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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Okay...now it is time to turn my life to you guys. I have been focussing so much on me that I haven't had much to say to each of you.....so here it is.

Janet, I'm sorry your gym is closing but I think it could be a really good change. I know it is farther and less convenient but the change of atmosphere might be envigorating. I don't know what zoomba is but a new exercise might be fun. Enjoy it and make it an amazing positive in your life. As for the losing 2 days a month...that just SUCKS! However, it isn't every other Wednesday...which would ROYALLY suck. At least you get the long weekends. And think of the appointments you can make during that day when you would normally have to take off work. It could work to your advantage. Change is hard, but I see lemonade in your future. You're so good at taking a rotten situation and making something of it. You'll do it here too. Love you hon!

Candice, the wedding pictures were amazing. You are so absolutely beautiful. That dress was a stunner and I think you looked so very very happy. so sorry you are missing DH. It's funny how much we miss when they are gone. It will make his homecoming that much sweeter though. Love it! As for the dogs...Wood didn't freeze to death and they are SOOOO good at making us feel guilty. It's those eyes.

Phyl, I'm so envious of your trip. It sounds like so much fun! And all the walking you are doing. I hope you know how inspirational you are to all of us. Your determination and spirit are so uplifting. Thank you. And it doesn't sound like Earl is freaking out about the shopping too much, so enjoy it!!!! Next year when I'm in San Diego for the breast cancer walk, I hope you and Janet can make it over. I miss you guys!

Karla, you are an amazing teacher. You have to believe that. You could teach earth science with nothing more than your voice if you had to. Don't stress about the materials. Do what you can with what you have. If all you can do is prepare powerpoints with pictures of the things you are talking about, that's all you can do. I know that you can do it. Suggestion, call UofM paleo center and see what they can do for you. I know they have amazing materials. There was this great lab with taking sedementary rocks, disolving the "cement" with some acid, and then classifying and such. I can't think of the prof's name that was in charge of the paleo project but any of them up there could help you. I remember her first name is Heather...but that's all. There is a TON you can do without much for materials. I KNOW you will do a great job no matter what. you ARE amazing, even if you doubt it most of the time.

Kari, we need to talk because you and I are falling off the wagon with the same issues. I know that most of mine is because everything I eat seems to stick but together we should be able to work through it. I too have gotten caught by the soda monster...and junk food has become a way of life. Let's support each other back to health!

Karri, I know you said that you struggle here because you don't have time to say something to each of us. Believe me, I get it. I've been there for the last month or so. But, please, check in. We miss you and even with the stress of work, we want to hear about the amazing things YOU are doing with those kids. You don't have to be superwoman. Hearing that from more than just DH might make you feel like you can take a breath. Come say hi. Love you and miss you. And I miss hearing about your workouts!

Jackie, so sorry you are sick. I've been feeling like crap too, but not as badly as you have. I did get my butt off the couch today and cleaned a bit and that not only helped my attitude, I seemed to also have a little more motivation. Of course now I'm back in my chair....go figure. Also, I'm sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose a member of your family, but for him to have been so very young makes it doubly hard I am sure. Hugs to you...and if you were here I would make you some delicious chicken soup....to make you feel better.

I'm sure I missed a few things, but remember...I love you all!

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Hey Jackie & Steph

I agree with both of you on the furlough issue - I am looking forward to having 2 friday's a month off - I wish they would hurry up and make the announcement -

I am not a workaholic like the rest of you :0) lol - I am not a type a personality :0) - I will get up and go to the gym on those mornings - I would have time to take care of my own stuff - ranches books - family tree stuff - more lbt & FB - cleaning - reading - r&r

Steph Zumba is a dance/excercise class - salsa kind of dancing - but I have gf who went to that gym for a minute and she said - the class and gym is really crowded - class was too crowded to join in - so I may just be switching over to the 24 fitness (they have exercise classes too where my gym doesnt)- I joined my gym for the convenience of it - not having to go out of my way - it's across the street from my development.. If it not convenient I won't do it - I have no excuse not to drive across the street - And I do go in the a.m sometimes before work and I can't do that if it takes me 10 minutes to get there - I will give it a chance - but my out w/my trainer (whom I love and will hate to lose) is the furlough issue - can't afford him..

24 hour fitness is in my area - not on the other side of the freeway like the other gym and again 24 hrs so if I want to go at 4:30 a.m. I can :thumbup:) ha ha - 5 is a good hour and sometimes on the weekends I would like to go at 6:30 a.m but my gym doesn't open til 7 on the weekends - so another reason to join 24 fitness..

Jackie - Hugs on being sick - omw if you get a cold everyone acts like its swine flu - Andrew has a cold right now - I told him if you get really sick w/a fever and chest - to let me know - he said LaLa I have a cold..

Hugs to on your Uncle 37 that's just too young - well really death isn't a joy ride even when you are 93 - but at 93 you have had a life..

Ok back to work - I see Phyl is having a great time in 3 rivers... isn't that that the name of a new tv show i watch

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Drive by post....

Woody has been SICK twice today... can't seem to keep any food down... she's thrown up on the carpets and I've got all that stuff in the laundry now..

I hopw she lasts until DH gets home on Tuesday.. I think the poor little thing is failing fast....:thumbup:

Jackie; Hugs on your Loss, and I am sorry you are sick, but glad that its not the H1N1!!!!

Steph: Hang in there girl... its getting better

Oh Phyl; where are you ???? Did you watch JUDGE JUDY all day long????

Janet; Good attitude on the furlough thing.. 2 long weekends per month will be o.k./// hey, we'll use one of them in Jan to go to Vegas!!! hee,hee,hee

Perhaps we should all go to San Diego with Steph and enter the walk-a-thon... Is it in Sept. again next year????

Edited by peaches9

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Ya I'm ok on the furlough really - I will like the time off as you all know - I don't love my job - I could find things to do at home

Poor Woody - yes I hope she last til Peter gets home - that would be terrible for him to lose her while he's gone..

I love the cause but I don't know if I want to walk 18 miles for 3 days .. We could go and cheer !!!

off to the gym !!!

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Candice...maybe you should take Wood into the vet and get an IV to rehydrate him. That should hold him until DH comes home and then you can make the 'hard' decision.

Thanks Steph for reminding me about the paleo stuff at the U. I'll check into it. I have been working on powerpoints it is just so time consuming.

Soda....actually my lap doc says soda is okay as long as I listen to what my band says. I drink it without any problems. I just no longer have a 'taste' for it. Probably have had 3 soda's in the last 3 months. Didn't really enjoy them. Now offer me a Skinny Iced Hazelnut Latte.. different story. Sad news, I have worked my espresso machine to death...it is whimpering...barely spirts a spit. So...yes you may yell...but I have my priorities...I may not be able to buy clothes or afford latte's at Starbucks, by the way I LOVE their instant....but i'll be DAMNED if I'm going to live without latte's...So...burned some plastic...ordered a new espresso machine. There I said it, if you tell anyone I will deny it, and say that you all bought it and sent it to me. I get my flavorings at the liquor store for $4 a big bottle, like a 5th of hard liquor. That lasts me a week, so I feel like I am pampered for $16 a month. Yep it is a luxury, but I'm NOT going to appologize for it and I'm not giving it up. I'd say sex goes first, but that went 13 years ago.

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There is a ton that you all can do in San Diego. There were these groups of women who just drove the route all day every day cheering, blaring their music and cheering everyone. They are called "walker stalkers." I would love to stalk a walk. It looked like so much fun. You get to dress the pink, be silly, decorate your car, and not have to walk!!! How much better does THAT get? And I have to say they were very inspirational. Whenever we were feeling at the end, they would drive by, everyone would woop and all was better again!

San Diego is the week before Thanksgiving next year. And Jeff and I are talking about doing a cruise after to Celebrate.

Okay...gotta go get dinner on the table. Hugs

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gotta share my dinner. It was awesome!

1 boneless pork roast, 1 med onion sliced, 3 cans pork and Beans, 1 1/2 c BBQ Sauce, 1/4 cup b.sugar, 1 tsp garlic.

Now..I only put in 2 cans pork n Beans and not even a cup of bbq sauce, nowhere near that much b.sugar.

Put in crock pot and let cook all afternoon. Shred the pork when ready to serve. I served it to Jeff on a bun like a pulled pork sandwhich. I put 2 hotdogs in it for the kids. I ate not quite a cup of the conconction by itself.

nutrition facts: for original, 1 cup equals 217 cals, 6 g fat, 56mg cholesterol, 404 mg sodium (can you get low sodium p & :thumbup: 16 g carbs, and 24 g Protein.

It was delish, and mushy enough that I could eat it without any problem. I'm guessing not so many carbs in mine because I cut down the bbq sauce and the b.sugar. I have about 3 cups left over and will eat on it all week I'm sure. It will heat up nicely in the microwave.

Going to let it set for an hour or so before I try to put anything else in my stomach...but it was AMAZING. I'm thinking french fried onions for crunch would be good, but they aren't the healthiest and I haven't been putting them on anything lately. Anyways...just wanted to share.

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Steph, I'm jealous, my dinner tasted fabulous...too bad it didn't stay down. I marinated some tilapia in wine, broiled it topped with a mix of light miracle whip, basil, lemon juice, onion powder. Sweet potatoes and stirfried peapods. Got about 2 oz of tilapia down, and barely made it to the bathroom. grrrrrrrr

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gotta share my dinner. It was awesome!

1 boneless pork roast, 1 med onion sliced, 3 cans pork and Beans, 1 1/2 c BBQ Sauce, 1/4 cup b.sugar, 1 tsp garlic.

Now..I only put in 2 cans pork n Beans and not even a cup of bbq sauce, nowhere near that much b.sugar.

Put in crock pot and let cook all afternoon. Shred the pork when ready to serve. I served it to Jeff on a bun like a pulled pork sandwhich. I put 2 hotdogs in it for the kids. I ate not quite a cup of the conconction by itself.

nutrition facts: for original, 1 cup equals 217 cals, 6 g fat, 56mg cholesterol, 404 mg sodium (can you get low sodium p & :thumbup: 16 g carbs, and 24 g Protein.

It was delish, and mushy enough that I could eat it without any problem. I'm guessing not so many carbs in mine because I cut down the bbq sauce and the b.sugar. I have about 3 cups left over and will eat on it all week I'm sure. It will heat up nicely in the microwave.

Going to let it set for an hour or so before I try to put anything else in my stomach...but it was AMAZING. I'm thinking french fried onions for crunch would be good, but they aren't the healthiest and I haven't been putting them on anything lately. Anyways...just wanted to share.

YUM that sounds yummy to die for... I'm gonna try it too:thumbup:

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I'm going to try it tomorrow, I have a roast in the frig and then I'm adding kidney Beans because I only have 1 can of pork and beans, so I'll let you all know.

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Candice...maybe you should take Wood into the vet and get an IV to rehydrate him. That should hold him until DH comes home and then you can make the 'hard' decision.

Thanks Steph for reminding me about the paleo stuff at the U. I'll check into it. I have been working on powerpoints it is just so time consuming.

Soda....actually my lap doc says soda is okay as long as I listen to what my band says. I drink it without any problems. I just no longer have a 'taste' for it. Probably have had 3 soda's in the last 3 months. Didn't really enjoy them. Now offer me a Skinny Iced Hazelnut Latte.. different story. Sad news, I have worked my espresso machine to death...it is whimpering...barely spirts a spit. So...yes you may yell...but I have my priorities...I may not be able to buy clothes or afford latte's at Starbucks, by the way I LOVE their instant....but i'll be DAMNED if I'm going to live without latte's...So...burned some plastic...ordered a new espresso machine. There I said it, if you tell anyone I will deny it, and say that you all bought it and sent it to me. I get my flavorings at the liquor store for $4 a big bottle, like a 5th of hard liquor. That lasts me a week, so I feel like I am pampered for $16 a month. Yep it is a luxury, but I'm NOT going to appologize for it and I'm not giving it up. I'd say sex goes first, but that went 13 years ago.

Karla - YEA FOR YOU - who's going to yell at you - if you want an espresso machine - get it !!! Now if you went and gambled that $$$ away I would yell but you got something for you ...

I was never a big soda drinker to begin with - but I will have a diet dr pepper or ginger ale about once every couple of months - I pour it back and forth between to cups to get most of the carbonation out - then sip on it..

My doc said no soda - depletes the Calcium

Again girl - whats another zero at this point - you only have one life - enjoy... You work hard - you deserve things - go for it imho !!!!

There is a ton that you all can do in San Diego. There were these groups of women who just drove the route all day every day cheering, blaring their music and cheering everyone. They are called "walker stalkers." I would love to stalk a walk. It looked like so much fun. You get to dress the pink, be silly, decorate your car, and not have to walk!!! How much better does THAT get? And I have to say they were very inspirational. Whenever we were feeling at the end, they would drive by, everyone would woop and all was better again!

San Diego is the week before Thanksgiving next year. And Jeff and I are talking about doing a cruise after to Celebrate.< /p>

Okay...gotta go get dinner on the table. Hugs

gotta share my dinner. It was awesome!

1 boneless pork roast, 1 med onion sliced, 3 cans pork and Beans, 1 1/2 c BBQ Sauce, 1/4 cup b.sugar, 1 tsp garlic.

Now..I only put in 2 cans pork n Beans and not even a cup of bbq sauce, nowhere near that much b.sugar.

Put in crock pot and let cook all afternoon. Shred the pork when ready to serve. I served it to Jeff on a bun like a pulled pork sandwhich. I put 2 hotdogs in it for the kids. I ate not quite a cup of the conconction by itself.

nutrition facts: for original, 1 cup equals 217 cals, 6 g fat, 56mg cholesterol, 404 mg sodium (can you get low sodium p & :thumbup: 16 g carbs, and 24 g Protein.

It was delish, and mushy enough that I could eat it without any problem. I'm guessing not so many carbs in mine because I cut down the bbq sauce and the b.sugar. I have about 3 cups left over and will eat on it all week I'm sure. It will heat up nicely in the microwave.

Going to let it set for an hour or so before I try to put anything else in my stomach...but it was AMAZING. I'm thinking french fried onions for crunch would be good, but they aren't the healthiest and I haven't been putting them on anything lately. Anyways...just wanted to share.

Steph - Glad you were able to eat - Pork Tenderloin in my new fav - filet migon of pork - but I marinate mine in tereaky and bbq it - stringy meat doesn't work for me to well..

Steph, I'm jealous, my dinner tasted fabulous...too bad it didn't stay down. I marinated some tilapia in wine, broiled it topped with a mix of light miracle whip, basil, lemon juice, onion powder. Sweet potatoes and stirfried peapods. Got about 2 oz of tilapia down, and barely made it to the bathroom. grrrrrrrr

It was most likely the peapods - you have to chew very well.

I got stuck today at lunch - but it was my fault - ate my salad 1st cuz I had a taste for it (spinach feta cheese avocado onion yogurt cezar dressing) then at my chicken - I was full from the salad - but needed the pt -

I did arms tonite - then went to marshalls 2 diff gfs wanted me to pickup something for them - got home talked to DIL - Brooke will be starting speech therapy in January - she can't say s f p r t - fish comes out ish - frog come out og - strawberries - obarie ...

Well didn't get off the phone til 7:30 - didn't want to cook - could have eaten chilimac - but said - cook janet it only takes 20 minutes - so fish spinach rice (yes just call me popeye) and it's done so I am going to go eat

talk to you all tomorrow - hugs J

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Today was DD#3's 28th birthday, time flies.

Yep Janet, it probably was the peapods. But I tell you marinating the fish made all the difference, gave the tilapia a nice flavor, a little body. Not so great coming back up.

Well have a good evening, hoping miss molly lets me sleep, this 1:30 & 4:15 is a killer.


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Quick post! Just caught up on all of you. But Earl is sitting across the table telling me he's tired and wants to go over to the RV. Staying at our friends' house right now. GOOD exercise in the pool yesterday for at least an hour. Tonight too, but didn't exercise as much. And Jacki & I went 2nd hand store shopping today. I got about 5 books and a box of Christmas cards for $2. Jacki filled up her trunk on $18... curling Iron, brass lamp, glassware, blanket, etc.! We're hitting another one tomorrow, and taking Earl back to that one because he was disappointed that he missed it when I told them there was an old Chevy front bumper in there!!! So many books!! Interesting place. But the clothes were just all in big piles!! You could fill up a garbage bag of them for $10, but it was just too overwhelming to try to sift through them!

Love you all... gotta go!

Jacki's across the street neighbor is Angelica Huston... she has a ranch over there. But 2nd hand store lady told Jacki that Angelica is her best customer and can be found cruising the 2nd hand stores and garage sales in the area quite frequently!

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So Phyl, if Earl buys the bumper, do you haul it around all winter, or ship it home? Love it, he is my type of scrounger. My kids always shake their heads when I find a 'keeper', but where do they come when they need something for a project.

Payday was this week, and with some creative balancing I 'seem' to have enough $$ to last the month. Can not pay much on credit card or to DD#5, just a little, but I should not go in the hole. No other shopping of any kind. I was able to get DD#3's birthday gifts for under $10, I found a couple of GAP long sleeve Tshirts for $4 each at sierratradingpost.com. Very cute and very soft cotton. Christmas will be extremely lean, won't be buying any gifts except a small one for each DD#4 & DD#5. The rest of my girls I will make their gifts. I've been embroidering TeaTowels with botanicals and then am putting wide rickrack and fabric borders. Also will make them each a stack of cotton face clothes. I knit them out of cotton yarn, they are about 3" x 3", great exfoliation without abrasiveness. Finish up with an apron and set of potholders, possibly an appliqued pillow. Have most of the materials already, will need to buy fabric for one apron, but other than that, I should be good. DD#4 will also get a pair of scrubs, she likes to use them for pj's. Also she is doing her CNA training, so may make her a not so wild pair for work. I don't think animal print would go over well. DD#5, I owe a purse to, have the fabric so shouldn't have to buy anything there. Now I just need to get started. Will make mom some biscotti, dad some peanut brittle, the rest of the family...won't be able to afford anything. Everything is homemade anyway, and they don't really like it. Although a couple of years ago I made BIL a 'tool belt', that had labeled pockets for beer, cigars, periodicals, Snacks. I thought it was adorable...but not their thing. They like big expensive stuff. My sister typically gets a killer 'rock' to wear.

Best get going and get ready for work. No latte this morning, the espresso machine spurted it's last spritz. Bummer....


Edited by cramerk

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Good Morning...

Phyl - I'm with you I don't have the patients to shift through piles like that.. Ya what's Earl going to do with a bumper - leave it there in 3 rivers and then pickup on the way home this spring..

Karla - Angel had me up at 4:22 this morning- stayed up and colored my hair ..

Well gotta get to work - ttyl - Hugs

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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