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Lost Too Much Weight

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Thank you GraciesMom and Elfiepoo!! Great posts!! Obesity runs on both sides of my family. I have watched my sister struggle with her weight, seen my father hospitalized for his and seen aunts and uncles die because of theirs. I've tried every diet there is and I have no problem losing the weight. My problem is keeping it off. Again, I know this is not a "diet," but a lifestyle change. So, this time around it was different for me. But there is that fear, that overwhelming anxiety about what if I gain it back. Only those who have gone through what I have can understand that fear and understand my motivation and desire in getting the lap band. That is why I was soo devastated when my doctor insisted that I do this on my own. That is why I was very depressed and anxious regarding approval by the insurance company. I feel like God is watching out for me and this is my time. This may be my only chance in getting the surgery. I may not have insurance in another year or so. You never know what the future holds. So, I am going with what has been given to me at the moment. My surgeon is reluctant but willing to do the surgery and I do trust him. My insurance company approved me. I am building a new chapter of my life.


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Thank you GraciesMom and Elfiepoo!! Great posts!! Obesity runs on both sides of my family. I have watched my sister struggle with her weight, seen my father hospitalized for his and seen aunts and uncles die because of theirs. I've tried every diet there is and I have no problem losing the weight. My problem is keeping it off. Again, I know this is not a "diet," but a lifestyle change. So, this time around it was different for me. But there is that fear, that overwhelming anxiety about what if I gain it back. Only those who have gone through what I have can understand that fear and understand my motivation and desire in getting the LAP-BAND®. That is why I was soo devastated when my doctor insisted that I do this on my own. That is why I was very depressed and anxious regarding approval by the insurance company. I feel like God is watching out for me and this is my time. This may be my only chance in getting the surgery. I may not have insurance in another year or so. You never know what the future holds. So, I am going with what has been given to me at the moment. My surgeon is reluctant but willing to do the surgery and I do trust him. My insurance company approved me. I am building a new chapter of my life.


congratulations on your approval!!!!

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Excellent post! When I was diagnosed as a diabetic, they wanted to send me to a nutritionist to get 'counseling' in the correct way to handle my diet. I spent 10 minutes with the nutritionist before she realized that I knew far more about what to eat, when to eat and how to control my diabetes.

Overweight people are *experts* on diet and nutrition. Most of us have internal scales that enable us to 'eye' a portion and tell what it weighs or whether it's 1/4 cup, 1/2 cup, etc.

We're not fat because we're stupid or lack the knowledge.


:laugh::thumbup::w00t::rolleyes2:That is the truth :tt2::rolleyes2::tt1::rolleyes2:

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:thumbup: umystifyme, Congrats!! You will find the time flies by; there is a lot to do !!. Good Luck!!

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You can go to Mexico and have it done for about your deductable and other expenses here. I had my surgery in december of 08, have not had one post op problem, and have $6500 invested. Best money I ever spent. My insurance (Mamsi) doen't cover bariatrics period. I am a dentist, work in the local hospital, am afilliated with WVU, and I have never been in a nicer facility than the one in Mexico--I'd recommend it to anyone.

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You can go to Mexico and have it done for about your deductable and other expenses here. I had my surgery in december of 08, have not had one post op problem, and have $6500 invested. Best money I ever spent. My insurance (Mamsi) doen't cover bariatrics period. I am a dentist, work in the local hospital, am afilliated with WVU, and I have never been in a nicer facility than the one in Mexico--I'd recommend it to anyone.

My lapband was covered in NY by my insurance, so I was lucky. Since you are a dentist I spent a fortune to redo my mouth and I have alot to go. It will have to wait till I get some more money. We are paying off the work done (and the dentist) is a friend of ours. I need alot of work and would love to go to Mexico.

For one thing the implants are only on three teeth on top and it does not match the bottoms which will have to be done at a latter date and need some caps

Dreadful mouth but we do not have insurance and the friend embarrased my dear husband otherwise if I was smarter I would have went to Mexico

Any suggestions?

You can email me off the boards, I think I want to check my options.


Laura from NY

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You can go to Mexico and have it done for about your deductable and other expenses here. I had my surgery in december of 08, have not had one post op problem, and have $6500 invested. Best money I ever spent. My insurance (Mamsi) doen't cover bariatrics period. I am a dentist, work in the local hospital, am afilliated with WVU, and I have never been in a nicer facility than the one in Mexico--I'd recommend it to anyone.

Thanks for the information, Skykiing. I was approved by my insurance company (BCBS PPO) last week and everything is covered 100%. I'm very lucky. I just have to check on fills. I don't know what their covereage is on those. And I don't want to assume anything. But in the end, I am willing to pay for those! Again, thanks!! :sad:

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I have also lost lots of weight on diets before, but have always gained it all back. Before deciding to get the lap band, I had been on a diet and I had lost 55 pounds in about 4 months, but I came to a standstill and could not loose any more. After a while, I just started gaining it all back. When you stop loosing, you get frustrated and start eating again. You know that you are not going to live forever, on just eating to maintain a diet. In time you are going to sneak in all those foods that got you in trouble before. And the more you eat,....the more you want to eat....! Then, ...there goes the diet....! I have never had a problem loosing weight, but I cannot keep it off. I can never loose enough to get to my goal weight.

For the lap band, I have gone on a 3 months diet for the insurance to cover me. But I am not going to let myself loose very much because I'm afraid my insurance will not cover me if I do. I know that I can do it with the lap band, but I cannot lose enough without it.

I think you lost so much weight, because you were excited about getting the lap band, and you were anxious to get started with the loosing. You had a goal that was within reach, and you felt positive about it. I had felt like this, but my nurse, (almost) told me not to loose too much. Therefore, I've made a diet plan as requested, but balanced my weight to what I felt I could loose and still not jeopardize my lap band with the insurance. If you are still loosing, then maybe you CAN make it without the band. I hope so. Your reward with youself would be soooo...much better. Good luck to you!

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I have also lost lots of weight on diets before, but have always gained it all back. Before deciding to get the LAP-BAND®, I had been on a diet and I had lost 55 pounds in about 4 months, but I came to a standstill and could not loose any more. After a while, I just started gaining it all back. When you stop loosing, you get frustrated and start eating again. You know that you are not going to live forever, on just eating to maintain a diet. In time you are going to sneak in all those foods that got you in trouble before. And the more you eat,....the more you want to eat....! Then, ...there goes the diet....! I have never had a problem loosing weight, but I cannot keep it off. I can never loose enough to get to my goal weight.

For the LAP-BAND®, I have gone on a 3 months diet for the insurance to cover me. But I am not going to let myself loose very much because I'm afraid my insurance will not cover me if I do. I know that I can do it with the LAP-BAND®, but I cannot lose enough without it.

I think you lost so much weight, because you were excited about getting the LAP-BAND®, and you were anxious to get started with the loosing. You had a goal that was within reach, and you felt positive about it. I had felt like this, but my nurse, (almost) told me not to loose too much. Therefore, I've made a diet plan as requested, but balanced my weight to what I felt I could loose and still not jeopardize my LAP-BAND® with the insurance. If you are still loosing, then maybe you CAN make it without the band. I hope so. Your reward with youself would be soooo...much better. Good luck to you!

For the past two months I have been maintaining my weight. Unfortunately, I did not have anyone tell me how much weight to lose or not to lose. Yes, I was very excited about getting the Lap-Band and I was scared of dying. I had been hospitalized for heart problems for the month of March. My triglycerides were 631 (normal high is 150) and my bad cholesterol was high and my good cholesterol low. I was having chest pain and they found Fluid on my heart. My liver functions were off the chart and I was told by the cardiologist that I HAD to lose weight. On top of all of this, I have other health issues... such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Endometriosis, Degenerative Joint Disease, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Fatty Liver, Hypothyroidism, and GERD to name just a few.

I didn't go into this thinking... hmm... let's see... "I can only lose this amount of weight so I can eat this and this and this and, hmm... let me design a nutrition plan around that so I don't lose too much weight. And, oh, don't let me forget, I must not exercise because then I might lose an extra pound or two and that would definitely put me into trouble with the insurance company." No, no... I put forth a lot of effort into this. A lot of time and energy went into this. Why should I be treated any different than those who "watched" what they ate just to make sure they were indeed approved?? I apologize to everyone that I lost weight. That I worked the program and it worked for me. But I am maintaining my weight and I am having the surgery. That is my goal.

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My surgeon and I are exchanging emails and phone calls. He wants to see me one last time before surgery. So, after all my tests are completed, I will go in for my last pre-op visit. He probably thinks I am crazy (like many of you) for going ahead with the surgery. There are many people who have been banded at my weight and even less. I know many of you are concerned about me and I appreciate that. I understand that many are looking out for my well-being. But over-all maybe, just maybe, my goals and well-being will be achieved through the LBS. I am to the point that I feel like I have to keep defending my decision to have the surgery. I hope I haven't offended anyone. I appreciate everyone's viewpoint and do NEED the support and encouragement. Thank you. :sad:

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Sorry this is coming late, but CONGRATULATIONS on your approval! I finally had time today to read through the thread...you've had quite a journey! I'm so pleased to hear that the insurance company approved you anyway...as well they should! You've had some serious health problems from your weight and we all know yo-yoing take a whole other toll on your body.

I had just lost weight when I started this process and was very lucky in finding out here just in time that I had to gain a few pounds back (yes I did and if you need a laugh today read on LBT HERE). Am I proud I had to gain weight to get insurance coverage...heck no...I'm a really ethical person, but I'd just been that weight and should I be penalized because I CAN lose the weight (big weight like you even) but I can't keep it off (if you want to know how to lose weight just ask a fat person). The hardest part of this process was trying to maintain my weight during the six months...sounds so stupid but that 6 months was the longest I'd been about the same weight in 20 years...I SO badly wanted to get started losing again (even lost more than I probably should have my last month because I couldn't stand it anymore...but stayed above my BMI).

I'm thrilled to hear that your insurance didn't penalize you for this (mine took the ending weight...also BCBS-but their different state/city even).

Good luck on the rest of your journey and know that all this pre-op hassle will all be worth it. I've lost 65 pounds now and yes, I could have lost it way faster on another diet. In my blog here just yesterday on LBT (in my sig) I talked about getting to my Sweet Spot. I'm NOT DIETING, I'm eating like a normal person, I'm losing weight, and the best part...I'M NOT HUNGRY!!!!! I believe this is just the tool I need. I don't need help losing (although I love not starving)...I got the band to help me KEEP it off! This is a lifestyle I can live with...forever.

Best wishes! -BG

Oh, and there's a whole group of Low BMI banders right here on LBT under groups.

Edited by Band_Groupie

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Umystifyme , Way to GO!!:thumbup: You do not have to defend your position to us or anyone else.

Each of us has our own personal saga of weight gain/loss/regain. We know how hard it is. We know of the other health problems associated with obesity the effects of the yo-yo dieting.And we were all questioned about our decision ( My DH did - only because he needs it more than I)

All of us are with you. If someone questions you ask them why they would challenge such an intensely personal decision. It is none of their business. Everyone seems to think being fat makes one incompetent :cursing:and need to be told what to do..Let us know your band date!!!

FYI, About the Fills, I have BCBS of NE; they cover everything but the copay for the office visit or the surgery center( if you need to go there) .

Edited by sue in ne

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Umystifyme , Way to GO!!:sneaky: You do not have to defend your position to us or anyone else.

Each of us has our own personal saga of weight gain/loss/regain. We know how hard it is.

Thank you Sue!! I'm really excited now. :frown: I was having some problems with my insurance company and had to reschedule my tests. I go in for my Esophogram and lab work on Friday. I'm a bit nervous regarding the Esophogram but excited to finally be on this road. My band date should be in Nov. When I find out, I'll let y'all know!! :thumbup: Thanks for the support!! :mad:

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Sorry this is coming late, but CONGRATULATIONS on your approval!

Best wishes! -BG

Oh, and there's a whole group of Low BMI banders right here on LBT under groups.

Hello Band Groupie~ Thank you SO much for your lovely comments! I'm ecstatic that my insurance company did not penalize me for losing too much weight. Maybe they did see that I'd be a successful candidate for the band. At this point in time, I'm extremely grateful. I really appreciate your support and kindness.

I think, like many others, I want the band as a tool to help me keep off the weight. I need that "reinforcer." I WANT that reinforcer. Everything should go smoothly.... just have to get my cardiac clearance on the 28th. Keeping everything crossed! Thanks again!

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Hello Everyone!! :)

I wanted to drop in and keep you updated:

I went for my Esophogram and it was fine. I received Cardiac Clearance from my Cardiologist last week and had my yearly pap smear. I'm finished with all my pre-op testing. I will see my surgeon in the next week or two and will be having the surgery probably at the beginning of the year.

Why am I waiting til the beginning of the year?? I am having other health issues. I have a growth on my thyroid which is being tested for cancer. The doctors think it is the growth that attributed to my weight loss. I will know the results of the test this coming week and then I will be able to better access the situation and make a decision regarding surgery.

Thank you for your comments and support!!


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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