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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Did not have a good day today. I guess two walks yesterday was one too many. Slept well, but increased pain today.

Then DH was in a nasty mood... started with him finding he was short on his Rx meds... and it was all my fault, of course. He ranted and raved about it despite my repeated apologies... He says I led him astray when he had his Dr. appt last month and told him he had plenty of his prescription meds until we got to CA. He goes in every year at this time and gets duplicate Rx of all his meds... one copy for up here, one copy for Marine base in CA. So he only got one copy. Today he figured out he was out of meds and had to use the Rx he'd put away in filing cabinet for CA. So we had to go to Navy base and get them filled. And he pouted about it all day and still hasn't gotten over it. What a baby! He's had me in tears several times today. First when he wouldn't shut up about it this morning. Then this afternoon, he was ranting and raving about something else and I just couldn't take it anymore! He watches Fox news just about all day every day and then he is yelling at the TV and at me all day about things that are going on! Today it was the U.N. speeches.

So between just not feeling good because I was having a lot of pain, and his nasty mood... I'm ready to run away. I was just thinking yesterday about how well things have been going for the last month or so. Grrrrr! I'm ready to trade him in today!

Okay... finished venting. Think I will try taking a walk soon. But, may lose my dinner first. So tied up in knots that I'm not sure it's going to stay down! He's a good guy, really! And he's been taking such good care of me since my surgery... and all the time, really. I'm really spoiled in a lot of ways. But... today he is being a real JERK!!

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Steph~ Sounds like Micheal and Jeff have the same relationship as my son and husband. The kids dad as you all know is deceased and my current husband was never married and no kids AND he is the baby of his family. I don't leave the house if they are going to 'overlap' time before I get back. Like tonight I have a meeting for work so I will nonchalantly let son go to his friends because I have had SEVERAL instances when I was called at work, appointments and etc beccause they can't function together if I am not in the house. I hate it and DH and I have alot of issues over that. He thinks he is always right and......well nevermind......I won't even go into all of it because it upsets me so much and gets me going. To make a long story short we live 2 seperate lives in 1 house. Me and my kids are one family and my husband is the other. Hubby is so unwilling to bend for anything. But like I said never married, no kids and the baby of his family....oh and did I mention his mother lives next door?! Totally babies him yet!

Jackie - Hugs on the DH issues - How long have you guys been married... My Xdh was jealous of my Son & grandkids and I took it for so long - then said sorry no more...

Jackie, oh hell no, I'd be packing his sweet ass up and move him to his mothers. There better be some compensation...good in bed? good salary? No way am I going to put up with having to mother another 'child'. Uhhh, I guess that is why I'm single. Oh well.

Janet, I don't know how I'm going to do the master's program either. I actually put in over to God and said, "If you think I can do this, give it to me, If you think I can't handle it, I can totally live with in. Right now I swear that I have 'caught' ADD from my students. I stare at the computer and don't get anything done. It took me almost a week to order the kid's 'Book Order's", the kids think I ordered it last Thursday. I'm going to blame it one the mail. It took me 3 hours to get done, usually I am done in 1/2 hour.

Did get my walk in today, I'm waiting for the endorphins to kick in. I need them!!!!!

Need to write a quiz tonight, actually 2 quizes. Need to write lesson plans for Friday since I'm going to the fill doc. Saturday need to drive to Great Falls, 4 hours 1 way. Sunday... need to find my house, classroom!!!

Karla - I was suppose to send a ck to the attonery for the eviction on monday - didn't do it until today - It takes me forever to get something done - too many interruptions - distractions and general just don't want to do it kind of stuff. I have ADD to at times- seems like my wheels spin more than they hit the ground ..

Ya I just worry that with all that school work you will drown - you are busy as it is now - add more - may just drive you nuts - especailly if it isn't something you really want to do..

Did not have a good day today. I guess two walks yesterday was one too many. Slept well, but increased pain today.

Then DH was in a nasty mood... started with him finding he was short on his Rx meds... and it was all my fault, of course. He ranted and raved about it despite my repeated apologies... He says I led him astray when he had his Dr. appt last month and told him he had plenty of his prescription meds until we got to CA. He goes in every year at this time and gets duplicate Rx of all his meds... one copy for up here, one copy for Marine base in CA. So he only got one copy. Today he figured out he was out of meds and had to use the Rx he'd put away in filing cabinet for CA. So we had to go to Navy base and get them filled. And he pouted about it all day and still hasn't gotten over it. What a baby! He's had me in tears several times today. First when he wouldn't shut up about it this morning. Then this afternoon, he was ranting and raving about something else and I just couldn't take it anymore! He watches Fox news just about all day every day and then he is yelling at the TV and at me all day about things that are going on! Today it was the U.N. speeches.

So between just not feeling good because I was having a lot of pain, and his nasty mood... I'm ready to run away. I was just thinking yesterday about how well things have been going for the last month or so. Grrrrr! I'm ready to trade him in today!

Okay... finished venting. Think I will try taking a walk soon. But, may lose my dinner first. So tied up in knots that I'm not sure it's going to stay down! He's a good guy, really! And he's been taking such good care of me since my surgery... and all the time, really. I'm really spoiled in a lot of ways. But... today he is being a real JERK!!

Hugs GF ... I was talking with an underwriter today about exactly what DH is doing - it's one of the reasons I don't watch the news anymore - I don't care what side of the fence you are on - someone is always complaining - and theres not a damn thing any of us can do about it..

We know is good to you - and sometime's he's just a man and a big pain in the tush...

Stress , food , band - just don't mix for me either..

Well gang back from the gym - I am pooped - I think I am going to go fix my fish - and veggie - will talk you tomorrow

Hugs and hope you all with men - have a better day tomorrow..

Karla - yes this is why we are single :0) We might be missing some good times - but look what we aren't missing - like the movie saids "I can do bad all by myself"

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I got an email from the guy who was too forward on the phone. I deleted his email and didn't answer. He was rude when I informed him that we weren't interested in what he was wanting. Is he stupid or something? Oh well, that's life.

Sushi boy must still be out on a fire, or so I hope, I don't want to think about the other options. Now I'm being negative. Think positive!!!

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Seems quiet tonight, but I've got to check in. Didn't do really great today...........let's put it this way, I didn't eat a whole lot, I just could have made better choices. I didn't have to finish that scoop of mashed taters for lunch (that's all I had) And I shouldn't have had a biscuit with my bowl of stew for dinner. But NO SODA!!! snack was a cheese stick and a package of cheese and crackers.


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Kari, I'm with you, I want sweets!! dinner was good, but I'm head hungry. calories so far are good. I want something more!!!! I've been hungry most of the time any more. But I did manage to wear a t-shirt today that was a 'real' size instead of an plus size. It was an extra large, but it came from a 'real' store and not Lane Bryants or CJ Banks. Even my new size 16's were a little baggy after half the day. AND who knew your feet would shrink. All my dressier shoes are too big, they flop up and down. AND I wore an emerald ring that I haven't been able to wear in several years. focus on the positive!!!!!!! If I eat, I won't have floppy shoes any more!!!

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Well, i did some arm work, they are pretty noodley, so working to tighten them up. Used my resistance rope. Still want sweets.

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Just a quick check in tonight. Really tired. Just got home from my meeting about 45 minutes ago. Lots of work to do now through the day before Courts surgery. Crazy busy to get a head of things!! I supervise staff and clients for this area and have to prepare and bill the state for all hours of service billed in a month. FIRST I have to read all the staffs documentation to see if we have everything state requires. Some people no matter HOW MUCH training you give them just don't get it. Even after 4 years. UUGGHHH! sorry for the rant.


Phyl~sorry you had a rotten day. We are all only human. The kids dad used to watch CNN and Fox as well and then that was what he wanted to talk about. I had no clue what he was talking about most of the time because like Janet said I can't change it so I am not going to watch it and rant at the ones I love for something they can't fix either. Hugs sweety!!! Tomorrow will be better hopefully. Hope you rest well tonight.

Janet~Been married almost 4 years. He doesn't really say anything just kind of exists here. He is not a real social person anymore. NOTHING like when we met. Then again when we met we went out alot and I don't want to do that so much anymore. He doesnt understand that I have teenagers on those roads when I am out and if I am drinking (thats his idea of going out) then I will/would not be able to make sensible decisions if something happened to them let alone be able to get there if I don't have someone to drive me if I am drinking. Don't get me wrong I am not preaching beccaues I used to love going out but I don't want the kids to think every weekend at the bar is 'the life' ya know. I am trying to set an example!

Well day 6 of liquids. Getting bored and trying to think of new things. Courtney tells me she is fine with me eating. I am amazed and so proud of how wonderful she has done with the liquids. She had 1 melt down the first day and thats it. Her spirits are even high! I was miserable before my surgery and I did the liquids.

Well I am off. Another morning meeting. FUN! NOT! Going to go read and fall asleep. Crazy days! Nite all. Hugs

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Ladies, have a good day. Think positive thoughts! I made it through the evening without eating anything other than my FF Fudge bar!! Huge! I wanted sweets so bad. More than a fudge bar, but I resisted.

Jackie, you are a better soul than I. Since you got your band after you were married, AND you look fabulous!!!! Your DH should be groveling at your feet. But then again, I have an EXTREMELY poor track record with men. You are beautiful and shouldn't let him stress you out.

Today as a new and HOT DAY, end of September and we are going to be in the high 80's. I wish middle schoolers knew how to use deodorant.

TTFN, check in tonight!

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Oh, I forgot, I'm almost at my 6 month aniversary!!

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Good Morning Gang

Well it hasn't been one for me.... Andrew went out last night (someone else drove his car since he doesn't have a license) Well - car got broken into - right rear window busted out - his BRAND NEW cell phone - stolen - then he doesn't want to get his fricking ass up this morning !!!!!

I said f it - you suffer the consequences - I am done - I am leaving for work - But regardless - My head is banging - I am pissed - I want to cry - and say why me - why can't things go smoothly - I know this is life - and it could be worse but - well it is I have may Aunt dieing - My son isn't on drugs but drinking too much - my dil is sick - she and gd tells me their problems like I can fix it - I finally said - I gotta go I gotta fix me dinner - I can 't fix a god blessed thing... I am not god if I were I would make things perfect but I can't...

I feel like I am just going to bust a blood vessel - I am 54 fricking yrs old.. WTF - got a cat that I gotta get fixed I have 5 kittens I have to get rid of - (well I do have someone who wants 1)

Bad bad morning - and now I am at work - both the other 2 girls who handle my bosses accounts are out - so it's just me - that means the phone is going to ring off the fricking hook - I have my own crap to do...

Today would have been my Dad's 89 bday !!!

Well everyone - sorry to be so depressing !!!!! I really hate being this way - but you are all I got !!!! Thanks for listening... I love you all... It will get better I do know this and my shitty day isn't as bad as what some of you are going thru - not one iota - but it's still my shitty day than I needed to rant about it - Hugs Janet

Red is how I am feeling right now :mad:

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Sorry for your awful day, Janet and hope things are going better by now! TEENAGERS!!

My day is going much better than yesterday. Good post-op visit with doctor. X-rays show hardware looks great. He was pleased with my progress and gave me Rx for 4 wks 2X/wk PT at local facility but said I probably just needed a couple of sessions... evaluation and give me some exercises to do on my own. So I went straight over there as soon as I got home and made four appts for the next two weeks. We're planning to leave Oct. 10th. Earl came straight home and packed all his clothes for the winter... it took him about 10 minutes! That is a very scary thing! I threatened to screen what he had in his baskets, but he escaped to the RV before I had a chance. I can only imagine. Oh, well, there's always Walmart! LOL

Only a couple of hours sleep last night but it wasn't my knee, it was reflux and my stupid CPAP machine. Pulm Dr faxed orders yesterday for an automatic machine that will adjust to how I am breathing, and asked for a mask fitting. My mask is just not fitting right. Earl complained about CPAP keeping him awake again and finally moved to the living room to sleep for a few hours! Go figure! I listen to him snore all night long every night! I don't know what his problem is! To me it's "white noise" and I actually sleep better with it on than with it off. Because I got so mad at him I turned the friggin' thing off for a couple of hours... until I figured out he'd left anyway... and it was too quiet with it off!

Reflux was probably a result of too much stress yesterday because all I had to eat last night was a small piece of breaded tilappia and some steamed broccoli, then a 60 cal rice pudding later in the evening.

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hello ladies, Janet, I'm as irritated as you are, it must be in the air! My students did NOT come with their brains today. They wanted me to do everything for them. all they had to do was read a paragraph and answer a couple of questions. Because I didn't write the questions word for word from the text, so they couldn't 'find' the answer. Oh my, I expected them to 'understand' the paragraph and then 'explain' what they learned. I got so incredibly frustrated I had to walk out into the hall before I hurt someone. Then, we have a 'no bag' policy in the classroom, so I enforce it (mainly because I have a room that fits 18, and I have 27 students). So I get grief from the students because teacher A, B, & C let them have the bags. I call the teachers and yep A, B, & C do let them have their bags. Then the teachers get ticked at the students...why....because the 'students ratted' them out. How about either enforce the rule or lets get rid of the rule. Wrapped up the day with one of my diabetic students crashes his blood sugar and I can't find the nurse, secretary, and I have a class of students. I finally get him out to the hall and get him cognizant enough to tell me he has juice in his locker. Fortunately his locker is by my room. Get juice in him and I have to run & hollar for help. When ir was all said and done, his blood sugar was 26. Ummm, not that far from a coma! It took 4 hours to get his blood sugar up, then it skyrocketed. I'm too dang old for this stress. Then I get a call from DD#5 who is at the university, she has been quarantened to her room and says she is not allowed to leave because she has a high fever and sore throat. I call the health center and rant for awhile, they agree to let her come in to be seen IF and WHEN they have a 'room'. I'm ready to leave school and go get her, when she calls back and tells me that she is in the clinic and MAY have swine flu but that she is NOT coming home because her 'friends' will take care of her. FINE!!! stay there by yourself and be sick.

I didn't walk tonight, i have to grade a bunch of papers to get them ready for eligibilities before I leave in the morning to go to kalispell.

So now it is my turn to appologize for ranting. See I told all of you that Janet and I need to live together in the Traveling Vampmobile.

Phyl, I'm glad your knee is feeling better. Hey if DD doesn't pack clothes this is not your problem. When he wears the same clothes over and over, he may admit he made a mistake or live with it.

Janet, I'm so sorry about Andrew's car. It is hard when we see them doing 'stupid' stuff. My DD#4 doesn't drink because 2 years ago she was out 'drinking' with friends and remembers consuming a drink at 11:30 pm and waking up 8 hours later in a place she didn't know. Yes she was drugged and raped. Now I wish she would have some social life, but she is fearful. She did have counceling, and fo the most part is doing well. But I guess that is one reason that at 23 she still lives at home. She had social anxiety issues before, and was working with a psycologiest to over-come the anxiety WHEN this happened. So much for friends.

Oh hell, I don't know where that came from. I guess that I wish she could have a 'normal' life.

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FOUR DAYS ! ! ! ! Four days and no pepsi or soda. Just Water. And, today, I had three prime opportunities to drink some. Instead of buying a pepsi, I bought a water.


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Quiet night!! Everyone must be partying!!

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FOUR DAYS ! ! ! ! Four days and no pepsi or soda. Just Water. And, today, I had three prime opportunities to drink some. Instead of buying a pepsi, I bought a water. WILL CHECK BACK TOMORROW.

Very good! Withdrawls????

Quiet night!! Everyone must be partying!!

Nah... no partying on Thursday nights??! Wonder where everyone is!? Janet is problem having a time out and chilling after her bad morning. And, of course, there's Survivor and the season opener of Grey's Anatomy! I myself am watching BONES! I love forensic stuff! Already watched Survivor. There are a couple of guys that I REALLY dislike... Russell and Ben, the doctor! Weasels!


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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