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Shrinking Violets - Part 5!

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You've got to be kidding me... I hate my hair right now! DD & I went last Weds to get cuts and I took a paper w/ 5 pictures of examples that I liked (one of which was actually ME that SHE cut a year ago!) and I closed my eyes and she clipped & snipped and when I opened my eyes -- well, it's nothing like I wanted! She said she just got going and wanted to try this! She did say that if I didn't like it after trying it out awhile she'd fix it... so I'm trying trying trying to like it... I try to style it different ways each morn... not really working for me. It's longer in the front than in the back, & longer on top, & "growing out" the bangs... bleh. She works just 2 days a week so it's hard to coordinate our schedules... I'm trying to suck it up 'til the end of April, when I'd need a trim anyway for May events, and having her fix it then. Bleh. But so funny that you guys like it!! :frown:

Pam, I hope you get relief for your back soon!! Say "Hi" to C&R for me!

Haydee, you sound so cool, calm, & collected!! :)

Judy, enjoy your day... do not be furious, please!

Janie, I applaud you for doing your own taxes!

Hi Laura & Heather!!

Everyone make it a good day!

Everyone make it a great day!

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Pamela and Judy -- I need some of your expertise. I finally got to see Gia's teachers for a real sit-down meeting. She has a low IQ (somewhere around 75), they said it is not low enough for her to be classified as mentally disabled but definitely impacts her learning ability. She came to Pinewood Elementary in third grade and was probably first grade level. She has been progressing and they have been promoting her to the next grade. She was held back once or twice in Delaware. So she is now in 5th grade at a 3rd grade level. They don't think holding her back again would help as she has a modified education plan anyway.

So I am trying to do research to see how to help a child with a lower IQ, meanwhile back at the ranch, we continue with homework and reading. One of her teachers had told me that she didn't have 'homework' that it was all done at school before she left for the day. Nope. Yesterday I learned that all this time she has had homework and no one has been upset that she wasn't doing it -- no one called me to see WTF? I introduced myself to all her teachers in the first week -- they all knew she had a new foster mom. Everyone at that school knows (and loves) Gia so they all know who I am. Anyway, after my discussion with the EC teacher we went to her classroom to get something and Gia was there. I looked at her and said not to forget to bring her homework home -- BUSTED! She did, so we'll see how it goes in the coming weeks.

She had a dentist appointment this morning and has a therapy appointment this afternoon. I am glad that she is starting therapy. I am making a list of things for the therapist.

What is making me craziest right now is that she seemingly has hollow legs or a tapeworm..... She eats everything in sight. Saturday she had two bowls of Cereal (like every other day) for Breakfast. For lunch she had two grilled cheese sandwiches, two individual bags of chips, a pear and juice boxes and was still hungry. I found out yesterday that her dad would send her to school with no lunch money and no lunch so I am wondering if it is just because it is there. If she is really hungry I want her to eat, but if not, where do you draw the line.....we already know I'm not good at that. I'm here with a band.

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What is making me craziest right now is that she seemingly has hollow legs or a tapeworm..... She eats everything in sight. Saturday she had two bowls of Cereal (like every other day) for Breakfast. For lunch she had two grilled cheese sandwiches, two individual bags of chips, a pear and juice boxes and was still hungry. I found out yesterday that her dad would send her to school with no lunch money and no lunch so I am wondering if it is just because it is there. If she is really hungry I want her to eat, but if not, where do you draw the line.....we already know I'm not good at that. I'm here with a band.

I don't know if girls are the same way, but I figure they are to an extent.. but teenage boys will eat you out of house and home. I was taught this when Russell's brothers would come to visit throughout the years. It was like an army came if they were in my house for a DAY!

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Oh yes, Easter Bunny is ready. I bought Veggietale egg huggies (he loves Veggietales), and a plush easter basket with easter-style toys (like Little People in a carrot wagon with bunny costumes on, etc.). He will have no idea what's goin on, but mommy wants to do it!!

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Okay I am beyond frustrated with my taxes. It is all about my hsa. If I could afford a tax person I would!! I think I am going to kind of quit and print some of this stuff out and take it with me to work.

Michelle, I NEVER do what I want. I always listen to what the customers want, especially during high stress times like yours!! That is crazy!! Tell you what, come here and I will fix it, no charge!!!!!!!! I will even work you in at your convenience!!!

Pamela, I hope your back feels better soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I wish, janie. I've known her for 15 years, so I trust her... guess we all have off days. I m still trying it.

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When I need a trim, I always say.. if you have something fun in mind, do it. I can't pick anything out because I've never picked anything out that looked good. But then no one takes the creative liberty I try to give them and I end up with just a trim.

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Susie~ Here is my 2cents! First, I'd go in and ask for a general ed/ or special ed meeting. You said one teacher said she did her homework at school, which wasn't the case. You want to make sure that EVERYONE is on the same page.

I'd request an IEP (Individual Educational Plan in CA, may be called something different where you are). You did say she has a "modified educational plan" which may be the same thing. You want to ensure that GOALS are clearly stated, see if she has met them over the time frame stated on the IEP. These are VERY SPECIFIC and goals, objectives (and how the objectives are measured; as in time frames etc) should be on this document. There should also be an annual review of her progress. Whether she is in the same school or not, this is fairly universal and will travel w/ the student cum file.

Next, you need to know that retaining her again will not her get her to "grade level". Grade level is usually determined by some sore of assessment, so you may want to ask "how was her 3rd grade level determined?" This is important. Sometimes it is a stupid, 2demensional test on the computer, sometimes is from a fluency test of how many words/per min. she can read. Is this for LA (language arts)only or math as well. What is HER favorite subject. If she was retained again, she is just gonna be the "oldest" and will probably rebel in some other way. She should go to the next grade w/ her peers.

I have 30 students in my morning class. I have 5 different spelling groups (spelling is the #1 way to determine reading level w/ an assessment I use). I mention this because my 6th graders are reading at 2nd and 3rd grade levels. IT IS UP TO ME TO MODIFY THE CURRICULUM TO MEET THE NEEDS OF THE STUDENT AND PROVIDE THEM WITH SUCCESSFUL OPPORTUNITIES. I need to "hit them where they live" not just present 6th grade material to my kids and expect EVERYONE to get it. It doesn't work that way.

Call the meeting. Go in armed w/ some questions I've mentioned. She how the teachers are meeting her needs, assessing her abilities, and showing growth on WHAT assessments. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER...The more you know; the more you can help her. Is she in a modified classroom or mainstreamed into "regular ed"? PM me if you want my number to call me!

Good luck and keep us posted!


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Laura, do you always go to the same hairstylist? That is important. I don't want to do something when I don't really know them, and what they are willing to do with their hair and their lifestyle. I mean I could give you a really cute style, but if you didn't have time to do it everyday it wouldn't be so cute. You really should develop a rapport with one person!!!!

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I think I just finished my taxes...........

I owe state about 150, get back a bit from federal and most importantly don't have to make a 1st quarter payment on federal taxes!!!!!!!

I can relax a little more over Haydee's wedding!!

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Good morning, Violets..

It's going to be a beautiful day here today with temps in the upper 60's! Ethan comes at 9:30 so his mom can Zumba and I leave at 9:15 to rehearse flute music for Good Friday. The Bobster will be in charge for a bit. He itching to get in some golf today. I hope to get some triking in today before choir practice.

Janie..I hear ya about the taxes. We got some back on state and a bunch back on federal and don't have to pay quarterly until June. wooo hooooo!! But then we get the bill from the accountant and that will be a chunk.

Jen just called and she's still got a cold so no Zumba and no Ethan. I know where the Bobster will be this morning! FORE!

Gina.. ditto what Pam said. You have to be the advocate for your child. Things are SUPPOSED to be done, but you will have to make sure they are done.

Michelle.. I have had the same hair stylist for years and years and I trust her so sometimes I just say.... "go for it". Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I'm pretty comfortable with my hair right now. It's the color I want and the style I want. But then again, I'm getting old and set in my ways. I like the hairstyle in your picture, but I also like the little flippy thing you had going before.

Off to get dressed, do my hair and get make up slathered on for the day.

Everyone make it a good one!

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Susie~ Here is my 2cents! First, I'd go in and ask for a general ed/ or special ed meeting. You said one teacher said she did her homework at school, which wasn't the case. You want to make sure that EVERYONE is on the same page.

I'd request an IEP (Individual Educational Plan in CA, may be called something different where you are). You did say she has a "modified educational plan" which may be the same thing. You want to ensure that GOALS are clearly stated, see if she has met them over the time frame stated on the IEP. These are VERY SPECIFIC and goals, objectives (and how the objectives are measured; as in time frames etc) should be on this document. There should also be an annual review of her progress. Whether she is in the same school or not, this is fairly universal and will travel w/ the student cum file.

Next, you need to know that retaining her again will not her get her to "grade level". Grade level is usually determined by some sore of assessment, so you may want to ask "how was her 3rd grade level determined?" This is important. Sometimes it is a stupid, 2demensional test on the computer, sometimes is from a fluency test of how many words/per min. she can read. Is this for LA (language arts)only or math as well. What is HER favorite subject. If she was retained again, she is just gonna be the "oldest" and will probably rebel in some other way. She should go to the next grade w/ her peers.

I have 30 students in my morning class. I have 5 different spelling groups (spelling is the #1 way to determine reading level w/ an assessment I use). I mention this because my 6th graders are reading at 2nd and 3rd grade levels. IT IS UP TO ME TO MODIFY THE CURRICULUM TO MEET THE NEEDS OF THE STUDENT AND PROVIDE THEM WITH SUCCESSFUL OPPORTUNITIES. I need to "hit them where they live" not just present 6th grade material to my kids and expect EVERYONE to get it. It doesn't work that way.

Call the meeting. Go in armed w/ some questions I've mentioned. She how the teachers are meeting her needs, assessing her abilities, and showing growth on WHAT assessments. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER...The more you know; the more you can help her. Is she in a modified classroom or mainstreamed into "regular ed"? PM me if you want my number to call me!

Good luck and keep us posted!


I e-mailed all her teachers and the guidance counselor to set up a meetng. The special ed teacher and the guidance counselor met with me. The GC was going to make sure that all teachers knew to send homework home now. We have parent / teacher conferences in two weeks too.

I also will be working with her all summer to try to improve the reading ability, math and her handwriting. Right now her words all run together with no punctuation or spaces -- it's all one long word.

She does have an IEP. She spends all but 2 hours with her regular classmates and the 2 hours are spent with the special ed teacher each day.

She started her therapy sessions yesterday so I hope that will help too. Letting her talk about all that is going on. She told the therapist that she is happy living with me because she knows she will not get yelled at every day. Made me cry....

Thanks so much for the suggestions!! At least I feel like I am heading in the right direction. Cannot believe that some parents do not pay any attention to their children's education.....

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Hey girlies... typing on my phone from the orthodontist office... ds is getting his braces off! How exciting! I wanted to work while here, but duh, I forgot my power cord & had just 20 mins of juice left in the battery, drat. Guess it's surfing the web & making lists for me for the next 2 hours!

What's everyone doing for Easter this weekend? We're getting together w my side of the family @ my sister's house... she's doing "Italian Easter" w all ital foods... I'm bringing cannollis from a little bakery in town & am making a big Greek salad. I hosted ALL the holidays last year, so this will b a treat to just go & relax. I hope there is a LOT of wine!! We invited Fil to come down & join us, but he wants to work in the gardens as the forecast is for beautiful weather all weekend.

Judy, operation "plant exchange" is underway... I left the offending plant on the porch & hopefully something VIOLET will magically appear when I return. :frown:

Make it a good day, everyone!!

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I think I just finished my taxes...........

I owe state about 150, get back a bit from federal and most importantly don't have to make a 1st quarter payment on federal taxes!!!!!!!

I can relax a little more over Haydee's wedding!!

YEAH JANE!!! So you are buying in TX? KIDDING...glad this is over for you.

Susie, you are welcome and keep us posted!

Judy, enjoy your "free time" w/o Ethan.

Michelle, you are cute in any style...can't wait to see the RIGHT flowers!

Laura, can't wait to see pix of Carson's first Easter. Wish I could pop over for his party too.

Haydee, starting tomorrow, you can say I AM GETTING MARRIED NEXT MONTH!!! Can't wait to see you walk down the isle!!

Our Easter plans are that Susanne's mom is coming on Friday w/ the two German gals we stayed w/ when we went to Germany. They are like 68 yrs old twins...funny and lovely, and I have no idea what the hell they are saying...but we laugh a lot together. The girls, Crystal and Edith, will be in the USA for a month...not sure how long they are going to be staying here.

We are having our backyard 'scaped!!! We are putting in decorative rocks, removed three olive tress, and replaced them w/ Queen palms...which are Mediterranean palms. They are more weepy and sexy...me likey!!! I'll post pix at the end of the job, which may be today. Then tomorrow, we are buying and planting flowers in our big watering pots!!

Other than that, we are meeting friends at 6 for drinks and appetizers here first.

Oh yeah...we bought a new mattress yesterday!!!!! hmmmm, could that be why I haven't complained all post??? I THINK SO! My back is about 50% better, but I don't need a pain pill...sooo happy already!

love you girls...I'll stop posting now.

One more thing...omg, I made a KICK ASS dinner last night. Sauce cooked from 2pm; wonderful Italian salad, garlic toast, and strawberries and angel food cakes...omg, it was great and the boys ATE A LOT!!! I like that...when the food gets eaten...they loved it!!!

ok...off now!

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