are against Government medical care insurance.

And how do you propose getting insurance companies to reform without getting the government involved. What's your plan? a high percentage of middle class working Americans who have health insurance are one medical catastrophe away from bankruptcy. I pay almost $400 a month for my ins and half of my employees through my company. I have a $5,000 deductible. A recent illness left me owing $5,000 + co-pays before I even finished all the testing leading up to surgery. And like the other poster said, a cancer diagnosis can wipe out a families entire life savings in no time because they reach the lifetime max on the policy. I'm pissed as can be that I owe all this money. I'm just happy my cancer was caught early.

Now, I would like to hear your proposed plan for dealing with these insurance companies because if things are left as they are now, I will never be able to get health Ins again due to my health history.

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Isn't that what choice and competition is all about? If one of those choices was a government plan or even another private plan that offered the same or better coverage for less and you switched - I don't see the downside to that. It sounds like a win-win.


The downside for all americans would be that the government would monopolize the industry. That would be the only option left in the end. Where 's the choice in that? What we are trying to do is keep the government from getting any bigger than it already is and keep the country from servitude to our lenders.

Unless one is part of a large corporation or government organization, there already are no choices and the one or two that might be available are cost prohibitive.

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And how do you propose getting insurance companies to reform without getting the government involved. What's your plan?

regulations, caps and laws, dear. They put them on all businesses all the time.

a high percentage of middle class working Americans who have health insurance are one medical catastrophe away from bankruptcy. I pay almost $400 a month for my ins and half of my employees through my company. I have a $5,000 deductible. A recent illness left me owing $5,000 + co-pays before I even finished all the testing leading up to surgery. And like the other poster said, a cancer diagnosis can wipe out a families entire life savings in no time because they reach the lifetime max on the policy. I'm pissed as can be that I owe all this money. I'm just happy my cancer was caught early.

Now, I would like to hear your proposed plan for dealing with these insurance companies because if things are left as they are now, I will never be able to get health Ins again due to my health history.

Not just regulations for ins. Companies, but trial lawyers as well. Tort reform. (We all know this wont happen, though. Obama owes the lawyers his favors for their support in getting him where he is today. His back will never turn on them. He was raised with the "one hand washes the other" mentality. If he dissed his promise to take care of the lawyers like they took care of him, it would be like having the mafia after you. You just don't do that in the game of politics.)

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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