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Thia is not a happy day.

I am going to take Woody to the VEt's today at 1 p.m. for euthanasia.

Its time she got some peace.. The last 2 days she's not been able to keep any food down and has been throwing up pretty steadily.. when she's not I can tell she's nauseated cause she keeps swallowing and then kinda smacking her lips.. lots of saliva, drooling... its aweful to watch.

I just can't make her spend 6 more days like this until Peter comes home, its not fair.

I love her so much but the way she walks around the house not holding her head up, its like she's forlorn all the time.

Can't type, gotta go. Please say a prayer for her that she goes peacefully. Love this little friend.

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Thia is not a happy day.

I am going to take Woody to the VEt's today at 1 p.m. for euthanasia.

Its time she got some peace.. The last 2 days she's not been able to keep any food down and has been throwing up pretty steadily.. when she's not I can tell she's nauseated cause she keeps swallowing and then kinda smacking her lips.. lots of saliva, drooling... its aweful to watch.

I just can't make her spend 6 more days like this until Peter comes home, its not fair.

I love her so much but the way she walks around the house not holding her head up, its like she's forlorn all the time.

Can't type, gotta go. Please say a prayer for her that she goes peacefully. Love this little friend.

Oh Candcie - I am crying with you right now (truly have tears running down my face)... Hugs Hugs Hugs...

xoxox Janet

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Oh No, Candice. Been there, done that. It was right up there with burying Jayli. My heart goes out to you and Peter. Did you tell Peter what you've planned? It's gonna tear him up. I still remember you two telling us about her as a puppy and how she just crawled into Peter's heart.

I've been pretty down lately. Yeah, Steph.we've got the same problem. I know what to do and have good intentions but then...........................You all know how that goes.

I'm gonna have to let you go. Hubby said he's hungry and now he's in the kitchen doing who knows what. I'll try to check in later if I can tear my butt away from FB.

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Candice, I so sorry...nothing we say will help..but I know when it comes 'time' at my house we will all be basket cases. They do just crawl in your heart. Our animal keep us going when the kids move on. They are family, the same as our kids. Probably more so, because they don't take the car without asking, or come home late..okay sometimes the last isn't true. We should wonder where Janet's kitty goes at night, definetly NOT practicing safe sex. Okay, I'll admit it, I go for humor when I don't know what to say. But please know that your hearts are in my prayers.

Janet, yep, I was up at 1:30, 2:15, 3:40, 4:12 with Miss Molly. At one point I burrowed under the blankets and TRIED to ignore her. She doesn't whine, she paws and licks you. More difficult to ignore.

Stayed at school until 5:30 trying to grade papers. Locked my door, shut off my lights and pretended I wasn't there for 2 hours. I'm really irritated at our middle school staff. We have a Child Assistance Team, CAT, thats purpose is to help teachers develop plans to help a struggling student to succeed. But one step of the process requires teachers to fill out a couple of evaluation form. In the last week there was 2 students that needed forms filled out. Ultimately I ended up filling out the forms because no one would do them. I even asked for a special meeting to get all the teachers together to fill out an evaluation...no one showed, I emailed reminders, no on showed, I did an all call on the intercom, still no show. I ended up filling out an evaluation form that was to be filled out by everyone, it took me an hour, would have taken a group to finish in 10 minutes. I can't say anything to the admin without sounding like a whiner.

Am trying Steph's recipe tonight, I added a little mustard and a can of kidney Beans for on one can of pork and beans. Smells good, I'll let you know.

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Candice, I so sorry...nothing we say will help..but I know when it comes 'time' at my house we will all be basket cases. They do just crawl in your heart. Our animal keep us going when the kids move on. They are family, the same as our kids. Probably more so, because they don't take the car without asking, or come home late..okay sometimes the last isn't true. We should wonder where Janet's kitty goes at night, definetly NOT practicing safe sex. Okay, I'll admit it, I go for humor when I don't know what to say. But please know that your hearts are in my prayers.

Janet, yep, I was up at 1:30, 2:15, 3:40, 4:12 with Miss Molly. At one point I burrowed under the blankets and TRIED to ignore her. She doesn't whine, she paws and licks you. More difficult to ignore.

Stayed at school until 5:30 trying to grade papers. Locked my door, shut off my lights and pretended I wasn't there for 2 hours. I'm really irritated at our middle school staff. We have a Child Assistance Team, CAT, thats purpose is to help teachers develop plans to help a struggling student to succeed. But one step of the process requires teachers to fill out a couple of evaluation form. In the last week there was 2 students that needed forms filled out. Ultimately I ended up filling out the forms because no one would do them. I even asked for a special meeting to get all the teachers together to fill out an evaluation...no one showed, I emailed reminders, no on showed, I did an all call on the intercom, still no show. I ended up filling out an evaluation form that was to be filled out by everyone, it took me an hour, would have taken a group to finish in 10 minutes. I can't say anything to the admin without sounding like a whiner.

Am trying Steph's recipe tonight, I added a little mustard and a can of kidney Beans for on one can of pork and beans. Smells good, I'll let you know.


She got you up that much - omg that's too freaking much

My Angel does the same thing she licks me - once in a great while I can ignore her and she will go back to sleep - but I am always worried that she will pee the bed - this morning like i said 4:22 - I gotta say that she hasn't gotten me up during the middle of the night much this last week

But what I hate the most is on Sundays... When I want to sleep in..

Well it's offical - Our office is now on the furlough system..

One Friday each pay period - we have off - and will be losing 2.5 day of pto next year but that's ok since I will still have the time off - just without pay..

I am looking forward to the time off - hell the work will get done - and I still have a job..

I have left over fish for dinner - think I will have cauliflower with it

Got tickets today for the "this is it" MJ movie - going 10/31 11;45 am when the family is here - we are all going to go see it all 6 of us - this will be a first - I use to take Andrew and Kaitlin to the movies when they were little - and Joseph/Melissa XDH & I would go the movies together - but not ALL OF US - Hell - I'm taking a big purse popcorn alone will be an arm & a leg..

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She was the best little dog a person(family) could have for a friend. I decided rather than just sit here and cry, I'd gather some great photos of my DEAR and post them here so you could see just how cool a Bitch she really was.

Woody with Janet in July09

Woody in the Snow playing March 09

Xmas with Woody

Meaghan and her "DiDo" (her pet name for Woody)






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Woody Opening Xmas Presents

these are really cute...

As if today didn't suck enough already, I put my KNee out... its an old Meniscal tear that decided to FLARE up today.. Hurts like a bastard, I've been icing it and took some tylenol. I think my pain theashold is low today... usually I can suck it up but I just wanna cry and eat icecream.

Nothing is going to make today better... just gotta get thru it.



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Candice, my heart aches for you, this is doubly hard because DH isn't home with you. Go ahead and cry, go ahead and eat ice cream, there are somethings that require ice cream and this is it.

Steph's bbq pork was good, next time I'm adding more Beans. Was able to eat a decent portion. One of the first.

Well, need to go grade papers. I think this week has been one of the worst. I'm planning a small portion of ice cream this weekend. I know, I shouldn't but i'm going to.


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Hugs - She was a good girl.... I remember how jealous Linda was when Woody came and sat with me...

Eat the fricking ice cream - you deserve it - what you did today deserve what ever you want to eat... I don't know if I could/would be strong enough to do it..

Hugs on the knee too - I think you are going to need more than tynelol

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Candice, So sorry about Woody! Tracy will be sad, too! We both quickly fell in love with Woody! Hugs!

Took Earl back to the 2nd hand store... Grandpa's. He was pretty intrigued! He and Jacki were having so much fun pawing through all the junk that I found a copy of the book I've been reading, found a chair and sat down and read a few chapters when I got bored! We went to several other places, too. All I found were an Alfred Dunner top and a pair of Lands End jeans. Kind of tight, but I can get them on. Will wait about 10 more lb to wear them!

Went in the pool before dinner, had some wine as some of you already saw on FB, tostada for dinner. Now time to head back to the RV (in the backyard), watch a little TV, read my book. Have to get up early to hit the road. On into Sky Valley tomorrow. It will be a long days drive!

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Phyl, I love a good 2nd hand 'Treasure' store. I could spend hours. We have and 'antique' mall, which is a glorified 2nd hand store. The stuff is 'kindof' antiques, but not the super expensive stuff. DD#4 loves to go as well, so we plan a trip at least once a year. It has 3 floors and we wonder through every corner. A cheap afternoon off!

Today is Friday!!! I think we all deserve a weekend off. I will be spending most of my time doing homework, but will head to Super Walmart and costco to do the major shopping. This is where the ice cream comes in. We have a Cold Stone Creamery, at the end of shopping I'm going over and getting a 4 oz Mud Pie ice cream. High in Calories, loaded with fat, but I decided that one treat a month, ignoring last weekends depression glutony, is something that is a requirement. I've given up butter and sugar and most carbs, so I'm going for it.

Ladies have a good day, Janet, when is your 1st furlough Friday?


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Good Morning TGIF

Candice - How are you doing this morning :closedeyes:... How is Peter doing..

Jackie - How are you feeling today.

Steph - What's up girl

Linda - Karri - Kari - Denise - Shout out gf's !!!

Phyl - Yep say Earl in the pool w/his glass of wine - what a tough life :0).. How many days till you get here or are you driving straight thru..

Cant wait to see you walking- Ha ha girls - I get the privilage first :0)...

Karla - 11/13 is my 1st Friday off - then 11/27 but that was a vacation day anyway - so I get to have a extra carryover to next yr.

Well if you get that ice cream (I never had cold stone) then you are going to have to give up something - you already had your treat last weekend.. and remember you lost the pound - I know I think oh I lost that lbs last week and I ate a treat or two - so this weekend it won't hurt - well gotta tell you it does - that 1 lbs will come back on.. So be careful... Don't want you crying next week that you had no weight loss..

I have hair cut tomorrow - need to get nails done - take Andrew to his tattoo removal appt and of course the gym in the a.m.

Kids will be here Wed when I get off work - I think I am going to heat the pool for my Brooke. The are going to visit Melissa's Mom on Friday - and I have a little Octoberfest to go to Friday nite so that works out well. Then Saturday "this is it" MJ movie and guess they will go home on Sunday..

They will be back for Turkey day... Think I may surprise them and have Xmas while they are here..

Well that's it for now.. CBL

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Morning all;

I am doing o.k. when I got home from the Vets I deep cleaned the laundry room (where my doggies sleep at night) and got ride of Woody's Crate and binkie.. I can't be looking at that everyday.. I also washed her bowl and put it up on a displayshelf next to her painting.

Peter called this a.m. and we talked alot about it being the RIGHT decision... Gosh I wish I could just hold her one more time... augh!

I slept pretty good last night all things considered, didn't wake up til noon! What a lazy ASS I am?

I was wanting to go for a walk in the woods with TWIG but my knee is still very painful, got ice on it right now... so I think I'm gonna have to wait a few days until it settles down.

Thank you for all your kind words, they truly do help.. Its nice to know there are so many Dog Lovers in the world.

I'll see my baby again one day and then we'll trot in the woods again and chase squirrels. Maybe they even play frisbee in heaven? who knows? That's what I'll hope for anyways.

Friday's suggestion: Grab all your furry little friends around you this weekend and hug them tight, give them an extra cookie - just because.

Love you all


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Good morning ladies. Or almost good afternoon. I had a rough night last night. I guess it was a combo of therapy, Candice's loss of her dear Woody, and the pics Phyl posted of the second hand store....but I was in a huge midnight funk missing my dad. I didn't sleep very well and heart hurt when I got up...so I just snuggled up and snoozed all morning.

No giant plans this weekend. I'm glad because I need to seriously regroup in my head. I'm not doing anything lately. My head needs some real time. Going to tell Jeff to take the little ones to the farm on Saturday and leave me here so I can have some time alone to put everything in place. I need some quiet time just to organize my brain. Does that sound dumb? I think it does. Oh well.

So that is me. Candice, I'm so very sorry about Woody. I can't imagine putting any of my darlings down. I've lost two cats to car accidents and that was hard enough. She's in heaven loving every minute of feeling free of her pain. Be at peace.

Hugs ladies. Later.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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