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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. My fear of developing diabetis was one reason I got the band. I am insulin resistant/pre-diabetic and I really saw my future living on shots/pokes and food restriction. I have to restrict my food now, but it isn't like it could kill me.

Had something really strange happen last night. I am home by myself because DD#4 spent the night with a girlfriend at a hot springs about 80 miles from here. At about 3:30 this morning the furries started howling like the world was coming to an end. They rarely howl, bark yes, but doxies are not howlers. They wouldn't stop. I finally got up, they were still howling even after I turned the lights on. The hair on the backs was all standing up. It really freaked me out. I took them outsides and they were still growling. So I don't know if someone was trying to get in or if the coyotes were howling. Usually the coyotes don't bother them, actually their really don't like the coyotes. Part of me is leaning towards someone trying to get in, but the other part says heck noway. So who knows.

Well, I need to go print some stuff off for class before I go, so you have a great day relaxing and kicking back. Think of me being stuck in class all day. TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Phyl you were up late last night - Hugs about your friend !

Sitting here w/my coffee - feeling sorry for Sheba - she's hungry and thirsty.. Can't let her outside - she'll drink from the pool - the cat likes salt Water.. Now she's crying about something and she never cries.. I think I should have slept till 6 - then I wouldn't have to deal with this but wanted to get up earlier - last minute touches on the house and I hate rushing..

Not much to report - dinner ended up being Pasta & shrimp

200 cal for the Pasta and 100 for the shirmp - 50 for the butter - it was a good dinner and I ate the whole 2 oz of pasta ;0)


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Good Morning Gang

Phyl you were up late last night - Hugs about your friend !

Sitting here w/my coffee - feeling sorry for Sheba - she's hungry and thirsty.. Can't let her outside - she'll drink from the pool - the cat likes salt Water.. Now she's crying about something and she never cries.. I think I should have slept till 6 - then I wouldn't have to deal with this but wanted to get up earlier - last minute touches on the house and I hate rushing..

Not much to report - dinner ended up being Pasta & shrimp

200 cal for the Pasta and 100 for the shirmp - 50 for the butter - it was a good dinner and I ate the whole 2 oz of pasta ;0) cbl

Yeah, I was up WAY too late! I had a "project" I was working on. But then I was posting/answering email for an hour after that forgetting that I had to be up and out early this morning. We are meeting at the clubhouse at 8 a.m. for a TOPS walk! Which means I better go hurry in to my clothes and get out of here... have to grab a granola bar, I guess. No Breakfast yet!

POOR SHEBA!! Hugs for her today!

No more news on my friend this morning. Her daughter has been sending out emails late at night with update. But if they were calling friends and family to come, it doesn't sound good. She was a mentor, "MOM" figure to me back in the 80's. Very nice lady. I think she's about 75... as I remember, she's about 10 years older than me.

Sorry about your scare, Karla!!

Hope it wasn't someone trying to break in!

Well, I'm outta here!

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Phyl, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. My fear of developing diabetis was one reason I got the band. I am insulin resistant/pre-diabetic and I really saw my future living on shots/pokes and food restriction. I have to restrict my food now, but it isn't like it could kill me.

Had something really strange happen last night. I am home by myself because DD#4 spent the night with a girlfriend at a hot springs about 80 miles from here. At about 3:30 this morning the furries started howling like the world was coming to an end. They rarely howl, bark yes, but doxies are not howlers. They wouldn't stop. I finally got up, they were still howling even after I turned the lights on. The hair on the backs was all standing up. It really freaked me out. I took them outsides and they were still growling. So I don't know if someone was trying to get in or if the coyotes were howling. Usually the coyotes don't bother them, actually their really don't like the coyotes. Part of me is leaning towards someone trying to get in, but the other part says heck noway. So who knows.

Well, I need to go print some stuff off for class before I go, so you have a great day relaxing and kicking back. Think of me being stuck in class all day. TTFN

My guess with the howling is that they heard a siren or other high pitched noise that maybe you couldn't hear (aliens - whats that movie with Richard Dryefus) lol..

I think if it was a person they would just bark not howl..

I am lol at the aliens - But gf why did you go outside - it's something I might do too - but not a good thing if someone was out there.

GF you got me thinking about that coffee now - I want some - I am going to have to google it and see if we have any place that does that...

I think I am going to go have a cup right now - - might not be as good as yours - but I am becoming a coffee person - I think I need the caffine to get me thru the day :0)

Yeah, I was up WAY too late! I had a "project" I was working on. But then I was posting/answering email for an hour after that forgetting that I had to be up and out early this morning. We are meeting at the clubhouse at 8 a.m. for a TOPS walk! Which means I better go hurry in to my clothes and get out of here... have to grab a granola bar, I guess. No Breakfast yet!

POOR SHEBA!! Hugs for her today!

No more news on my friend this morning. Her daughter has been sending out emails late at night with update. But if they were calling friends and family to come, it doesn't sound good. She was a mentor, "MOM" figure to me back in the 80's. Very nice lady. I think she's about 75... as I remember, she's about 10 years older than me.

Sorry about your scare, Karla!!

Hope it wasn't someone trying to break in!

Well, I'm outta here!

Well I was the 1st # - girl was nice - sprayed some pheramones to help calm her - she was ok when I left put her in a kennel and she sorta howled/growled weird sound but was ok - suppose to pick her up at 2..

I am just sitting around waiting on Eva - I guess I could go read or something,,, I hate waiting - I am dressed and ready to go - and can't really do anything - cuz I would be watching the clock every 5 minutes..

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Hope Sheba's procedure went well. I hate when my furries have any surgery.

Janet, I know, stupid to go outside, but I'm like that. I don't think. Heck one time while driving in the mountains there were a couple bear cubs on the road. What the heck do I do....get out of the car. Anyone who lives around her knows that if there are babies, mom is around and will eat you. Duh. another time, there were mountain goats on the road and I didn't want them killed so I get out of the car to scare them off the road.

Anyway, today was not my best day. Long day in class and then went to costco and Walmart. DD#4 called to say she was staying another day with her friend. I just lost it. Really grouched her out about not letting me know ahead of time. She evidently knew a week ago that she was going to stay 2 nights with her friend. I knew nothing about any of it until yesterday when I was at class and then it was only going to be one night. Then she calls today and says she is staying another night. She is 23 and can pretty much come and go as she pleases. What really ticked me off is that I was thinking she was at home with the furries and would help me haul groceries. Had I known she wasn't coming home, I would have waited to shop until Sunday. Also we have to clean out the crawl space and have it planned for tomorrow. Again had I know she was going we would have done it Thursday after work. I know I shouldn't have lost it, but I was tired, my stress has settled into my back and feels like I have an ice pick in my back. Still no excuse.

anyway, i need to go to eat, check in later

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I slept in this morning and I'm still the first person here???

Okay, I guess I have to remember that Janet and Phyl are in a different time zone. Janet, I know that you are on vacation and Phyl you are retired.

I have found the perfect house. I just hope it is still available when I sell AND doesn't have any major problems. I've always wanted a 2 story farm-style house and I found one that is ALMOST perfect. I know, putting the cart before the horse and shouldn't even be daydreaming about a new place, but I have to have SOMETHING to look forward to. Something to dream about, otherwise it just all gets to depressing. Here's the listing. In a perfect world I would get enough $$ from my sale to add insulation and maybe centralaire. So tell me what you think.

MLS#903247 Stevensville Montana (Residential Property)

Here are the other ones that fit into my budget.

I like the interior on this one, but it has asbestos siding and it just doesn't sing to me. Plus it really is on the high side of my budget.

Laura Merrill MLS#905536 Stevensville Montana (Residential Property)

I like this one, but it is pretty small. I think the archways are charming.

MLS#903232 Stevensville Montana (Residential Property)

It appears that the one and only house available in florence within my budget has sold this week. Nice....

God has a plan, I may not like the plan, but I don't really have a choice.

It is snowing....

NICE :thumbup:

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I slept in this morning and I'm still the first person here???

Okay, I guess I have to remember that Janet and Phyl are in a different time zone. Janet, I know that you are on vacation and Phyl you are retired.

I have found the perfect house. I just hope it is still available when I sell AND doesn't have any major problems. I've always wanted a 2 story farm-style house and I found one that is ALMOST perfect. I know, putting the cart before the horse and shouldn't even be daydreaming about a new place, but I have to have SOMETHING to look forward to. Something to dream about, otherwise it just all gets to depressing. Here's the listing. In a perfect world I would get enough $$ from my sale to add insulation and maybe centralaire. So tell me what you think.

MLS#903247 Stevensville Montana (Residential Property)

Here are the other ones that fit into my budget.

I like the interior on this one, but it has asbestos siding and it just doesn't sing to me. Plus it really is on the high side of my budget.

Laura Merrill MLS#905536 Stevensville Montana (Residential Property)

I like this one, but it is pretty small. I think the archways are charming.

MLS#903232 Stevensville Montana (Residential Property)

It appears that the one and only house available in florence within my budget has sold this week. Nice....

God has a plan, I may not like the plan, but I don't really have a choice. It is snowing....NICE :thumbup:

All three are very nice. I love the hardwood floors and openness of the 2nd one but understand what you are saying about the siding. Third one... rooms seem quite small. First one is probably the best choice.. very nice.

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Phyl, thanks for your opinion. What are your plans for the day? You could come her for a snow storm? I'll spend the day doing laundry, cleaning, and hope to clear out the crawl space and finish up the garage. Only 3 days of school this week, then 4 days off. I hope to get a good portion of my Christmas sewing done. Christmas will be lean this year, but I'll have 4 of my 5 girls at home! It can't get much better than that. Five of 5 would be better. We don't typically do the traditional Christmas dinner. We usually have manacotti and then play board games and card games. Christmas eve is my traditional clam chowder. I must admit to making a killer chowder.

Janet you must be sleeping in!! Enjoy your 14 days!!

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Phyl, thanks for your opinion. What are your plans for the day? You could come her for a snow storm? I'll spend the day doing laundry, cleaning, and hope to clear out the crawl space and finish up the garage. Only 3 days of school this week, then 4 days off. I hope to get a good portion of my Christmas sewing done. Christmas will be lean this year, but I'll have 4 of my 5 girls at home! It can't get much better than that. Five of 5 would be better. We don't typically do the traditional Christmas dinner. We usually have manacotti and then play board games and card games. Christmas eve is my traditional clam chowder. I must admit to making a killer chowder.

Janet you must be sleeping in!! Enjoy your 14 days!!

Church.. some football..... walk.... that's probably about it today. It's a gorgeous day.

Janet & Eva probably chatting over coffee and breakfast. Had a good visit last night, fun shopping in Palm Springs, then fish dinner. Every enjoyable day. Earl stayed home. :thumbup::laugh::unsure:

He was still cranky when I got home.. mostly because he starved himself all day, I think.

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Okay... want to know how the day REALLY went???

Church, lunch (salad that Earl made me... too big, tuna on top and way too much feta cheese, but it was okay), watched a little football, but no teams I was really interested in were broadcast so I had a hard time concentrating. Never did go for a walk... just a scooter ride up to the office to get yesterday's mail and around the park stopping to chat with a few people.

After that, Earl went to do laundry, so I used the opportunity to make an assault on the kitchen!! LOL! I made some KILLER White chicken Chili! Oh, my it was good!! Other than that, all I did was be on the laptop.... FB & LBT, and talk on the phone! That was good... nice chat with two friends up in WA... one was filling me in on our friend who is in ICU, probably will NOT be leaving the hospital.. don't think she can beat this, short of a miracle... kidneys shut down. The other call... connected with daughter of a former neighbor and she urged me to call her mom, so I did and we had a very enjoyable chat. Then I talked to Tracy! The rest of the afternoon was spent on the chili! Oh, my it is so good! All healthy, too! This is the official recipe, but I changed a few things.

White chicken Chili recipe

OK - here it is. Measurements are nowhere near exact as I don't measure anything.

1 T olive oil

1 lb chicken, chunked

1 sm-med onion, chopped

1.5 c. chicken broth (I use broth, but then add a bit of "better than bouillon" over the top to amp up the flavor)

1 small bunch cilantro (about a handful, mostly leaves but stems are OK too) chopped

2 t cumin

1 t oregano

1 - 2 4oz cans chopped green chilies (or mild to hot chilies from the garden finely chopped. I generally use one can chilies and one red medium hot chili fresh - I also often add some red bell pepper for color)

2 -3 cloves garlic, minced or pressed

1/4 tsp cayenne (Add it. Trust me)

1-2 cans white Beans - Great Northern or Cannelloni (I like to mix them)

For toppings: jack cheese, sour creme and fresh chopped cilantro


Heat oil in pot and brown chicken, getting all those nice brown bits on the bottom of the pan. Remove chicken and set aside. Add a touch more oil and onions to the pan and saute a few minutes until tender. Add the chicken broth and the remainder of the veg and herbs and deglaze the pan. Simmer on med-low, covered, for 30min to 1 hr to meld well. Once melded, add the chicken and the Beans and heat through.

Once warm, taste it. If it's a bit bland, add salt or better than bouillon to taste. If it needs some spice, add extra cumin, cayenne or chilies to taste.

You can substitute garlic powder for the fresh garlic and dried cilantro for the fresh, and it's OK, but it isn't the same...

Top with shredded jack cheese, sour creme and chopped fresh cilantro.


Okay.... I didn't add the bouillon, forgot the oregano, and I didn't have any cayenne pepper so I put in about a TBsp of this HOT Garlic sauce I found when we were in Canada at that little store up in the mountains. I used 2 cans of reduced sodium chicken broth. And I did not drain the two cans of white beans. I did put in one can of black soy beans, and those were drained and rinsed. When I sauteed the onion, I added celery, chopped carrots, mushrooms, green pepper and about 5 cloves of garlic. Also added a little chili powder, and quite a bit of freshly ground pepper. Doesn't really matter what kind of cheese you put on top. The little dab of fat free sour cream really added a lot.

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Hey Gang !!!

I finally got of the computer - turned it on after Eva left about 11 a.m. - but then I read - crocheted - watched a little tv - took a 1/2 nap - fixed dinner (still on the stove in the pressurer cooker - stew meat to make tender w/brown gravy over rice when its done) took a bath (I rarely take baths am a shower girl) then sprayed my self the the body oils that I got when we were at the bath junkie (you can make your own scents) I got powder puff/clean and even got the same scent in some doggie fufu spray - brushed them and sprayer them and we smell just wonderfull..

Karla - Scary about the bear - the goats I would have done the same - and I too may have gone outside - and cuz you did you must have though no one was there ... You just went to investage :0)

Sheba HATED the pet carrier - but did ok - once Eva got her I forgot about her - was ready to go p/u Phyl and called her she had to remind me of Sheba... Oh I felt bad - picked her up then came home dropped her off and headed for Phyls

She made us a beautiful earrings/necklace set from her new hobbie - beading (Phly - post the pics here)

Sheba fine and doesn't hate me :0)

I love the farm house - but omg the colors of those rooms and it's the best price and paintings not a big deal - I like #2 the best - but like #3 too -

I know what you mean about bringing the groceries in - I hate that part of food shopping!!!

Phyl - How was your hip after all that walking yesterday...

Well just cking in .. going to go ck on the pressurer cooker

cb in a bit

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Phyl, the recipe sounds delicious. I think I will try it with some of my left over turkey from Thanksgiving. I'm not all that fond of roast turkey, but I love turkey noodle Soup. So we will probably just have turkey, potatoes, yams, & pumpkin pie with homemade whip cream.

Need to do some homework, but I'm tired. Got the crawl space cleaned out and hauled to the storage unit. This weekend I'm cleaning the refrigerator and oven. Fun stuff.

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Hey Gang !!! I finally got of the computer - turned it on after Eva left about 11 a.m. - but then I read - crocheted - watched a little tv - took a 1/2 nap - fixed dinner (still on the stove in the pressurer cooker - stew meat to make tender w/brown gravy over rice when its done) took a bath (I rarely take baths am a shower girl) then sprayed my self the the body oils that I got when we were at the bath junkie (you can make your own scents) I got powder puff/clean and even got the same scent in some doggie fufu spray - brushed them and sprayer them and we smell just wonderfull..

Karla - Scary about the bear - the goats I would have done the same - and I too may have gone outside - and cuz you did you must have though no one was there ... You just went to investigate :0)

Sheba HATED the pet carrier - but did ok - once Eva got her I forgot about her - was ready to go p/u Phyl and called her she had to remind me of Sheba... Oh I felt bad - picked her up then came home dropped her off and headed for Phyls

She made us a beautiful earrings/necklace set from her new hobbie - beading (Phly - post the pics here)

Sheba fine and doesn't hate me :0)

I love the farm house - but omg the colors of those rooms and it's the best price and paintings not a big deal - I like #2 the best - but like #3 too -

I know what you mean about bringing the groceries in - I hate that part of food shopping!!!

Phyl - How was your hip after all that walking yesterday...

Well just cking in .. going to go ck on the pressurer cooker

cb in a bit

Hip is fine..no problems. Just took 3 ibuprofen when I got home.

I agree about the colors of those rooms... Nice house but those would have to be changed!

Phyl, the recipe sounds delicious. I think I will try it with some of my left over turkey from Thanksgiving. I'm not all that fond of roast turkey, but I love turkey noodle Soup. So we will probably just have turkey, potatoes, yams, & pumpkin pie with homemade whip cream.

Need to do some homework, but I'm tired. Got the crawl space cleaned out and hauled to the storage unit. This weekend I'm cleaning the refrigerator and oven. Fun stuff.

Yeah, I bet that chili would be good with turkey, too.

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Unfortunately, DD#4 & DD#5 think the green room and red room are perfect. The yard is fully vinyl fenced and has mature trees. I would have to live with the local church bells ringing every hour because the house is only a block from the church. But I think I could live with that. I don't know if the house is structurally sound. Or lets get to the bigger picture, whether it will be available when I sell mine.

Short week, only 3 days of school. But this is the beginning of the holiday squirrelies. The kids just get crazy. We should be missing a fairly decent amount of kids on Wednesday since many parents will be traveling. It is silly that we don't have Wednesday off.

Janet when does your family arrive?

I suppose I should get busy. I don't really want to go to school, but that is mainly because I didn't have time off this weekend.

Have a good day! TTFN

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Unfortunately, DD#4 & DD#5 think the green room and red room are perfect. The yard is fully vinyl fenced and has mature trees. I would have to live with the local church bells ringing every hour because the house is only a block from the church. But I think I could live with that. I don't know if the house is structurally sound. Or lets get to the bigger picture, whether it will be available when I sell mine.

Short week, only 3 days of school. But this is the beginning of the holiday squirrelies. The kids just get crazy. We should be missing a fairly decent amount of kids on Wednesday since many parents will be traveling. It is silly that we don't have Wednesday off.

Janet when does your family arrive?

I suppose I should get busy. I don't really want to go to school, but that is mainly because I didn't have time off this weekend.

Have a good day! TTFN

Karla - Our schools use to be open on Wed but I think cuz so many miss school that day that now it's a holiday so they don't get shorted on the $$ - Yes it makes sense to have it off - Karri school is closed all week - that's even a better idea..

I know what you mean about not feeling like you had a day off - that's why I am going to like my furlough fridays - I will have an extra day for me..

Kids will be here Wed ... I got up at 6:30 and am drinking my coffee - I was telling Phyl on Sat that here you live in some small little town in MT and have fresh roasted coffee and we live in a city and don't think we do -:biggrin::lol: I think I am going to have to goolge it as find out if we do have a place like that I want to try it... since I am becoming a more than just morning coffee person - When we were in PS at Starbucks - Phyl found me some Decaf of the instant coffee - so I got a small pack and will try it .. Since for the next 2 weeks I can stay up as late as I want - I probably wont try it till I go back to work..

Well I need to get butt in gear - I want to hit the gym this morning since I didn't go over the weekend and will have it again tonite .. Going food shopping today for turkey day - hope to miss the crowds - I hate crowds..


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