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October 2009 Surgery Date?

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okiegirl, you"ll do fine don't second guess, ask yourself do you want to be in shape this time next year or in the same size? If you are like me I never lose enough to matter or keep it off long enough, but I feel HOPE around the corner and have read to many postings to know its the right choice. So kick up your boots and take the ride!!! I do wish you the best and please update me, I'm also nerveous but know its the right choice.

I too felt the same way the day of & I asked myself did I want to keep looking like this.... & made up my mind. I think everyone has last min jitters especially if you go to Mexico!

I'm very happy and already see results. I feel my clothes much looser.


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Thankyou for your detailed post op. I'm getting banded on the 29th and getting all this info is really making me relax abit. Did you ever get it figured out about the pain in your left rib cage? I'm pver here in Germany and the Surgent doesn't require a pre diet but I know its important after all the readings I have read. Can anyone share with me what the pre diet constist of I do realize that they might differ but if you all can share I would really appreiate it. Thanks

Hi Tina, my surgeon (Belgium) didnt require a pre op liquid diet, just advised me to go on a low fat diet for two weeks before the op, so I am feeling very lucky. Travelling Thursday for op Friday morning, feel a bit more settled now and I am looking forward to getting on with my life, not having to take all my medication, wearing nice clothes and never being this weight again!! LOL....

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Re: October 2009 Surgery Date?


Hi All, I`ve just added my name to the list. Just registered and looking forward to a long and positive exchange of information and support. Good Luck to all of you. Let`s journey on together.

Happyloser 10/1

heyred1 10/1

bethany329 10/1

Timmers 10/1

Lindac80 10/1

Marfar7 10/1

Ca7696 10/2

Opus03 10/2

RedboneLA 10/3

ihavehope3 10/3

Viking_girl 10/5

leetie 10/7

Jtreece 10/8

MommyOf1 10/8

Suz-Q 10/9

Noodles 10/9

SharPei 10/13

Guy 10/13

Cshytle 10/13

MoniqueD 10/14

Jenfromtheburg 10/14

ncarreras 10/14

angela677 10/15

Kme 10/15

Nooshie 10/15

munkee'smommy 10/15

Oliverdog 10/16

danyett 10/16

We3601 10/19

Onikenbai 10/19

Thegerm 10/19

kcg 10/20

Mzcancer 10/20

Soexcited 10/21

erenstar983 10/21

pina3940 10/21

jenrobbar951 TBA

HDmama 10/22

Cindylou00 10/23

Crazychica133 10/26

Idahlem72 10/27

Daria77 10/27

Barley 10/28

4girlfamily 10/29

Tina 10/29

Edited by cindylou00
error in list

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Hello Oliverdog,

Are you traveling to Belgium or are you from there? I know you mentioned you are traveling on Thrus hope everything goes well. Quick question I want to put my ticker in where do I put it? Is it under signature? I'm new to this stuff and would like to update my profile, and not sure where to save the photo thats in my profile to show like where your dog is, if you have time to let me know that would be great. How long are they saying you willl have to stay in the hospital? They told me 2or3 days.

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redbone, no offense, but you look great....I can't believe a doctor will even consider banding you. I see the fights alot of these people go through to get approved and end up having to self pay. I see you are a self pay also probably because you're great the way you are and insurance would never consider covering the procedure. Sorry, I was just shocked when I saw your "before" pic. I can only hope my after looks that good :thumbup: I hope you find what you're looking for.

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Hi Everyone,

I am new to the October Bandster's. I was originally scheduled to be done on September 28th. I had started my 10 day liquid diet and was working a twelve hour shift on Sept. 27th when I nearly passed out(also had same episode the day before). Luckily I work at a hospital(xray tech) and I went to the emergency room. Turns out my sugar had dropped, my potassium was extremely low and I had diverticulitis, which is bizarre, considering I had been on liquids for 9 days. After being in the hospital for 4 days(night one, I was overdosed on meds, my O2 level in my blood dropped down to 30%) I was finally released, but Dr. wouldn't agree to do my surgery until I had another Cat Scan done. So as of now, I am scheduled for October 19th. I have to say though, this time around, I cannot get my head into this liquid diet. The first time around, I lost 12lbs. I have yet to gain any weight back, but I am the first to admit, I have not been on liquids like I know I should be. In my mind, the liquid diet is what I think messed me up to begin with. I didn't want broth, so I just wouldn't eat. I know this isn't the way to do it, but I did. And I think this is what made me sick to begin with. I had 6 days of horrible diarrhea, then two days of nearly passing out and vomiting, then 4 days in the hospital. So I just can't get into this liquid diet. I am REALLY going to try harder tomorrow. The part that really sucks is that instead of just having two weeks off work, I will be off a whole month. Which means I am REALLY going to struggle trying to pay bills. But I know in the end, it will all be worth it. If I don't have my health, what else matters? I am adding myself to the list. :thumbup: Thanks for reading.

Happyloser 10/1

heyred1 10/1

bethany329 10/1

Timmers 10/1

Lindac80 10/1

Marfar7 10/1

Ca7696 10/2

Opus03 10/2

RedboneLA 10/3

ihavehope3 10/3

Viking_girl 10/5

leetie 10/7

Jtreece 10/8

MommyOf1 10/8

Suz-Q 10/9

Noodles 10/9

SharPei 10/13

Guy 10/13

Cshytle 10/13

MoniqueD 10/14

Jenfromtheburg 10/14

ncarreras 10/14

angela677 10/15

Kme 10/15

Nooshie 10/15

munkee'smommy 10/15

Oliverdog 10/16

danyett 10/16

We3601 10/19

Onikenbai 10/19

Thegerm 10/19

Chickychoo 10/19

kcg 10/20

Mzcancer 10/20

Soexcited 10/21

erenstar983 10/21

pina3940 10/21

jenrobbar951 TBA

HDmama 10/22

Cindylou00 10/23

Crazychica133 10/26

Idahlem72 10/27

Daria77 10/27

Barley 10/28

4girlfamily 10/29

Tina 10/29

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Hi everyone,

Just got banded yesterday 10/12 and just found this website today.

- Jeni

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Well, this is it! My surgery is tomorrow morning. I will post as soon as possible... Good luck to those who are being banded tomorrow as well. Good night!

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and adding myself back in for the third try....

Happyloser 10/1

heyred1 10/1

bethany329 10/1

Timmers 10/1

Lindac80 10/1

Marfar7 10/1

Ca7696 10/2

Opus03 10/2

RedboneLA 10/3

ihavehope3 10/3

Viking_girl 10/5

leetie 10/7

Jtreece 10/8

MommyOf1 10/8

Suz-Q 10/9

Noodles 10/9

SharPei 10/13

Guy 10/13

Cshytle 10/13

MoniqueD 10/14

Jenfromtheburg 10/14

ncarreras 10/14

angela677 10/15

Kme 10/15

Nooshie 10/15

munkee'smommy 10/15

Oliverdog 10/16

danyett 10/16

We3601 10/19

Onikenbai 10/19

Thegerm 10/19

Chickychoo 10/19

hope2bthinr 10/19

kcg 10/20

Mzcancer 10/20

Soexcited 10/21

erenstar983 10/21

pina3940 10/21

jenrobbar951 TBA

HDmama 10/22

Cindylou00 10/23

Crazychica133 10/26

Idahlem72 10/27

Daria77 10/27

Barley 10/28

4girlfamily 10/29

Tina 10/29

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Hi everyone! I'm adding my name again, I somehow got dropped from the list. My surgery is Monday and I wish I could say I'm excited. They found a tumor in my stomach during the endoscopy and I'm waiting to go back to the hospital this morning to have a special endoscopy w/ ultrsound. Trying not to worry myself, surgeon says it's prob just a fatty tumor, but better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully all is well and I'll still have my surgery Monday. :)

Happyloser 10/1

heyred1 10/1

bethany329 10/1

Timmers 10/1

Lindac80 10/1

Marfar7 10/1

Ca7696 10/2

Opus03 10/2

RedboneLA 10/3

ihavehope3 10/3

Viking_girl 10/5

leetie 10/7

Jtreece 10/8

MommyOf1 10/8

Suz-Q 10/9

Noodles 10/9

SharPei 10/13

Guy 10/13

Cshytle 10/13

MoniqueD 10/14

Jenfromtheburg 10/14

ncarreras 10/14

angela677 10/15

Kme 10/15

Nooshie 10/15

munkee'smommy 10/15

Oliverdog 10/16

danyett 10/16

We3601 10/19

Onikenbai 10/19

Thegerm 10/19

Deekel 10/19

Mzcancer 10/20

Soexcited 10/21

erenstar983 10/21

pina3940 10/21

jenrobbar951 TBA

HDmama 10/22

Crazychica133 10/26

Idahlem72 10/27

Daria77 10/27

Barley 10/28

4girlfamily 10/29

Tina 10/29

kcg 10/20

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Good Luck to TheGerm,,,, it's hard but after the first 3 to 4 days,,, it got easier. I just keep imagining my liver and stomach and want them to be perfect for surgery,,,, smaller liver and nothing in my stomach. Both are to my advantage. I'm not sure what your liquid diet consist of TheGerm,,, but it helped me to have a little more chicken broth and to cook my vegi's in it,,, getting that salty taste helps me a lot. Good Luck!

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Hi MJL, the feeling of being distracted sound normal to me. I`ve also been distracted a few times, among other emotional ones. It will pass soon for all of us. I will be thinking of you on the 21st from my hospital bed. You mentioned you were starting liquid diet on Sunday. Are you doing it for only 3-4 days? It does not sound as hallowing as those doing it for between 1 to 4 weeks. Good Luck.

Okiegirl79, hopefully you are reading this post-op. congratulations. i can`t wait for mne on the 20th. It will be nice to hear about your progress.

Hello again to you all.

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My liquids are for 2 weeks prior to surgery. I've got my head in the game of sticking to the diet exactly,,, but my stomach hasn't got the memo yet. It's hard with your stomach grouling, lol When is your surgery? The 20th?

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa for us all!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm getting banded tomorrow! Starting to get a bit nervous... Good luck to everyone!

Happyloser 10/1

heyred1 10/1

bethany329 10/1

Timmers 10/1

Lindac80 10/1

Marfar7 10/1

Ca7696 10/2

Opus03 10/2

RedboneLA 10/3

ihavehope3 10/3

Viking_girl 10/5

leetie 10/7

Jtreece 10/8

MommyOf1 10/8

Suz-Q 10/9

Noodles 10/9

SharPei 10/13

Guy 10/13

Cshytle 10/13

MoniqueD 10/14

Jenfromtheburg 10/14

ncarreras 10/14

angela677 10/15

Kme 10/15

Nooshie 10/15

munkee'smommy 10/15

txtigergirl 10/15

Oliverdog 10/16

danyett 10/16

We3601 10/19

Onikenbai 10/19

Thegerm 10/19

Deekel 10/19

Mzcancer 10/20

Soexcited 10/21

erenstar983 10/21

pina3940 10/21

jenrobbar951 TBA

HDmama 10/22

Crazychica133 10/26

Idahlem72 10/27

Daria77 10/27

Barley 10/28

4girlfamily 10/29

Tina 10/29

kcg 10/20

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I'm officially in Pre-op mode, I started my liquids monday, and so far I've seen a 6lb weight loss! :-D I'm also adding my name to the list! I hope to see a healthier me in a few months!

Happyloser 10/1

heyred1 10/1

bethany329 10/1

Timmers 10/1

Lindac80 10/1

Marfar7 10/1

Ca7696 10/2

Opus03 10/2

RedboneLA 10/3

ihavehope3 10/3

Viking_girl 10/5

leetie 10/7

Jtreece 10/8

MommyOf1 10/8

Suz-Q 10/9

Noodles 10/9

SharPei 10/13

Guy 10/13

Cshytle 10/13

MoniqueD 10/14

Jenfromtheburg 10/14

ncarreras 10/14

angela677 10/15

Kme 10/15

Nooshie 10/15

munkee'smommy 10/15

Oliverdog 10/16

danyett 10/16

We3601 10/19

Onikenbai 10/19

Thegerm 10/19

Chickychoo 10/19

kcg 10/20

Mzcancer 10/20

Soexcited 10/21

erenstar983 10/21

pina3940 10/21

jenrobbar951 TBA

HDmama 10/22

Cindylou00 10/23

Crazychica133 10/26

Jamie (endlessdreams_x) 10/26

Idahlem72 10/27

Daria77 10/27

Barley 10/28

4girlfamily 10/29

Tina 10/29

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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