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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning Gang

I know I was MIA all weekend - Saturday morning called my Uncle we were on the phone 3.5 hrs - I cleaned and drank coffee - I didn't go to the gym - Never left the house - took a shower was going to but just didn't feel like doing the whole makeup bit.. So just put on a clean house dress and said tomorrow.

Got up yesterday morning went to the gym did my 3 miles then shower Target - Winco - Ross's - Marshalls - home around 3 -

Ok gang we gotta get over this "bad eating" I bought Andrew toll house cookie (the kind you have to bake - mini's) ya right Janet - I ate the dough last night with walnuts - only 4 of the Cookies but then ate a WW fudgecicle with walnuts - then a sf pudding s/walnuts- Calorie wise most likely not that bad - but nutritional wise - sucked.

Well the cookie dough went in the freeze..

I bbq'd ck for the weeks lunch w/spinach salad..

Karla - Sweetie Hug - It wasn't meant to be - We can't change the pass - leave it there - you are wasting precicous energy on regerts - as you know it most likely wouldn't have worked out if it was going to it would have. I think we tend to dream these great endings - when that's all it really would be a dream/fiction.. I know I do it to - so I'm not saying this to be mean - I wish that my James and I could have made it but - we didn't. Yes we can pretend that they are our prince charmings and we are cinderalla's - but that's all it is pretending..

Phyl - Traveling... It's so hard - not to have your own kitchen - It will be ok -

Steph - Glad you had a good time with Michael - we want dealts

Candice - January would be best - I don't have any vacation days left for this year

Karri - Will go to emails in minute

Kari - Where are you..

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just drinking my Protien shake right now and waitig for hair to dry in rollers. I made my ONe Pot Wonder last night... I'll eat it for the whole week I think.

Lentils, RIce, chicken, onion & Garlic, curry powder, raisins..... its really yummy.. so i am taking some for work today.

It's MONDAY, and accountability day girls....lets get onboard together!!! Didn't weigh myself today, don't want to know the damage!! CBL

Yep.... time to get back on track. We didn't bring a scale with us, but I wouldn't want to get on it today either because I'm so afraid I gained a couple of pounds since we've been on the road! Tomorrow we get to our friends' house in Three Rivers. We'll probably be eating healthier there. Her hubby works in Memphis so he won't be there.. just the three of us. Maybe Earl will cook for us. I got lots of garlic stuff at Garlic World today.... rosemary garlic sauce, garlic stir fry sauce, minced garlic, fresh garlic, granulated garlic (good to use to make dip), even garlic cooking wine. I went without Earl so I could buy whatever I wanted!! :thumbup:

Phyl, you'll get back on track!!! It's tough when you aren't doing your own cooking. Plus family wants to shower you with 'love' and we all know that means food. Plus now that you can exercise more, the weight will just fall off.

Back to school today, and don't have a single thing ready, oh well. I'll get it together today. Then come home, work out and eat some tilapia. That's the plan anyway. You all have a good day. TTFN

Trouble with being at our son's is they are SO busy!! So then there's fast food, take out food, LATE dinners!! BBQ short ribs last night... and my very favorite mashed potatoes! But no gravy, and I don't think she used much butter and milk either. And the milk was either skim or 1%. I know because I had a little to wash down my brownie!!


I know I was MIA all weekend - Saturday morning called my Uncle we were on the phone 3.5 hrs - I cleaned and drank coffee - I didn't go to the gym - Never left the house - took a shower was going to but just didn't feel like doing the whole makeup bit.. So just put on a clean house dress and said tomorrow.

Got up yesterday morning went to the gym did my 3 miles then shower Target - Winco - Ross's - Marshalls - home around 3 -

Ok gang we gotta get over this "bad eating" I bought Andrew toll house cookie (the kind you have to bake - mini's) ya right Janet - I ate the dough last night with walnuts - only 4 of the Cookies but then ate a WW fudgecicle with walnuts - then a sf pudding s/walnuts- Calorie wise most likely not that bad - but nutritional wise - sucked.

Well the cookie dough went in the freeze..

I bbq'd ck for the weeks lunch w/spinach salad..

Phyl - Traveling... It's so hard - not to have your own kitchen - It will be ok -

Steph - Glad you had a good time with Michael - we want dealts

Candice - January would be best - I don't have any vacation days left for this year

Karri - Will go to emails in minute

Kari - Where are you..

Yes, things are better already since we're on the road and on our own again! We traveled all of 45 miles today! Wanted to spend the night in Gilroy. I drove the car down and got here way before Earl, so that's when I went to Garlic World and the little winery near there and bought a whole bunch of stuff that Earl wouldn't have let me buy!!

:blink::biggrin::w00t: Then I went and got a Starbucks and to the RV park to wait for him. He pulled in less than 5 minutes after I got there. I waited until he got the RV pulled in to our assigned slot and then without going inside, decided I'd get on with the rest of my shopping! Oh, my! I figure I spent more than 4 hours shopping today, and only about the last 1/2 hr... at Target, did I use a scooter! I used one of theirs. I was so tired by then that I wouldn't have gone if I didn't know they had those scooters! Their sweats are al $5 this week so I wanted to get some smaller sweat pants and top. Which I did, AND the new Michael Buble' CD!!

That was AFTER I spent over an hour at the Salvation Army store where I bought a nice jacket... lightweight, sort of a rain jacket ($6), a long sleeve polo shirt and a couple of paperbacks. It was Sr. Discount day, so I got 15% off everything I bought and spent a grand total of $12.56!

Then I went to Ross where I tried on a lot of pants and didn't buy anything! I think at all the places I shopped, I must've tried on about 10 pairs of pants from sweats to cords to jeans! All I bought were the $5 sweats... Hanes XL. I can't find anything that fits right! Hips and thighs too big to fit in most of the 18's. I think I have 6 prs of pants with me that need to go in the Goodwill/Salvation Army. But then 'll have nothing to wear!

Wanted to look at Kohl's and Lane Bryant too.... same shopping center as all those other stores I went in, but I was too tired and it was too late and Earl kept calling me on the phone to see where I was. It was our wine and "Judge Judy" time so I thought I better get back!! :lol::biggrin::eek: Besides, I've looked for pants in both those stores (in OR & CA) in the last 10 days and found NOTHING!

Oh... didn't have lunch until I got back, which was after 2:30pm, so not going to be very hungry for dinner. Maybe a baked potato. Wish we had some salsa. Keep forgetting to tell Earl to buy some. But, all in all, an okay food day and I had a BLAST shopping all by myself, and onfoot for the most part! Got some exercise.

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Janet, I know that he was my 'night in shining armour' and it may or may not have worked. I'm just ticked that I didn't have a chance to find out. But mainly I'm sad that his life is over, he was a good man. Took care of his ailing father until his dad passed. Worked with his brother, worked for the VA Admin., taught adult computer classes. He had a lot to offer and was only 51.

Decent day at work. Couple of teachers asked how the 'coffee date' went, just said 'no show' and left it at that. Suppose to be evaluated by the master's program tomorrow, but I am giving a test, so have to reschedule. Oh well. Need to read and write a paper, develop a unit by Nov. 8th, come up with a Leadership project, what was I thinking. And they say this is the easy time. Next year will be even crazier. Tonight is the night to get it together, I will spend all night doing lesson plans, writing a test, and figure out how to teach earth science without supplies. NO MORE just winging it.

dinner tonight is salmon. I've got the stress going so it may stick, hope not. Back on the food plan and doing well today.

Check in later. TTFN

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Back from the gym - dinner cooked and reading

Karla - Hugs - I know you are sad - mourning is hard - I know that while with my DH I would think about my x alot - I just hate you being so sad - We can't change the past all we can do is move forward. I doubt that he would want you to be so sad..

Phyl - Ya I saw on FB this afternoon - Earl posting about you shopping lol... I would love to go to Gilroy - never been - the Garlic Festival is in July - I would love to go to that..

OMW you did tons of shopping - this is why I say clothes shopping is exercise - all that dressing and undressing - it's moving and moving is exercise plus all that walking !!!! WTG

I went to Marshall's & Ross's (across the street from my Marshalls) Ross's I got some house stuff - I really don't care for their clothing that much - then went to Marshalls and got white sweats and top but they are more like yoga sweats than regular sweats - the kind I would wear on the weekend and maybe to work the have more polyester than cotton I think..

I just wish it would cool down - 90 today - windy tonite 86 tomorrow and then back to the 90's ..

food today - BF 3 oz chicken - lunch 4 oz chicken - zuchinne & rice 1 cup total - Dinner fish rice yellow squash

I am in a quandary If I need a fill or not - - I think I need a tweak - I can eat about 2 cups and I don't stay full for long - I know my food choices are always the best - it's that I don't stay full for as long as I would like - but again - I know that alot of what I consider hunger is head -

Last night I loved my zuchinne/rice concoction (zuchinne bell peppers oniion jalapeno corn with 1 cup maranara sauce and 3 lite pepper jack cheese squares (25 cal each) - it made 4 serving and I put it over 1/2 c rice - that I ate 2 1 cup bowls - I didn't have Protein - just that..

Oh ya my gym is closing really merging with another gym and they are moving to that gym's location - its about 1.5 2 miles away - but I'm pissed I joined this gym cuz of how close it is. If it wasn't for my trainer I would just join the 24 hr fitness cuz it's across the street - but Idrise said they had Zumba classes so Vicky (that's my workout partner) said we would give it a try...

Steph - How was your weekend w/Michael..

Do you have Karri's # - I need to call her - please email to me..

Ok - I think I am going to eat


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Janet, my daughter loves the Zoomba classes, she says it is a great exercise.

Phyl, way to go on the shopping spree!! You make me proud!!!

Janet, on the food amount...I'm with you. I can eat 2 cups in the morning, but by evening I still struggle with solid Protein, which then makes me lazy and I eat blueberries & yogurt, which is back to 2 cups. Last night I ate extremely slow and was able to get down about 3 oz of Salmon and about 1/2 c Pasta. Not the best choice, I should have had veggies instead of pasta. snack was good, I had my SF Fudge bars and some fruit.< /p>

All the puppies are up and grouchy. Usually the 2 older sleep in with DD#4, but this morning they decided getting up and barking at 4:45 was a better idea. So now they are bickering about who gets to sleep in my lap. What a way to start the day.

Did not get all my school work done, even though I worked on if for 4 hours. What a pain, good thing I don't have a life. Tonight will be a repeat. It would be nice to just be caught up once in awhile. Oh well, another day, another $1.25.

You guys have a good day. TTFN

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Good morning ladies. I had planned on catching you all up yesterday but then my day got interupted and I never got back to it....not that any of you know anything about days like that :cursing:

Michael....what can I say....we had therapy together for the first time on Thursday. It was tough. I got some good out of it and I hope Michael did too. The best part was seeing him and his therapist interact and her push him past where he wanted to be. It made me feel good about where he is and that he may really get some help there. She said some things that really hit home with me, have really made me think. She says I need some real deep therapy myself. I know she is right, but just like my tough time with getting Michael help...I don't know that there is help around here. I will work with the therapist I have now and hope that she will get me somewhere parenting wise, but I just don't think she's going to push me to really reach those deep dark places that I really need to look at.

For his birthday we got him a guitar and I made him a scrapbook. Of course he loved the guitar and just couldn't stop talking about it. The scrapbook, not so much, but I'm hoping that in his quiet times it will mean a lot to him. I'm working on another for him. A life and times of Michael. Him with people who love him. The one I did for his birthday was just people who care about him. ... this one I hope is more about his relationships. Of course, once he got his gifts and had dinner, he wanted us to take him back to the ranch. We could have had another hour, but he wasn't interested and I wasn't going to push the issue. I got 2 hours. Its more time than we've spent in a long time.

Convention was amazing. I really got a lot out of it. More than anything I got a real desire to go out and do more teacher inservice training. Of course, that is the last thing that Jeff wants me to do because then I'm gone. So...I guess what I really got was another "too bad, so sad" experience.

I was just starting to get food in, and then therapy. Instant tight for the last 3 days. Today I did get a small bowl of kashi in. I'm going to concentrate really hard on my choices. It seems that if I drink something warm right before, which is of course a no no, I can usually get food to stay. That is going to be my goal. I have been splurging with a latte every morning. Today I chose to cut it back to sugar free Syrup and skim milk....and only 16 oz instead of 20. I also was going to hop on the wii this morning after taking the kids to daycare, but then...of course....when I was getting Jai out of the tub I pulled a muscle in my back. Now, it hurts to breath. I know I'm not really hurt, it's happened before, numerous times....but...if I don't sit very still it hurts like a .....

So here I sit. Going to work on my website for BITL today. Karla, your lesson is up. I think I have therapy with Michael at 10 so I need to get ready for that. It might be 1030...I just don't remember for sure.

Oh...day 2 of my bible study was amazing. For anyone who likes to do bible study, Beth Moore seems to be an amazing speaker. She really has some interesting insight. In just this last week I have gotten more insight from the bible than in the last 2 years listening to my pastor. Amazing!!!

Well...gotta go. Talk to you all soon. Hugs ladies. you're all amazing.

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Janet, my daughter loves the Zoomba classes, she says it is a great exercise.

Phyl, way to go on the shopping spree!! You make me proud!!!

Janet, on the food amount...I'm with you. I can eat 2 cups in the morning, but by evening I still struggle with solid Protein, which then makes me lazy and I eat blueberries & yogurt, which is back to 2 cups. Last night I ate extremely slow and was able to get down about 3 oz of Salmon and about 1/2 c Pasta. Not the best choice, I should have had veggies instead of pasta. snack was good, I had my SF Fudge bars and some fruit.< /p>

All the puppies are up and grouchy. Usually the 2 older sleep in with DD#4, but this morning they decided getting up and barking at 4:45 was a better idea. So now they are bickering about who gets to sleep in my lap. What a way to start the day.

Did not get all my school work done, even though I worked on if for 4 hours. What a pain, good thing I don't have a life. Tonight will be a repeat. It would be nice to just be caught up once in awhile. Oh well, another day, another $1.25.

You guys have a good day. TTFN

Good Morning Gang...

Karla - dinner last night - 4 oz fish 1/2 c rice & 1 cup yellow squash - I did not have any popcorn - did have a yogurt and then a small handful of fritos - they are now in the trash..

I know alot of my struggles is that I eat on the high end calorie wise - I feel it's really about the food choices I make - not so much the amount of food that I eat - and again eating when I am physically full. Last night I really paid attention to is - not ignore it - didn't eat around it..

Well it looks like on Monday and Wed may not be on the computer after work - the new gym has zumba classes - 6 to 7 on Monday & Wed - this would work for me cuz weight training is 5-6 on those days..

Well gang I am getting furloughed (it's not official yet but my supervisor/friend - just told me) - it will be come effective 11/1 - I will have every other Friday off and won't be getting paid - Will loose 1 days pay per paycheck... They hope this is will be temp (for 6 months) - Then the next thing they want to cut is our pto (they think we get too much) I get 20 pto for 30 and 5 sick so that's 25 -- I get 25 days - they want to decrease it to 20.

Karla - Karri is stressing about her job (teaching) it seems like to me you guys (teachers) have way too much work and cost that involves your own time / $$$ - Hell know - Not my kind of Job - I am not type A personality - I need my down time..

Well better get to work - CBL

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Sorry, lost my post.

So Janet, was the 'eating crow' their way of bribing you all not to scream when they furloughed you? To hell with the check, give me the hours.

Steph, I'm glad things are going okay. So where is Michael's facility? Billing? The Boys' & Girls' Ranch?

Janet, on teaching, I use to love it and the money didn't matter. Now each year because they keep changing my schedule I have to start over. Yesterday, excluding teaching time, I spent 7 hours trying to come up with earth science lessons. But didn't come up with much. I have to create everything from scratch, every reading, notes, worksheets, lab, quiz, projects, and tests. I work and work and can't find the top of the pile. I don't know what to do. Cry is on top of the list. It use to be worth it, because I made a difference now I'm just babysitting. It is to the point that I pretty much wipe their noses. there is no such thing as a failing grade or late assignment. Oh well, that's life.

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Sorry, lost my post.

So Janet, was the 'eating crow' their way of bribing you all not to scream when they furloughed you? To hell with the check, give me the hours.

Steph, I'm glad things are going okay. So where is Michael's facility? Billing? The Boys' & Girls' Ranch?

Janet, on teaching, I use to love it and the money didn't matter. Now each year because they keep changing my schedule I have to start over. Yesterday, excluding teaching time, I spent 7 hours trying to come up with earth science lessons. But didn't come up with much. I have to create everything from scratch, every reading, notes, worksheets, lab, quiz, projects, and tests. I work and work and can't find the top of the pile. I don't know what to do. Cry is on top of the list. It use to be worth it, because I made a difference now I'm just babysitting. It is to the point that I pretty much wipe their noses. there is no such thing as a failing grade or late assignment. Oh well, that's life.

Ya I think you are right - they had us all worked up that the meeting was going to be about furloughing or someone getting canned - then the little bbq - anniversary thang - now this is coming down the pike.. I don't know when it's going to be announce but she said they wanted to start this on the 1st.. $300 ya when they are cutting my pay check by $550 (guesstimating) and the next thing to be cut is a week of vacation - now we are talking big $$ imho - they are cutting our benefit bit by bit.. But they have us by the short hairs cuz where else can we get a job..

But at least we have a job - and we all need that.. Well - they might be saving $$$ but I don't know how productive everyone will be. Moral is going to suck big time - I understand times are hard - but.. They took big profits the 1st couple of yrs - bought corvettes redid their houses etc - they didn't plan for a rainy day -now employees will suffer and once they take things away - it's going to be hard to get them back.. The have already quit contributing to our 401k and froze the profit sharing - and pple with dependants healthy care doubled.. So ya it sucks big time right now..

But I am looking forward to having 2 fridays a month off - I will go to the gym in the morning on those days - and hopefully it will be for only 6 months -

On your teaching - like I said hell no - this is what Karri is going through and she's a perfectionist (she's 30) and a type A personality - she's working 24/7 and dh isn't happy about it..

No thank you for being a teacher - I feel for you - I thought test were all standardized that they came with the text books - too much work - Hugs I know right now this is hard for you especially with the loss of you x... Hugs Hugs Hugs..

Ok Gang - Kari isn't posting here I think she needs and intervention - on FB said she needs teeth pull - so maybe she will lose some weight.

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Morning Ladies, Miss Molly decided to get up at 4:15...so I guess I'm up as well.

Got on the scale this morning and shock of all things...I lost another pound! So I guess the Bcomplex and amino acids are working. I did not DESERVE to lose a pound after eating the entire box of Samoa Girl Scout Cookies this weekend AND sitting on my butt. But I'm going to take it and run like the wind and hope the weight fairy doesn't catch me. If I go with what Dr. Ortiz said, then I have only 12 more pounds to go!!!! However, that won't change how I eat. Right now I'm in a blueberry, yogurt, Kashi kick. I'd eat it for every meal if I could...and sometimes I do. It's my backup meal. Yesterday I was realling craving carbs, so I had some Laughing Cow on crackers for lunch. Light Laughing Cow only has 35 cals per wedge and the crackers were some large multi-grain ones. I could have 3 crackers for 70 cals. Wrapped it up with a pear. Not much stick-to-itness, but if fed the cravings. Here is where my trouble lies. Typically I have Breakfast at about 7 am, fruit/veggie snack around 11 am, then Lunch around 1:00. Then I'm hungry from then on, no matter what I eat. So 6 hours between breakfast and lunch and 5 hours between lunch and dinner. After dinner, watch out...I'm on a see-food diet. I could eat non stop till I go to bed. I do have my SF Fudgebars, 100cal popcorn, and occasionally a small skinny Decaf latte that I make. Of all the things, the coffee, seems to satisfy the hungry monster. It doesn't seem to be about bulk or type of food, which tells me it is head hunger. Any suggestions would be appreciative. On weekends I have to remember to eat...during the week...ooooooooh watch out, if your fingers got in the way, I may bite you. Gee, shall we analyze a little stress here?

Steph, we are glad that you are back, we miss you. I'm with Janet, Karri needs an intervention. If she can post on facebook...she can pop in once in awhile. Do we have germs?????????? Karri, just giving you grief, but we miss you also, along with Linda, and Kari. The Lucky 7's seems to be a 4 person gig?

Anyway, you all have a good day, TTFN


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Well Karla; I am in no position to be giving ANY food advise, especially this week. But I'd suggest adding some SOLID protien to your breaky and lunch... it might just hold you better between meals...

Do you like eggs for breaky? If you make up a bunch of deviled eggs you can grab and run, eat it in the car whatever... they are also economical too.

I had a Diet Pepsi(well stirred) last night, it tasted good but I don't know how KARI does it... pop just plain hurts in the band... not worth it for me.. too much trouble to make it go flat.

I am glad I am not a teacher either, its a thankless job, yet SO important... Karla, I am sure that you touch more hearts and minds than you give yourself credit for...

Twenty years from now, you'll bump into a student and they'll recall some teaching insight that you bestowed upon them... then it'll all be worth it..

Phyl, is driving still and shopping until she drops... I can just see her without her scooter, running up and down aisles in stores looking for the best value...Rock on girl!

I am missing DH this week, he called the other night... little WOOD Dog is missing him too. Yesterday I went to work and LEFT her outside!!! Thank GOd it was a milder day and not ICE COLD... I just happened to have a cancelation of an appt. so I took an hour and went home to let the doggies out.... Well poor little Woody was looking in the glass at me when I got there. :thumbup:

Then last night she got up in the middle of the night and YAKED on the carpet right beside th bed.. so I put her outside to finish yakking.... when I went to bring her in... no show...

I think she went and hid under the deck, wouldn't come in. I couldn't "call" her because she's deaf... so I am flickiing the outdoor light off and on to get her attention... no luck... she was NOT coming in..

So I went back to bed and there she was at 7 a.m. starring in the window at me again... sheesh... these dogs...:lol:

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Good morning ladies. Not such a good morning here. My back is hurting worse than yesterday and now my legs have decided to join the fun.

Yesterday was therapy at 10am on the phone. It was really stressful. My head started bothering me in the middle and by the end of the hour it was a full on Migraine. Took a shower and layed in the dark until 230. Still no relief. Finally took some tylenol which got me through until 8 and then took some pain pills from when my back was bad. It helped me sleep, but everytime I moved Jeff said I moaned. When I got up this morning I could hardly walk. Jeff came and got Nick to take him to school for me. Now I'm just sitting here trying to deal.

As for therapy yesterday, the therapist finally got to see the defiance of Michael. She wanted to take a contact off his contact list because he was calling her all the time and never me. Long story short, we decided he could call her twice per week but only if he called me 3 times a week. He was pi$$ed. OMG! It started a good conversation about how he views the rules of the world and she really got a look at his anger/calm/anger/calm quick change. I was starting to think he was going to have them fooled...but it came out. She is a really good therapist. I'm really impressed so far.

Well, michael called last night to check the time of something...and then he wanted to hang up. To which I said, "Calling me for 45 seconds to ask a question like that does NOT count darling." He was PI$$ED about that. We did talk for about 10 minutes finally, but it was like pulling teeth. I wish they recorded the calls and could hear how I try to get him to talk and how he just won't open. I got the feeling that he makes it sound like I avoid talking, looking, touching him like he has the plague....which I do NOT, but he won't let me. You can only pull so many teeth before he doesn't have any more to pull.

Anyways. I'm going to lay on the heating pad and see if I can get some of this pain to ease. grrr...I hate being sick! Have a good day ladies. Love you.

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Good Morning Gang

Karla - I hear you girl on the eating - it's how I am. But the the biggest reason is that I eat a light bf - this week it's been 3 or 4 oz of bbq chicken breast and it's been holding me ok - I did eat 1/2 pear around 11..

lunch yesterday was the other half of the chicken breast and spinach salad with feta cheese onion avocado ceazar dressing - I gotta say I stayed full all afternoon. Which was a good feeling - alot of times after lunch I am in a gf office getting a handful of dry roasted peanuts..

Ate dinner around 8 - fish - rice/veggies - gotta say I was physically full - but still wanted to eat - made popcorn (snack pack) drank some juice - then had a sf/lf yogurt and granola - I woke up around 1ish and had a hand full of doritos -

The biggest reason I eat light during the day is cuz I know how I am at night - it's all about budgeting my calories to compensate for when I am the hungriest - and that's night for me - it really doesn't matter when you eat - it's what you eat and the amount of calories consumed (i know alot of pple will say don't eat after a certain time - but you will find other who debunk that theroy) For me it works..

Again on the weekends if I am out and about or busy cleaning - I don't think about food.. But have me just watching t.v. doing nothing - I am in the kitchen every other minute. But again most of the time I may be eating but it's all about the calories - last weekend made nachos - but instead of a big plate - I used a small bowl (cup) put the chips & cheese in it w/salsa and ate it - did I feel guilty - a tad - cuz of the cheese - but I ate a reasaonably portion.

I do find that the more dense the meal - the fuller I stay most of the time - but I think its the stress that makes us want to nosh - those carbs make the seratonin in our bodies that makes us feel good - we would rathter eat carb/starches/sugar than take a xanax... It all goes back to food being our drug of choice..

I am a food addict - I know this - I have to be able to feed my addiction in moderation as I can't give up food altogether so that's what I do - I feed my addict but within my calories - I just budget them for when I need them.. I can stand to be hungry at work - I don't have food at my but at home I can't stand it..

As for the Cookies - ya we all have done it and sometimes those spike in calories help us lose- cuz if we eat too low then our bodies hold on to the calories -

- I won't buy halloween candy til 10/30 or maybe since it's on a Saturday I won't buy it til Sat Morning - cuz if it's in the house I will eat it - I know my 1st halloween I did good - but that was my 1st yr - last halloween didn't do bad til afterwards with the left overs - this yr the kids will be here - so there will be sweets in the house and cooking going on - but after I watch them eat - I say oh hell know - it's gross to watch them chow down on a full dinner plate full of starches & fat.

It's Kari (one r kari) who needs intervention - not double rr karri ;0)... about her food..

Little Karri - is stressing about work but she will be ok - being a teacher just sucks cuz she's still young and wants to do her very best to be every and not enought left over for her..

Peaches - it must be something in the air - this morning bear marked the living room rug right in front of me - the house sitter said he did this when we were on the cruise in March- I must not have given him enough attention this morning..

Steph - why do they let him on the phone so much - I know this isn't rehab but I would think that they would limit his contact with the outside.. Yes the longer he's there - the real Michael will emerge

Don't worry about the talking and hugging - Andrew will give me a hugs and say I love you every now and then - it's not like they are still 5 and want to be in our laps 24/7.

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Karla, I'm not going to pretend to be a success at eating right now, but I will add my 2 cents anyways. I do KNOW what I should do, it's just that I'm not DOING it.

I agree with Candice that your afternoon meal sounds really light on solid Protein. I also know how hard that is to do at school. One suggestion may be to put a 1/2 cup of kashi in your lunch for afternoon snack. I would eat it like chips or nuts, dry and crunchy. I LOVED it that way! It's just sweet enough to feed that sweet need and crunchy enough to feed the "chip monster". It also really helped me stay full longer. Now, what it didn't feed was the salty need. The answer for me was Jerky. I am/was a sucker for Hi-country Jerky you know. 3 pieces was an ounce...solid Protein, and would sit in my pouch/stomach absorbing liquid making me full. Kashi and yogurt is a GREAT meal when you break down all the nutrients in it. I considered it solid protein because the kashi does have that "stick with it" quality. There were times I would eat it for Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Oh...and don't forget the protien in Beans. a bean burrito or just a cup of mushy Beans with salsa can be a GREAT snack. Keep changing it up so you don't get too bored. Finally, don't forget those amazing smoothies you made this summer. They are WONDERFUL for keeping you full.

Now for me, the big problem now IS protien. I can't seem to get anything solid in right now. I was doing better and I think I'm going to try it today. Lunch meat is a good try because it is already sliced so thin. It's pretty easy to get it chewed up well. I bought some tziki sauce at costco to put on it and am going to try it. I'm afraid my Iron level is super low because I haven't had any meat lately. I think that may be a big part of my low energy level. I'm going to go have a blood draw later this week.

Anyways. Those would be my suggestsions. Janet has great insight also. Take what works, and leave the rest. Love you. You are doing amazing by the way. I'm so very proud of you! Hugs darling!!!

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Hello gang. Sorry been MIA but have been sick. I don't even know what I posted the last time and I am to tired to look back so forgive me if any of this is a repeat.

My uncle who was 37 passed away late last Friday night early Saturday morning from lung cancer. Vey sad. We had his funeral yesterday.

Sunday I woke up not feeling the best. Made it through the day but the night was awful and by Monday morning I was really sick. Called dr's office 3 times and finally they talked with me and said they were booked solid so needed to go to walk in clinic in another town that didn't open until 5. They wanted me checked for N1H1 because I had all symptoms. I didn't feel 'fluey' though and told them I had been out all through the night Friday night with family and lack of sleep and etc. Anyway went and sat for 3 and 1/2 hours with a mask over my face and people avoiding me like the plague to have a 10 minutes test done to rule of N1H1. They took the test and an hour and 15 min later told me it was negative. I have bronchitus and severe sinus infection. Running fevers and hacking constantly. Haven't barely even gotten out of bed since Monday. Yesterday long enough to go to funeral and back home and just got up now and wanted to post. Gonna lay around and rest again today. Still have a fever and this is day 3 of antibiotics so hoping it starts kicking it.

Court is doing well. She is stalled with lose but we all know that happens. Healing is going good. She's back to school and work and being Court again.

Steph~I am glad that there are limits with Micheal calling his friend and making sure he calls you. I am sure like most teens he would rather avoid those conversations with you but those are the ones he needs to work on. Sorry to hear about your back.

Candice~ poor puppy. They become our children don't they. I get lonely for my pups if I go away so needless to say I don't go very often.

Karla~ I agree with Janet. Teachers are so important but appreciated so little.

Janet~sorry about the 2 day cut a month. Thank goodness it is every other Friday instead of every Friday. It will be kinda nice to have a 3 day weekend twice a month though. Enjoy it. Nothing you can do to change it so might as well enjoy. That sucks about your gym.

Phyl~congrats on all the shopping you did AND WALKING!!! you are amazing. My SIL just had double knee replacement yesterday. She wanted to do them both at once because she knew after doing one she wouldn't go in to have the other done.

Hubby thing is what it is yet. No luck on housing. We have agreed to live together but seperate for right now. of course now he wants to work things out and is kissing ass but his demon head with my son rears its head every now and then and I know nothing has nor will change.

Hugs to everyone! I miss you all!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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