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WHEEEEEEE!!!!! Whoopie! Yee Haw!! GOOOOOOOO IRA!!

Great job!~

All that running around at Walmart must be paying off! :]

Eileen - dinner? I think my personal chef and houseboy said something about turkey gravy & boiled potatoes... I don't actually cook...

I sort of CAN cook - but, hey, that's what house husbands are for, right?


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TGIF !!!

Is it true that cannibals won't eat clowns 'cuz they taste funny?

Good Morning Everyone !!!

Oh phooie, my font is red.... oh well. Thats better. TGIF TGIF TGIFFFFF

I am so wiped, I've had enuf of this week... me want sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Whats everyone got planned for the weekend? Today they are calling for flooding, yikes.

Tomorrow I have to go to a Memorial Mass for my BIL who passed away last month, he struggled with cancer (long story) but is now with the Good Lord and not suffering. Sad thing is he was only 54 ;)

Sunday if its not raining after church we'll go pumpkin picking.... yeah you got it... more apple cider donuts slurp burp ahhhhhh !

IRA !!! Congratulations on your 50% mark :) :) :D

Beanie, I'm coming over for dinner :D Before DD came along I used to cook every night, now its bologna sandwiches or Cereal if I don't plan and cook for us on sundays. Oh well.

Whats happening in your world?

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Well, dinner turned out to be canned chili, after all. DH spent the day doing yard work and he was burned out.

I had planned on making preparations to sojourn to Burbank this weekend, but alas, all I have to prepare for is the joy of jury duty.

So, I will probably kick back and watch the rain.

Summer is officially gone. Our temperatures have dropped from the high nineties to the low 70's over night. It is grey and dark... and that 70 sure feels COLD after the Summer we had. Maybe we will rev up the fireplace, or something. :]

In case you couldn't tell - weekends are pretty low-key for me and mine.... Although with the cooler temperatures, we can finally get outside and do the fall clean-up and trim on all the shrubs in our yard without fear of heat stroke, so we may do some of that, if it isn't pouring buckets on us.

That's the big plans for me...

Have a good one!

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Just me, checking in from the COLD state of Texas! Why, I don't think it's supposed to get out of the 60's today! Lovin' it!

I love the Eagles, too...and am waiting for their Farewell concert tour to make it to DFW...if it ever does. I have seen hundreds of bands, but never the Eagles, so DH and I have decided if we ever get the chance again, we'll fork out the big bucks to make sure we are AT THAT CONCERT!

This weekend: we are going to the State Fair tomorrow! I just love the whole atmosphere, and taking pictures of my daughter eating cotton candy and standing by Big Tex! We'll ride the Ferris Wheel, and some other rides...daughter and I usually ride while husband holds the stuff...he doesn't like spinning. I like going to see the entries in the Women's Building, seeing the new cars in the Auto Building, and what's a fair without browsing through the livestock buildings? Then Sunday is church day (Methodist...I'm surprised the joke didn't have something about food in it!) and we are going out to lunch with a couple in our church who have a daughter in the same class as our daughter, so that should be fun. Then Monday, I am off from work (in Texas, we have "Fair Day" so the kids can go to the fair, which is why I never go on that day!) I think I'll get everyone out the door to school and work, then work on the baby quilt for my niece, or work on my scrapbook. The scrapbook is harder than it seems, because it is from our trip to DisneyWorld last Christmas...for my parents' 50th anniversary, and my mom has since passed away. So, while it's great to see the pictures of all of us together, it is also sad. Anyway, it looks to be a pretty good weekend for us.

I'll check in later to see what everyone's up to! TGIF! Cindy

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So, Ira - ASIDE from being a weight-loss-super-stud, what are you going to do this weekend?

What about you, Ray? 30 lbs down - Way to Go! Whatcha doin?

Lisa? Betty? Alex? Seppi? Anything to report? What's happening in your neck of the woods?

Everybody have a great day and a Fabulous weekend!

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BOO! Beanie, I see you....

Canned chili is just fine with me. I'm easy ;)

Fall clean up YUCK!! thats one reason we don't have any tree's in our yard hehehe. But of course when the winds pick up we get the neighbors leaves all over our yard lol. I love the fall, its my favorite season. I love sitting outside in the morning when the world is quiet all snuggled up in my fleece bath robe and furry tyedie pig slippers, sipping a hot cup of hazelnut coffee while the cool breeze kisses my face.

Cindy, the fair the fair !!! ohhh fried pnutbutter n jelly sandwiches mmmmmmm... Take a picture of yourself by that stand, I wanna drool. I used to scrapbook but haven't had the time since DD. Some day I'll get back to it. Sorry to hear about your Mom. I remember you telling me about her **hugs** Your methodist too !! ROFL... yeah I am surprised they didn't mention food in that joke. I wonder if anyone has done research on who's the fattest religious group :) bet it is the methodist. We like to stick just about anything in a crock pot.

Jeepers creepers its almost 3 PM...... 1 1/2 hours left and I'm FREE !!! I'm so excited, if I had any energy I'd let out a big yell YIPPEE!!! lol

My doctors office called to set up an appt for the 15th for preop blood work.... wholey crap batman. So little time, so much to eat ROFL !!! jk jk jk

Lisa (Delarla) whats shakin? and don't say a coke can LOL.

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Eileen ~ cute joke!

Ira ~ awesome weight loss!! Keep up the good work!

Renebean ~ I am queen of double booking things! I always write things down on little pieces of paper and then lose them ~ what I am trying to say is don't feel so bad, your not alone!

BBQ pulled pork in the crockpot for sandwiches with a salad! yum!

Have a good weekend everyone!

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My computer went down last night, and just got back up a few minutes ago. It is so slow I can't hardley stand to sit here! And, I have comcast so I know there is still a problem! At least it let me on for a few, I was having withdrawals bad! ;)

It was cold (52) and rainy here all morning, now the sun it out and it is starting to warm up some.

Ira - Congrats! Do something special for yourself!

Cindy - Have fun at the fair. It should be a nice day for going with the cool weather. Pictures would be nice!

Bene - You can send that DH of yours my way if he cooks, mine don't do anything except sit back and eat what I cook! :):):D I have a lot of fall clean up to do, but probably won't do any of it.

Eileen - Do y'all carve your pumpkins? I remember going to the patch with my kids a long time ago. They had a hay ride out to the patch, then we spent a few hours looking for the "special" one!

We will probably take advantage of the cool weather to get some Harley riding in. One night (tonight or tomorrow) we are going out to eat, I have that gift certificate from my b-day to use.

Well, I'll try to check later if this computer will let me!

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Good Morning ;)

Happy Saturday Everyone !

Its a well needed rainy day in Jersey. The kinda day where you wanna snuggle on the couch, watch a few good movies while a pot of chili or stew is cooking in the kitchen. Or just stay in bed and sleep LOL.

Now back to reality. Today I have to attend a memorial service for my BIL who passed away last month. He lived in AZ and was creamated but his siblings and parents live here in Jersey. My MIL really needs closure so that is why we are having a memorial for him. My BIL's name is Bobby and he was 54 when he passed away from cancer, so if you all could find 20 seconds today to say a prayer for him, I'd really appreciate it.

After that I'm no sure what DH has planned. Maybe DD and I will do some crafty things for the fall. The leaves are just starting to change here so you'll see a few oak trees that are pretty orange pink color and a few yellow trees.

Whats happening with you all today?

Are you all OP (on plan) ? What about exercise ?

I can't here you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lol.

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Well, let's see... you all know how scintillating my weekends are...

Slept til after 11 znd now I am watching what I lovingly call "Trash TV". I have seen VH1's most fabulous 40 iover 40 and other exciting stuff like that. Right now, as I type, I am watching "Dragon Fighter" on the SciFi Channel. Oh yeah, it's bad... Anything where the major name star is Dean Cain pretty much has to be... He may be eye candy - but a great actor he is not. I tend to love the sci fi anyway- no matter how bad.

I watch trash tv while I surf LBT because it doesn't take any concentration and it fills the gap while my dial up connection takes forever to move from screen to screen...

I may step out of "Sloth Mode" long enough to do a load of laundry - but then, again - I may not. Just a lazy day at the hacienda...

How's by all of Y'all??

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Eileen - Sent my thoughts and prayers your way.

It was cold here again this morning, however it turned out to be a beautiful day. We did a little riding, then took a nap! lol

We just got back from dinner at a Mexican place, it was good, and yes I did go overboard! :):D:D

I pretty much stay OP, and I am walking for exercise, at least five days a week.

My computer has been down almost all weekend.

DH is calling me gotta run! My movie is on! lol

Have a good one!

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Good Sunday Morning :)

Betty, how's the puter today ? some times this site here is so slow on my puter I leave b/c the waiting drives me nuts lol. I wonder why that happens? Riding and a nap, that sounds right up my alley :D I don't buy pumpkins to carve b/c there are so many squirrles and chipmunks that love to eat them. I tried everything, sprinkling red pepper on it...nothing keeps those kritters away. We live right in the mountains and its very woodsy here with a river right at the end of our street. Forget planting flowers in the front yard, the deer have a feast lol. Mexican mmmmmm now thats one place I'll have to go to b/4 my surgery :D

Beanie, how goes the TV, anything exciting? Yesterday after my BIL's mass I came right home, didn't go to my Inlaws house afterwards b/c I was feeling like crap. So me and DD came home, put on the Incrediables and cooked a frozen pizza, we ate and watched tv, I kept knodding off LOL and my own snoring woke me up HAa!!

Cindy how was the Fair ??

Letmesee....today is church and then home to sleep and clean, laundry and cook.

Where is everyone today, come on folks, I see you lurking but not stopping in to say hello !!

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Hi y'all! The computer was still acting up this morning, but so far the last 15 minutes it is working pretty good. I hate being without it, what did we ever do before they came out? lol

Eileen your place sounds so beautiful. We have a lot of squirrels here too, actually we feed them We put out corn on the cob for them.

Cindy - How was the fair? Hope you had a good time.

Bene - Hope you enjoyed your "lazy" day.

It is warming up good today. I think we will go for a ride, and then watch the Nascar race.

What's everyone having for dinner today?

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Betty, I used to feed the squirles and chipmunks pnuts, I had them coming up and taking it out of my hand. One chipmunk used to crawl up my leg and sit on my knee for a pnut. I had to stop b/c when we got my dog, it would drive her nuts and we didn't want the squirles and cm's thinking my dog was critter friendly when she wasn't. She's the mellowest dog ya ever wanna meet just don't let her see a critter, she goes crazy and I'd hate to say it but she won't rest until she has it in her mouth. She'll go after anything, racoons, squirles, rabbits, chipmunks, woodchucks, and an occasional bird if it gets close enuf LOL... oh and she also eats bee's. LOL Another reason I don't feed the animals anymore is because we get alot of bears in this neck of the suburbs/woods. The town urges us not to leave bird seed out or anything that would attract them. I used to walk my dog every morning at 4:30 am but I stopped b/c I was to scared I might run into a bear.

We had some wicked rain yesterday, the houses on the other side of the river (at the end of my street) flooded out. They had to take people out by row boats. Some were smart and got out b/4 the waters got to high. There are cops, fire trucks, ambulances, and Channel 7 Eyewitness News. That guy NJ Burket (I think thats his name) was there, I was standing next to him but I acted like I didn't know who he was LOLOL. Let just say my town is a little hectic right now. Its sad when you see the houses 1/2 under Water. I can NOT imagine the folks in LA when the hurricanes hit. My gosh.

Anyway, I think its nappy time :):D Its damp and cold and I just wanna lay under a fleece blanket :D

Hope you all are having a nice day.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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