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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I still love the two of you--whoever you are. Wait! Maybe it's ME! IDK. Good luck, Karri. Hopefully we can get updates from Janet from time to time.

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Oh, o.k. its been a busy week here. My DSister just left this a.m..... a blessing and a curse... she is troubled some how... don't know exzctly what, but I found her very TESTY... and Irratable... I just got off the phone with my B-I-L about it.... he says oh yeaH, she's like that all the time..... especially if she drinks too much.... well there is nothing I can really do about it... GIve it to GOD... and hope that she seeks some kind of counsel.... My Sis and BIL have a lot on their plates this summer, his SON from 1st marrage has slipped off the Wagon for cocaine, methedone program... been stealing from family... etc... it just goes on and on... Man I am so happy to have a relatiavely BOREING life!!!!

So we have a new poster? and Karri has said goodbye? well I wish her nothing but the best.... We 7's will still continue... we are all not perfect by any means ( I speak only for myself, I have lots of WARTS) but I hopefully never hurt anyone's feelings.

Janet, you are on your trip north to visit family... have fun and a safe home return!!!

Phyl: what are you up to girl? any new road trips with your puppy girl??? How is Earl these days??

Linda; isn'\t it nice that we are getting some SUMMER weather finally!!! Whoo0-hoo... and size 14's that is AWESOME GIRL!!

Karla: Classes soon, man you are asmart one... I am so proud of you and your accomplishments... staying on the Weightloss track, you've done so well!!! and you keep working hard like the energizer bunny!!!

I am loving being retired!! Glad when I dont' have to be anywhere at a given time.

OH and I forgot, great news!!! Peter bought me my very own E-Reader... a Sony.... love, love, love it. Now I can put down that 3 lb historical novel and read it on there.... yeahQ!!! I can even change the fonts tto something I like, don't need my 'readers' to use it... marvelous!

WW points this week, still trackiing.. and I am doing o.k. - had a bit of wine 2 nights, so used some of my FLEX pts... but I definetly have NOT GAINED ... so that is all good.

I probably need a little FILL, I am loose enough to eat fruit and some veg a lot better that I waas.... but I'd like to be looosing more and quicker... I need the encouiragbement of seeing the scale go down regularily... even considered Dr. Bernstein, I know its expensive... but I don't want another surg to switch to sleeve or bypass.... Bypass just scares the crap out of me... plus I'd have to convince Peter and he'd probably freek.

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Believe me,Candice, you could never hurt anyone's feelings. You are one of the kindest, most supportive person I know. You have a knack for saying things in a nice way. Maybe your "outside" is not what you'd like it to be, but I sure wish I were more like you on the inside--where it really matters. Your DS sounds a lot like mine, except that mine IS perfect WITH five PERFECT Kids. I think I know how much patience it took!

Hope Janet has a nice weekend. Her baby is 40 and she's going to look 40 after her PS! She'll have a hard time explaining that!

Phyl, I'm missing you. When are you going to Buffalo? I need to get it on my calendar.

Carla, how's the class going?

Cy, hope you're not scared off. We really aren't so bad.

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I forgot that Janet was off to stay with family, hope all goes well.

Candice, I know what you mean about some family members just wearing you out. Unfortunately one of my daughters, believe it or not, not Elyse, just drives us all to distraction. Everything is all about her. She must have gotten an over abundance of my mother's genes. Love her, but can't really stand to be around her.

Linda, you are doing great. Remember it takes time to recover from surgery and you had a big one. Baby steps. You will get back to your fighting weight before long. Just keep plugging along. Have you had Cora lately?

Gravel is finally all moved, now I am ripping out my carpet to but in laminet. I think Miss Molly may be banned from my bedroom. I discovered an area behind my bedroom chair that she has been using for a potty. NOT happy.

Had to make a mad dash into Missoula to buy a new washing machine yesterday. Didn't have that planned into the budget. Fortunately they can deliver it today so I can get my laundry done so I have clean clothes for class next week. By the way Candice thanks for all the encouragement for my masters. There are times like this next week that I wish I had never started. I think this whole year is going to be that was. Oh well.

Best be getting ready for work, have a glorious day!!

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Believe me,Candice, you could never hurt anyone's feelings. You are one of the kindest, most supportive person I know. You have a knack for saying things in a nice way. Maybe your "outside" is not what you'd like it to be, but I sure wish I were more like you on the inside--where it really matters. Your DS sounds a lot like mine, except that mine IS perfect WITH five PERFECT Kids. I think I know how much patience it took!

Hope Janet has a nice weekend. Her baby is 40 and she's going to look 40 after her PS! She'll have a hard time explaining that!

Phyl, I'm missing you. When are you going to Buffalo? I need to get it on my calendar.

Carla, how's the class going?

Cy, hope you're not scared off. We really aren't so bad.

Awh, Linda: that was such a nice thing to say to me.... Thank YOU!.... we played at a new(to us) Nursing Home last night... they were so sweet. There was this man in the front row, quadrapalegic - well you shoulda seen the smile on his face when we played... |I am telling you that is all the PAY we need... Sometimes I think I would rather be playing in Bars/Restaurants and then you see a "fan" like this... and it all makes it worthwhile.

I forgot that Janet was off to stay with family, hope all goes well.

Candice, I know what you mean about some family members just wearing you out. Unfortunately one of my daughters, believe it or not, not Elyse, just drives us all to distraction. Everything is all about her. She must have gotten an over abundance of my mother's genes. Love her, but can't really stand to be around her.

Linda, you are doing great. Remember it takes time to recover from surgery and you had a big one. Baby steps. You will get back to your fighting weight before long. Just keep plugging along. Have you had Cora lately?

Gravel is finally all moved, now I am ripping out my carpet to but in laminet. I think Miss Molly may be banned from my bedroom. I discovered an area behind my bedroom chair that she has been using for a potty. NOT happy.

Had to make a mad dash into Missoula to buy a new washing machine yesterday. Didn't have that planned into the budget. Fortunately they can deliver it today so I can get my laundry done so I have clean clothes for class next week. By the way Candice thanks for all the encouragement for my masters. There are times like this next week that I wish I had never started. I think this whole year is going to be that was. Oh well.

Best be getting ready for work, have a glorious day!!

Oh new laminate flooring and a new washing machine!!! WOW - you will love the new floor... carpet just does not make practical sense when you have pets... Wood is cleaner, so easy to care for.... now if I could just get Peter to agree with me!!! I'd replace all the carpeting in the downstairs family room..

That Miss Molly!!! You tell her that Aunty Candice is NOT happy with her!!!!!;)

well did the gym this a.m. - not to enthusiastically, but I got my butt there! Took my new Ereader.... oh that was nice.... just did the bike today... heart wasn't in it except for getting my Heart Rate up.... which I accomplished... Someday soon, I am expecting to get a lightening bolt in the head, and become a REAL gym Rat like JANET!!!!! LOL

Havew a great SUNNY Day girls!

\Love C

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Good Saturday afternoon! Looks like I haven't been on here in almost a week. But I have been reading all the posts from my email.

Welcome, Cy!! Glad you joined us.

Another cool, drizzly, dreary day here in western WA!! UGH!! Tracy & Jim invited us over Sun-Wed, but I have PT at noon on Monday, so may go over Monday afternoon and see if we can "catch some rays" and warm up for a few days. I'm going to see if it's okay if we stay until Thursday morning and change my 2nd PT appt to Friday. Scheduled now for 10a.m. on Thurs. and would have to leave at 6 a.m. to make sure I was home on time for that! Tracy's boss is coming for a short visit on Thurs and she is quite nervous about it. She is taking a strong stance on continuing in her current job and is afraid Jim might say something prematurely! She has her "conditions" well mapped out but doesn't want to approach the subject until she goes back to work in about a month. So, need to give her enough space to meet the situation in a relaxed mode! Though we always leave with everything neat and tidy in our area... wash the sheets and towels and remake the bed, etc.

Getting concerned about how long its taking me to get my strength back. Feel so exhausted all the time. Still coughing a little, but the tiredness is the main lingering symptom and, of course, that makes me worry about the newly diagnosed cardiac issues! Earl shrugged it off when I mentioned that to him today. But can't help worrying. Wish the dr wasn't having me wait so long for the 2nd test. I see him again on 8/25 and the T.E.Echo will be scheduled after that.

Zoey got groomed today so she's acting weird... hiding behind our chairs, under the table, etc. Really like the place we're going to and they do a good job. Just think dogs feel weird when they've had a "haircut"!

Sorry Karri decided to leave... again, but I don't think I said anything particularly offensive.... just that I took her off my FB because her posts were getting too offensive. I'd take Earl off for the same reason if he wasn't my husband!! LOL! I think it's okay to disagree with one another's political, religious or social views, but it can be expressed without calling names and being insulting. That's what I tell Earl all the time.

Well, I've been served with my dinner!! Leftover ground pork meatloaf and seared asparagus! CBL

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Phyl, call your cardiologist just to make sure. I'd think you should be getting back on your feet by now. If you don't feel right there has to be a reason! Also I agree, it is okay to have different opinions, but is not okay to name call, etc. Hey I am a democrat and you are a republican, but I don't get my knickers in a twist when our political opinions differ. That is life. I am also sorry Karri left, but I am not going to appologize for my opinion. Of course now I'll get ripped againl oh well.

Candice, GREAT job going to the gym when you really didn't want to. Keep it up. I need to think about what I am going to do once winter is here, but right now I am too tired to think about it.

Well, work then laundry, then packing and getting ready to leave on Monday. I have to leave here by about 5:30 to make it to Helena in time for class. When I get back DD#2 and 'significant other' are here to put in tile etc. Elyse is staying with the furries and SUPPOSE to rip out the rest of the carpet...we will se if it gets done.

Check in later, TTFN

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Well, Phyl, sure hope catching some rays will help you feel better! I'm feeling tired too, but I think that I just need to get more exercise. I've been a bit of a slug lately, and I need to get moving. We'll see now this week goes. I was going to start a pair of earrings today, but I can't find the wire I bought last month, so I need to go to the store and get more. :(. Hopefully tomorrow. I also need to get my eyes checked and get new glasses by the end of the month. Guess I know what I'll be doing tomorrow.

I agree with Cala, Candice. Good for you for getting to the gym. You're sticking to the program--atta girl!

And Carla, what class are you taking? Is this a "blended" course--where some of it is face-to-face, but the rest is online? Do you have to be there all week? How far is Helena from where you live?

Hope Janet's having a good weekend.

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Good Morning Peeps

Had a good time - glad to be home - Melissa doing well - but watching food channel - her fav past time.. Told her she and to stop - she want's a cheeseburger - want's bread - ordered stuff from Bariatric Choice - I really pray she will succeed.. Joseph's bday was quite just us he liked is blanket - Visit w/Sis on Saturday - she's not feeling well got a cold - which isn't good - all puffed up for the steriods.. Had a nice visit w/her and bro in law and nieces - glad to be home - missed my dogs - got home around 2 yesterday and veggie.. Had too many sweets but that how it goes when I visit them... Back to normal this week - made turkey meat loaf (left over from when you guys where hear - so have lunch today) Yesterday was my 4 yrs Anniversary.. Well gotta hit the shower - work Ugh...

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I'm worried about Melissa. Not good to be watching food channel! I wish there was a way to reprogram our brains! Whoever figures out a way to do that will make millions!

Tried taking Cora to the beach this morning, but got rained out. At least I got some exercise anyway! I'm a mess. Waiting for her to fall asleep so I can take a shower! Ah the retired life--gotta love it!

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PT in 40 minutes, then over the mountains to catch some sun and warm weather. Still feeling really dragged out. Will make Dr appt on Wed when we get home if I'm not feeling better by then. I mean, almost too "tired" to ride my scooter and hoping for red lights when I'm driving so I can rest for a minute! Not at all normal for me. I know I'm not getting enough sleep.... go to bed too late, play games on my iPod AFTER i get in bed... not too smart when I know I need some good rest. Coughing at night still, so that doesn't help. Took Mucinex and cough Syrup just before going to bed last night. That helped a lot. Didn't wake up in the middle of the night hacking like the night before.

FOOD channel a BAD idea!! Heck, I have been known to hit the kitchen looking for food just because I saw a commercial about FOOD!! Food channel would be way too much temptation!! glad Mellissa is doing well, though, and that you had a good visit, Janet!

A little sun today.... what they like to refer to as "filtered sun"!! Which means mostly cloudy with sun breaks!! Only 64 degrees at almost noon! Supposed to be 85ish on the east side of the mountains today, so that will be a welcome relief. Jim & Tracy forgot Jim's C-Pap, Tracy's restless leg Rx, so Earl is over there picking up that stuff, getting their mail out of their mail box and putting it in the house and getting me another bathing suit out of the RV.

Glad you had a good trip, Janet! Candice.... our reunion is 12-14 Aug. Our stay is going to be fairly short, so have to think hard about taking time to come up and see you. And my sister from OR is going to be in Buffalo, too, so will be doing some sister things. What gigs are scheduled for Aug time frame?? I think we have to head home no later than the 18th because I have cardiology appt on the 25th.

Well, so much for what I was going to get done between TOPS and PT. Gotta get ready to go!! Will read posts on my phone while we're gone. CBL.... like late Wed.

Hugs to all!!

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Linda, once I get back home I'll take some pics of projects, you need to send me your email because I can't figure out how to post them here. Helena is about 150 miles from my house. I got a late start this morning and made it in 2 hours, can we say flying low. It is 100 degrees here with super hot wind. So I got 4 hours of sleep last night got here 1 minute before class started and got done at 5 pm. The class is 4 days of 8:30 to 5, and have a 5 page paper to write by next Tuesday. So tonight I am going to drink an adult beverage, and sleep. I'm too tired to eat although I picked up a salad. Too hot. Guys I love you all, but tired, cranky, and stinky. I'll check in tomorrow!

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Good Morning Peeps

Phyl hugs on still dragging... Sending Sunshine your way..

Karla - so you are gone somewhere for school - I feel the same way about snow as you do the heat.

Linda - Hows the hip

Candice today WW day...

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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