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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Now here is a perfect house. It would be about a 20 mile drive to work, but it is a real charmer. But again, the price is on the high side of my budget, but maybe if it is still available I'll offer about $135,000.

MLS#907165 Corvallis Montana (Residential Property)

Cute house - I like old houses - but you better make sure it in good repair - looks like it could use a little tlc and the price is way too high..

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Karla- I like the house you just posted. I like the vintage look of it, like solid wood doors.

From the houses you posted before I like, 2, then 3, then 1.

I will be cooking at home for my little family. I'll go get my Mom from the nursing home. I had to bring her a TV. She called crying Wed. She said the lady in the room goes in the front all day and tells her not to touch her tv. So now my Mom has her own flat screen, and she doesn't have to touch the lady's 20 yr old box tv.

She just called me and said I had to bring the woman a sprite to replace because the nurse saw my Mom take one and threw a fit. So I told her I will bring her own fridge. Everytime I go, I bring a pack of drinks and put it in the woman's fridge. Well now she can buy her own damn drinks, and my Mama betta not touch her stuff.

As for DS, he's a spoiled rotten brat that needs a foot up his &^@. I have been texting him for over 45mins. to come home. I'm still waiting.

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Karla- I like the house you just posted. I like the vintage look of it, like solid wood doors.

From the houses you posted before I like, 2, then 3, then 1.

I will be cooking at home for my little family. I'll go get my Mom from the nursing home. I had to bring her a TV. She called crying Wed. She said the lady in the room goes in the front all day and tells her not to touch her tv. So now my Mom has her own flat screen, and she doesn't have to touch the lady's 20 yr old box tv.

She just called me and said I had to bring the woman a sprite to replace because the nurse saw my Mom take one and threw a fit. So I told her I will bring her own fridge. Everytime I go, I bring a pack of drinks and put it in the woman's fridge. Well now she can buy her own damn drinks, and my Mama betta not touch her stuff.

As for DS, he's a spoiled rotten brat that needs a foot up his &^@. I have been texting him for over 45mins. to come home. I'm still waiting.

Love it on the Mom front - see what pple get for being stingy

DS well I think now a days all our kids are spoiled brats !!!

I think we all give them way too much and plus times are so diff - I surely wouldn't want to be growing up in these times.

I went by my old high school today when school was letting out and thought Oh to be in HS again - to be young again - No thanks unless I could know what I know now and be that age again :0) but that would be cheating :0):thumbup:

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Denise, 1st I'm so glad you are back. We aren't complete without you. Fabulous ideas on dealing with your mom's roomie. That should put her roomie's knickers is a twist!! I just hope that I don't get that way when I become an antique. It will be nice to have your mom home for Thanksgiving, but it will be stressful for both of you. It sounds like her health is stabalized. I'm glad!

Janet, I love old houses. I have always dreamed of having an old 2 story farm house. I think that is a result of growing up trailer trash. There is this old 2 story that I drive past every time I work at the nursery. The classic 2 story farm house, it is even yellow, with a large front porch. But alas, the people who bought it now live in an RV in the back yard because when they started renovations it had mold. Now it just sits there, like a old sick woman. I'm wierd, but I think that old houses 'talk' to you. All the joys and sorrows that it has experienced. And they are just waiting for someone to polish her up and love her. They have such warmth.

Yep, most kids now a days are spoiled rotten, and I know I created my own. DD#5 is expecially. I got tired, and it got easier just to give in. I am better about holding her accountable, but I definitely know that she got away with more than she should have. So Denise, hang in there. We always love them, but we don't have to like what they do. Some times I don't even like them. I know that of my 5 kids I have a connection with 2, two others drive me nuts, and one I just can't relate to. She is way too big city for me. But we love them anyway.

This morning was the first morning that I woke up before my alarm and actually feel rested. Mainly because I know that I have 4 days to get caught up. The plan is to devote 1 day strictly to school, then the other 3 are mine.

Have a good Tuesday. Be safe. TTFN

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Oh and Janet, there would be no way in heck that I would go back to being a teenager. I barely made it out the first time. Now I wouldn't mind redoing my 20's. I would have done things SO differently. Nah, let's get real, I'd probably do the same stupid things again.

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Cute house - I like old houses - but you better make sure it in good repair - looks like it could use a little tlc and the price is way too high..

Oh I like the look of this one... nice high ceilings... but would you be happy with THAT bathroom??? and it would be expensive to update, as well as the kitchen.. hummm

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Good Morning

Karla - just ask Candice - I LOVE the old houses - we saw tons when we were visiting in July - I more into the Victorian era - I would love one with those wrap around porches. I love when I watch those home renovation shows - I don't want a 2 story - I don't want the stairs and at our age we do have to start thinking about those things :0) - I love the crown molding - wanes coating - arch ways - the little nooks that they built into the house - I would update so that it still had the original looks - but gotta have a dish washer and micro wave !!! And dont need a big yard - but would love to have a garden (veggies) and tons of flowers.

Find Over 16,000 House Plans in every size and style at AmazingPlans.com

Love this one master is on ground floor

Find Over 16,000 House Plans in every size and style at AmazingPlans.com

Harleston Village Real Estate For Sale > Zip 29401 > A fantastic duplex in a great location in the heart of Harleston Village. | Locale

Ok I got side tracked - I been looking at all these old house websites

Need to go to the gym CBL

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Well just a quick ck in before I leave for BINGO !!

My gf from work won $1000 last week on her furlough friday..

Haven't played bingo in ages - gotta look for a dabber - but I don't think I have one - well they only cost $1

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O.k. had my VANITY date today!

I signed up to be a guinea pig for my Doctor's TRAINING DAY... she gets 6 would be clinicians in from all over the Country and U.S.... they must pay a TON for days training.

First they mark your face with all your WRINKLE and AGE LINES.. then they ask you what you'd like done... then they freeze you (just like in a Dental office)

At first I just wanted BOTOX in between my brows... ya know where you get that MAD expression. I had it done in AUG and I thought I was 'due' for a refill. But the DOC said that I still have about 50% frozen wrinkle and that it dosn't look like it needs doing yet...

So what ELSE would I like corrected. Hummm, well how about those Wrinkle lines that creep up from your lips to your nose... they really make you look older, and I have some really deep ones... even though I've never been a smoker.???

ANd then there are the 'marionette' lines on either side of my mouth... from my outer nose down to below my mouth at the chin... really deep and a couple of "dimples' too...

So she emptied 2 syringes full into my face and voila!!! no more wrinkles... I'm still quite swollen, but I put makeup on over it and went to work. Peter just took me out for dinner, in a well lit restaurant and he didn't even notice!!!

DAH! there is a HUGE difference..

I guess this is why he never complained when I was FAT...he just didn't see it....

Anyways, I'll post up some pictures tomorrow so you can see the diff... swelling will be gone by then too.

So instead of paying $500 per syringe, she gave me one for FREE and the other one for 1/2 price... so I only paid $250 instead of $1,000... pretty good eh?


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Candice you are brave. I don't know if I could handle botox, I'm not fond of shots. How I manage to give myself 2 shots a week is beyond me. But it is in the outer thight AND I feel so much better.

Janet, before I forget, I discovered that my local coffee roasters does mail order!! I like the medium roast of the espresso and have it ground to espresso size. I'm am trying the dark this week. It really is good. Here is the website if you can't find one locally.

Hunter Bay Coffee: Gourmet Coffee, Coffee Gifts & Wholesale Coffee from Missoula, Montana!

The house was shown today and the people's realtor called and left a message that the house showed well. I will be glad when my stomach no longer tightens into a vise when someone is looking. All I keep thinking is, "This is it, these people are going to buy my house! Now I can move on!" But if figure anyone who looks at a house during Thanksgiving week have to be serious lookers, so keep your fingers crossed. My stomach got so bad I had to go to the nurse for some antacid. I really think it was more of an anxiety attack than indegestion. I went into the library where one of my quilting friends works and had her rub my shoulders and did some deep breathing. I managed to get settled down and without too much pain before my class arrived. Tomorrow is early out and then I am getting my hair trimmed. DD#4 & I are going to 'highlight' each other's hair this weekend. I have watched the beautician do it with papers for years and I figure what the heck, I can do that. DD#4's will turn out good, but mine??? who knows.

Well, I'm home alone this evening DD#4 is off to a video night at a friends, and DD#5 is on her way to Wyoming to meet the boyfriends family. So I'll be sitting here grading papers and watching TV drinking darn good latte's. I couldn't eat lunch today, so tonight I think I'll go with something simple like my usual Breakfast and maybe some 100 cal kettle korn.

I'm off to take a shower, TTFN

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Long day and I'm tired! Left for pool at 8:45 a.m. Water aerobics, hot tub, shower, then straight to beading class. Didn't get back until going on 3 p.m. By then I was tired, hungry and had a back ache! Too late for lunch, so I had a few little tiny cubes of cheese, a couple of nuts and two small glasses of wine. Sat on neighbors back porch and visited for about an hour with all of that. Then had some cole slaw that i made the other day, and a mug of that delicious white chicken chili.

But, in between, had a phone call from a good friend up in WA telling me that our friend died last night. So now I"m really bummed. She said it was her decision to quit all the life support, dialysis, etc. She just wanted to be done. But, back in the 80's, she was a dear friend and mentor and I am so sad to hear that she's gone. I had a feeling she was going to die very close to my birthday ever since I heard she was having health problems again. So glad I got to see her last month. Several of us got together for lunch the day before we headed south. I would've hugged her one more time if I'd known that was the last time I would see her! Now I want a cookie REALLY BAD!! But only thing sweet around here is my 60 calorie puddings!

Going to try to make the best of my birthday tomorrow. Always a special day when I was growing up. Earl is the youngest of seven, so not so much at his house! He just doesn't have it in his heart to make much of it... I'm really whining! Better sign off!

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LBT must have crashed on my last post, so here's a recap.

Phyl, I'm so sorry you lost our friend. But is sounds like she made the decision, and I pray that when it is my time that I will have that type of courage. Try to focus on the good things that she helped you with. You are a strong person and it sounds like she had a lot of influence on you. So treat your birthday as a celebration of your time with her. AND if Earl doesn't treat you like a queen today, tell him that he will have to deal with me!!! You've earned all the pampering you can get.

My dad has another chemo treatment yesterday, so it will pretty much make Thanksgiving a wash out. He will be too ill to eat. Mom says he is doing okay, just very week. The only thing that worries me is that mom said he was talking about all the 'things' he is thankful for. THIS IS NOT MY DAD. He doesn't talk about feelings. It scares me that maybe he is making his 'peace' and is getting ready to die. One, I don't want to lose him yet, two, mother will move in with me and I might as well, just give up my sanity NOW. I know wrong attitude, but she just sucks all the joy out of life. Okay, sorry, just a panic attack there.

Today is out at 2:00, then 4 days of no students. I will be spending at least 1 day working on my master's assignments and probably another working on school stuff. THEN, come heck or high Water I'm doing something creative. I think all my 'juices' have dried up living in this sterile environment. I can always keep my fingers crossed that the people who looked at the house will buy it????

Well best get it together.

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TO YOU !!!




Remember today calories don't count


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Long day and I'm tired! Left for pool at 8:45 a.m. Water aerobics, hot tub, shower, then straight to beading class. Didn't get back until going on 3 p.m. By then I was tired, hungry and had a back ache! Too late for lunch, so I had a few little tiny cubes of cheese, a couple of nuts and two small glasses of wine. Sat on neighbors back porch and visited for about an hour with all of that. Then had some cole slaw that i made the other day, and a mug of that delicious white chicken chili.

But, in between, had a phone call from a good friend up in WA telling me that our friend died last night. So now I"m really bummed. She said it was her decision to quit all the life support, dialysis, etc. She just wanted to be done. But, back in the 80's, she was a dear friend and mentor and I am so sad to hear that she's gone. I had a feeling she was going to die very close to my birthday ever since I heard she was having health problems again. So glad I got to see her last month. Several of us got together for lunch the day before we headed south. I would've hugged her one more time if I'd known that was the last time I would see her! Now I want a cookie REALLY BAD!! But only thing sweet around here is my 60 calorie puddings!

Ah Phyl, I am so sorry to hear of your friends passing... that is so sad!!! But you did get to see her one more time before you headed south.. Cherish those memories...

Going to try to make the best of my birthday tomorrow. Always a special day when I was growing up. Earl is the youngest of seven, so not so much at his house! He just doesn't have it in his heart to make much of it... I'm really whining! Better sign off!


You'r allowed to WHINE, although I prefer to spell it WINE!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

We all have so much to be grateful for...:ohmy:

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O.k. had my VANITY date today!

I signed up to be a guinea pig for my Doctor's TRAINING DAY... she gets 6 would be clinicians in from all over the Country and U.S.... they must pay a TON for days training.

First they mark your face with all your WRINKLE and AGE LINES.. then they ask you what you'd like done... then they freeze you (just like in a Dental office)

At first I just wanted BOTOX in between my brows... ya know where you get that MAD expression. I had it done in AUG and I thought I was 'due' for a refill. But the DOC said that I still have about 50% frozen wrinkle and that it dosn't look like it needs doing yet...

So what ELSE would I like corrected. Hummm, well how about those Wrinkle lines that creep up from your lips to your nose... they really make you look older, and I have some really deep ones... even though I've never been a smoker.???

ANd then there are the 'marionette' lines on either side of my mouth... from my outer nose down to below my mouth at the chin... really deep and a couple of "dimples' too...

So she emptied 2 syringes full into my face and voila!!! no more wrinkles... I'm still quite swollen, but I put makeup on over it and went to work. Peter just took me out for dinner, in a well lit restaurant and he didn't even notice!!!

DAH! there is a HUGE difference..

I guess this is why he never complained when I was FAT...he just didn't see it....

Anyways, I'll post up some pictures tomorrow so you can see the diff... swelling will be gone by then too.

So instead of paying $500 per syringe, she gave me one for FREE and the other one for 1/2 price... so I only paid $250 instead of $1,000... pretty good eh?


Bingo sucked !!!!

Candice you are too funny - You are worse than me on vanity :0) !!! But that's a good thing - I think you have beautiful skin - You northern pple don't have the sun damage that us lower 48 have ;0) Plus you haven't smoked.

WTG on getting the deal !!!

Candice you are brave. I don't know if I could handle botox, I'm not fond of shots. How I manage to give myself 2 shots a week is beyond me. But it is in the outer thight AND I feel so much better.

Janet, before I forget, I discovered that my local coffee roasters does mail order!! I like the medium roast of the espresso and have it ground to espresso size. I'm am trying the dark this week. It really is good. Here is the website if you can't find one locally.

Hunter Bay Coffee: Gourmet Coffee, Coffee Gifts & Wholesale Coffee from Missoula, Montana!

The house was shown today and the people's realtor called and left a message that the house showed well. I will be glad when my stomach no longer tightens into a vise when someone is looking. All I keep thinking is, "This is it, these people are going to buy my house! Now I can move on!" But if figure anyone who looks at a house during Thanksgiving week have to be serious lookers, so keep your fingers crossed. My stomach got so bad I had to go to the nurse for some antacid. I really think it was more of an anxiety attack than indegestion. I went into the library where one of my quilting friends works and had her rub my shoulders and did some deep breathing. I managed to get settled down and without too much pain before my class arrived. Tomorrow is early out and then I am getting my hair trimmed. DD#4 & I are going to 'highlight' each other's hair this weekend. I have watched the beautician do it with papers for years and I figure what the heck, I can do that. DD#4's will turn out good, but mine??? who knows.

Well, I'm home alone this evening DD#4 is off to a video night at a friends, and DD#5 is on her way to Wyoming to meet the boyfriends family. So I'll be sitting here grading papers and watching TV drinking darn good latte's. I couldn't eat lunch today, so tonight I think I'll go with something simple like my usual breakfast and maybe some 100 cal kettle korn.

I'm off to take a shower, TTFN

Karla - I pray everynight that good will come out of this..

Long day and I'm tired! Left for pool at 8:45 a.m. Water aerobics, hot tub, shower, then straight to beading class. Didn't get back until going on 3 p.m. By then I was tired, hungry and had a back ache! Too late for lunch, so I had a few little tiny cubes of cheese, a couple of nuts and two small glasses of wine. Sat on neighbors back porch and visited for about an hour with all of that. Then had some cole slaw that i made the other day, and a mug of that delicious white chicken chili.

But, in between, had a phone call from a good friend up in WA telling me that our friend died last night. So now I"m really bummed. She said it was her decision to quit all the life support, dialysis, etc. She just wanted to be done. But, back in the 80's, she was a dear friend and mentor and I am so sad to hear that she's gone. I had a feeling she was going to die very close to my birthday ever since I heard she was having health problems again. So glad I got to see her last month. Several of us got together for lunch the day before we headed south. I would've hugged her one more time if I'd known that was the last time I would see her! Now I want a cookie REALLY BAD!! But only thing sweet around here is my 60 calorie puddings!

Going to try to make the best of my birthday tomorrow. Always a special day when I was growing up. Earl is the youngest of seven, so not so much at his house! He just doesn't have it in his heart to make much of it... I'm really whining! Better sign off!

Hugs Phyl on the loss of your friend - at least she didn't die on your bday - My Aunt Dot died 9/25 the day after my Dad's bday - Her mom (my Gm) died on her bday 1/2 - and my cousin died on my (she was 26 had luekeima) - I hate it when pple die on bday or holidays - I know its werid be we all know I can be werid

My family was like yours Phyl - Bdays & Holidays are big deals with us - I know that my DIL was shocked when she spent her 1st Christmas with us - and for bdays her mom might call - doesn't even give her a card!!

LBT must have crashed on my last post, so here's a recap.

Phyl, I'm so sorry you lost our friend. But is sounds like she made the decision, and I pray that when it is my time that I will have that type of courage. Try to focus on the good things that she helped you with. You are a strong person and it sounds like she had a lot of influence on you. So treat your birthday as a celebration of your time with her. AND if Earl doesn't treat you like a queen today, tell him that he will have to deal with me!!! You've earned all the pampering you can get.

My dad has another chemo treatment yesterday, so it will pretty much make Thanksgiving a wash out. He will be too ill to eat. Mom says he is doing okay, just very week. The only thing that worries me is that mom said he was talking about all the 'things' he is thankful for. THIS IS NOT MY DAD. He doesn't talk about feelings. It scares me that maybe he is making his 'peace' and is getting ready to die. One, I don't want to lose him yet, two, mother will move in with me and I might as well, just give up my sanity NOW. I know wrong attitude, but she just sucks all the joy out of life. Okay, sorry, just a panic attack there.

Today is out at 2:00, then 4 days of no students. I will be spending at least 1 day working on my master's assignments and probably another working on school stuff. THEN, come heck or high water I'm doing something creative. I think all my 'juices' have dried up living in this sterile environment. I can always keep my fingers crossed that the people who looked at the house will buy it????

Well best get it together.

Karla - Hugs on Dad !!! I would send Mom to other Sister and why would she have to move in with you - she sounds like get can get around by herself...

Well I think I may need another cup of coffee before the gym

The kids should be here around 11 - 11:30

Ok dressed for the gym got another cup of water going for coffee - then gotta run by the store - forgot pumpkin when I went the other day - would have sworn I put a can in the basket - but went last nite to get all the makings out - and can't find it.. I remember thinking about getting it... I am totally losing it - I need to make list - but hell then I forget them at home :0)

Pre Happy Turkey day !!


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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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