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I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh Nykee.

I am sorry you are having such a hard time. I have to say that based on what I have read here, I would not counsel you to seek other weight loss surgery.

The way you are eating now is probably the way you would eat on By-pass, and it isn't working now, so it wouldn't work, then.

I think a lot of your anger is at yourself. You are beginning to realize that the Band won't do it for you. What you have to realize is that NOTHING can do it FOR you. YOU have to do it. It sucks - it's hell - but its the truth.

So, you can either resign yourself to being fat for the rest of your life, or you can kick yourself in the ass and try ONE MORE TIME to change your habits.

I know, you have tried thousands of times and failed at every try - but guess what? The first thousand times, you did not have a tool to help you. Now, you do.

So, you are tight in the morning and can eat like a pig at night. Lots of people posting on this board have that problem - but they are fighting. There is only one cure.

In the morning, you go with liquids and mushies. At night, you HAVE to eat solid food. If you are getting "gripes" from your band when you eat solids, perhaps the problem is NOT that you need another fill - but that you are too tight.

If you CANNOT eat solid "normal" food, then you need an unfil so that you can. If it is just that you have "no interest in eating" then you need to find yourself a counselor - because you are correct when you call it a mental defect.

You have to separate the mental issues from the physical ones. The physical ones are easy to fix.

Get a slight unfil and Go back to the basics:

1) drink lots of Water. If Water is too boring, drink tea or crystal light.

2) SLOW DOWN. get yourself a baby spoon and a crab fork

3) chew, chew, chew and then chew some more.

4) make better food choices. Step AWAY from the cheetos.

Did no one talk to you about these things before you got your band? I know everyone has been sure to caution me that the band is not Magic - it is just a tool.


That's why some people can pick up a chisel and create the Venus De Milo and some people pick up that very same chisel and create a pile of broken rocks. We aren't all "naturals". We have to practise a lot before we can create art. Start now.

No one expects your first effort to be beautiful. But if you can just do ONE THING for a few days, maybe then you can add a second thing. Baby steps, crayon drawings. But YOU have to make them. No one and no thing can do it for you.

You know all this. That's why you are so mad. I hope you can find it in your spirit to try ONE MORE TIME - to really try and really believe that you are worth it.


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Give me an example of what/when you eat throught the day. Maybe this will help me understand better.


...one sip of juice.. its hurts alittle but I must do it. comes up often.

10 to 12....

I can drink my milk and juice on ice.. sip it to be able to get it down. Prolly 6 ounces of each.

12 to 3

tomatoe Soup sipped.. with milk... maybe 1/2 can if lucky and 6 ounces of milk.


1/2 cup of KFC mash totaoed and gravy (nothing can be drank with a mushie..it hurts)

OR 1/2 a baked potatoe with butter (nothing to drink)

Plus I can tolerate about 10 cheetos and 2 Cookies...

Plus I can drink milk and juice at about a cup an hour..

3 to 7 or so

I can have more of those things above... More in quantity.. cus its later..

But I still get paind of restriciton ya know

9pm to midnight

I can take big drinks of milk and juice and can drink a 12 ounce cup in 10 minutes.

I can eat a family size KFC mashed potatoe and gravy. (I get real FULL, but I dont feel the band pains) and a drink with it too.

OR I will have a whole can of soup, I spit out the chicken or veggies or clams cuz I know what I can swallow without the pains...

I can even eat a 99cent bag of cheatos and fell NO restrcion.

I can have Cookies with MILK it wont hurt at all.. I eat them till I am just full.. 5 or 10'

I will sometimes take a bite of my kids food... like pizza or corn dog.

I chew it till it cant be chewed anymore then I spit it out..

ONE bite only cus I always think I might get a pain, even if its night.

I can have like a big bowl of sherbert till I am full.

I dont eat all of that on the same night..

BUT I have a small vareity of foods i choose to eat

I mostly eat soup or potaoes. drink milk and juice..

I eat chips and cookies and sherbeert (lol)

I know theres lots of other mushies and drinks out there but this is what I want.


There.... obviously I can take in lots of calories with that crap I can eat at night when my restriction just opens right up for some reason.

I will eat if can eat......and eat what I can eat..



What you want doesn't exist. Your band will never be uniformly restricting.

>>>>>>DO u know that for sure for sure????

MAYBE THERE IS SOMETHING I CAN DO.. to either loosing the day or tighten the night?!!!?????

If you haven't moved on to normal food than you are not using your band as intended.

>>>>>>>>>I KNOW THAT..

I understand you are scared, but you have to try real food.

>>>>>I do! I am tight and will not have a PB or vomit ir get food stuck just cuz I want a food too much for my fill to tolerate.

TRUST ME, I eat up until the moment it starts to hurt!!!

thats what i need my band for..


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If you are getting "gripes" from your band when you eat solids, perhaps the problem is NOT that you need another fill - but that you are too tight.

If you CANNOT eat solid "normal" food, then you need an unfil so that you can. If it is just that you have "no interest in eating" then you need to find yourself a counselor - because you are correct when you call it a mental defect.

You have to separate the mental issues from the physical ones. The physical ones are easy to fix.

Get a slight unfil and Go back to the basics:

1) drink lots of Water. If Water is too boring, drink tea or crystal light.

2) SLOW DOWN. get yourself a baby spoon and a crab fork

3) chew, chew, chew and then chew some more.

4) make better food choices. Step AWAY from the cheetos.

Excellent, I agree!!!

And everything that Megan said, too. (ducking to avoid the shoe being thrown at me...)

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megan has given you EXCEPTIONAL advice. obviously you dont want it you are determined to fail.

i think your band sounds to tight if you are restricted to the point you are only able to get down "milk, juice, Soup and mashed potatoes,& cheatoo's" then you are to tight youd need to be eating solids. at least a piece of fried chicken would fill you up.

"The calories in milk, juice, soup and mashed potatoes,& cheatoo's my band allows at night is too much to cause weight loss"

maybe you should just get unfilled and save yourself the anguish.


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It sounds to me like you need to press your mental RESET button. Have you ever tried therapy? A lot of therapists (in my opinion) are useless, but if you can find one you click with, it will really help you change your outlook and get rid of all the self-defeating crap cluttering up your mind. You will get to the root of why you make the choices you make. Only then will you begin to make different, healthier choices.

Just a thought.

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renebean, everything you said was absolutely right.

Every pharagraph was the truth.

Thank you

You are beginning to realize that the Band won't do it for you. What you have to realize is that NOTHING can do it FOR you. YOU have to do it. It sucks - it's hell - but its the truth.

........>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dead on.

But I still beleive in a very tight band, with Protein and Vitamins, and being able t0 stop eating when your band gives you the signal toavoid pbing, gag, choke, get food stuck thus your not abusing the band and end up loosing it. (I CAN DO THAT..i prooved it long time now)

THAT WILL Work! AND I CAN DO IT!! (i hope)

I know its not the right thing to do..but i dont care!

All i want is to NOT be 400 pounds, ready to die anymore!

People dont have to eat solids to survive.

I wont die,

after 100 pounds,,,maybe, I'll get a new attitude.

definately move more...

you know.


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You have to love yourself the way we love you. I say we should have a new slogan:

Lap-Band Surgery, Because I'm worth it.

Baby Steps, Nykee. We are all here for you.

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But I still beleive in a very tight band, with Protein and Vitamins, and being able t0 stop eating when your band gives you the signal toavoid pbing, gag, choke, get food stuck thus your not abusing the band and end up loosing it. (I CAN DO THAT..i prooved it long time now)

I know its not the right thing to do..but i dont care!

All i want is to NOT be 400 pounds, ready to die anymore!

People dont have to eat solids to survive.

I wont die,

after 100 pounds,,,maybe, I'll get a new attitude.

definately move more...

YOUR band will not ever give you a signal that your full unless you eat something that will actually STAY in your banded area. you are filling your bottom stomache you should be filling your pouch.

i would challenge you to eat SOLid protien at night. if it has to be junk try fried chicken or chicken nuggets.

that discomfort you feel THATS the signal that OH my pouch is full...better quit eating.

eating things that will slide through the band is EATING AROUND THE BAND.

i am by no means perfect or even close. last night i had a MUNCHIE night..i had a dinner at 6 pm but worked till 3 am. needless to say i got hungry again. i ate 10 ritz crackers, a pice of zuchini bread, handfull of jellybelly's and a cup of ricemilk oh and 1 oz of beef Jerky. if i had just ate a leftover pork chop i coulld have saved myself a couple hundred calories.

i hope i didnt sound to harsh before. please dont give up. i TRULY think a unfill is needed.


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THIS IS BULLSHIT. I'm done talking to you because all you say is "can't", "won't", etc. You don't want to hear tips/etc. You want to bitch. That is just fine. I misunderstood that you wanted help.

------ok.. i am sorry for making you feel crappy..your obviously a really sweet person.

Please know that I still try.. everday.... I write "no cheetos" at the tp of my grocery list, i bought all healthy request Soups, my juice is the 'lite' new kinds... I tell my kids not to go to kfc for my masged tatoes no mater how i beg.................i could go on and on and on.

please know i only say "i cant" and wont cuz.......I never have yet, and i tried with all my might, for 20 yrs, and i am just nt willing to continue to fail and TRY something else!!!!

AND Its not that i dont want to hear tips and stuff.... I seriously know everything about it... i have not heard anything new in many years....

Its been the entire focus of my lifer since I went from a 140 pound 15 yr old to a 350 pound 19 yr old... I appreciate your support and concern, i do.

Even though YOU don't think you can do it, I still do. I am unwavering in my support of your ability.

>>>>>>>>>>thank you


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Nykee, there is absolutely nothing in what you're eating that is providing you the nutrition your body needs. You're scared of working with your band, waiting for it to close the gates on your intake entirely. As you well know, that is no way forward.

Everyone MUST learn to eat regular food while banded or it will never do what it was designed to do. What happens when you eat meat? Fish? cheese? Vegetables? Do you ever try these things? Yes, one bite of a KFC tender is better for you than the mashed potatoes and gravy. You have to get the chicken down, and a tighter band is not going to help in that regard.

Do this: Have a warm drink of whatever when you start in the morning. I know you think you can't possibly kick your juice addiction, so just try some raspberry herbal tea in addition to whatever it is you drink first thing. It's warm, sweet, tart and tangy, and might serve to open you up a little more in the a.m. so you can move on to REAL food at lunch time.

That's all the advice I have. Well, that and throw away the Cheetos. Let us know how it goes. :)

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you are Banded , you paid a lot of money for the band and alot of ppl can't even get it . It is a tool and you need to realize it is not magical and you need to work with it . just relax and dont' stress yourself . you do not need to have bypass . you can work with this . you just need to make changes in your lifestyle .maybe you are bloated in the AM . maybe drink more Water to flush your system in the evening . just hang in there .and try new things and see what works with your awesome tool you were lucky enough to get . Good luck to you ..Make smart choices when eating and think before you eat something if you could eat something better for you !!

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Please read:


You need to get some of your saline removed. You will not succeed if you do not eat solid Protein. The band is designed to create satiety when the upper pouch is filled with solid Protein and this gives you the illusion you are full with smaller quantities. Take this information from someone who has been banded for 2 years and 3 months and lost 90% of my excess weight so far. ME!!

I have never been too tight that I couldnt drink in the mornings or eat a small Breakfast of yogurt or cottage cheese or a mushy egg.

Besides the more you are able to eat earlier in the day, the less hungry you will be at night when your band is wide open.

Do you honestly think you are alone or unique with less restriction in the evening? Guess again. I am wide open at night and thats when I am most likely to cheat and eat garbage food. I keep lots of protein at my finger tips like string cheese, leftover dinner meat, some nuts. I also keep calorie friendly Snacks close at hand like sugar free yogurt, 60 calorie pudding Snacks, 94% fat free popcorn, Jello, weight watchers cake (if I get desperate), 100 calorie snack packs of oreos or graham crackers. I also drink lots of hot tea first and if I am still hungry, then I have a piece of 35 calorie wheat bread with some SS jam on it to make me feel like a human. I allow myself at least 150-200 calories of snacks in my daily caloric allocation to ensure that I dont die of hunger in the evenings, even though I know most of it is head hunger anyway.

Everything Megan and Shelly have told you is true. And add my reitteration and new information to your list of what makes a successful bandster. Being too tight so you cant swallow your own saliva in the morning is ludicrous. Banding is not about deprivation. It is about finally getting some satiety with smaller portions so you can lose weight. It is about making wiser food choices cause you are not hungry all the time.

PLEASE LISTEN to those who know what they are talking about and have been successful with the band.

Babs in TX



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alexandrea...thanks.. lol, I wish i could have a bite of a chicken snacker...but the pain woulndt be worth it....I could start trying the chew and spit thing more... so the nutrients would get in me mre than the mash tatoes and such.

i think i will try taking more bites of my kids foods and as long as i spit before swallowing any thing that would hurt. Its still stupid I know, but its something i know i could do, and is alittle better nutritionally... thanks!! love ya


.maybe you are bloated in the AM . maybe drink more Water to flush your system in the evening . just hang in there .and try new things and see what works


THANK YOU!...... Maybe Water pills of some kind would be helpfull??

I think I will try to drink a bunch of water beofre bed to see if that will help..

this is the kind of thing i wanted to try to find out,

i dont know much about the band and the tummy and where it is and how it wrks... and just wonder if i can get it alittle evened out..

thanks again

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I'm sorry you aren't getting good results with your band. I can understand your frustration!

Have you thought about going to a counselor to address your food issues? I had to go through quite a bit of counseling before I could stick to a diet, I wonder if it's the same for you?

We tend to stuff feelings with our foods....and not know how to handle the feelings we get when we can't do it.

It's a lot better for me now that I have gone through counseling.

Just a thought

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Michelle and Babs are right. You are TOO TIGHT. You do NOT need a fill. If you have just a tiny amount taken out, you'll be able to eat things like oatmeal, or cream of wheat in the morning, or a little protien shake. Then have a reasonable lunch and you wont be so hungry for dinner.

The other thing is that you HAVE to make better choices. Cheetos are never going to help you lose weight. The band is ONLY going to help you with portions you DO have to do a LOT of the work for this. And I'm sorry to say that would be true with ANY weight loss surgery. But I do believe that if you get a small unfill (my unfill when I was like you was .3cc's), you will eat something like chicken for dinner and you WONT BE HUNGRY for crap like cheetos. I love cheetos, don't get me wrong, and I CANNOT have them in my house or I WILL eat them.

Please schedule an unfill. In the meantime, makes sure you are drinking lots of Water. That should help you from being so tight in the morning if you haven't been getting enough Water in to date. Milk and juice don't count as water either, so you gotta drink that on top of those if you continue to drink them.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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