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a little history - i was banded april 14, 2009. i never felt any kind of fullness or restriction until after my 2nd fill - july 9th. since then i've had to vomit daily after eating. not big portions, but some things just won't go down. i know i don't always eat the "right" things or the healthiest things but the quantity is cut tremendously from my "norm". here's my biggest dilemma...I'M NOT LOSING WEIGHT! i just don't understand it. i can barely get food down throughout the day and i'm still not losing??? what is going on? i've only lost about 35 lbs and some of that is pre-surgery!

i'm so discouraged and so regretful for even having the surgery at this point. if anyone feels the same or has some advice, it would be greatly appreciated!



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Hang in there, I do hear it get better. I was banded on April 15 and I've only lost about 28 lbs... so I think you're doing great.. I get discouraged sometimes also, but I have to remember it takes time, and everybodies body is different.... I have my 2nd fill on Monday, Aug 10th.. I have defintely fill restriction, I'm still on liquids though... that's my dr's order after his fills full liquids for a week... I'm even having troulbe taking vitamins.. they are getting stuck...From what I hear though it's not good to vomit daily.... you might have to get a slight unfill.. I hope when I start eating I don't exepricence this.. because it's very scary when a pill get stucks.... I think you need to call the dr' because it's been over a month since you had that fill and you don't want to cause your ban to slip... Everything will work out.. Hang in there..

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I'm sorry to hear you are so discouraged...have you spoken to your DR about this problem? Maybe you need to have a little un-fill to allow food to go down. Just a suggestion...maybe the "not right choices" you are making are high in calorie/fat even though the portions are smaller, maybe a healthier choice will kick start your weight loss.

I am fairly new here so I don't know a lot yet but I would talk to your DR/NUT or PA before you get yourself sick or dehydrated.

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If you aren't able to keep anything down, you probably aren't getting your calories and nutrients for the day so your body is in starvation mode right now and holding onto every last pound it has.

It is extremely important in situations like this to talk with your doctor!!! This is no way to live, not to mention if you get yourself dehydrated you're in for a boatload of trouble. It sounds like you may ned a slight unfill for your health's sake.

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OK First things First...you need to call ur doc and let him know that you are vomiting daily. 2nd thing, you can not expect to lose weight if you are not eating the correct foods.... you knew going into this surgery that this was a TOOL to help you lose weight... so now you need to get your head in the game. Protein FIRST- that should take up at least 3/4 of your day to do depending on your weight. Then veggies then GOOD Carbs---- fats should be on the very short list.... you should be eating eggs, chicken, fish, cottage cheese... yada, yada, yada.... sweets, breads, junk food should not be in your diet at this point.... I am following this Protein first rule, drinking my Water (crystal lite), and walking daily and I am down 28 lbs in less than a month- like I said you knew what you were getting into when you got the band..it is only a TOOL.... you have to do the work for it to work.... I get extremly frustrated when I see people complaining about it not working--- there is no such thing...YOU are not working. Your diet should be appox 800-900 calories per day and you should TRACK every bite you put in your mouth...try Livestrong.com's daily plate--- great TOOL.

I am being hard on you because the "hang in there it gets better" line is a crock of crap.... you have to be willing to do the work.... if you want this as bad as you wanted it xyz months ago that you had surgery you will get down and dirty and bust your butt to get the job done.


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OK First things First...you need to call ur doc and let him know that you are vomiting daily. 2nd thing, you can not expect to lose weight if you are not eating the correct foods...I am following this Protein first rule, drinking my Water (crystal lite), and walking daily and I am down 28 lbs in less than a month- like I said you knew what you were getting into when you got the band..it is only a TOOL.... you have to do the work for it to work.... I get extremly frustrated when I see people complaining about it not working--- .

I am being hard on you because the "hang in there it gets better" line is a crock of crap.... you have to be willing to do the work.... if you want this as bad as you wanted it xyz months ago that you had surgery you will get down and dirty and bust your butt to get the job done.


Kelly, very good points! My doc tell's me there 3 things to make this work. 1) Eat Right 2)Are You Happy and 3) Losing Weight.....

If you are not doing all 3 then eventually you will run in trouble.

Though the hardest part is the Mental part and getting used to new foods to replace those bad habits we had in the past if you don't they will just come back.

Things can be discourage when they aren't going the way you want, but don't REFLECT in the past, LOOK foward to the next week or the next day.

Once a month my doc office has a support group, I went to it after only 1 week after my surgery. There were about 30 there, about half were thinking about to have the surgery and the other 15 that did have the surgery only 3 had lap bands the rest had Bypass. 2 of those Lap said they wish they did the bypass and not the Lap cause they weren't losing enough weight or had problems. The only other one there with the Lap said he was in his 4 month and loss close to 50lbs. So surport was looking more discouraing for Lap band.

Rather it to bring me down, I look foward to be back in this month next surport group and keep proving that Lap band also work, but it takes Hard Work!

Like they say Money doesn't grow in tress, we have to earn it, so we aren't going to loss weight just cause we had the surgery.

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Just posted a similar response in another thread, but wanted to chime in--please see your doc ASAP! I was struggling for a couple weeks with getting stuck, puking, and not being able to keep any solids, and sometimes even liquids, down. Saw my doc yesterday and he did a complete unfill. 2 weeks liquids and he will resume fills so I can work my way back up to proper restriction. He said if I'd waited any longer and continued vomiting I could have really injured myself and my band.

In addition, even though I was hardly able to eat anything, my weight loss seemed to be stalling--because my body was in starvation mode, I think. You will feel so much better once you get some Fluid out, trust me. And then you can work your way back up and get to that sweet spot where you can eat the right things, feel satisfied, and not be vomiting and miserable.

Take care!

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I haven't been banded yet; but have been to the nutritionist. I told her I read a lot of people just aren't losing with the band. She said. (I know this is going to make a lot of people mad) If you are not losing you are not eating the right things.

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I love what Kelly had to say, AMEN! I really needed that today. I told my husband just last night that I wished I had gotten the by pass instead. It's getting harder to eat, and it takes longer. I am having a problem as in what to eat, I don't get long for lunch and I have found that left overs don't always go down that easy, too dry. I have never been that good in picking out the right foods to eat, guess if I could I wouldn't be here!

I need to start exercising more but for some reason I just can't make myself and I can't figure out why. Postalram you sound like my husband, I know just because I had the surgery doesn't mean the weight is gonna come off!

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OK First things First...you need to call ur doc and let him know that you are vomiting daily. 2nd thing, you can not expect to lose weight if you are not eating the correct foods.... you knew going into this surgery that this was a TOOL to help you lose weight... so now you need to get your head in the game. Protein FIRST- that should take up at least 3/4 of your day to do depending on your weight. Then veggies then GOOD Carbs---- fats should be on the very short list.... you should be eating eggs, chicken, fish, cottage cheese... yada, yada, yada.... sweets, breads, junk food should not be in your diet at this point.... I am following this Protein first rule, drinking my Water (crystal lite), and walking daily and I am down 28 lbs in less than a month- like I said you knew what you were getting into when you got the band..it is only a TOOL.... you have to do the work for it to work.... I get extremly frustrated when I see people complaining about it not working--- there is no such thing...YOU are not working. Your diet should be appox 800-900 calories per day and you should TRACK every bite you put in your mouth...try Livestrong.com's daily plate--- great TOOL.

I am being hard on you because the "hang in there it gets better" line is a crock of crap.... you have to be willing to do the work.... if you want this as bad as you wanted it xyz months ago that you had surgery you will get down and dirty and bust your butt to get the job done.


Very well said Kelly. I would also like to add that each time I have gotten a fill I have struggled to eat. My surgeon said it was not a case of me being over-filled, it was a behavioral issue that I needed to overcome. With this said, please focus while you are eating. Cut your food into very small bites and put your fork down while you chew. Do not swallow until the food feels like a paste in your mouth. After you swallow wait a minute before you take the next bite. I guarantee you if you do this, you will not vomit.

If you are still eating junk you should not eat, don't expect to lose weight. It is also very important that your exercise daily. I have worked my tail off to lose the weight I have lost and I do my part to eat the correct foods.

Get to work!

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I agree with what everyone else has posted. If you're vomiting at all, let alone 2 times a day, you need to contact your doc and get unfilled.

The main thing that intrigued me about your post is that you've "ONLY" lost 35lbs. Unless I'm counting wrong, you had surgery in April, and have lost 35lb is approx 16 weeks. That is on the higher end of the "1-2lbs lost per week" guideline for LBS.

You need to take care of the vomiting right away, but you also need to get your "head in the game". You MUST realize that the amount of weight you've lost to date is AMAZING and ABOVE what is the usual weight loss to this point.

How long would it have taken you to lose 35lbs without the band? It does work, but you need to help it work. Great job, you're doing great. Hope the vomiting gets taken care of.

BTW, I had the same issue, and had a complete unfill in May for 8 weeks. Just had a measly little 2cc put in and I feel PERFECT!!! My sweet spot is 2cc's so there is hope, hang in there!

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a little history - i was banded april 14, 2009. i never felt any kind of fullness or restriction until after my 2nd fill - july 9th. since then i've had to vomit daily after eating. not big portions, but some things just won't go down. i know i don't always eat the "right" things or the healthiest things but the quantity is cut tremendously from my "norm". here's my biggest dilemma...I'M NOT LOSING WEIGHT! i just don't understand it. i can barely get food down throughout the day and i'm still not losing??? what is going on? i've only lost about 35 lbs and some of that is pre-surgery!

i'm so discouraged and so regretful for even having the surgery at this point. if anyone feels the same or has some advice, it would be greatly appreciated!




I agree 100% with the other advice that has already been posted..

Again it's all about eating healthy (not eating what you ate prior to being banded - heck our normal eating is what got us fat in the 1st place), following the band rules (protein 1st - eat slowly - chew - tiny bites - low fat - sf to limited sugar, carbs starches) and PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/exercise..

Are you keeping a food diary - are you counting calories - losing weight is all about the math - less calories consumeed - extra calories burned

You just gotta get your mind wrapped around eating healthy and following the band rules - the weight will come of - but you do have to be able to eat...

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let us know if you contacted your doctor about the vomiting. We are only being hard on you because we CARE about you and you being successful!

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a little history - i was banded april 14, 2009. i never felt any kind of fullness or restriction until after my 2nd fill - july 9th. since then i've had to vomit daily after eating. not big portions, but some things just won't go down. i know i don't always eat the "right" things or the healthiest things but the quantity is cut tremendously from my "norm". here's my biggest dilemma...I'M NOT LOSING WEIGHT! i just don't understand it. i can barely get food down throughout the day and i'm still not losing??? what is going on? i've only lost about 35 lbs and some of that is pre-surgery!

i'm so discouraged and so regretful for even having the surgery at this point. if anyone feels the same or has some advice, it would be greatly appreciated!



boy ohhh boy i feel ya here. I hardly eat anything im at 7cc's out of a 10 cc band and hardly eat i puke alot. I exercise and still lost only 35-40lbs. It's DAMN frustrating :thumbup:

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I was banded on the same date as you and I've about 35 lbs too. That includes the 13 lbs I lost in the pre-op diet. I've been working out every day an hour on the treadmill and sometimes weights too. Sometimes I vomit/PB but, I don't think I need an unfill. As others have said above, you have to work at it. I know sometimes I eat to fast. I keep trying to eat chicken even though I know it usually gets stuck. I know I have to work harder at this. I know we can do it. At least if it comes off slow it's sure to stay off this time.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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