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I definetly agree with Janet; you GOTTA have in the FLESH Girlfriends... you live in a neighborhood Karla... don't you have a next door neighbor you could hang with?

Girlfriends are the BEST, especially when you are pissed, fed up with the DH,,, and they ALL get on our nerves from time to time.. GF's are the only ones who understand... can cry with you, laugh with you...

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Phyl, I would LOVE to do Water aerobics when the pool is open here. I thought about starting a class but don't know anything about it. I think I would probably have 10 girls who would come if it was started. I wonder if there is a tape program that would lead us. Just someone saying what to do and counting and all of that that we could listen to and I could show how. Otherwise I just don't have the experience. I know how much you love yours though and I'm so glad that you get to go. Is there a YMCA near you in WA that might have a program so that you don't have to miss it all summer? Just a thought. As for the PS. I think I have heard of burn centers doing something for people who donate their skin. I would look into it. Even if they payed half, it would be a great step in the right direction. You could research it this winter and maybe have it all set up for this spring.

Kari, I'm waiting for updates. Remember, you and I are in the exact same boat. We need to support each other.

Karla, I'm with you on having no one to go out with. It killed me to admit in therapy that I have no friends. Not to discount you ladies, but we were talking about women who I could go to coffee with and swap child rearing stories with or daycare. You all are my sisters and I love your support but that wasn't what we were talking about. Anyways, last night in Bible study I admitted to this group that I have no prayer team or anyone that I support that way. It makes me really think about my loneliness in a new light. It's very very hard, but I've shut myself out too. We can talk and find something to help. I agree, you need to get out. You need to find ladies to support you face to face. Let's see what we can do about that, together.

Steph, I have the CD we use for our water aerobics on my computer. I will make you a copy and mail it to you. It's by "Billie Jo" something or other, and very old and you can't buy it anymore, so it's perfectly okay to copy it. The routine we do is three 20 minute segments. The 1st and 3rd are more strenuous than the middle one.. which is okay. Gives you a little rest. And some of the exercises I double time to get more out of it.

I threatened Kari on FB that if she didn't report in soon we would come and get her!! She said she'd check in soon!

Friends.... last time we lived in WA I had many very close friends. Not so much anymore. I think all of you know more about me than any of my "friends"! I'm fairly close to my sisters, especially the youngest, but I'm the oldest.. which sort of puts me in the position of being the "strong" one, the mediator, etc... which I guess makes me reticent to share anything to personal or to reveal any vulnerability. Do you get what I'm trying to say?? Once this summer I went out for dinner with three neighbor ladies and it was pretty strange. I mean, I enjoyed it, but felt sort of out of place... all three are either widowed or divorced, so single, and, as you know I'm pretty conservative in my views on certain things, and all three of them are quite liberal, so I kept my mouth shut during quite a bit of the conversation. When I'm home, I really enjoy hanging out with Tracy! But there are things you just don't discuss with your daughter! But we have a great time... shopping, meeting at our favorite latte place for a chat, sometimes I meet her at Safeway and help her do grocery shopping for her MIL. I've done things her to try to get in with some ladies my own age... the majority here are older than me! But, it's been hard to break in, so far. I go to "Red Hat" ladies when I'm here, but the group here won't let anyone new in so the group I go to is comprised of about 50 ladies from a bunch of different RV parks. I've been thinking of maybe going to "Jazzercise" before water aerobics because all those gals are in my age group. But... yeah, this is kind of a problem with me too.... shortage of friends to hang out with.

Sheez!! I'm writing another novel!! Sorry, but I'm not done yet!! I have to tell you.. I feel SOOOO good! I feel like a NEW person! Exercise this week has made such a huge difference, I might have to cut back on my Zoloft again or I'm going to be flying!! :(:biggrin::scared2: Just a few barely achey muscles after my exercise yesterday.... butt muscles and arm muscles mostly. I am working it really hard... putting a lot of energy into it. And doing more exercises in the hot tub, too. And today I went on the stationary bike for about 15 minutes after water aerobics. Wow! It felt so good! So.... remember Saturday I walked from Starbucks across the parking lot to Walmart and was so exhausted I had to go straight to the electric scooters when I got over there??? Well, did the same thing today only this time I just grabbed a shopping cart and shopped all over the store without a scooter! I could barely bend my knee when I got back to the car, but that was the first I felt any discomfort at all. When we got back to the RV I was thinking about taking some ibuprofen because the knee was hurting, but I didn't. And after about an hour rest, I stood in the kitchen fro about 30 minutes and made some KILLER chowder!! Yes... Earl let me cook dinner! He chopped celery, onions and a potato for me, but I did the rest... and it was SOOO good! I put in a small can of oysters and almost 2 cups of minced clams that my sister gave me that were frozen, but they were fresh caught by a friend of hers.... Okay, I guess you don't "catch" clams, you dig them up, but, you get the picture. Anyways, it was a great dinner! I used two cans of skim evaporated milk, a little olive oil to sautee all the veggies, so it should be fairly low in calories.

Okay, I'm done!!

.... Did you check out my ticker???

DOWN! Not under 200 yet... but SOON!!

Sorry.. guess I already bragged about that!

12_1_3v.gif 10_10_2.gif 12_1_3v.gif

Do NOT jump on your Wii Fit!!


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Yes, I live in a neighborhood, but all my neighbors are in different places. One is a retired couple that don't even say hi when we are both outside, the other just moved in with little kids, across the street is a parent of an ex student, not a good idea. Remember our houses are at least an acre apart. The back neighbor is also a parent of an ex student. They both parents have issues either with alcohol or sleeping around. Again not something I want to get into.

Made red Beans and rice for dinner, new recipe, okay, Made it with turkey sausage.

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Talked to my mother today. Dad had a CAT scan today and the news is not good. The cancer has spread and is larger than it was. There seems to be some Fluid buildup in the lungs. The docs will be removing the fluid on Thursday and will test it for cancer. Then they will be doing a PET scan to to check to see if the cancer has spread to his bones or elsewhere. If it has then the time is pretty limited. If the cancer has not spread, there may be some options. But the reality it that I really think he at the beginning of the end. I don't know how I feel about it. Numb I guess. this probably is close to the end.

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This is a drive by post - it's 8:18 and I need to eat


KARLA - HUGS ON YOUR DAD !!! I will keep you and family in my prayers....

I will talk to you all in the morning..

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Good Evening, Ladies.

Here I am. You don't have to chase me down. I've been having a rough time lately. Nothing I can put my finger on though. Not enough sleep, not enough of the right foods, not enough sun etc etc. food choices haven't been too bad. Even been doing decent on the soda. It's just that once every so often, I start eating and just don't stop. And Lean Cousines just don't make it any more. My mouth is starting to hurt. Teeth come out next Thursday. I'm still pedaling at least 60 minutes a day and hitting the gym once or twice a week. (my friend that joined with me was sick all last week).

Friends are very important. It is not good when you don't have one. I've got a whole lot of aquaintences but only a couple of friends that I do things with. Things got hairy during my time of depression and now there is a distance that has to be bridged and she and her DH are trying to talk us into getting an RV and taking off with them in the winter. And my other friend, Sarah, is in her early 40's but we go to the gym together and have shared some trying times together. But that's it. All my school friends live in other states and we talk FB and maybe get together once every couple years.

Okay, now I don't know what else to say. That's probably the main reason I've been AWOL. Just don't have anything to say. I will admit to being adicted to Face Book so you can always find me there. I usually check here once a day or so. So I will talk with you all later.

Oh yeah. Karla - Maybe the kids can have their cells in class but you can always make a rule that when they have tests in your classroom, they have to check their phones in the parking garage. (I like that) That way, if they want to text each other answers to their work, let them. It'll show when they take a test without their phones.

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Talked to my mother today. Dad had a CAT scan today and the news is not good. The cancer has spread and is larger than it was. There seems to be some Fluid buildup in the lungs. The docs will be removing the fluid on Thursday and will test it for cancer. Then they will be doing a PET scan to to check to see if the cancer has spread to his bones or elsewhere. If it has then the time is pretty limited. If the cancer has not spread, there may be some options. But the reality it that I really think he at the beginning of the end. I don't know how I feel about it. Numb I guess. this probably is close to the end.

So sorry to hear of this new development with your Dad, Karla! Keep us posted.


KARLA - HUGS ON YOUR DAD !!! I will keep you and family in my prayers.... I will talk to you all in the morning..

Thanks! I am really feeling good!

Good Evening, Ladies.

Here I am. You don't have to chase me down. I've been having a rough time lately. Nothing I can put my finger on though. Not enough sleep, not enough of the right foods, not enough sun etc etc. food choices haven't been too bad. Even been doing decent on the soda. It's just that once every so often, I start eating and just don't stop. And Lean Cousines just don't make it any more. My mouth is starting to hurt. Teeth come out next Thursday. I'm still pedaling at least 60 minutes a day and hitting the gym once or twice a week. (my friend that joined with me was sick all last week).

Friends are very important. It is not good when you don't have one. I've got a whole lot of acquaintances but only a couple of friends that I do things with. Things got hairy during my time of depression and now there is a distance that has to be bridged and she and her DH are trying to talk us into getting an RV and taking off with them in the winter. And my other friend, Sarah, is in her early 40's but we go to the gym together and have shared some trying times together. But that's it. All my school friends live in other states and we talk FB and maybe get together once every couple years.

Okay, now I don't know what else to say. That's probably the main reason I've been AWOL. Just don't have anything to say. I will admit to being addicted to Face Book so you can always find me there. I usually check here once a day or so. So I will talk with you all later.

Oh yeah. Karla - Maybe the kids can have their cells in class but you can always make a rule that when they have tests in your classroom, they have to check their phones in the parking garage. (I like that) That way, if they want to text each other answers to their work, let them. It'll show when they take a test without their phones.

Glad you checked in. We all were missing you!

Depression.... are you on anything for that??? Might need a checkup on that... may need a change, based on what you're saying about how you're feeling.

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Talked to my mother today. Dad had a CAT scan today and the news is not good. The cancer has spread and is larger than it was. There seems to be some Fluid buildup in the lungs. The docs will be removing the fluid on Thursday and will test it for cancer. Then they will be doing a PET scan to to check to see if the cancer has spread to his bones or elsewhere. If it has then the time is pretty limited. If the cancer has not spread, there may be some options. But the reality it that I really think he at the beginning of the end. I don't know how I feel about it. Numb I guess. this probably is close to the end.

Karla; I am so sorry your fathers prognosis is not good. It must be terrible to think of what may come...Fathers/Daughters always seem to have a special bond. I know that my Dad and I did... He passed in 1977 and I still miss him...Extra special GIRLFRIEND HUGS to you!! We may never have met in person (yet) but I feel like we have so many things in common.


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So sorry to hear of this new development with your Dad, Karla! Keep us posted.

Thanks! I am really feeling good!

Glad you checked in. We all were missing you!

Depression.... are you on anything for that??? Might need a checkup on that... may need a change, based on what you're saying about how you're feeling.

Phyl, you sound like you are on top of the WORLD.. Good on ya!!! You've worked so hard and you DESERVE to be that happy...

Kari; Hon you do sound down in the dumps, its hard to make good food choices when you are depressed. I agree with PHYL maybe you need a medication adjustment.???? ( Said with kindness & love)

I'm sitting here waiting up for Peter, he's due back tonight (a.m.) from Victoria... he's been gone just too damn long... 1 1/2 weeks.... plus with Woody's death this week has just really sucked the big kahuna... I want some extra special hugs & snuggles....

See y'all in the a.m.


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Thank you to everyone for the prayers and kind words on my dad. I knew this was coming but I doesn't seem to make it easier. I guess I had myself convinced that the cancer would just be a chronic problem not a death sentence. Dad's quality of life stinks, he can't do any of the things that he wants. So I guess this is the better road, if that is possible. When the end comes it is going to fall on me to take care of things, and I just don't know if I'm up to it. Mother keeps saying things like....you are going to have to be the one who get's me through this. Heck I'm not sure I can get me through this. Dad and I are not super close, but I'd say that I'm the one who makes the effort compared to my brother and sister. Probably just too much Water under the bridge for me to be really close to either of my parents. Dad always favored my sister and she has really disappointed him. She rarely visits him. Mom always favored my brother and he is more involved with his wife's family than ours. He has never made it to any of my kid's graduation. He put an addition on my parent's house and charged them for labor. I guess for me it was all the years of being ignored and my parent's drinking every night. I do what I have to so that I can live with myself. Of my parents I am closer to my dad than mom. At least he never told me that if abortion was the available I wouldn't be here. I try because I have to live with my decisions and choices. But then again, I can't get my head around dad being gone.

Today is Wednesday!!! The University is coming out to test my kids for my master's program. Really need to get in the program and get things done.

Well, best go, you all have a good day. Oh and Phyl...excellent job!!!! Remember i told you that before long you would be dancing in the streets, whooopwhoop,

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Morning ladies. Wow, yesterday was a tough one. Looks like not only for me.

Karla, hugs darling. Remember I am here for you if you need me. You are very strong. It will amaze you how strong you will be able to be when the time comes. Believe in yourself. I know it's very hard for you, but you are strong.

Phyl, amazing. Super amazing. All i can say is WOW!

Candice, I hope you are staying home with Peter today. You two need a little alone time.

Kari, missed you. Trust me, I am right there with you. My depression is kicking my butt. Stay here with us. We will try to help you through it.

Okay...therapy was very hard yesterday. Most of the time I was crying. Michael, according to the therapist, was sitting there completely blank. Imagine that. She wants me to read up on attachment disorder and part of his diagnosis list was reactive attachment disorder. So I looked THAT up...more tears. Then Jeff came home and I finally had it out with him. MORE tears, actually break your heart sobs. The afternoon ended with a Migraine. Finally at 8 or so I was up and feeling human. But Jeff didn't want to bring up the problems we had discussed at noon...so I guess he just really doesn't give a flip. grrrr.

Anyways. Today is a new day and I hope it is better. I'm still feeling crappy but no worse than yesterday so I'm pretty sure it isn't swine flu. Body aches and cough, but no vomit or worse, no fever or chills. I'll get over this too.

Okay...going to crash on the couch while Jai watches a couple of her shows. Have a great Wednesday everyone. Hugs!

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Good Morning! So much hoping everyone has a better day today. Hope you're feeling better soon, Steph. And so sorry for the depression you and Kari are dealing with. I guess we've all been there, so we can relate.

Very windy and much cooler this morning and we considered not going to the pool, but decided to tough it out. Earl went up about 30 minutes ago to swim laps and told me if it was too cold he'd come back and we'd just go up and use the exercise room. He didn't come back so I guess it's not too bad. Temp outside is 52 and wind is not as bad as yesterday afternoon! I will wear my swim sweater! Yesterday, CD player was still locked up when I got there...so today I better go a little early as I imagine attendance will be way down this morning and may be no one to get it out again. Yesterday they all claimed they didn't know the combination... so I told them what it was! No more excuses! Except they'll say they forgot!!

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Good Morning Girls...

Depression - ya we all have been there - done that - it comes it goes - it comes back and sometime for no reasons and others it is caused by outside influcences - Kids - Parents - Stress of Day to Day life..

Hugs Steph - Hugs Karla - Hugs Kari !!!!!!

Candice glad Peter will be home today - You have had a very tough week..

Phyl - Wtg on the pool this morning

Well just a drive by post - I gotta get busy

Hugs Janet

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snuggled in for a little bit and dozed, but little girl doesn't understand that she can't snuggle as close as normal...so she's probably getting sick too.

I'm not sure about these muscle aches. They are sore to the touch almost. It's crazy. Like I've worked my butt off and ache all over, but sitting on my butt is NOT supposed to be that strenuous.

Going to go to the library in a bit and get some books. I have a lot of reading to do. I got a few different titles from a RAD bulletin board. Hoping that my library has at least one of them. But...will find something I'm sure. I'm also going to take a bunch of books on cd to them and see if they can use them. Once you listen to one, it's sorta pointless. So I need to get them outta here. If I want to listen again, I can always go check them out, right?

Okay...so, off to fix my hair and put some color on my face. Will take little angel to the library and hope she is a good girl.

Talk to you later ladies! Love you all.

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Morninhg/afternoon ladies. Fly by post...have to get to another meeting!

Steph-I know what you are saying when they just act like they don't care. Hence my issues with hubby. Hugs to you! Hang in there.

Karla-so so sorry to hear about your dad. I just couldn't imagine. I know at some point in my life the issues of my parents help will arise and I just get upset thinking about that time. Hugs and many thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

phyl- we are just gonna buy you a cape and call you supergirl!!! You are so amazing with your walking. You have come sooooo far. Sometimes I think of when we were all waiting for our surgeries and talking on here and I still remember your pic that you had. Setting sideways with your chin rested on your hand with the look 'yup still waiting' while you were losing for surgery. You have come soooo far and we are all so proud of you!

Janet- your right. We all have the depression part. Like you said it comes and goes but sometimes it definately sticks around longer than others. For the first time in my life I believe that even though I am feeling better I know I need my medication and I am not just going to stop like I usually do.

I am just gonna keep on keeping on.............I don't know why but I absolutely love that saying!

Well off for the day. Have to stop at a girlfriends and see her new yorky she just got. She is pretty excited. Then off to a meeting. CBL

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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