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Morning all,

No sleep, tired, and my kids are still sick but feeling a little better taday.

Sorry Eileen, No Bagels laying around here!!!LOL But you know I just found cheese bagels (fresh made) at our grocery store so you can bet your but I am going to try a littleof one of those when I am on solids. They smelt like heaven....but then I am a cheese freak from hell. Ok, enough about food I am drooling on my keyboard.LOL

How is everyone else this fine Sunday morning?

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Betty and Cindy,

I have memories from when I was a kid as well and I love making new one's with dd. It was pretty cold but hey...we know how to live....a heated cabin with running HOT Water 3 potties and a kitchen, oh yeah and a nice fireplace. We did spend a lot of time out side, most of the day in fact but it was nice to come in to cozy fire and I can handle sleeping on the floor once in a while!

Eileen ~ I am trying to ready myself for a painful surgery and recovery so at the very least I won't be surprised and in shock, and happily suprised if it doesnt end up to be as bad as expected. I should have my date in a week so it does look like I will be drinking my turkey and pumpkin pie this year. YUMM!

You can add me to the "sick kid catagory" also, both dd's have that croup cough and sore throats. Sarah, my 3yr old was up ALL night and just whimpered in my arms. This always happens around holidays..poor kids!

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Angel, I can smell them from here :)

Hey Lisa, I can't blame you for getting all the info you can. I wanted to know EVERYTHING bad so if something sneaks up on me, I'm not surprised and I know how to deal with it. Hope your kids are feeling better soon.

Psssssssst... if no one see's you suck on a cheese doodle does it count ?

NO NO NO, I didn't... I thought about it b/c I was at a kids birthday party all afternoon and they had pizza, cake, and doodles sigh.


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Hi, everyone! It's a good day for a Cowboys fan! Just finished watching the game, and finished my ironing, too! DD is with my sister at a play, so it's really quiet. REALLY QUIET! I'm gonna have to talk to myself; even the dogs are too lazy to play!

Lisa, it is so fun to "create memories" isn't it? I think that's one of the best things about being Mommy! I'd like a crack at that cabin right about now!

Angel, here's to hoping you are taking a nap right now. I also am glad to hear the kiddoes are feeling better, and I hope you stay healthy. That's a lot of stress on someone who just had surgery...please be sure to get your rest!

Eileen, I think it's a great sign that a cheese doodle sounds good to you! I don't like Isopure either...I had a bottle in the gridge, so I drank part of it in your honor. "Aftertaste" doesn't begin to describe it, does it? Do you think CIB would be just too far out of the question? You might try looking at Unjury's website...I am really happy with their products, and the vanilla flavored Protein is absolutely delicious in Crystal Light Orange drink...just like a dreamsicle! Well, you know what I mean....

Beanie? Are you having a great time with your friend? I'm kinda interested in what Punk music bands she and your DH were discussing...once upon a time, a long time ago, I enjoyed the punk/new wave scene in Dallas. Practically another lifetime, but I guarantee you it was me! I still like the music, but have a little trouble with the mosh pit! LOL

Happy Halloween, what is everyone doing tomorrow?

Happy Spooking! Cindy

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Happy Halloween!

We are expecting storms here today, but they are saying it will clear up before tonight. I got dressed and started to go out the door to take my walk, and it started pouring down rain and had some thunder. I started to go when it let up a little bit, but decided to just wait. I am glad I did because I got to take my walk when it was sunny and pretty. :):):) And, I got it in before the next storm hits! :)

I didn't do too much yesterday, cleaned house, did some laundry and watched the Nascar race. My guy took second! :D

I am getting ready to bake a cake, and make up some baked Beans for tonight. We block the street off and all the adults have a big cookout, then we hand out candy to the kids afterwards. It is a lot of fun, and you don't have to answer the door 250 times! :D The parents walking around with the kids like it too because they don't have to walk up our hill to our houses.

Eileen - How are you doing with the Protein Drinks? I bet they are helping. I don't remember if I told you or not, but I used the CIB and it really worked well with me. I made it up like hot chocolate. I'm so sorry to hear about you MIL. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please keep us posted. Hugs!

Cindy - It's amazing how quiet a house can get when everyone leaves. Sometimes I turn off everything just to hear the quiet! I must admit after a while though I am ready for some noise!

Lisa - Sorry to hear you have sick kids too! Nothing worse than having kids feeling bad and you can't help them. Hope they feel better soon!

Angel - Glad to hear your kids are feeling a little bit better. Those cheese things sound wonderful!

Beanie - OK, I am waiting to hear some good news from you today! Everything I have is crossed! :D:D:D

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Hi Betty, thanks for the sticky :) I LOVE the idea of your party tonight, that is way to cool. What kind of cake did you make? yes, I want details lolol....I'm a glutton for punishment.

Where is everyone today? Must be that sugar rush from all this halloween candy floating around. Fur shame people fur shame :)

I did alot of walking today w/dd trick or treating, and I went shopping.

Nothing much is new, I did sleep on my side yesterday which was heavenly, now only if I can have FOOOOD !!! as if you all didn't already know that.

Do you all get lots of kids? I think we got maybe 10. Its really a good thing I cant eat b/c those candy bars would be ALL gone by now.

I won't be posting in the mornings when I'm driving DD to school, but I'll post as soon as I can.

Well I'm outta here... ttyl

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She's Ba'ack....

Hey Y'all! I tucked my buddy into the airport at about 8am this morning and crawled back across town from the airport and made it to work by 9:30. It was the last day of the month - which means lots to mortgage folk. I actually had to work until after 5pm...

Cindy - don't ask me about that Punk stuff... I have never really been into it - but DH and Cathy were just chattering away. It was all good.

We went to the Dallas World Aquarium - in 3 yrs here, DH & I have missed it. It was really pretty cool!... I have been to more than a few aquariums in my day - and I saw things at this one that I had never seen before. I think I would like to do it again when I weigh less... The walking was pretty tough on me - but worth it.

It was not NEARLY as exhausting as our trip thru IKEA. We hit the big 20th Birthday celebration in Frisco, TX and we walked the whole store. Wowza! My legs were like lead - except they were a solid sheet of pain from the knees down. ICK. Time to hit the treadmill at the gym, for SURE.

So, do I get exercise points for doing two Walk-Intensive activities this weekend? Of course, I negated any good it might have done by eating lots of good food, too. I mean, Cathy had to have Tex-Mex, right? And it wouldn't be a trip to Cattle Country without a fine steak... (sorry, guys. I will stop, now).

I haven't had a chance to call the insurance company today - but every time I call them, they ask rather pointedly if it has been 30 days, yet... They have basically told me nothing the last two times I called, except that someone would send me a letter.

Anyway, I have to run. DH is waiting on dinner. I hope everyone is having a great Halloween! I sit here typing in Devil horns and a Tail.... hehehehehe muahahahahahaha

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Eileen, I had to laugh, our family room furniture was only three years old, and it was Lazy Boy as well, couch, and two recliners. I gave the couch and one of the recliners, which has a built in cooler and massager to my gson's mom. She was so excited, but not as excited as I was to get rid of it.

We bought leather this time. We've only been in our house 3 years and when moved out of our other house, where we'd lived for 22 years, we had leather in the family room there as well, so we went back to leather.

No tricksters here, we live down a private lane, wayyyyy off the road, guess the kids don't think it's worth the walk.

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If you can imagine the Norman Rockwell picture of a neighborhood during Halloween, we are probably close to it. There was a constant stream of cars coming into our neighborhood for 2 hours...probably 100 kids or so total at the door! Now, someof these are teens, and I have a pet peeve about that, but they get candy at my door (just not the GOOD candy!)

DD looked adorable as an American Idol, but she had to change out of the 4" platform heels and into her sneakers after an hour! I wouldn't have even tried! My sister came over and we had pizza (I had one slice, but before I would have had 3, at least!) I confess I ate some candy, but that's what you do on Halloween, right? I am pretty sure I ate much less candy than usual, though.

It's quiet now, and we all had a great time! Must admit it is a bit scary to put make-up on your 8 year old daughter, and get a hint at the beauty to come...and the bills for the makeup! LOL!

Happy Halloween to everyone! Good to see you back and posting, Beanie!

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Good morning :D

How is everyone today ?

Cindy, I bet your daugher looked darling. 100 kids, yikes! Our street is dead end, really long w/no street lights or sidewalks and woodsy, so we only get the kids that know us which is only a handful that live on the street. I used to give out the full size candy bars when we had more kids coming :D

Pat, so much for a good named furniture place huh. When we were first looking I wanted leather sooooooo bad but DH wasn't comfy in the couches I selected. So now he suffers in the couch he selected. MEN! they should know better than to question their wives, especially chubby ones that know a comfy couch when they place their big butts in it ROFLMFAO LOL. Its always nice to say... I told you so :)

So, do I get exercise points for doing two Walk-Intensive activities this weekend?

Beanie, OF COURSE you get brownie *hahahaha* points for exercising, just think, you burned off what you ate, maybe not 100% but it was better than just sitting. GOOD JOB !!

I'm staying home today and cleaning this mess. I'm so tired of looking at it and I want to take down the halloween decorations and put up Thanksgiving ones.

I have to go to my doc b/c I'm coughing like crazy and I'm guessing that ain't good for the band eh ~ lol. Combo allergies / cold.

So whats rockin with you all ?

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Good Morning!

Well, we had a ton of kids last night. I bought enough candy for 300 and ran out! The neighbor gal had a big tub of candy, so she gave us all more to hand out. We had a great time! The kids and their parents were all thanking us for how we were set up and they didn't have to walk to all the houses. We blocked the road off, we had Halloween lights up and lots of tourches burning on both sides of the road. One lady was saying she ran out of her drink and would love to stay with us, so one of the neighbors filled up her glass with wine, which made her very happy too! :):D:D We had a lot of teens too, and we even had a few parents that had their own bag and made sure they got candy. One of the ladies was at least 45-50 years old. We gave her candy, but everyone sure commented about it!

I was proud of myself because all the neighbors was eating candy all night long, and I didn't eat one piece!

Eileen - I made a pineapple cake but used a lot of fresh pineapple in it and in the icing too. It was really good! (yes, I did taste it, but a very small piece)

Beanie - How long has it been since your insurance company got your paperwork? I do believe there is a Texas law that states insurance companies have to give you an answer in 30 days. Although lots of companies try to get out of that one! Keep after them girl, if nothing else they will get sick of your phone calls and pass it just to keep you from calling anymore! :D:D:D Yup, I think the walk counted too!

Cindy - I bet it is scary to put make-up on her! It seems like they grow up so fast. I bet she was a cutie though. Did you take pictures????

Well, got to get off here for a while, I have a busy day today.

Catch you all later!

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Hello all. This is my first time posting on this site, well, as a matter of fact, ANY site. I am in the process of getting the lapband surgery and just wanted to get some advice from people who had been there. As a read through these threads I see people who have been very successful with this surgery. My biggest concern is getting the surgery and then still NOT losing the weight. I am sure I am not alone.

Are you all content with the results of your surgery? How much time did you have to take off work? What do you think makes you successful when others have not been?

Please let me know if these questions have been answered elsewhere on this site and I will go there to get answers. I do not know ANYONE who has had this surgery so I am thrilled that there is a forum to gets answers.

Happy Belated Halloween.....

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Hey Maggie!

Welcome to LBT. This particular thread is just a place where some of us come to Hang Out - and, in comparison to the huge number that cruise the main forums, not very many folks stop by. You probably want to start a new thread to get the best answers from the widest variety of experienced bandsters.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the "forum jump" drop-down menu. Click the little arrow and scroll up to select the "General Discussion" forum. Once you get into the forum - at the top left there will be a button to "start a new thread".

Click the button and type away. Your new thread will be seen by a lot more folks than come to play, here, and you will get a much better and wider response. If you need help, you can always send me a PM. Click on my screen name and you get a drop down menu that allows you to send a Private Message. Click on that and start typing to send a message for just me to read.

Welcome to LBT!! I know you will find lots of important information, here.

You and everyone else can feel free to join our merry band on the new and improved NOVEMBER chat.... (ooooo, ahhhhhh)


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Well the kids looked great last night and had a ball. My 18 month old son was a devil and he actually kept his horns on all night. (they fit his personality so well I think he thought they were really his own.) LOL My daughter who is 81/2 was a spider princess, with long fake eyelashes and and vampire teeth. We were out for 3 hours by the time we went to my daughters teachers houses and the nursing home and then our neighborhood. Kids slept great last night though.....yippy. Both of them are getting over their colds so that is good.

I know what you mean about furniture. I bought my first new set when I was 25 (nine yrs ago)and it never lasted. It was "top of the line" then. Yeah right!!! I bought a new set 3 years ago from a Manufactureer in Montana. It is the best furniture I have ever had, and have ever sat in. Very chunky style, and the frames are very solid. Paid 3000.00 for the set, which is a sofa, a loveseat and a oversized chair and ottoman. I thought that was rediculous but now I am glad I spent the extra as it looks like brand new still.

Well hope ya all have a great day. I have teachers conf. today YUCK!!

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