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I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!

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My stupid band! Stomach. Whatever!

I am especially restricted in the morning and then after 9pm or so, I am way way way less restricted.

I know some people feel somewhat tighter in the morning..

BUT this is so extreme......

I have to find a way to fix it. or i AM SOL.


I have to get a fill to get better restriction at night time,

I am NOT loosing weight!

BUT I cant get a fill... cuz in the morning I cannot even take a swallow of juice without sliming in out at leaste half the time.

If I get some more fill, I will be choking in my saliva in the mornings.

Cant do that or I will be abusing my band and put it at risk.


I am wondering if there is anything I can do to make my band be less extreme in its tightness from morning to night.. ?????????????

IS there some kind of antiinflamitory I can take at night....ya know..

Is there a certain way I can seep?

There MUST be something!


Making better choices and being more responsible with my nighttime eating IS NOT possible. (trust me)

I need MY BAND to work right... (cuz I dont)

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I am the same and have been since getting fills. I really dont think there is much you can do except try and get your food demons under control...I am trying...its hard but I know I have to if I want the scale to start moving again. All I could suggest is that if you are a night time eater - eat things that are better and more healthy and maybe that will help...but as everyone says, the band is a tool and this other head stff and habitual stuff we have to work on on our own.

If you come up with any miracle cures for nighttime eating..make sure you give me a call :)

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but with this attitude, you are SOL before you even start. What you are experiencing is pretty typical. The band is only one part of the tools you have to lose weight. You know this. You are fighting it. My guess is that if you put as much effort into creating new habits in the evening as you are in fighting yourself and beating yourself up and telling yourself you can't do it- that you would surely succeed.

Why are you drinking juice? Why not just dissolve some sugar in a glass and drink it? Better choice in the morning would be some milk...bring it to room tempature and it will loosen you up a little. Try some warm tea (decaf if you are prone to heartburn), or some yogurt brought up to room tempurature. Drinking/eating anything cold will only make it worse in the morning.

Maybe you just don't eat until a little later in the day. I typically get up at 6 but don't eat Breakfast until 9.

The night time thing is tough. I still struggle with it, and I'm 2 years out and pretty resticted. What I found that I had to do was change my habits. If I used to eat while I watched TV(Which I did!) I now do my nails, cross stich, don't watch tv, take a walk, do laundry, work on an project around the house. These things all seem very silly until you try. So maybe set a goal for just tonight. Tonight you will do _______instead of eating. If you are still hungry after you do this thing, then have something to eat. Eat something that has lots of volume without a lot of calories- light popcorn or veggies for example. No one EVER overeats broccoli.

You can do this. You are strong and have decided that you are worthwhile enough to have the surgery, now decide you are worthwhile enough to require more out of yourself.

Best of luck,


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Thanks.... your right... you make sence...

But.. I am just mad mad mad..

I know its not gonna happen that I will control what I eat enough while band allows it.. to loose weight. I wont do it. I have tried that 10000 times, I cant, wont.. whatever..

Sooooooooo... if there no options to get my band to act uniform like...

I wasted 12,000..$ (I lam dirt poor and 12,000$ coulda bought me a HOME!)

and am done unless can get some insurence to pay for a bypass someday.

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You replied before you read mine, I think...so now I have something to add to your latest post.

You need to buck up, lill' camper. Knock it off. Grow up. Tell yourself whatever it takes to shake yourself out of this funk.

My guess is that you are mad for many more reasons than that your band is too tight in the morning. You're probably experiencing emotions that you haven't allowed yourself in a long time (if ever). Run with it. Feel them. Get pissed. Yell, Scream. Whatever it takes. But don't you dare give up on your band. The bypass is no magic bullet either. There is only one thing in both of the surgery options that determine success and that's you.

Maybe you should just chill out a little bit. Take the pressure off of yourself. Think of this time as learning to live with your new band. Learning to make new food choices. If you lose weight, great, if not, you're still learning and you will soon.

I know what I sometimes say doesn't make me very popular...but know that I say things because I have been there.


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I know its not gonna happen that I will control what I eat enough while band allows it.. to loose weight. I wont do it. I have tried that 10000 times, I cant, wont.. whatever.

As a pre-bander who is deathly afraid that I will not be able to change my habits either, I'll just pass on my mantra "If you think you can or think you can't, you're right."

Never give up trying. Sometimes the actual "doing" is what gives you the motivation to continue.

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You can do this, we know you can. You have to believe you can !!!!

If you can't change the amount you eat at night, you can most certainly change what your eating at night.

Have you thought about maybe following Weight Watchers or something that will teach you good foods vs. frankenfoods ?

Another words, instead of eating a big bowl of Pasta at night, have a big bowl of veggie Soup thats low in fat :)

HUGS !!!!

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My band is also tight, but I'm not much of a morning eater...not hungry in the AM. I take this opportunity to DRINK MY Water, I have my coffee. I love my coffee and I'm working out so I usually wake up thirsty. You should be working out which will increase your Water intake anyway besides gettin that bod up and movin. So I don't really worry about it being tight in the AM. I sip everything so it doesn't matter if it's tight. I eat yogurt, oatmeal, cream of wheat.

As for eating at night, I have the same problem. My strategy has been to eat a larger lunch or some Protein in the late afternoon. I eat a lighter dinner and I GO TO THE GYM, which gets me out of the house during those crucial PM hours. Also, I try not to stay awake too late. If I'm up for some reason, then my munchie meter starts to kick in.

Every article you read says that your body needs water to loose weight and that water helps your body flush out the toxins related to weight loss. If you add exercise to the mix, then your need for water has just jumped again. Don't get to angry about the tight AM hours...just recognize that this is the way it is and make sure to use this time to injest the liquids your body needs.

As for loosing weight, can I suggest that you revamp your diet. All the Protein Diets which are out there have one thing in common/one thing which they are right about...people need to be hypersensative about what kind of carbohydrates they put in their bodies. Stop eating white things (bread, Pasta, potatoes) and highly processed foods. Instead, substitute brown rice, whole wheat Pasta, whole wheat bread, sweet potatoes. They are so much better for you and once you get used to them, you'll enjoy them. They have a lower glycemic profile (fiddle with your insulin levels less) so create fewer cravings.

Remember also, your body needs good quality rest so go to bed and sleep a good 7 hours. You'll get up more rested and avoid the late evening munchies.

Good luck

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but with this attitude, you are SOL before you even start.

>>>>>>your not bearing bad news, I am fully aware... I do not fit what the band is about AT all...

I KNOW I am incapible of doing it as its meant to be done.....

BUT I do not KNOW I am incapable to finding a way to work it another way that wrks for me. So, I will be trying anythin to do so..

What you are experiencing is pretty typical. The band is only one part of the tools you have to lose weight. You know this. You are fighting it.

>>>>>>>>>NOPE, I am not fighting it. I have tried for 20 years to control my eating habbits and I have failed.. and I KNOW I cant do it.

I wont wast 20 more years thinking I can...... I am gonna try something else and really dont care this point what I do, as long as its not what I already know I cant do and thats control my eating habits in a way that leads to actual success. (I know what to do, I just dont, its a mental defect for sure, cuz common sense is that I could control it and suceed.)

My guess is that if you put as much effort into creating new habits in the evening as you are in fighting yourself and beating yourself up and telling yourself you can't do it- that you would surely succeed.

>>>>>>>>Thats a good guess... lots of the time thats the issue..I however am far far far beyond that.. I think I felt that way when I was about 20 yrs old and not really educated or self aware yet..

Why are you drinking juice? Why not just dissolve some sugar in a glass and drink it?

>>>>>>>>>So.. You assume I dont know that juice is practically pure sugar, no better than POP or koolaid... I have know that a long long time.

Better choice in the morning would be some milk...bring it to room tempature and it will loosen you up a little. Try some warm tea (decaf if you are prone to heartburn), or some yogurt brought up to room tempurature. Drinking/eating anything cold will only make it worse in the morning.

>>>>>>>>>>>I tried warm liquids.. But its just too tight.. it really doesnt mattter... I dont drink or eat in the morning. I take one sip to wet my dry mouth.. sometimes it just comes right back out, no biggie....

Its 99% tighter than it is at night.

Whats wrong with wanting a more uniform restrictioin.?

Maybe you just don't eat until a little later in the day. I typically get up at 6 but don't eat Breakfast until 9.

>>>>>>>>>I eat what I can when I can. I dont care about that.

I care that I need a fill ... and cuz this extreme restriction happens in the day.. If I were to get a fill, it would cause me to choke in the day on my saliva.. I hope theres some kinds of way to fix that is all.

The night time thing is tough.

>>>>>>>>>its not that its "night"... and night eating is an issue..I know what you mean thoug...

Its that my band opens up as if unfills it self at night......then fills it self tight for the day..

I still struggle with it, and I'm 2 years out and pretty resticted. What I found that I had to do was change my habits. If I used to eat while I watched TV(Which I did!) I now do my nails, cross stich, don't watch tv, take a walk, do laundry, work on an project around the house.

>>>>>>Greeat tips. Its really cool when those kinds of things work for people. I am glad it did for you. :)

These things all seem very silly until you try.

>>>>>Not silly... Silly NOT to try I would think.

So maybe set a goal for just tonight. Tonight you will do _______instead of eating.

>>>>>>>>Oh I will set the goal.. I always do..its a daily habit..

If you are still hungry after you do this thing, then have something to eat.

>>>>>Hunger has nothing to do with my problems.

Eat something that has lots of volume without a lot of calories- light popcorn or veggies for example. No one EVER overeats broccoli.

>>>>>>>>>My cuppords full of those new mini bags of lite kettle korn..My kids pop them all the time. I might eat alittle. Most likely I will eat eat cheatos..

and I am affraid to swallow any veggibles, unless tomaotoe Soup counts.

You can do this. You are strong and have decided that you are worthwhile enough to have the surgery, now decide you are worthwhile enough to require more out of yourself.

>>>I know I am worhwhile enough... but I have that litlle mental defect remember? I know how that must sound when I say it, but seriously there is no other reasonable explanation except its mentaly broken... and I may be worthwhile but I am not a brain surgeon or Magically able to heal mental illness.

.........Thanks for saying all that to me me.... I respect you for it...

Your an asset to anyones life who needs support and advice and in a real way (rare) especially in this subject.....


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Give me an example of what/when you eat throught the day. Maybe this will help me understand better.


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You need to buck up, lill' camper. Knock it off. Grow up. Tell yourself whatever it takes to shake yourself out of this funk.

>>>>>>>I am doing something most people would never consider doing, its more bucked up and doing what ever it takes than I think most people would even consider doing....

I cant really explain it all short and simple, I mean will try as I am here... But the jist of it is, I have been on liquids and mushies a long while (no intrest to eat again)

AT night and its too much, I am not loosing weight.

The calories in milk, juice, Soup and mashed potatoes,& cheatoo's my band allows at night is too much to cause weight loss

In the day I am resricted on juice and milk and thin Soup alone and if I could have that restricion be uniform...night and day..

THEN,, I would loose weight.. and thats all I care to do.

I NEVER PB or any thing like that.. I stop drinking the momen th band feels funky... and It never bothers me.. I dont want any more food than my band allows. (It juts happened to me to think that, kinda lucky guess,, sure would suck to miss food or want food and coulndbt have it)

Becasuse I never go past my bands first clue to stop.... I dont abuse my band and regardless of how tight I am, I am not abusubg it so I am not worried of it slipping or eroding.

To loose the weight... I have to have the restriction I have in the day... to also be the restriction I need at night..

OR I have to watch what I eat at night.... I dont feel like taking the chace that I will try with all my might as I have done for 20 years and let another 2o years go by trying.

I have decided to aslo.... try try try to fix my restriction prblem so its uniform.

There HAS GOT TO BE A MEDICAL remedy to get my band more uniform in its tightness to be about the same all the time..

I mean my band isnt changing,,, its filled one way.. something in me is swelling or moving or ?????? AND I GOTTA see if I can get it to STOP

There. lol

My guess is that you are mad for many more reasons than that your band is too tight in the morning. You're probably experiencing emotions that you haven't allowed yourself in a long time (if ever). Run with it. Feel them. Get pissed. Yell, Scream. Whatever it takes. But don't you dare give up on your band. The bypass is no magic bullet either. There is only one thing in both of the surgery options that determine success and that's you.

>>>>>>>>>i dont care.. I just want it uniform so I cant eat.

I know what I sometimes say doesn't make me very popular...but know that I say things because I have been there.

<<<<<<<I dont think you have ever been here... BUT THATS GOOD!

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Expectation is the greatest source of suffering. - Buddha.

What you want doesn't exist. Your band will never be uniformly restricting. Get used to the idea. You can stomp your feet and say you can't all you want but this fact is not going to change.

If you haven't moved on to normal food than you are not using your band as intended. I understand you are scared, but you have to try real food. Uniform restriction isn't going to change anything for you if you don't.


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You can do this, we know you can. You have to believe you can !!!!

>>>>>>>>I beleived I could for 20 years (convinced I could) and I was wrong.. so I dont reallt think its true that you have to beleive you can as much as you have to know if you actually can...

How long have you believed you could do it??

If you can't change the amount you eat at night, you can most certainly change what your eating at night.

>>>>>>>>>>>NO, I cant. I tried that. I cant resist eating the crap. I only say that cuz I HAVE NOT DONE IT.. (not cuz I am neggative and dont even try)

Have you thought about maybe following Weight Watchers or something that will teach you good foods vs. frankenfoods ?

>>>>>>>I have thought of EVERYTHING and tried it to.. TRUST ME. ( i dont lie)

Another words, instead of eating a big bowl of Pasta at night, have a big bowl of veggie Soup thats low in fat :)

>>>>>>>WOOWOWOWOWO is it really that easy? I wonder why anyone would ever stay fat if it were that simple. And I will be having veggie soup, and spitting out the veggies so I dont get any gripes from my band.

HUGS !!!!

you too.. thanks

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I'm sorry but I don't think you can do it. I think you paid $12,000 and it won't work for you. You aren't a success. You can't learn to eat differently. You won't do what it takes. You are right about yourself.

THIS IS BULLSHIT. I'm done talking to you because all you say is "can't", "won't", etc. You don't want to hear tips/etc. You want to bitch. That is just fine. I misunderstood that you wanted help.

Even though YOU don't think you can do it, I still do. I am unwavering in my support of your ability.


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I have not had a fill, but im tight in the morning. I start with sips of Water, after an hour im open enough that i can eat.

I wait and hour after drinking Water to eat.


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