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Hi friends! I played hookie from work on Friday...had fun at Haven's school, kinda like a field day thingie. Sat. I went shopping; bought some pants in size 22 (I started out in size 26). The big news is that my plateau finally broke, and I'm under 250!!!!!! It looks weird to write 250 and be excited about it, but I am! I made some adjustments to what I was eating, and started getting in 3 servings of dairy. Also, I drank more Water and cut out some of the ice cream, my personal drug of choice. Hey, I gave up everything else...smoking, drinking, and other things I won't mention because it was too long ago to count now! Today, went to church and then ironed for like 4 hours...a new world record for me! My feet hurt!

ReneBean, I am so anxious to find out how your letters are going...I know you are too! All NJ friends, I've been keeping an eye on the weather and news of flooding, and keeping you in my prayers.

It's still 88 degrees around here, sunny, and I'm ready for some fall weather!

Back to work tomorrow, and I'll check in then! Cindy

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Alll right Cindy!!

Way to Go with getting under 250. **smile** I could probably live with that as my goal!! Truly, if I get to 250 and never drop any lower, I will still count that as a success!!

I will definitely let y'all know what happens with my appeal! I would be happy at this point just to find out that they actually have officially received the stupid thing. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

'Night Cindy. 'Night Eileen. 'Night Pat. 'Night Karla. 'Night Betty, Ira, Ray, Seppi, Alex, Lisa, Lisa. (ok ok, I know, too much TV Land...)

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Good Morning :)

Oh Beanie, have hubby give you a good rub down. Sorry you got achy before finishing. But I'm right there with you. There's not much I can do b/4 I pooh out. Hope your feeling better today. Take something to help with the muscle aches.

Lets see... its MONDAY!! ick. lol.

Boss man is off site until 12:30 pm today so I get to play for a few hours **naughty grin**

Whats everyone got planned for the week? anything exciting?

Nothing much here, just gonna work my arese off b/c I'll be out starting next monday, so I wanna make sure I leave the office with my stuff done. To many needy people here so I wanna make sure they are gonna be okay while I'm gone.

The company is having a picnic today at noon. The picnic consists of a dry ass burger, and some gross Beans LOLOL !!! Gee I can't wait. ...... I know I know... I'm such an ungreatful bit*h. But when you work hard, and you hear they are making a ton of money, management gets bonuses after bonuses and you get a dry ass burger. It just doesn't excite me.

Other than that, the sun is out and its just so darn beautiful here. Breezy and cool.

Well coffee is ready and I need some oatmeal. So I'll catch you all later... HUGS

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Good Morning Y'all!

It is beautiful here this morning, I just finished my walk and it was really nice.

I did get to go riding this weekend, and I had a good time. I also went to the neighbors for dinner Saturday night. After I passed on DB invite, the next door neighbors called and DH accepted the invitation. Needless to say I didn't stick to the rules very close! My eating went fine, it was the extra drinks I had that killed me. Oh well, I guess I am just living normal huh? :) I did still drop two pounds so I guess I won't bi*ch too much! Weekends kill me!

Karla - Yes, it was in the 80's this weekend, and very nice. I hope you are resting, get healed up and don't do more than you should even if you feel like it. It sounds like you are doing great!

Pat - I too would like to hear about the she-crab! I haven't heard that one before either. I am finding out that I have to try on everything lately that I buy. The sizing is the worst I have ever seen, each brand seems to fit differently! UGH!

Eileen - I agree with the gas/heating bills, there is absolutely no reason for this to be happening. The last I heard anything here is that Gov. Perry made a deal with TXU to only (yeah like that is low) raise it 20% now and wait to raise the other in April. Well, that is just in time for the air conditioning to start getting used a lot here. Anyone can take a look at the profits those companies are making and know we are getting took. I shouldn't even get started on this subject, it really makes me mad!

I know what you mean about companies giving you something like a picnic. Hey, give me the money and forget the picnic! Enjoy your hamburger, at least you can eat one now before the surgery. I think that is great that you get 4-6 weeks off! You'll be thinner before you go back too! :D:D:D

Beanie - I can't believe how hard it is to plant things here because of the ground. Heck, the digging alone wears you out. Each time you take a shovel full of dirt you have to pry it off the shovel. And, that isn't counting how hard it is to get that shovel into the ground to start with. I can tell you that after you get the band and lose some of the weight, it will be easier to work out there though. I couldn't believe this spring how much easier it was for me, pulling weeds and planting. I hope you sat in a hot bath and felt better, although I think the massage sounds better yet! :D:D:D

Give that insurance company a call bright and early this morning, make them give you an answer!

Cindy - Whoooo Hooooo! I know you are excited. It feels so good when you break a milestone like that! You are doing great! :banana :banana Great NSV on the new size pants too! Now, do something special for yourself today!

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Betty-thank goodness it's not just me! Maybe it's been a long time since I bought clothes in a store, but I just can't believe how different the sizes fit.

Everyone who asked about the she crab Soup. The difference between regular crab soup is the "she" has crab roe, yesss crab eggs from the female-"she". The recipes all call for the roe, but a substitue can be made by using hard boiled egg yolks.

She-Crab Soup

1 small onion, minced

4 tablespoons butter

1 pound crabmeat (about 12 crabs)

1 quart milk

2 cups light cream

1/4 teaspoon mace

1/4 teaspoon white pepper

1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste

1/4 cup dry sherry

2 egg yolks or 1/4 cup orange crab roe

Rind of 1 lemon, grated, optional

Sauté onion gently in the butter, add crabmeat, and set aside. Heat milk and cream in the top of a double boiler, add crab meat and onion, seasonings, and sherry. Cover, and let steep over very low heat for 30 to 45 minutes

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AAhhhh. DH is a big fan of the Roe. He might really appreciate this recipe for his arsenal. Thanks, Pat!

As for me, the sizing is pretty easy - I just grab the biggest size they have at the store. Some of it fits, some of it doesn't. Of course, I haven't bought any clothes for a bit, since it is my plan to be wearing a different size SOON.

I understand why the petrol price is going so high - I mean our boy George's whole family is in the Biz. I wonder if he is hooked into the Electric company, too? Grrrrr.

I am off to call the insurance company.


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Cindy, congratulations on the new pant size WHOOHOOO!!!! It is an awsome milestone. Don'tcha just love playing hookey :)

Betty, congratulations on the 2 lb loss !! WTG SIS !!!!!

Pat, crab eggs...G-R-O-S-S-S-S-S, sorry but ick !! LOLOLOL Gotta ask, can you really taste them? ick, bleh.

Beanie, do you really think George has something to do with it ROFLMFAO !!!! $cha-ching$ I'm just sick of everything going up. My property taxes went up $2,000 this year alone. I don't know about you all but we pay $7,100.00 in property taxes. It just kills me to have to set aside $150.00 a week out of my pay just for stinkin taxes. Two paychecks can just about make it here, unless of course your Donald *funky hair* Trump. Okay rant over.

Beanie let us know what BCBS has to say this time.

HUGS !!!

Oh.... I had my burger *burp* and they gave us a candy bar and a small bag of chips. Its nice to have a company party, especially after they just layed off a bunch of people. Go figure. (We're talking 3,000 people at this site alone).

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Good Morning :(

How are my widdle friends today ? I'm just ducky.

Its really pretty out today, blue blue skys :)

Beanie any news from the insurance people?

Today I get to call the insurance company (AGAIN) to see if they have the predetermination # for me. If not, then I'm gonna scream. I've been very patient with all this crap. ***AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH****

Whatcha all do last night, did you have a good evening?

When I got home, I made dinner, cleaned, let DD make ghost Cookies (the pre packaged ones) and I made a whopping big bowl of tuna salad for tonights dinner and lunches for DD. Took a shower and was in bed at 8:30 zzzzzzzzzzzzz slept like poop.

How about you?

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Well, last night I stayed up and waited for my son to get back from Rock-fishing. Then had to drive him home at 1:00 in am, more beer than fish, LOL. They killed both batteries on the boat,running the spotlight, had to get a jump start, (in the river now), and still kept fishing, men!

About the She Soup, I've convinced myself he used the boiled egg alternative, although, he does sell shelled seafood beside the sea shore.

I've gotta go to work today, it's absolutely beautiful, the sun is shinning, the temp is great. I'd rather stay home and play, but we're short handed in the office. Boy good help is hard to find. You wouldn't believe the way people come in dressed to interview for a job. Worn-out tennis shoes, clothes look like they wore them to bed, flip flops. One girl had on pants so tight (white stretch pants) you could count the dimples on her butt.

Have a great day everyone.

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Good Morning Y'all!

Eileen good luck this morning with the insurance company! Let us know!

Beanie have you heard anything at all?

Pat - I have an appointment this afternoon for job testing. I always wear a suit/heels even for the testing. Any other pointers you can give me? lol

I wish I wouldn't get so nervous when I test, I just can't help it. I end up typing a lot less wpm than I normally would do. Actually that fishing trip sounds like a lot of fun! :( But, those crab eggs definately don't! UGH!

Cindy are you playing hookey today or going back to work?

Hey Karla, how are you doing today?

Well, got lots to do before my testing, wish me luck! :)

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Pat LOL on the dimples. I guess I'm old school, I always dress nice, and I even carry a brief case. It looks impressive :( Makes em think I'm serious.

Betty, good luck on the job testing.

I called the insurance company today right after my doctors office called me. NOW they are giving me a bull-sh*t story that they need a full 21 days for them to make the predetermination. They received my info on October 4th (which was the doctors office fault b/c they should have sent it in September, when I saw them on the 6th) and they seem like they won't budge. The 21st day is October 24th which is the day of my surgery. I was crying and sobbing like a baby on the phone to the manager. I said do you realize what I am going through. My nerves, my blood pressure. Do you realize my boss has hired a temp, I hired some one to watch my DD. My disability papers as well as my employee papers have to be submitted. I just spent hundreds of dollars on blood work and testing for this. I just went saturday for more blood work, and now thats gonna be another charge. AHHHHHHHHHH! F*CKIN JERKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no doubt it will be rescheduled and its the offices fault even though they don't wanna admit it. I'm so freakin pissed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If my office window opened I'd open it and scream my bloody head off.

I just called our HR department. They said they would call a contact of BCBS and get some answers (may not be the answers I wanna hear but answers nonetheless... sigh).

I also spoke to the surgeon's office. This may push my surgery back 2 weeks possibly more.

I can not tell you how upset I am right now. Good thing there's no mexican food around or I'd O.D...... LOL jk !!!

Rant over...(not really but thanks).

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Wow. More fun with Blue Cross... Sorry Eileen. It SOOO sucks that BC/BS is this way. You want me to forward my appeal letter to you NOW? You could edit it for yourself, just in case you have to kick some butt...


My Insurance Saga continues. I discovered that part of the reason it takes them sooooo long to respond to anything is that EVERY written communication has to be "imaged" to the computer system so that anybody can pull up the actual document and look at it. That means any e-mail, fax or letter sent by post has to pass thru the imaging dept - which takes 2-3 days... So, I can't even get anybody to specifically acknowledge the appeal request until tomorrow.


Last night, I just went home and ate dinner with DH and watched bad TV while I surfed LBT. I am a little ADHD... I usually have several things going at once: tv on, on-line, and Spider Solitairre. So, that is pretty much an average evening.

Sometimes DH and I will watch TV together - but we don't really like the same TV. He says that I would watch a 24 hour Dogfood Commercial. So, does that mean that I don't have discriminating taste in entertainment?

He likes "Cops" and shows of that ilk. I just don't get it. I get enough REALITY during the day. I want FANTASY for entertainment.


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Beanie me too, I am ADHD, diagnosed last year lol. I too have several things going on at once. DD usually has the disney channel on while I'm on the pc. Tell DH that I'd be right there with you watching that dog food commercial ROFLMFAO (thanks I needed that). I hate reality shows and cop shows. I too want fantasy or something REALLY funny. I like sitcoms, game shows and porn (just kidding on the porn folks, REALLY I'm just kidding LOL).hehehehehe.

I need a joint (just kidding.... eh~)

I'm so frustrated right now. Bet my BP is sky high. My back hurts too, thats how upset I am.

I didn't go to lunch today b/c I was waiting for my HR dept to call back. Sooo I had a small snack size bag of dipsy doodles and a 3 muskateer's bar.. Like I needed that. Tasted good and the sugar went right to my brain and said... "there there, you'll be okay" but as soon as I was done, my anger came back. Sad aren't I.

See folks, I'm not so perky and positive....I too can be down right depressing (although I am laughing at myself right now).

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Oh - gosh.... That 3 Muskateers bar explains the whole rant... a SUGAR HIGH!! (see, who needs a joint when you have candy? ) lol.

Disney Channel works for me - but I watch lots of other stuff, like CSI (only pretending to be reality - justice always prevails) or "How Do I Look" on the Entertainment Channel. Bad Sci-Fi is always ok - and last night, I watched "Pretty in Pink" for about the 20th time. It's so funny to see Anthony Michael Hall so young - when in the next moment I might flip the channel and catch him as a grown up on the Dead Zone - USA network. He looks so different!

Anyway, this too shall pass, Eileen. Despite all the agravation, eventually it will all work out. (((hugs)))

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Hi, everybody! Seems like the first emergency going on around here is Eileen's problem with insurance/surgery...I am soooooo upset for you! It is not an easy thing to get everything arranged, then have to wait and change things due to bureaucratic foul-ups (do you like how I said FOUL-ups instead of @*@$?) It's like Beanie said, everything will work out, and you will be happy.

To all of you, thanks for whoops of congratulations...it is so great to get that from people who KNOW what it's like...I'd be embarrassed to say that to my skinny friends at work...I don't know what size they think I am, but I bet it was never as high as it actually was! LOL! On the other hand, I guess my problems are purely evident on the outside...and they probably have the same ones, but do something else instead of eat...wonder what? Probably they found those joints Eileen was looking for. LOL!

Beanie, I'm out here pulling for you against the insurance company. I think you're a real hero!

This is the week of my sister's and daughter's birthdays...my sister's is today, and my daughter Haven's is Friday. She'll be 8, or have I said that already? ANYWAY, there's a family party Saturday, and hers is Sunday afternoon (with friends). She is doing chimes in two services of church on Sunday also. Guess I won't get to watch the Cowboys this week? Anyone else a football fan?

Time to get the bedtime train rolling...Eileen, I hope you sleep better, maybe it was the full moon?

Goodnight ya'll! Cindy

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