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Any Regrets After Lap Band?

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I was banded in March of 09 and am now recovering from a second surgery due to the lap-band failing and almost killing me in July. The band is not just some easy, no problem gadget. It is a foreign object that your body may or may not accept or may malfunction due to manufacturing. I lost half of my stomach and had to have all of my organs cleaned because the band ate a hole through my stomach and food went to my abdomen and organs instead. I went to a very respected and experienced hospital who specialized in banding, so you never know when something like this can happen. I think everyone should know these things can happen because I am now recovering from one of the most horrible experiences of my life. It's been over a month since the surgery and I still can't walk straight or drive, I was in ICU for 3 days and they didn't think I was going to survive. I don't want to be a wet blanket, but I think it is so important to know that those things that you think happen to everybody else can happen to you. I still can't believe it happened to me! Good luck with your decision and I hope all goes great for you.

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I think everyone needs support. I still have not gone to a group because it is more than an hour away and it is at night. But I think I would really help me. Do you think it would have helped your experience in anyway?:)

Yes, I think a support group would of helped with the non-medical issues..it would of been nice to meet face to face with people who had lapband, to share stories, experiences. That is far away to go, and at night...I don't blame you for not going.

But it's working for you anyway, so that's good :-)

Because I paid so much, I am giving it another shot, (read other post) I just hope I don't get sick again :-( I'm going to have to wait at least a month or two? Could be more. 100% De fill. Wait, special diet, try again. *crosses fingers*

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At the risk of getting you all fired up HH, WTF???

How can YOU possibly have room to talk??????

Do you not remember the way YOU have previously treated ME for stating my opinion???

Do you not remember berating and belittling me??? Calling me stupid??? Ignorant??? Ring a bell???

You "discount/diminish/dismiss" ME simply because I gave my opinion and told of my experience???

I think you have major issues with double standards or do your postings just depend on your mood for the day???:)

I know you will once again talk down to me and tell me I make everything about me, but hell, you've been down right nasty to me. I have the right to point out your hypocrisy.:)

Holy Mother of God.

Honestly. That’s about the only thing I can say to that post.

Can somebody actually BE as dumb as a bag of rocks? Looks like it.

Ok, this is gonna be tasty.


PLEEEEZ. You are absolutely KILLING me. This is so damn funny. I cannot believe you have actually done this AGAIN.

Once AGAIN,…..you transport/parachute/inject/ejaculate yourself into a thread that doesn’t have a DAMN thing to do with you or your life or your affair with rin-tin-tin and you somehow make it ABOUT YOU.

My God, you are like a dog with a laser pointer. Or a box of hamsters. TOOOO much entertainment for any human to absorb. Do you rent yourself out to children’s parties? You should.

So……..before I point out the obvious, (to everyone but you, it seems) I need to point out a few things that you have said, in error, of course. It’s who you ARE.

How can YOU possibly have room to talk??????”

I have PLENTY of room to talk. Do you know why? Because I don’t have any of those imaginary Bypass friends that you have hanging around, getting in my way. Or horny German Shepherds. Or battery-operated male-replacements.

Do you not remember berating and belittling me???

I did not berate or belittle you. You did that to YOURSELF, merely by opening your crater-sized pie-hole.

Oh, and you forgot bewitched, bothered, and bewildered. That’s a particular specialty of mine.

Calling me stupid???”

I never called you stupid. That’s against the rules here. Besides, it’s not necessary. I never do things I don’t HAVE to do. And I don’t have to call you “stupid”. Because it’s SO obvious. So I didn’t. And I won’t.


Again… I never said that. But you seem to THINK I did. Here’s a theory about that: Perhaps you simply read back your comments to yourself, and came to the very obvious conclusion that you are hopelessly befuddled and deeply ignorant, on a profound scale. Most people WOULD reach that conclusion, so you probably did as well.

Now, there’s only one problem I would have with that theory. It’s about the “conclusion that most people would reach”. The problem is that I would be equating the intellect of MOST people with that compost heap between your ears that YOU call an “intellect”. It’s not fair to those people with REAL grey matter. So, I’ll have to re-think that one.

“I think you have major issues with double standards or do your postings just depend on your mood for the day???”

You will find no double standards in my posts. I am as consistent in my statements as you are in your ignorance.

And my moods? My moods are very good these days, thank you. Why? Because I know that I can always come to this place and find something that YOU have said that is so delightfully ignorant, so entertainingly devoid of substance and logic that I could literally spend hours rolling in the sweet, sticky, gooey mindlessness of all of the oven-roasted crap that comes flowing out of your fingers. It does indeed warm my heart to know that not everyone in our success-oriented society finds it necessary to progress past pre-school.

You "discount/diminish/dismiss" ME simply because I gave my opinion and told of my experience???”

First of all, let me state that I did NOT “discount” you. For something to be “discounted”, there has to be some Value present. Therefore, it would be impossible for me to “discount” you. “Diminish” you? That is a self-accomplishment on your part. “Dismiss” you? So easily done.


Now to the specifics of your Rant toward me.

You "discount/diminish/dismiss" ME simply because I gave my opinion and told of my experience???”

Ok, this seems to be the “heart” of your complaint.

So let me address that. Thank You.

You didn’t tell anyone of YOUR experience.

Got that, Cupcake? You were blathering on about OTHER PEOPLE’S EXPERIENCES. People whose existence is quite suspect, incidentally. But they were experiences that YOU did NOT HAVE. You were speaking about surgery that you did NOT experience.

And now you’re trying to pass it off as YOUR experience in order to make some kind of claim against ME??

You were telling us about people you supposedly knew that had had GASTRIC BYPASS, and had problems with it. Not YOU,…. THEM.

If it was YOUR experience, I would have NO PROBLEM with you relaying that here. Or anywhere.

So let me be really, really clear about this. If I could do this in Crayon or Etch-a-Sketch so it would be more “accessible” for you, I would, but I cannot, so I will simply have to write it for you. I’ll avoid the big words….but you can probably claw your way through “experiences” phonetically if you try really, really hard….

So here it is:

THOSE people’s experiences were not YOUR experiences.

Understand that? Got That?

Now, I have to add that I don’t really think that those people’s experiences were actually real, at least not to the extent that you portrayed them. But that part is not for me to judge. That would be for the Imaginary Judge in the Imaginary Court to decide….seeing as how they are your Imaginary Bypass friends.

In the event that you are referring to our “discussion” on the issue of Mexican Surgery, I did not discount your experience with THAT either. I am quite certain that you did indeed have a Mexican experience of SOME kind. Maybe even a Lap Band surgery. However, I do think it was more along the lines of a “Bride and the Burro” experience. But I digress.

So let me summarize here, best that I can.

You just railed on me because I chastised someone for discounting someone else’s experience. You think that I’m a hypocrite because I chastised YOU for relating YOUR experience. Except that it wasn’t YOUR experience. It was someone ELSE’S experience. And you’re now trying to say that it was YOUR experience?

So…..you not only have imaginary Bypass friends….you’re now CHANNELING them?????


I don’t usually say WTF more than once in a post, but this nitwit deserves a SIX-pack of WTFs, a dozen Hail Marys, and a nice shot of retroactive birth control.

My God. Isn’t there a Special Olympics that can keep this nimrod occupied?


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I am replying to my own thread:rolleyes: I appreciate all the pros and cons. That is what I truly want to hear. There are a huge percentage of success with the lap band, but it's a little difficult to find the "regrets/problems" with the lap band. That is why I asked. Again, I appreciate all the responses.

I do have one other question.... I have GERD. I am going to the hospital tomorrow for a scope down the throat because of the constant heartburn (even with meds). I've heard the lap band can deminish or even eliminate reflux. Also I've heard that it can make it worse. General consensus? Thanx again!

I was on Nexium daily prior to my banding. I didn't take anything at all for GERD again until a month ago. Now, I take something only if I eat too late at night for occasional heartburn.

Edited by crzytchr

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Dear Isaviolinist,

You have done great in such a short time, especially with no fill. I was banded 4/1/09 and my first 40 lbs came off quickly, however, since the first two months w8 loss has been very slow and this wk I've even gained:angry:. When you said you "kind of did it myself", how exactly did you do it--I am very disappointed in myself and after you've been banded, people expect big things of you (or should I say they expect little things of you :thumbdown:.

Thanks and good luck in the future.


Hey Scout,

When I said I kind of did it myself, I just meant that I exerted as much self control over my eating and portion sizes as I could, and maybe even more importantly than that, I did (and am doing) my best to choose the right foods. So if I felt like I was going to eat more than a cup of food (which is often) I eat Protein, or green veggies and VERY rarely have carbs with the meal (i.e. bread, Pasta, rice...I DO have carbs but good carbs like skim milk, tofu, Beans, etc.). Also, when I had a slip-up, or had something that I knew wasn't best for me, I tried REALLY hard to not dwell on it and beat myself up (that was partly the source of my weigh gain before..guilt). I also go to the gym for 30 minutes almost everyday and try to be as active as possible for the rest of the day (walking to places when possible, etc.). I've kept my calories between 800-1200 a day. And I burn a lot of that off during the day and at the gym (you'd be surprised how many calories during the day we burn!).

I had my second fill yesterday and I now have 7ccs in my Realize band. I'm on Clear liquids for the next few days then full liquids, then mushies, so I don't know if I have restriction right now (since Clear Liquids go down pretty easily), but I'm certainly hoping for some restriction with this fill. Excited for the band to start helping me out!

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Hello my name is Valory andi go to my first seminar on 9-9-09 and have just one question if the band is not inflated when you get the operation then how are you losing weight before your first fill

Hello Valory, to answer your question. The weight loss starts as soon as they place the band around your stomach. The band itself is a restrictive device that prevents you from over eating. The fills are used to further restrict the amount of food it takes you to get that full feeling. I'll be getting banded Sept 1st..

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Hello Valory, to answer your question. The weight loss starts as soon as they place the band around your stomach. The band itself is a restrictive device that prevents you from over eating. The fills are used to further restrict the amount of food it takes you to get that full feeling. I'll be getting banded Sept 1st..

I didn't have any restriction after surgery. I think that is the experience of the majority of people (although a few do experience restriction with no fill). If you don't feel restriction in the few weeks after surgery, that will be pretty normal (that is why its called 'bandster hell'). I had my second fill yesterday, but after my first fill I also didn't have much restriction either. I think on average, most people report restriction after 3-4 fills (but its different for every person, and also different based on whether or not your doctor is more aggressive or conservative with fill levels).

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Hello Valory, to answer your question. The weight loss starts as soon as they place the band around your stomach. The band itself is a restrictive device that prevents you from over eating. The fills are used to further restrict the amount of food it takes you to get that full feeling. I'll be getting banded Sept 1st..

Actually, most LBS patients don't see significant weight loss until they are filled to their "sweet spot." Many who have yet to get the surgery seem to think that you start losing immediately after surgery, this is mostly inaccurate. The first 2 months is for healing, and there is generally some, but not major weight loss. Everyone loses differently, but in general, those are the guidelines that were given to me.

I must add that I have no idea why anyone would even take the time to respond to any post from HH. Trying to justify humanity to something as ignorant as that is a lifelong task with absolutely no chance of success.

Anyone who would make a derogatory comment about the Special Olympics, and all the hardworking and WONDERFUL people who are a part of that organization, just goes to show how negatively ignorance impacts our society and humanity. This level of hatred and ignorance goes WAY beyond any type of WLS or comments posted here. This person needs professional help and to be as far away from human beings as possible.

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Actually, most LBS patients don't see significant weight loss until they are filled to their "sweet spot." Many who have yet to get the surgery seem to think that you start losing immediately after surgery, this is mostly inaccurate. The first 2 months is for healing, and there is generally some, but not major weight loss. Everyone loses differently, but in general, those are the guidelines that were given to me.

I must add that I have no idea why anyone would even take the time to respond to any post from HH. Trying to justify humanity to something as ignorant as that is a lifelong task with absolutely no chance of success.

Anyone who would make a derogatory comment about the Special Olympics, and all the hardworking and WONDERFUL people who are a part of that organization, just goes to show how negatively ignorance impacts our society and humanity. This level of hatred and ignorance goes WAY beyond any type of WLS or comments posted here. This person needs professional help and to be as far away from human beings as possible.

Once again Colorado you are correct. Don't know why I bothered to point out his hypocrisy he so obviously lacks the rational ability to see his wrongdoing. I was hoping he had just enough character in him to admit he was wrong and apologize but he isn't capable of behaving like a grown man since he has the mentality of an adolescent boy who stomps his feet, yells and screams and casts insults rather than carry on a grown up conversation.

Have a nice day!

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I was banded in March of 09 and am now recovering from a second surgery due to the lap-band failing and almost killing me in July. The band is not just some easy, no problem gadget. It is a foreign object that your body may or may not accept or may malfunction due to manufacturing. I lost half of my stomach and had to have all of my organs cleaned because the band ate a hole through my stomach and food went to my abdomen and organs instead. I went to a very respected and experienced hospital who specialized in banding, so you never know when something like this can happen. I think everyone should know these things can happen because I am now recovering from one of the most horrible experiences of my life. It's been over a month since the surgery and I still can't walk straight or drive, I was in ICU for 3 days and they didn't think I was going to survive. I don't want to be a wet blanket, but I think it is so important to know that those things that you think happen to everybody else can happen to you. I still can't believe it happened to me! Good luck with your decision and I hope all goes great for you.

This sounds terrible. Do your doctor's know why this happened?

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Ok, I have just read the additional opinions; read the first ones earlier. First to your question about GERD, before lap band I had it bad, especially at night and would sometimes barf in my sleep--very scary and the burning in my nose and throat was terrible. Also, I was taking Nexium. After lap band, I have had no problem with reflux, and I do still take Nexium. I do have what is called PB when I eat too fast, but the food just comes back up--no acid involved. Now to your original question: my only regret is that I didn't realize I would only be able to eat a small amount of the healthy food I'm supposed to eat, while I can eat unlimited amounts of the bad foods that I ate before--result, I have not only stopped losing, but this week have actually gained. I know there is so much information out there, and I guess I just lost that info somewhere in my saturated mind. Bottom line is, I thought after surgery I wouldn't be able to eat much of any food. I have pretty good restriction now; I am able to keep down my ton of daily meds and I can eat 3-4 oz of Protein and 2-3 oz of vegs at each meal. Still the problem is that if I don't feel satisfied later on I can eat an entire carmel pie or a huge bag of chips and dip, or maybe both. No, I don't wonder why I am not losing, but I do wonder how I can banish my same old eating habits that made me morbidly obese in the first place. And I know people who are just waiting to say, "Yeah, I knew she'd never lose weight this way either because she is too lazy to even eat right":angry: And yes I do know that we are not to be concerned about what other people say, but when you are thinking the same thing yourself, it really is dishearting. The main thing I see from these posts is that I need to exercise much more than I have been. Seems like every time I am determined to really get back on my exercise program one of my many health issues rears its ugly head and then it's just a vicious cycle. :thumbdown: Sorry, to make you all listen to my rantings, but I'll be glad for any suggestions.

Lapband totally CURED my GERDS, the surgeon told me I had a HUGE hernia, the biggest one he'd seen that day. My Gerds was so bad pre-surgery I couldn't eat anything anymore :-(

But since surgery, haven't had a single problem.

I know how you feel about people doing the : she'll never lose weight ...ect ect...hurts I know. My situation is different in terms of losing weight...But as I've said in other posts...I'm about to give it a 2nd try. So how about we both be the others support? If you want.:unsure:

PS: banishing old eating habits is very hard...I've heard..to attempt it in baby steps...one little step at a time...if you slip, it happens, just pick yourself back up and take another little step:biggrin:

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Congrats to you Scout on your success! I applaud your self control and that you don't beat yourself up for slips. I really hope my 2nd try helps me and I can be where you and others are :-)

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Once again Colorado you are correct. Don't know why I bothered to point out his hypocrisy he so obviously lacks the rational ability to see his wrongdoing. I was hoping he had just enough character in him to admit he was wrong and apologize but he isn't capable of behaving like a grown man since he has the mentality of an adolescent boy who stomps his feet, yells and screams and casts insults rather than carry on a grown up conversation.

Have a nice day!

“Once again Colorado you are correct.”

I’m not all that sure that Colorado is ever right about ANYTHING. She seems almost as dense as you. Not QUITE, but nearly.

“Don't know why I bothered to point out his hypocrisy he so obviously lacks the rational ability to see his wrongdoing.”

But….you DIDN’T point out any “hypocrisy” on my part….because there WAS no “hypocrisy” on my part. You merely pointed out your own innate stupidity. And it’s clear that you didn’t actually READ my response. Perhaps I should have written it in colored chalk on the sidewalk. THEN you might have “gotten” it.

“I was hoping he had just enough character in him to admit he was wrong and apologize”

Apologize? You’ve got to be kidding, Cupcake. YOU make a stupid remark and try and change the nature of something that YOU wrote, and you want ME to apologize?

The depths of your ignorance continue to astonish me. Every time I think that you just can’t get any dumber….well,…you somehow manage.

I have a dog. A wonderful Rhodesian Ridgeback. A big wonderful Mutt. A while back, I started taking her out in the back yard and squirting Water on her with the hose. She seems to like that on really hot days. I got one of these nozzles that has the adjustable settings….Mist, Stream, Jet, etc. She prefers the “Jet” stream. It’s a solid, HARD stream of Water, and she likes to have it shot right into her mouth. Now, that HAS to hurt. But she LIKES it. In fact, she gets a little upset when I change the stream to something more “gentle”. She bites the nozzle until I change it back to “jet”.

You remind me of her. Except she is more attractive. You just keep coming back for more. No matter how Stupid you look, you continue to dance around, looking like a complete idiot, BEGGING to have that stream jammed down your throat.

And as long as you continue to do that ignorant little happy-dance, I will continue to do as I have always done: Jam it RIGHT DOWN that big, gaping, cavern-like receptacle.

Something you’re quite used to, I’ll presume.


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I was banded in March of 09 and am now recovering from a second surgery due to the lap-band failing and almost killing me in July. The band is not just some easy, no problem gadget. It is a foreign object that your body may or may not accept or may malfunction due to manufacturing. I lost half of my stomach and had to have all of my organs cleaned because the band ate a hole through my stomach and food went to my abdomen and organs instead. I went to a very respected and experienced hospital who specialized in banding, so you never know when something like this can happen. I think everyone should know these things can happen because I am now recovering from one of the most horrible experiences of my life. It's been over a month since the surgery and I still can't walk straight or drive, I was in ICU for 3 days and they didn't think I was going to survive. I don't want to be a wet blanket, but I think it is so important to know that those things that you think happen to everybody else can happen to you. I still can't believe it happened to me! Good luck with your decision and I hope all goes great for you.

Thanx for the sharing! I hope things work out for you and your body gets back on track. How did you know something was wrong? Thanx!

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I didn't have any restriction after surgery. I think that is the experience of the majority of people (although a few do experience restriction with no fill). If you don't feel restriction in the few weeks after surgery, that will be pretty normal (that is why its called 'bandster hell'). I had my second fill yesterday, but after my first fill I also didn't have much restriction either. I think on average, most people report restriction after 3-4 fills (but its different for every person, and also different based on whether or not your doctor is more aggressive or conservative with fill levels).

Thank You for the info.. I will have to stay on my toes after surgery and be mindful of this.. I truly want to be a success story.. Unfortunately I hear my Doctor is a bit conservative when it comes to fills... :thumbdown:

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