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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hi Everybody,

100 degrees in the city today. The humidity is not too high, so it's not that bad, and there was a strong breeze today.

Almost finished finding the clothes I need for Mexico.

Still no word on a job yet.

No plans for the 4th. I think we will just stay home.DH has to work.

My friend that lost over 100 lbs with her lap band just taught me something. Sometimes I can't swallow anything. Now I know it's because I am wearing tight jeans. If I have buckle up, zipper pants on, I can't eat. So, I guess this means I am staying in my night gown from now on.

hEY Denise, nice to hear from you... we've all been praying for you and a good job. AH Mexico sounds so nice! Ummm night gown all day.... Ummm sounds like HEAVEN to me... how about YOU Janet!!! LOL

Karla, my girl you do push the envelope don't you!! Gravel? Oh my girl, you are justr a busy bee... and I have toadmit I am proud of you - you don't hang around waiting for some MAN to come and do your work for you... you just roll up your sleeves and get'r'done!! I bet you know how to do plumbing too!!

Phyl; I hope you back is still feeling o.k. thank goodness for those shots.... are you still swimming? or do they have that there in Seattle?

Tell Earl he should have bought the FRANCHISE for Wine Aireators... cause since I brought that one hom e from CALI I've told all my friends about it and they LOVE THE THING... take a $5 bottle of plunk and presto chango... nice smooth wine... YeaH=HAW!!

Linda; I am so excited about you coming at month end... I think you will be surprised!

Our gig last night at the Empire Grill and Gastro Pub went extremly well. A huge bunch of people came in early and stayed the whole night listening to us. When our last set was done, a customer said to the waitress, oh can't they play longer???? SO I said to the wait staff, we're o.k. with it but you'll have to ask NICK the owner... cause there will be an extra fee!!! Can you imagine??? I don't know where I get the balls!!!! Oh my.... but NICK made so much money last night off of his bar... he was a very happy camper and is eager for us to go back there on July 30th... so we plugged that performance too on the microphone, so patrons will know to come back.

THey had the whole front of the restaurant opened up onto a patio on the street.. So it was great as our sound carried right out into the neighborhood.... good PR for Nick.. I think we'll be asked back there often.

When we finished our 4th set(and final) Nick came over and wanted to buy us and all of our friends that had come out... free shooters, drinks etc.. It was really cool to be so appreciated...

We're off in a while to another Sr's Res in Richmond Hill, its our first time there, and they are paying well for 1 hour performance... after last night 6-10 p.m. this will be a rest. LOL

Janet: are you off to the gym today? or shopping? Do you have a curent afgan project underway??? what colour are you using....

Well got to get off my @ss and start the beautification process... it take over an hour LOL

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Candice...plumbing AND electrical!!!

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Wow, Candice, congrats on your success at the Empire! That's GREAT!!

Down at "Cider Works" using their wifi. Zoey sleeping in the scooter basket. Bored!

Alisha & Shane & 3 dogs left this a.m. His grandma died yesterday and they went to spend time with his family. Quiet with half the dog population gone.

Fireworks in Chelan last night were great. Didn't think my pictures were uploading so now there are multiple copies and I have to delete a bunch from FB! Two more sleeps here before we head home. Hope you are all having a good weekend.

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Candice glad you enjoyed your gig. Wish I was there.

Hopefully no word on a job yet means they are trying to find something I want. I have been a disciplinarian too long!

Think we'll be staying home tomorrow, swimming with my puppy again.

Happy 4th Everyone!

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Denise, I hope they find the position that you will enjoy!! Life is too short to be miserable in your job!

We had a few fireworks last night, just people in the neighborhood. I was tired and went to bed by 10, long hot day at work. I have today off, but will be busy in the yard. Not doing anything exciting, just yard work and maybe a nap. Now THAT'S exciting! I'm just a party animal.

Yep, last year we were all together at this time. Miss you all!

Have a good one, TTFN

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Happy Happy 4th of JULY everyone!!!

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Hi! We got home a few hours ago. Great weekend except for coming home with a miserable cold! Suspects are, waiter who served us dinner Saturday night, or one of the girls who made me iced coffee Saturday or Sunday. Earl had a scratchy throat on Sunday and slept a LOT yesterday, but he's okay today. I started sneezing on Sunday, and went downhill from there. Head is all plugged up, coughing has finally subsided, but just feeling really sick. Cancelled my pool PT for tomorrow and hoping I'm much better by Friday so I can go. Son, Chris & family in town for a few days. We'll see them this weekend... they're coming up to spend the weekend at Tracy's, but was hoping to meet them for dinner tomorrow night w/Jodie & family. Don't know if I'm going to feel well enough.

Did I mention that DGD, Johannah broke her arm/wrist while we were at the Zoo with them last week?? Have to sign her orange cast!

About an hour after I got home today, I'd finished unpacking my stuff and was going to go get a latte and take Zoey for a scooter ride. Then I told Earl I was tired, felt miserable, it was late, and I wasn't going to go. I told him to just pour me a glass of wine. So he started laughing and said, "I don't think so"! So I looked and Zoey had followed me in to the living room from the back carrying one of my shoes where she dropped it in the doorway next to another shoe she had already pulled over there~! She did that once last week when she wanted me to take her out.... dragged two shoes to the doorway. Only that time it was a shoe and a slipper, both left feet! This time it was two shoes.... they didn't match, but two shoes! She knows I take off my slippers and leave them near the door and put on my shoes before we go. And I usually tell her, wait until I get my shoes on! So... off I went to Surf Shack whether I wanted to or not because it was so cute that she's learned to bring me my shoes! I'm pretty pathetic, huh??!!! LOL

Can't believe the Casey Anthony verdict!! Outrageous!!

We had a great time in Eastern WA with Tracy & Jim despite the cold I brought home. Alisha & her BF were there for a couple of days. He was planning to spend time with his family, too, most of whom either live in the area or were there for a family wedding, but unfortunately, his grandmother died on Saturday, so many of the weekend activities were curtailed. His immediate family did not attend the wedding or a BBQ that we were supposed to go to with them at a local yacht club. And Shane was so dragged out over the emotion of the whole thing that they left for home earlier than they'd planned. But was glad to have had a chance to spend a lot of time with them on Friday and Saturday. They have 3 dogs, so we had a total of 6 plus Jim & Tracy's 2 cats. So the one time they left me alone with the whole menagerie for an hour or so, one of Alisha's dogs left me a pile on the deck when I went in for a minute to use the rest room! I was going to leave it for them to clean up until I thought about 6 dogs walking around on the deck and decided I didn't want it stepped in or spread around!! So I cleaned it up! Yuck!! Fortunately, it was the littlest dog!

Then Sunday Adam drove over after his shift at the hospital... so we got to spend yesterday and part of today with him. He & I had the longest discussion we've had in a few years! I found out he's been reading text books that doctors studying cardiology read!!! He was telling me things I never learned in nursing school!! And he wants to go to my next echocardiogram with me if I can get permission. Or, today he said, "or ask them if you can get a DVD recording of it!" He is an EMT and works for one of the local fire depts part time and at a hospital emergency room part time. But he wants to go back to school for paramedic. His ex-GF's folks have a place in the same development, so he saw her briefly twice... they are still "friends", but he says he's over her.

Kept up with your posts over the weekend with my phone, and one trip to the "Cider Works" place to use their wi fi! But, gotta go.... feeling exhausted and wrung out! Hugs to all!!

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Hi! We got home a few hours ago. Great weekend except for coming home with a miserable cold! Suspects are, waiter who served us dinner Saturday night, or one of the girls who made me iced coffee Saturday or Sunday. Earl had a scratchy throat on Sunday and slept a LOT yesterday, but he's okay today. I started sneezing on Sunday, and went downhill from there. Head is all plugged up, coughing has finally subsided, but just feeling really sick. Cancelled my pool PT for tomorrow and hoping I'm much better by Friday so I can go. Son, Chris & family in town for a few days. We'll see them this weekend... they're coming up to spend the weekend at Tracy's, but was hoping to meet them for dinner tomorrow night w/Jodie & family. Don't know if I'm going to feel well enough.

Did I mention that DGD, Johannah broke her arm/wrist while we were at the Zoo with them last week?? Have to sign her orange cast!

About an hour after I got home today, I'd finished unpacking my stuff and was going to go get a latte and take Zoey for a scooter ride. Then I told Earl I was tired, felt miserable, it was late, and I wasn't going to go. I told him to just pour me a glass of wine. So he started laughing and said, "I don't think so"! So I looked and Zoey had followed me in to the living room from the back carrying one of my shoes where she dropped it in the doorway next to another shoe she had already pulled over there~! She did that once last week when she wanted me to take her out.... dragged two shoes to the doorway. Only that time it was a shoe and a slipper, both left feet! This time it was two shoes.... they didn't match, but two shoes! She knows I take off my slippers and leave them near the door and put on my shoes before we go. And I usually tell her, wait until I get my shoes on! So... off I went to Surf Shack whether I wanted to or not because it was so cute that she's learned to bring me my shoes! I'm pretty pathetic, huh??!!! LOL

Can't believe the Casey Anthony verdict!! Outrageous!!

We had a great time in Eastern WA with Tracy & Jim despite the cold I brought home. Alisha & her BF were there for a couple of days. He was planning to spend time with his family, too, most of whom either live in the area or were there for a family wedding, but unfortunately, his grandmother died on Saturday, so many of the weekend activities were curtailed. His immediate family did not attend the wedding or a BBQ that we were supposed to go to with them at a local yacht club. And Shane was so dragged out over the emotion of the whole thing that they left for home earlier than they'd planned. But was glad to have had a chance to spend a lot of time with them on Friday and Saturday. They have 3 dogs, so we had a total of 6 plus Jim & Tracy's 2 cats. So the one time they left me alone with the whole menagerie for an hour or so, one of Alisha's dogs left me a pile on the deck when I went in for a minute to use the rest room! I was going to leave it for them to clean up until I thought about 6 dogs walking around on the deck and decided I didn't want it stepped in or spread around!! So I cleaned it up! Yuck!! Fortunately, it was the littlest dog!

Then Sunday Adam drove over after his shift at the hospital... so we got to spend yesterday and part of today with him. He & I had the longest discussion we've had in a few years! I found out he's been reading text books that doctors studying cardiology read!!! He was telling me things I never learned in nursing school!! And he wants to go to my next echocardiogram with me if I can get permission. Or, today he said, "or ask them if you can get a DVD recording of it!" He is an EMT and works for one of the local fire depts part time and at a hospital emergency room part time. But he wants to go back to school for paramedic. His ex-GF's folks have a place in the same development, so he saw her briefly twice... they are still "friends", but he says he's over her.

Kept up with your posts over the weekend with my phone, and one trip to the "Cider Works" place to use their wi fi! But, gotta go.... feeling exhausted and wrung out! Hugs to all!!

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Okay, did I grumble when it was cool and rainging? I can't remember, but darn it is hot. Suppose to be 90 degrees tomorrow. Working in a nursery when it is hot it NOT my idea of fun. But since I can't remember if I grumbled when it was blecky I'll stay quiet.

Pond is up and running and planted, just need to landscape the edges, but too hot to move gravel. So Thursday I am getting up at the B--t crack of dawn to move the gravel, then need to run to school, pharmacy, get oil changed in car.... Just boring stuff...ummm, maybe a nap.

I hope you all had a fund 4th, How about Canada Day Candice?

You all survive the BBQ's fatening food? Crimey, can't even spell, I guess the adult beverage is kicking in. Skipped dinner, too hot to eat. I'll have some fruit later before going to bed. Just not in the mood and too tired for food.

Well, I'm almost at the point of "Who Done it?" in my book, so going to read then bed. Hope you all have a good evening!! TTFN

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Good Evening Peeps

Been a long long weekend - Saturday house cleaning - helping moving - couch - Sunday 4 a.m phone call Andrew went around corner hit Water slid into curb with right wheel - car broke - (drinking ??? he swears no - the pple he's with wouldn't let him dd but who knows the real truth - I want to beleive he's not lieing but again I'm 56 not 16 - they were coming home from Del Taco) so I was up at 4 a.m. pissed off to say the least - well before I could call tow company (figured I would wait til 8) the sheriff is calling and had car towed - in fire lane - We this is all on Sunday the day I'm suppose to go to concert - in Hemet - well we still went - that was a total trip waiting in line for hours - totally unorigizines - we were crowded like cattle.. - then we left early - still took 1.5 hr to get on the road.. Temptations & 4 Tops free concert never again got home stayed up til 2 it was a long day..

Yesterday slept in - gf Ann came over - bbq ribs - visited till 9 -- then this morning had to run around and get car out of impound and towed to shop to get fixed..

Linda - 7/11 is Melissa surgery day @ 8 a.m.

Candice WTG on your gig - congrats... Afgan don - colors green rust gold - will take pic this weekend.

Phly - Yep the verdict isn't what it should be- cause I believe she knows what happen - but they did not prove that she killed her - the system did work - there was no evidence that Casey did it - there was a dead child and Casey lied her ass off - but that doesn't prove that she killed her child - again - I think she did - but there was no evidence that she did - so if you leave the emotional issue out and go on the actual evidence - they did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she did it - God will be her judge.. Karma will get her

Denise - it's hot here too and humid but not as bad as what you get

Well it's 8:30 - need to go eat


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Hi gang; I'm with PHYL... whats up with the Casey Anthony verdict of NOT GUILTY.... are you freeking kidding me???? who the heck else did it then?

Your little Zoey is a clever monkey for sure... I bet she DOES know what SHOE means... she's watched you for months... hey if my Bridget can ring bells to go out to pee, I am SURE your dog can drag shoes to the door to signal she wants a walk... LOL

Bugs, bugs, bugs... they are the bAIN O of my existance today... we've had a swarm of flying, biting ANTS coming into my house... they are disgusting, hard to kill and they are persistant... I wanted to spray insecticide around but not with the DOGGIE in the house... yikes... so I used a swatter!


Karla , I hear ya honn, but really we CANT complain about the heat ( its 85 here, not too hot) and I havn't felt the need for AC yet this year.... YEAH!

Still devouring this book I am reading on the Cival War... cripes ever since my trip south, I just can't get enough of it... Been researching the life of Stonewall Jackson.... did you know he died of FRIENDLY FIRE? another of his army buddies shot him accidently... who knew?

I am on the 2nd book of a series of 3.... cant wait to get into the last one!!! author is John Jakes... very good writer.

Went to the gym today.... I know close your mouth Janet!! LOL It was a shock to me too!!! I met up with an old friend and it made it all worthwhile... gotta get back into a proper routine...

Another gig this weekend, and then next week my sister comes for a visit for 2 days. Should be fun!

Oh, I miss New Orleans!!!!! :(

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Good Evening Peeps

Been a long long weekend - Saturday house cleaning - helping moving - couch - Sunday 4 a.m phone call Andrew went around corner hit Water slid into curb with right wheel - car broke - (drinking ??? he swears no - the pple he's with wouldn't let him dd but who knows the real truth - I want to beleive he's not lieing but again I'm 56 not 16 - they were coming home from Del Taco) so I was up at 4 a.m. pissed off to say the least - well before I could call tow company (figured I would wait til 8) the sheriff is calling and had car towed - in fire lane - We this is all on Sunday the day I'm suppose to go to concert - in Hemet - well we still went - that was a total trip waiting in line for hours - totally unorigizines - we were crowded like cattle.. - then we left early - still took 1.5 hr to get on the road.. Temptations & 4 Tops free concert never again got home stayed up til 2 it was a long day..

Yesterday slept in - gf Ann came over - bbq ribs - visited till 9 -- then this morning had to run around and get car out of impound and towed to shop to get fixed..

Oh JANET I am so sorry for the car issues... I just re-read your post.... man those kids, how calm our lives would be without them huh? Melissa's surgery coming up eh? How is she manageing?

I just love the |Temptations & 4 Tops.... they were such a hit when I was a kid... those guys must be really old now!!!!

Linda - 7/11 is Melissa surgery day @ 8 a.m.

Candice WTG on your gig - congrats... Afgan don - colors green rust gold - will take pic this weekend.

Ya, GF I wanna see the pictures!

Phly - Yep the verdict isn't what it should be- cause I believe she knows what happen - but they did not prove that she killed her - the system did work - there was no evidence that Casey did it - there was a dead child and Casey lied her ass off - but that doesn't prove that she killed her child - again - I think she did - but there was no evidence that she did - so if you leave the emotional issue out and go on the actual evidence - they did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she did it - God will be her judge.. Karma will get her

GOsh, I hope you are right about the KARMA thing... it is just so sad that the little Girls Spirit will remain unvindicated forever... cause even if they found more evidance they can't try Casey agian....

Denise - it's hot here too and humid but not as bad as what you get

Well it's 8:30 - need to go eat



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Good Afternoon Peep

Candice I read the John Jake's books when they 1st came out - like 70-80's ;0) I loved them - I loved them ;0) Ya kids - another bump in the freaking road..

I really hope no one comes to her for a book or movie - She is a sick sick person - I beleive she has a mental disorder - hell the whole family..

I am pooped..

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Okay, I don't watch the news or much TV so what is the low down on the Casey thing? Who did she kill?

Two days off!!! yeah A bunch of errands tomorrow, then have a fantacy (darn can't spell today) that I will get my house cleaned...yeah right

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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