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Thinking about Lap-Band ...where to start?

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Hello all!

Ok so after purchasing a scale the other day and realizing I am heavier than I have ever been in my life:eek:....I'm thinking of getting the Lap-Band. I'm a 29yo female 5'3, 214lbs with a BMI of 37 and a long history of hypertension. My friends and family are not supportive of surgery for their own reasons which I dont care about:tt2:...... I want to be healthy and lose this weight once and for all. I have a 12yo daughter that I want to live to see and I know at this weight there arte so many health problems I ma at risk for. I went online and scheduled myuself for an NYU bariatric surgery info session next week. What should my concerns be? I'm not scared or apprehensive at all.....but would love to hear any information anyone has to share ...good or bad. Im located in NYC.

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Hi - I'm in NYC as well and had my surgery at NYU medical center. The biggest thing I was surprised to find out at the info session was that the majority of insurance companies require a six month supervised diet with your doctor. I actually saw people get up and leave after they heard this, which I assume was because people were looking for a quicker fix (again assumption on my part). Regardless, be prepared that if you're going through insurance it will likely take a while - I have CIGNA and it was 7 months total to my surgery date. However, you shouldn't get discouraged! That time flew by for me and I appreciate now that I had it. The surgery comes before you know it. I'm only six days post op and am much heavier than you - started 282, I'm 5'7. Do your research, get as much information as possible. Great start by joining this forum! There is a wealth of information here for you.

Good Luck,


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Hi Jen!

Thanks so much for the info. I called my insurance comapny today (Empire BCBS) and they cover the surgery but with the six month stiplulation of being on a medically supervised diet as you stated....Im still gonna go for it! That puts me in a time frame of about February....just in time for my bday LOL. Im going to read up on it some more and try to be as well informed as possible. Thx again and I really love this forum already:thumbup:

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Hey shahsosweet, You should double check with your PCP. If you have Hypertention that is a "co-morbidity" and you may be able to get through this alot faster at the "urging" of your PCP.

Best of luck!

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I am also in NYC, and have been thinking about this quite heavily for the past few days. I have been overweight my entire adult life, and while I have had success with WW a few times in the past, nothing has worked long term. My BMI hovers between 39 and 40 (depending on how my week went). My doctor has been on me to lose weight for years, and recently my gyn asked me if I had considered lap band. I said no at the time, but have reconsidered.

I spoke with my ins co today, and they said under my policy I AM covered, I just need to find out what the specific requirements in order to be approved are. (Why they couldn't tell me that, I have no idea..) A friend who also had WLS suggested a dr who I believe is affiliated with NYU Med Ctr, so hopefully once I see my PCP, and get her OK, then I will be moving forward!

(Sorry to jump in, this thread just kind of resonated with me!)

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Another thing I would suggest is look at ALL of the weight loss surgery options, not just the lapband. I know it's the most popular one in the news right now, but each surgery targets a different type of eater. Research the different surgeries, and try to figure out what type of eater you are - addicted to sweets? unable to control portions? etc. That way you can be better prepared and informed when you speak with a surgeon.

Knowledge really IS power!

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I learned a lot at the NYU info seminar, and if I had any doubts beforehand, they were gone. Dr Fielding gave the seminar I attended, and it was very encouring to know he was banded 9 years ago.

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Hello NYC

I think the fastest way is to do the seminar online... Columbia has great doctors and you can watch the seminar from the comfort of your own home (or from work like me). One less hurdle in this Quest for skinniness...

Edited by Band-It-Damn-It

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Shahsosweet, I suggest you call your insurance company now. There should be a customer service number on your card. Ask the following questions:

1. Does my policy cover lap band?

2. What are your requirements to cover the surgery?

3. Do I need to have a minimum BMI? Do I need to have doctors' records to show I have been at that BMI for a specific period of time?

4. Do I need to have doctor's records to show I have attempted to lose weight in the past?

5. What bariatric surgeons are on my insurance plan?

6. I know that a surgeon can operate in more than one location, so are there restrictions on what hospitals or surgical centers?

7. What testing do you require to approve me for surgery? (the doctor may have other requirements, so just know what you have to do for your insurance company)

8. Do you require a supervised weight loss before approving for surgery?

9. If so, can my surgeon's office provide the supervision?

Get the person's name that you talk to. Write down all the information you get. Once you have all this information, go to the seminar. The staff people will help you with more information about the surgery itself, and they will also verify coverage with your insurance company. I feel, though, that it is best to know for yourself.

A knowledgable poster, Restless Monkey, pointed out that the surgeon can remove the carbon dioxide that they pump into your abdomen when he does the surgery. Not all surgeons do. Ask if this surgeon will...it can mean you will feel a lot better after surgery.

I'm sure others will have additional suggestions.

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Hi all. My wait for insurance approval started today. I will tell you,,, the 6 months of pre-approval stuff,,, it goes by much faster than it seems in the beginning. I went to a seminar the first of April,,, filled out all the information packet they gave me, got a call from the doctor's office the next week and met with him the end of April. When I got there, he had already called and found out all that was needed by my insurance company (cigna) for them to approve it. It was all that yall mention, the 6 months of diet plan with my regular doctor, 1 dietitian appointment and 1 Psyc appointment. Here I am, 6 months later and I can't believe it's time to submit to insurance. The thing that made my time go by so quickly is that I spent a lot of free time reading on here all the things I could read,,, pre-op , post-op , people 2 days after surgery all the way to a year after surgery. I got a little upset at times when I read all the bad stories,,, but read a post one day that made a lot of sense. She said to try and read between the lines of the ones with bad stories to tell. Some of them were still during the 2 weeks after and not feeling so well,,, and some of them weren't following along with what the dietitian said, or never had someone explain it all. I will tell you, the dietitian appointment had to be paid out of pocket, Cigna wouldn't cover that,,, but it was the best money I've ever spent. I learned SO much information from her. When you get to that time in your process,,, be sure to take notes and get ready to hear things that will sound od, but will help you recover faster, not get dehydrated and get to to your goal in a reasonable amount of time. She went step by step telling me what my body would feel like on each step from day one to my 6th week. The first 6 weeks may be the roughest for us,,, but she said if we get through that,,, we are good to go. Like week one and two,,, I think it's just liquids,,, but week two liquids can be Soup, etc. then week 3 is pureed meet,,, yep, doesn't that sound yummy. BUT, the more protien you eat, the better it is for your body to burn the fat and not the muscle. It's like everything she said goes with each other to make your body work as a well oiled machine.

So, with all that said,,, look forward to the 6 months,,, it was my time to be the most prepared person that I can be. I plan on kicking this weight's a*s and never seeing it again.

I look forward to hearing how all your pre-op stuff goes as I count down my cigna waiting period,,,, yeeehaaa :-)

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The info session is a great place to start. You have the right attitude about your friends and family's. You might also get some "attitude" from other weight loss patience. Many people undergoing the procedure have BMI's above 40. I did catch a little from a few people. (None here in this forum) But like you I had bad hypertension and sleep apnea, both of which are gone, so it was a great decision for me. Coming here was another good start.

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BillOh, thought I was the only one! I was in my nutrition pre-op class with 3 other ladies, all with BMI's in the high 40s to low 50s, and boy was I not welcome.

It's sad that some can't even support others going through the same thing as them! That's why this board has been so great for me.

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Few Things... I also have Empire Blue NY EPO and you no longer have to do the 6 month diet... you can double check online Empireblue.com they have the policy.

My BMI is 30.2 but I am doing EVERYTHING I need to do to for my insurance company to pay.... I have completed every step except seeing the nutritionist which I am scheduled to see Aug 24th and then the real waiting game starts...

Edited by Band-It-Damn-It

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Omigosh thank you guys so much for all the great info and similar experiences! I have experienced the negativity from my friends and family along the lines of not "looking fat" or being " a little plump but thats ok". However the numbers dont lie and I know what the stats are for obesity and this is the final straw for me. It bothers me that a lot people seem to be under the impression that it is laziness or vanity that makes me want this, I'm super confident and feel like I look great but I know that I am teetering on a dangerous precipice here.....I dont feel like I am going to waste time validating that to naysayers. I love that my boyfriend loves me just the size I am but this isnt for him, its for MY life and so I can be around for my daughter as an adult. yea yea yea people say you can just walk outside and befall some terrible tragic accident but that's completely out of your hands, why wouldnt I want to curb something I have control over? Im so ready : D

-I am going to research other options but feel strong about the lapband as the least drastic and invasive. Im not addicted to sweets and dont eat candy at all but I do eat large portions and seconds with minimal Water and lots of sweetened juices...with no exercise routine(joining the Y Monday!)

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Hi Shahsosweet!:biggrin:

Omigosh thank you guys so much for all the great info and similar experiences! I have experienced the negativity from my friends and family along the lines of not "looking fat" or being " a little plump but thats ok".

Isn't it funny how our friends and family can feel threatened by OUR desire to change things for ourselves? Stand firm - do what you must for YOU to be comfortable with your decision, and don't let them stop you...

However the numbers dont lie and I know what the stats are for obesity and this is the final straw for me. It bothers me that a lot people seem to be under the impression that it is laziness or vanity that makes me want this, I'm super confident and feel like I look great but I know that I am teetering on a dangerous precipice here.....

I completely understand...for me, the final straw was feeling the side effects of obesity at age 46 that I saw my mother going through at age 82, just before she passed away. At the rate I was going, I wouldn't MAKE it to be her age.

I dont feel like I am going to waste time validating that to naysayers. I love that my boyfriend loves me just the size I am but this isnt for him, its for MY life and so I can be around for my daughter as an adult.

You've got a wonderful set of motivating factors - YOUR life and your wanting to be around for your child. Another factor for me was the birth of my first grandchild...just over a year ago. I wanted him to know me - not just have vague warm memories of me because I was no longer THERE in his life. Bless your boyfriend for loving you as you are...be prepared for that to shift as you become healthier and smaller. My DH has shifted what he's appreciating about me as I get smaller. He used to say he loved "full figured" women, now he says he loves "fully figured" women...subtle distinction, but he didn't want me to think he was no longer attracted to me because I was getting smaller and on the verge of no longer being considered "full figured"! :smile2:

yea yea yea people say you can just walk outside and befall some terrible tragic accident but that's completely out of your hands, why wouldnt I want to curb something I have control over? Im so ready : D

You sound confident and informed - go for it!

-I am going to research other options but feel strong about the lapband as the least drastic and invasive. Im not addicted to sweets and dont eat candy at all but I do eat large portions and seconds with minimal Water and lots of sweetened juices...with no exercise routine(joining the Y Monday!)

I am right with ya - not wanting as invasive a surgery was what made up my mind for me...I have two good friends who have done spectacularly well with the bypass, but it just wasn't for me. I am very happy with my progress to date, and happier still that it's still primarily up to ME. The band is my helper, and that's the way I want it. I kept reminding myself that it took me over a year to gain this weight, and it might take me a little more than a year to lose it - but I'm still ahead of the game!

Because I'm a type II diabetic, I've always been a big Water drinker - that's something you might want to start getting used to now, before your surgery. I would also start weaning yourself off of sweets - for some, sweets can be "sliders" meaning they go right through the band, and can sabotage your efforts.

Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions, and definately stay on LBT - I find this community to be a good one - and I wish you every success in your journey to great health! :unsure:

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