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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I just bought the Italian Instant coffee $11 for 12 not cheap - but convenient - I won't be making them every day but will carry in my purse for work in the afternoons - the girl said they make a good iced coffee too.. They would be good when traveling too.. You know when the hotels have the little coffee pots in the room but only give you 1 bag of coffee..I have done that only once - It wasn't as good as the frappicinos from sb..

Well when Karla & I retire we are going to get us an rv and travel too ;0) who knows who we will meet... I like the 5th wheel idea cuz then you can have a vehicle - but again I don't know how to tow - Karla do you ???

Well, am hungry - want lamb shank for dinner - but neither winco or target had them - and it's hit and miss at staters so I guess I am just having fish..-

On your recommendation, I bought a 3-pack of the Italian blend when we stopped at a Starbucks this afternoon. Now I will have to buy some skim milk and SF flavoring to make something that sort of resembles a latte!

5th wheel and big truck to tow it with.... or smaller RV and pull a car. Rig in this park today is towing a SmartCar... very cute. My sis & BIL bought one this year to tow behind their RV. I didn't take a ride in it, but I sat in it and I think it ws the most comfortable car seat I ever sat in!

I like lamb, too.... and oysters, as of this summer! I think I saw lamb in costco last week.

Today is Michael's 15th birthday. I didn't get down about that until about 8pm. Now...crushed. Talked to him. He didn't want to really talk. Had to go real quick. I've done well not to cry so far, but tonight is pushing that. I guess it's pity party time. yes, I know it is best for both of us. yes, I know that I did the best I could. yes, I know that it will be better when we get together again. But no matter what I KNOW....I hurt in my heart. Going to go before I cry. Life sucks! the big one! Happy Birthday darling. I love you more than you know!

So sorry for your pain, Steph. Hope you and Michael have a really good visit this week. Hope you establish some good relationships with gals in your new Bible study. That was great idea. Sometimes we need a sister's shoulder to cry on, and some good friends to lift us up in prayer... hands on!

Janet, we can handle anything!!! I have done some towing. I never thought of a 5th wheel, but we will check out our options as we get closer.

Am meeting sushi guy at a Starbucks on Thursday morning.

I am sure you gals can handle towing!!

Sounds like it would be a great adventure!

Hope your meeting with sushi guy goes well!

Phyl, I hope you have your Water wings!

Well best get going, the goal today is NO stress snacking, even healthy Snacks. My goal is to be very consious of when I eat. All Snacks are low cal and healthy, but that doesn't mean I should eat them. I'll let you know how it goes.TTFN

NO Water wings! Was wishing we had an amphibious vehicle there for a while... even today drove through some driving rain. Slept very little last night... partly because of all the noise... it would be quiet for a while, then pouring down rain again!

Yesterday was the 1 yr anniversary of my bro's death and I was feeling very anxious - wanted carbs carbs carbs to soothe my emotions - I think I did quite well in not giving into those urges. Well need to get butt in gear - cbl

So sorry about your sad day yesterday... remembering you bro's death, and missing him. That's hard. My Dad has been gone almost 14 years now. I still miss him, but to be perfectly honest.. the loss that still makes my heart hurt the worse is my Aunt Genny. Still think about her almost every day and miss her. Wish I'd called her more often, wish I'd told her how much I loved her! You know... all the usual things we go through when we've lost a loved one. Hope you're having a better day today. Love you, Sis!

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Steph, no matter how old are kids get, or what choices they make, or where they're at, our heart ALWAYS hurts for them when things are going rough. Then you throw some guilt in there and we REALLY beat ourselves up. Keep reminding yourself that Michael is getting the help he needs, you ARE doing the best for him. Tell all the BITL people hi for me. Especially if you see 'someone' with a dog names Gracie.

Anyway, am home for 4 days of bliss. Plan on cleaning carpets and sewing. We will see how much actually gets done.

food was under control today, but had extra coffee. Phyl, I love the new instant Starbucks! It is pretty potent, so I only use 1/2 a package per cup, then heat up some Water, skim milk, and SF flavoring. But with the current fiscal year, I won't be buying any more. :) So think of me when you drink it. I'll live vicariously through you!!

Leftovers for dinner tonight. coffee 'date' with the sushi fireman tomorrow morning. I finally found someone who has met him (he lives in my town and florence is pretty small) and they said he is a nice quiet guy AND they thought he would be a nice 'match' for me. We will see.

Check in later!

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Janet, we can handle anything!!! I have done some towing. I never thought of a 5th wheel, but we will check out our options as we get closer.

Been a long day, I had a meeting at the University from 4:30 to 7:00. Came home and was starving, so started eating too fast, naturally stuck and lost dinner. The weather finally warmed up and I would have loved to just sit in the sun. Tomorrow is the last day of work for 4 days!!! Have a bunch of work to do for the master's program, need to Shampoo carpets, and start Christmas sewing. Am meeting sushi guy at a Starbucks on Thursday morning.

Did I miss something? what are you two scheming??? :thumbup:

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I am back from Toronto, got a de-fill of .27 cc's so now I am at 7.0 cc's...

I was getting acid reflux everynight, waking me up... PLUS I've been eating JUNK (dah, surprise) It was the only thing that was going down easily....

So its time for me to turn the page, and start another CHAPTER in my W/L Journey....

This a.m. I had 1/2 of a protien shake, couldn't get down the rest... so at work I ate 2 brownies that another co-worker so kindly made!!!!

I called the clinic and made a defill appt for this aft. I was lucky and got in this aft....

On the way down I bought a pkg of skor candy and some M & M's.... my last junk food purchase!!!!!:thumbup:

today's numbers, read CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg1,607/169/80/63 em and weep!

ON the way home I stopped into my MOM's and had supper with her in the REZ... lucky for me they were having Prime Rib.... so I had a 3 oz pc. , 1/4 cup mashed tatoes, roll, butter and a 1/4 pc of cheesecake... tea...

O.k. now I am having another cup of tea and I am done eating for the day...

Tomorrow, I'll be completely accountable and make better choices.. wish me luck:tt1:

Edited by peaches9
more honesty

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Candice, Janet and I are just planning our retirement. We are going to buy a camper and become the Traveling Vamps! Just discussing the pros & cons of each style. If we were to travel extensively in the warmer sections, I think a motor home with 2 scooters would work. But if we decide to travel in colder area's the idea of a 6th wheel is good. Or a motor home with a small vehicle, like a miada would be good. It would have to be fire red naturally.

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You had chocolate!!! What is that? is it edible? I miss chocolate. I eat faky chocolate, SF fudge bars, but it is not the same as melt in your mouth, sugar high, maybe with some carmel in the middle!!!

Glad you went in for an unfill. Now you can get back on track. I am a little bummed. I bought a cute corduroy skirt on sale this summer and it keeps falling off. Now I am glad I'm thinner, but I wish I had bought a smaller size. I don't even own a belt anymore. I use to have some cute ones. So I will try to remake it this weekend so I can still wear it.

Going to go take a shower, the warm up some leftovers. Chat later.

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You had chocolate!!! What is that? is it edible? I miss chocolate. I eat faky chocolate, SF fudge bars, but it is not the same as melt in your mouth, sugar high, maybe with some carmel in the middle!!!

Glad you went in for an unfill. Now you can get back on track. I am a little bummed. I bought a cute corduroy skirt on sale this summer and it keeps falling off. Now I am glad I'm thinner, but I wish I had bought a smaller size. I don't even own a belt anymore. I use to have some cute ones. So I will try to remake it this weekend so I can still wear it.

Going to go take a shower, the warm up some leftovers. Chat later.

Don't be bummed... at least the SKIRT is FALLILNG off of you... that's because you are doing your JOB and losing weight!!! :thumbup:

Good for you SF Choc Fudgecycles.... once I am better undercontrol perhaps I'll buy some of those... but not for a while yet.

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Back from the gym - had a good arm work out..

Phyl - I use SF hazelnut powder Creamer - splenda and the instant (or whatever coffee) I also like the sf vanilla carmel one to and if I can ever find it I love southern pecan coffee..

I use the whole pack - and bet you will to - 4 espresso shot girl :0)...

Candice - it's going to be you peter - me & karla - Phyl & Earl - maybe we can convince the rest of the lucky #7 to get rv's and we will have our own little rv group - northern states in summer and west in the winter - but I would like florida too..

Omg Girl - I am glad today was your last junk food day !!!

I did the tracking on the lapband site - but for me really do better with a little note book..

Food today - this morning this double Peanut Butter Protein Bar that's freaking to die for but it's small and 150 cal - lunch 1.75 cup pinto bean / turkey ham Soup. dinner will be left over catfish - cauliflower - maybe some rice tonite -

Karla - Fingers crossed on coffee guy - what time is the meeting??? You can fix the skirt. Sorry I dont' have anything to send - I got rid of all my clothes - I think I may have like 2 small 6's in the closet - I do have a red leather jacket that's an xl - but it was my bff who died in 97 coat - so I keep it..

Phyl - I know what you mean about wishing I called more - I didn't - and now I can't call anymore - I think we all have those regrets

Candice have you heard from Linda - I have sent 2 emails no reply and I don't have her # - I think you should call her to ck in on her.. That whole blood pressure thing worries me..

Denise - how's it going for you - hows' your DS...

Steph- did you make it thru last night - darling I will tell you in a months time - you won't be feeling this way - you will be use to the peaceful house - When my DS went to placement I about died for the 1st month - but then after that he came home like every other weekend - and by Sunday I was read to take him back - and when it was time for him to come home - well - lets just say I enjoyed the way it was - he was safe going to school got to talk to him on the phone and saw him on the weekend - I liked being a part time mom :0)

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Sorry quick post. I will go back and read later. Week from hell at work so this will be short and sweet.

Court is doing great. Feeling better each day. Some pain in the left side. Goes to doc Friday. Weight is down 29 lbs.

Hubby left tonight after I told him I want a divorce if things can't change for the better. Been talking about this for quite some time and tonight he told me he can't live with my son and I need to find a place. So long story short I am looking. Called a lawyer today, amicable divorce will not be very expensive and since no kids less. Have to do a $900 retainer but they said we would get money back. I am sure he went drinking tonight so wondering what the hell kind of mood he will come back in. Wasnt ready for this so fast.....not sure how it will play out but we will be ok!

So tired. Didn't sleep last night but an hour. Have some things to finish up and then heading to bed. I will CBL when I have more time. Love you all and miss you!!! food choices are not very good......been so worked up haven't BEEN ABLE to eat!

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Sorry quick post. I will go back and read later. Week from hell at work so this will be short and sweet.

Court is doing great. Feeling better each day. Some pain in the left side. Goes to doc Friday. Weight is down 29 lbs.

Hubby left tonight after I told him I want a divorce if things can't change for the better. Been talking about this for quite some time and tonight he told me he can't live with my son and I need to find a place. So long story short I am looking. Called a lawyer today, amicable divorce will not be very expensive and since no kids less. Have to do a $900 retainer but they said we would get money back. I am sure he went drinking tonight so wondering what the hell kind of mood he will come back in. Wasnt ready for this so fast.....not sure how it will play out but we will be ok!

So tired. Didn't sleep last night but an hour. Have some things to finish up and then heading to bed. I will CBL when I have more time. Love you all and miss you!!! food choices are not very good......been so worked up haven't BEEN ABLE to eat!

Glad to hear Courts doing so well - the DH situation will work it's self out - Hugs is still not easy..

Phyl - Ya costco has the lamb - it's just that Andrew doesn't eat it - I guess I could cut it up - ya stupid Janet that's what you can do - think I will go tomorrow afterwork !!!

I hate going to costco - I always come home with more than I need ;0) or went in for ;0)

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Jackie, hang in there, it is going to be rough for a while, but you can do it. You are in our prayers!!

coffee date is around 10 in the morning, I'll let you all know how it goes. Trying to not think about it.

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Jackie, hang in there, it is going to be rough for a while, but you can do it. You are in our prayers!!

coffee date is around 10 in the morning, I'll let you all know how it goes. Trying to not think about it.

Just go and be yourself - your real self !!! Smile - I will be cking in to see how it goes

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Good Morning Gang..

Well I guess since Karla doesn't have work this morning - I am the 1st poster - she gets to sleep in ....

Happy Thursday - scales were back to normal this morning.. Was going to go to the gym this a.m. but since they are normal I am drinking my 2nd cup of instant italian roast starbucks coffee with a little sf vanilla caramel creamer

I should be ironing something for work - but nah don't feel like it will find something that doesnt need ironing - I love my polyester dresses :0)

Well just cking in... CB when I get to work..

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well as I said.....came home drunk jackass!! Called me names and told me my kids are pukes. Went down the hil to his mothers. She came up then and I told her what I think too. Told her the caudling him does not help the situation and him and her can blame me and the kids all they want but they better look at his past relationships as well as ours and see that the problems were alot of how he treated the women and her kids and see what the common denominator is. His mom said 'I am not getting in the middle of it' I said you already did by letting a almost 50 year old run home to you and you being here. Make him grow up!' So needless to say not financially ready and no clue how I will do this but I am house hunting.

Called him the morn and he blames me (of course) for everything and blah blah blah so I guess it is happening sooner rather than later.

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Drive by....I have a ton to catch up on.....

In Billings for convention. Janet, I may not be in the classroom but I am still a teacher. I WILL be going to convention every year. Actually I have been renominated to the state math teachers board. I have been spending a LOT of time on standards development and a statewide grant. I may not be in the classroom but I am definitely a force to be reckoned with in the state math teacher community :thumbup:

ummm....got through last night mostly. Sad time in the car talking to sister when she told me how happy Michael is at YBGR. He says he never wants to come home. It's only been 10 days...give him a month or so. We'll get through this. And then in the waterpark with the little ones, I was sad that I didn't have this great relationship with Michael. had so much fun with the kids!!! 2 hours of fun!

Okay....been working for an hour and a half. Now I need to get to convention. Talk to you guys soon. Hugs.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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