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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, sorry your don't feel well, did you get some bad turkey?

I don't think it was bad turkey. Maybe a touch of the flu. Still have headache this morning.. vague, but still there... back of the head and neck. Was hungry, so had Breakfast, but every time I eat I feel yucky again! Haven't been out of the RV since Saturday afternoon! But planning to go to Water aerobics in an hour. We'll see how that goes.

Turkey day was fine - but they made drinks - so I drank :0) I don't eat and drink :0) I enjoyed the afternoon visiting with my Uncle & Bro and family - Phyl did you notice I was a little buzzed ;0)

Phyl - I have seen and talked to you :0)

Well it's 6:30 need to get dressed - CBL

Glad you enjoyed your family and your weekend. Yeah, I noticed you were a little buzzed. LOL! Enjoyed meeting your family!

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Good Morning Gang

I have recharged my batteries !!

Turkey day was fine - but they made drinks - so I drank :0) I don't eat and drink :0) I enjoyed the afternoon visiting with my Uncle & Bro and family - Phyl did you notice I was a little buzzed ;0)

Friday the kids went to see Melissa's mom - so I napped on and off (tad of a hangover) then they got back fixed dinner and visited..

Saturday Joseph & I put up lights - then watched Phelam 123 great movie - they left yesterday morning at 6 - and I was going to do something - I turned on the computer but never made it back to it.. I watched more movies - read and napped and still went to bed around 9 and slept.. I think I have caught up on all my sleep - going to the gym in a few - my knees have been bugging me - so I think I am going to have to be careful..

Eating - well not too bad - not too great - Since Thursday have had 2 slices of pie - 2 small pieces of cake - trail mix (this was my biggest oh no cuz it's full of calories) 1.5 turkey sandwich - 1.5 cups stuffing - made navy bean Soup -

This week is going to go by too fast - I need to decorate inside and that's a job .. The kids are coming for Xmas so I am going to have to do a little shopping

Candice - lets see a pic of your new puppy

Jackie - Hugs..

Karla I have been thinking of you all weekend -

Phyl - I have seen and talked to you :0)

Kari - food - well we are back on the band wagon

Denise - How's the painting :0)

Well it's 6:30 need to get dressed - CBL

O.k. here are some pictures of my Bridget... she is so adorable

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O.k. here are some pictures of my Bridget... she is so adorable

Geez... do I have to do this myself??? LOL


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Well back from the gym - I took it easy - did 3.0 @ zero incline then 3 then 6 then 9 then 10 - 1 hr - did 3 miles - and my knee is feeling ok no pain - I think that when I walk faster 4.0 I am hyper extending the knee..

Got the kitchen cleaned my sheet in the wash and gotta figure what I am going to do today...

Phyl - I didn't leave the house friday :0) you know me and hangovers :0) - Saturday went to target & home depot in the a.m for replacement lights outside decorations etc and yesterday never got out of jammies - If I don't get out early I usually don't go out at all..

Hope the pool works out - sometimes we just need to get out and moving.. I know that's the way it is for me :0)

Candice - Bridget is a doll.. I knew it wouldn't be long before you got a new puppy...

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Well got most of the shopping done - Andrew bought me some new tennis shoes - I was going to buy them but he pulled out his card - How Sweet - I told him it's my Xmas present

He agreed to this picture... He's such a good kid sometime and let me tell you I cherish these times...

Oh Candice - I love photoshop - it takes away all my lines without the pain ;0)

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Candice, puppy is adorable.

Janet, you and Andrew are adorable!!!

Been busy with school and the master's program. Somewhere along the line I decided it would be okay to have a college student observe for the week. I forgot about all the paperwork and the fact that she would need to teach a lesson. Oh heck no, when am I suppose to do that. I have a test for my master's and finish up my unit.

Freezing, my classroom was a whopping 52 degrees for most of the day. Even after a hot bath warmed me up.

I just feel like I'm chasing my life. I can't get ahold of anything. I just want to scream or crawl into a hole and stay there for awhile. If I could just take 2 days and focus on one thing, I might get it organized.

food is good, I don't really have much time to eat. Breakfast was usual, lunch was the same as breakfast, dinner was turkey noodle Soup with lots of veggies.

I do have to share a 'shake you head' moment. DD#4 stayed with a 'friend' Saturday and then went to her sister's dorm. Strange enough her sister called to share her idea for DD#4's Christmas gift. So when I asked why she was talking about it infront of her sister, she hemmed and hawed...um she's in the bathroom. Yeah right, I'm not stupid. I finally cornered DD#4 today and told her that she was old enough to know what she wants, but give me the courtesy to tell me the truth. Well evidently she was spending the night with a 'male' friend and afraid to tell me. Geez she is almost 24.

Have I told you all how wonderful you all are? Thanks for being there for all of us!

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Hi Everyone, I still have a few post to read. I did see Candice's post about music names.

Robbie Benson, the love of my life, daughter's name is Lyric.

There's Melody

Jingle, it's Christmas time so two birds with one stone

By the way, How bout dem SAINTS?

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Candice, puppy is adorable.

Janet, you and Andrew are adorable!!!

Been busy with school and the master's program. Somewhere along the line I decided it would be okay to have a college student observe for the week. I forgot about all the paperwork and the fact that she would need to teach a lesson. Oh heck no, when am I suppose to do that. I have a test for my master's and finish up my unit.

Freezing, my classroom was a whopping 52 degrees for most of the day. Even after a hot bath warmed me up.

I just feel like I'm chasing my life. I can't get ahold of anything. I just want to scream or crawl into a hole and stay there for awhile. If I could just take 2 days and focus on one thing, I might get it organized.

food is good, I don't really have much time to eat. Breakfast was usual, lunch was the same as breakfast, dinner was turkey noodle Soup with lots of veggies.

I do have to share a 'shake you head' moment. DD#4 stayed with a 'friend' Saturday and then went to her sister's dorm. Strange enough her sister called to share her idea for DD#4's Christmas gift. So when I asked why she was talking about it infront of her sister, she hemmed and hawed...um she's in the bathroom. Yeah right, I'm not stupid. I finally cornered DD#4 today and told her that she was old enough to know what she wants, but give me the courtesy to tell me the truth. Well evidently she was spending the night with a 'male' friend and afraid to tell me. Geez she is almost 24.

Have I told you all how wonderful you all are? Thanks for being there for all of us!


Hugs GF I knew that this master program was going to make you even more crazier :0) But in the long run it will all work out !!!

Cute about DD #4 and not wanting to tell you she was having a booty call date :0)

I don't know if I would tell my Mom or Dad either at 24 ;0) it's just eaiser to tell a white lie sometimes :0)...

Hi Everyone, I still have a few post to read. I did see Candice's post about music names.

Robbie Benson, the love of my life, daughter's name is Lyric.

There's Melody

Jingle, it's Christmas time so two birds with one stone

By the way, How bout dem SAINTS

I like Jingle :0)

How bout dem Cowboys - :0) even if I am a cali girl - I am a Cowboy Fan - I think it has something to do with "Drew Pearson" that's where Andrew got his name - back in the 70's we had both Drew & Preston Pearson on the Cowboy's - in fact Joseph told someone that Drew Pearson was his Dad - I said I wish - I would love to see that child support check :0)

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Phyl I hope you feel better!

Janet, enjoy your time off, we will all hurt you later!

Denise, good to hear from you! I USE TO be into football, Steelers or Green Bay, now a days there really isn't a team that interests me.

FINALLY finish writing a test this morning. Use to be able to write them in an hour...I worked on this one for probably 6 hours, what's up with that. I just seem to be moving through cold molasses (can't even spell).

We finally got the realtor tour written comments back, all pretty good. One negative was that the 'outside could use some sprucing up'. Heck they should have seen it when I bought it. Neglected for 3 years. But if that is all they can say, I can live with it.

Hope to come home and take a nap today, but I have meetings so that probably won't happen. Half my classes are taking a test & the other half are doing a lab. So maybe I can get organized. I can't believe that mid-terms are next week. I still haven't caught up with the new quarter.

Suppose I should get going, have a great day! TTFN

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Good Morning...

Well up at 6:15 - Called GD#1 she's 15 today ! Got the trash taken out - sitting here drinking coffee

Karla - it's winter what do they expect - it's not like here where everthing is green. I think Walmart has $1.99 poinsettia on sale - put a few out ..

I have said it a million time - props to you teachers and all that you have to do on your own time...

Phyl - How are you feeling today?? How did the pool go??

Candice - how is potty training going - that's the worse part of a puppy..

Kari - are you lurking

Denise - are you done painting

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so hard to type with this dog on my lap ;-)

I had a terrible day yest. My Boss decided to give me a performance appraisal... But dosn't tell me thats what she wants to do... I thought I was in there to tell HER what my complaints were about THE FRONT DEsk staf...

So she says that Many people have complained about MY behaviour over the years... WTF... is she on crack?

I asked who, said what? What was the time frame and contest of these complaints? Hummm how is ith that "I" am only hearing about this now? Just as we were really there to discus someone else's behavoir (something that happenen THURS last!!!)

So I told her to shove her job, this is bullshit, I don't even get to know the particulars of the greiveances against me? ORwho it was that complained>???? Bullshit.. that's just not beleivable...

1) either give me names, dates, context of the issue or I am NOT owning any of it,

I told her "When I have a problem with a co-worker I take it to THEM for resolution" then if that dosn't rectify the situation I excalate it to the boss...

Funny how I was never given that opportunity...

O.k. then, now this is where it gets interesting..

Boss says, "Oh you are taking this all way to serious, you are fabulous at your job? why would I have taken the time to mention these 'issues' in the past when 90% of the work you do here is awesome". WTF?

"I only mention the 10% that needs improvement so that you can strive to do better." huh?

I said if I'd been informed one by one of each transgretion, I could have dealt with it sooner, and with no drama. ANd WHO is the gutless shit that is too afraid to talk to me face to face ?????

She's backpeddling now cause she knows how much $$$$ I bring into the clinic...

3rd tac: If you just hang on I am planning of firing the F.Desk girl (the one I can't stand) but also the one I've had the decentcy to discuss my concerns about her work WITH her... to her face. SHe just dosn't want to do it right now just be fore Xmas... can I hang on just until the new Year???

She is NUTS... or am I nuts????



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Candice - Sweetie Chill !!!! The boss can't give you names they don't want warfare in the office ;0)... You work in an office primarily all women right?? That is a disaster waiting to happen anyway.. You are a sweet person - I don't know how anyone could say you were a b - but again we are the same age - we think diff than the young ones or pple who don't take their jobs seriously... So I take it that she didn't let you quit :0)...

What happen thrusday..

Yep it's hard to type with a baby in your lap - I remember those days :0)

Are you off today or working ;o)

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Candice - Sweetie Chill !!!! The boss can't give you names they don't want warfare in the office ;0)


You work in an office primarily all women right?? That is a disaster waiting to happen anyway.. You are a sweet person - I don't know how anyone could say you were a b - but again we are the same age - we think diff than the young ones or pple who don't take their jobs seriously... So I take it that she didn't let you quit :0)...

What happen thrusday..

Yep it's hard to type with a baby in your lap - I remember those days :0)

Are you off today or working ;o)

O.k. what happened on THURS was that I got to work, turned on my computer all ofmay appt page was gone! Repalced by this 'new' system that dosn't let me 'see' what appointments were cancelled, or resheculed ... patients that DID have an appt. that day were missing... Plus there was an additional colum on my page that does not need to be there and it just looks messy.. I checked the Massage Therapists day sheets, and THEY werent changed...???hummm

SO I was not happy with the changes, and that could Lori (office mgr) change my pages back to the way there WERE and could she please find my MISSING appt. people..

Lori, goes off on me..."I didnt' do it, I wasn't even here... you'll have to speak to Mary or Mardi" I dont' know what changed or why... you always get mad at me, and take everything out on me!""" (oh yeah, I am a big bad ogre)

I said "I don't need a big long diatribe of who-dun-it.. I really don't care, just change it back PLEASE"...

Edited by peaches9

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O.k. what happened on THURS was that I got to work, turned on my computer all ofmay appt page was gone! Repalced by this 'new' system that dosn't let me 'see' what appointments were cancelled, or resheculed ... patients that DID have an appt. that day were missing... Plus there was an additional colum on my page that does not need to be there and it just looks messy.. I checked the Massage Therapists day sheets, and THEY werent changed...???hummm

SO I was not happy with the changes, and that could Lori (office mgr) change my pages back to the way there WERE and could she please find my MISSING appt. people..

Lori, goes off on me..."I didnt' do it, I wasn't even here... you'll have to speak to Mary or Mardi" I dont' know what changed or why... you always get mad at me, and take everything out on me!""" (oh yeah, I am a big bad ogre)

I said "I don't need a big long diatribe of who-dun-it.. I really don't care, just change it back PLEASE"...

OMW - she is a little defensive isn't she (lori) - like I said women in an office together can spell disaster - no you could hardly be considered the big bad wolf :0) You don't even have the look or voice for it - now me ya pple can take it that way - I look mean you don't

Why in the heck would they bring up pple who don't work there anymore - but ya when it come to performance reveiws they ALWAYs have to find something to bitch about

I was a little rude (condescending really) in my tone of voice to an insured once cuz he was STUPID and wanted me to explain his job to him (a new gen mgr at a CC) and ever since then (that was like 10 yrs ago and he was stupid) - per my boss Paul "all my insured's don't like me" - once you get a rep -- it's hard to get away from it - I have ton's of insureds who like me.. and the stupid ones don't - but I don't care - I have 99% of my insured trained very well - don't bug me :0)...

Well looks like I am not going to the gym this morning - going to pay bills right now ;0( got property taxes due - then will go finish up my xmas shopping an maybe start on decorating the house. Not super motivated this a.m.

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Good Morning...Well up at 6:15 - Called GD#1 she's 15 today ! Got the trash taken out - sitting here drinking coffee

Karla - it's winter what do they expect - it's not like here where everything is green. I think Walmart has $1.99 poinsettia on sale - put a few out ..I have said it a million time - props to you teachers and all that you have to do on your own time...

Phyl - How are you feeling today?? How did the pool go??

Candice - how is potty training going - that's the worse part of a puppy..

Kari - are you lurking

Denise - are you done painting

Happy BD to Kaitlyn! She's a beautiful young lady!

Lost my dinner last night... headache seems to be gone this morning but we'll see when I start jumping around in the pool!

Stomach.... never feels good in the morning after breakfast, so no tellin', but I think the bug is gone, if that's what it was.


Phyl I hope you feel better!

Janet, enjoy your time off, we will all hurt you later!

Denise, good to hear from you! I USE TO be into football, Steelers or Green Bay, now a days there really isn't a team that interests me.

FINALLY finish writing a test this morning. Use to be able to write them in an hour...I worked on this one for probably 6 hours, what's up with that. I just seem to be moving through cold molasses (can't even spell).

We finally got the realtor tour written comments back, all pretty good. One negative was that the 'outside could use some sprucing up'. Heck they should have seen it when I bought it. Neglected for 3 years. But if that is all they can say, I can live with it.

Hope to come home and take a nap today, but I have meetings so that probably won't happen. Half my classes are taking a test & the other half are doing a lab. So maybe I can get organized. I can't believe that mid-terms are next week. I still haven't caught up with the new quarter.

Suppose I should get going, have a great day! TTFN

Hope you have a great day today, Karla! You're such a hard worker!

so hard to type with this dog on my lap ;-)

I had a terrible day yest. My Boss decided to give me a performance appraisal... But doesn't tell me thats what she wants to do... I thought I was in there to tell HER what my complaints were about THE FRONT DEsk staf...

So she says that Many people have complained about MY behaviour over the years... WTF... is she on crack?

I asked who, said what? What was the time frame and contest of these complaints? Hummm how is ith that "I" am only hearing about this now? Just as we were really there to discus someone else's behavoir (something that happened THURS last!!!)

So I told her to shove her job, this is bullshit, I don't even get to know the particulars of the greiveances against me? ORwho it was that complained>???? Bullshit.. that's just not beleivable...

1) either give me names, dates, context of the issue or I am NOT owning any of it,

I told her "When I have a problem with a co-worker I take it to THEM for resolution" then if that dosn't rectify the situation I excalate it to the boss...

Funny how I was never given that opportunity...

She's backpeddling now cause she knows how much $$$$ I bring into the clinic...

3rd tac: If you just hang on I am planning of firing the F.Desk girl (the one I can't stand) but also the one I've had the decentcy to discuss my concerns about her work WITH her... to her face. SHe just dosn't want to do it right now just be fore Xmas... can I hang on just until the new Year??? She is NUTS... or am I nuts????

Oh, my!! So sorry for your office troubles! And glad you stood up to the b......!! Hope today is a better day.

Your puppy is adorable, whatever her name is!! LOL

How are the two dogs getting along??

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