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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice - I don't think I have had rubbard.. Bannana nut bread - omg - that can't be a N American thing - how werid

Linda - How' Mindy doing are you home yet

Phyl - Wine really doesnt help your bp - I think it makes it worse really This is from the mayo Clinic - I just wanted to make sure that Dr Janet was giving correct info


Alcohol: Does it affect blood pressure?

Does drinking alcohol affect your blood pressure?


from Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D.

Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Having more than three drinks in one sitting temporarily increases your blood pressure, but repeated binge drinking can lead to long-term increases.

Heavy drinkers who cut back to moderate drinking can lower their systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure reading) by 2 to 4 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and their diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number in a blood pressure reading) by 1 to 2 mm Hg.

If you have high blood pressure, avoid alcohol or drink alcohol only in moderation. Moderate drinking is generally considered to be:

Two drinks a day for men younger than age 65

  • One drink a day for men age 65 and older
  • One drink a day for women of any age

A drink is 12 ounces (355 milliliters) of beer, 5 ounces (148 milliliters) of wine or 1.5 ounces (44 milliliters) of 80-proof distilled spirits.

Keep in mind that alcohol contains calories and may contribute to unwanted weight gain — a risk factor for high blood pressure. Also, alcohol can interfere with the effectiveness and increase the side effects of some blood pressure medications.

So gf sorry to say gf - you need to only have 1 period - they can give you meds for the bp - are they talking about changing it.. Exercise and getting some more weight off will help.. Hugs on that proceedure - you are in my prayer - but ya gotta limit salt too i think

Okay... I overdo in "social" circumstances,

but normally, 1-2 small glasses a day.

Cardiologist told me to log my BP to show him when I go back in Aug. So, don't trust my wrist cuff, and can't find it anyway, so I went to RiteAid and Haggen's this week to take it. Tuesday: at RiteAid it was 72/26 according to their machine... practically in shock! So I went to Haggen across the street and their machine said 80/34! So I logged that. Today, back to RiteAid and it was 90/62. If anything, it's been running low for about the last two years, IMHO, and I keep asking my doc if she can't lower one of the meds again. She's cut them several times since I started losing weight. I remember when I was in the hospital with my knee surgery 2 years ago, it went so low they cut off my BP meds for a day or two.

As for salt, I use very little, and Earl uses MUCHO!!! So he knows NOT to put any salt on my food now. I have a small salt shaker for myself and I sometimes use a little of it, but I am more inclined to season with pepper than salt. I don't like salty things and keep telling him not to buy ham! He seems to think we need to have it in the fridge all the time! When it's gone, he buys another spiral cut ham!!! He just puts tiny amounts in my omelet and not every day, but he eats it daily! And this last one he bought... penny pincher, as you know, he "shopped" around until he got the best price! It is much fattier than the previous hams he's bought, and he didn't notice that it is NOT spiral cut, so he had to slice it himself. Then he makes bean Soup or pea soup with the bone, and we end up with a crock pot full of it. I think that's an okay thing to eat once in a while, but when there's a big pot of it, we end up eating it for several days and that's not good. This week when he made pea soup I got him to give some to the neighbors!! Lady we bought this condo from moved across the sidewalk to a 3 bedroom that she bought, but now she has Alzheimer's, so I doubt she is doing any cooking. I think her boyfriend, "Squeak" is having to do everything. So I know he appreciated the soup.

WOO HOO!! Jim just came to pick up Earl. They are going over to the "sun place" this afternoon. Tracy and I are going over tomorrow morning. So I have a whole day to myself! I am going shopping!! I figured out how to hide my purchase from "eagle eyes". I have a few bucks left on a Target gift card, and I'm going to take out some cash and get me a new wireless keyboard and mouse. I quit typing on the laptop and started using an external keyboard instead. But this new laptop is short on USB ports and it takes up one, external hard drive (back up) takes up another, and "dongle" for my wireless mouse takes up another. So something has to be unplugged if I want to use my printer or synch my iTouch, iPad or cell phone. Target has a combo mouse/keyboard, so both use the same dongle which will free up one of my USB ports for other intermittent tasks!

I also need to buy a big exercise ball..... therapist wants me to get one to do some back exercises.... walk the thing up the wall, etc. But I will get in trouble if I buy that. He won't notice the new keyboard and mouse, but he will definitely notice a big huge ball!! He already told me I don't have any wall space I can use!! huh??? We are cramped here, but I can find a wall to do my exercises!! I'll work on that one for a while though!

Janet, you have mo idea how tempting it is to come and hang out with you. It will happen at some point, believe me!

Let me know when you're going!! I'll meet you there! It's still only in the low 60's here and I'm freezing!! We can do some beading and play with our iPads!! Oh, wait!! She won't let me have any wine!!! HAHAHA!!

I am still feeling so bummed about my Sky Valley friend who died this week. I still can't believe it! She wasn't a real close friend, but someone I saw every day and chatted with at the pool, and a friend of my next door neighbors, so usually at most of our patio parties. And way too young to die. I think she just turned 70 in January. Seemingly healthy. Just slipped away while watching TV with her husband. Not a peep out of her. I guess a good way to go, but, too soon! Need to call Wanda and see if she has any more info, but she did say they'll probably never know what it was. No known health problems.

Well, better get moving if I'm going to do some more shopping. But... maybe I should wait a little while longer! Jim was taking Earl back to the house to help him load some furniture they are taking over to the new place. LOL!

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I got gym so don't have time for a real post- but I just have to put this out there - NO IPADS EITHER !!!!! LOL

Hugs on your GF Candice

Linda really it's not that bad - I'm don't want to work in it - but hanging in the pool it's fine

oh phyl - go buy a real digtal arm bp thingie while you are shopping... You were on pain meds in the hospital I bet that might have something to do w/bp - Lilnda >>>>>

Karla - you can only do so much ...

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Janet, I'd be melted by now! way too hot. We were in the high 80's yesterday and it was glorious, but anything hooter...I don't do so well.

Linda, it is a huge weight of my mind dropping the class. I hope I can get some of me $$$ back, but if not...at least I can breath during some of the summer.

I put all my pots on a dripline last night. If felt good to putz around outside.

food this week sucks. I am eating to stay focused, not so good. I can't wait until after today, no junk foo around and not sitting. That should get some poundage moving.

Candice, sounds like your freied is a real trouper. She will enjoy your visit , have fun.

LAST DAY OF CLASS, who hooo. It will be an intense day, but I don't really care I can make it through.

You all have a great day, have we heard anything from Denise about her job yet?

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Good Evening Gang

Karla - gotta say since I lost weight - the heat doesn't bother me that much - I get cold now ;0).. Sweetie you live alone - you do the grocery shopping - do not allow junk food in your basket/cart when you are at the store.... Cuz if it ain't in the house you can't eat it... You have the power of choice - and you need to look at the calories in what ever you are buying - look at the serving size - say to yourself will I only have one serving of this - and is 15 chips worth 200 calories - will I stop at 15 - or will I stop at 1 cup ice cream or will I go back for more - Reading the calories on my food makes me not buy it - cuz I know me - if it's in the house I will eat it - 500 cal for a piece of carrot cake isn't worth it 98% of the time - Today at work they had ice cream social - the did buy these sf ice cream thingies like an eskamo bar - 100 cal - about 3 bites - I said thanks for providing sf - everyone said oh you can have it Janet it's sf - I said it has 100 calories - it's not just about sugar free it's about the calories - I went out to lunch today - going to concert tomorrow - will have a few cocktails - so just skipped the Snacks - didn't need the extra calories.

Well coloring hair time to wash - cbl

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Okay... I overdo in "social" circumstances,

but normally, 1-2 small glasses a day.

Cardiologist told me to log my BP to show him when I go back in Aug. So, don't trust my wrist cuff, and can't find it anyway, so I went to RiteAid and Haggen's this week to take it. Tuesday: at RiteAid it was 72/26 according to their machine... practically in shock! So I went to Haggen across the street and their machine said 80/34! So I logged that. Today, back to RiteAid and it was 90/62. If anything, it's been running low for about the last two years, IMHO, and I keep asking my doc if she can't lower one of the meds again. She's cut them several times since I started losing weight. I remember when I was in the hospital with my knee surgery 2 years ago, it went so low they cut off my BP meds for a day or two.

As for salt, I use very little, and Earl uses MUCHO!!! So he knows NOT to put any salt on my food now. I have a small salt shaker for myself and I sometimes use a little of it, but I am more inclined to season with pepper than salt. I don't like salty things and keep telling him not to buy ham! He seems to think we need to have it in the fridge all the time! When it's gone, he buys another spiral cut ham!!! He just puts tiny amounts in my omelet and not every day, but he eats it daily! And this last one he bought... penny pincher, as you know, he "shopped" around until he got the best price! It is much fattier than the previous hams he's bought, and he didn't notice that it is NOT spiral cut, so he had to slice it himself. Then he makes bean Soup or pea soup with the bone, and we end up with a crock pot full of it. I think that's an okay thing to eat once in a while, but when there's a big pot of it, we end up eating it for several days and that's not good. This week when he made pea soup I got him to give some to the neighbors!! Lady we bought this condo from moved across the sidewalk to a 3 bedroom that she bought, but now she has Alzheimer's, so I doubt she is doing any cooking. I think her boyfriend, "Squeak" is having to do everything. So I know he appreciated the soup.

WOO HOO!! Jim just came to pick up Earl. They are going over to the "sun place" this afternoon. Tracy and I are going over tomorrow morning. So I have a whole day to myself! I am going shopping!! I figured out how to hide my purchase from "eagle eyes". I have a few bucks left on a Target gift card, and I'm going to take out some cash and get me a new wireless keyboard and mouse. I quit typing on the laptop and started using an external keyboard instead. But this new laptop is short on USB ports and it takes up one, external hard drive (back up) takes up another, and "dongle" for my wireless mouse takes up another. So something has to be unplugged if I want to use my printer or synch my iTouch, iPad or cell phone. Target has a combo mouse/keyboard, so both use the same dongle which will free up one of my USB ports for other intermittent tasks!

I also need to buy a big exercise ball..... therapist wants me to get one to do some back exercises.... walk the thing up the wall, etc. But I will get in trouble if I buy that. He won't notice the new keyboard and mouse, but he will definitely notice a big huge ball!! He already told me I don't have any wall space I can use!! huh??? We are cramped here, but I can find a wall to do my exercises!! I'll work on that one for a while though!

Let me know when you're going!! I'll meet you there! It's still only in the low 60's here and I'm freezing!! We can do some beading and play with our iPads!! Oh, wait!! She won't let me have any wine!!! HAHAHA!!

I am still feeling so bummed about my Sky Valley friend who died this week. I still can't believe it! She wasn't a real close friend, but someone I saw every day and chatted with at the pool, and a friend of my next door neighbors, so usually at most of our patio parties. And way too young to die. I think she just turned 70 in January. Seemingly healthy. Just slipped away while watching TV with her husband. Not a peep out of her. I guess a good way to go, but, too soon! Need to call Wanda and see if she has any more info, but she did say they'll probably never know what it was. No known health problems.

Well, better get moving if I'm going to do some more shopping. But... maybe I should wait a little while longer! Jim was taking Earl back to the house to help him load some furniture they are taking over to the new place. LOL!

Phyl - So how did your day alone go - What did you buy... I would be freezing if it was 60 too that's winter for me LOL Did you get your ball?? How about the hall way - you have bare walls there.. cheese has a lot of salt - you gotta get the less salt stuff - to me it taste just like salt - I better much got off salt when I did WW yrs ago.. I use to use garlic salt - plus real salt - now I only use garlic powder.. Tell Earl you have a heart condition and that he needs to start buying salt free - ask him if he's trying to kill you slowly.. LOL

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Hi everybody, I'm drunk posting, and I think my blood pressure is ok. IDK, and I don't give a crap. I feel OK, and I'm not hot, so it must be good. I interviewed on 6/13, and I STILL have not been notified if I have a freakin job. Everyone else at the school has been notified. I emailed some people today, and tomorrow I will make phone calls. Seriously!!!! What the freakin hell???? Oh, and one of the principals of one of the schools taken over must have backed out, cause the website posted an opening for her job today. What the freakin hell????? This is chaos!!!!! To hell with it, get me a damn margarita!!!!!

This school system is a hot mess!

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No I don't buy junk food, during class, they provide an entire table of Snacks, none healthy and we have lunch at the cafeteria. For the most part I brought healthy snacks, but I did find my hand reaching into the chocolate bowl. No excuse...But I am done now and Thursday I get a whole 2 days off...YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

After class we all went out for a couple of adult beverages and have work tomorrow, then my mother comes, bleck.

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Denise, hang in there. I know there is nothing worse than waiting! However, they sure are being a pain by not notifying you. Unfortunately what you are going through seems to be indicative of school districts in general. The antics of our school board and some prominate individuals in our community keep making the local news. A couple of months ago we even made the national news. How mortifying. I just wish we would put the focus back on kids where it belongs and adults need to stop ACTING like kids. Sometimes I swear that our entire community acts less mature than our students.

Well work today but at least there is no more class for awhile. I have some homework to do and my mom is coming tomorrow, so I won't be able to focus on what I want today, but it is better than being in class. I did find a professor to be my 'reader' for my Capstone/thesis so I am excited about that. Also, an electric copy of my last project on my masters was found and emailed to me, so I am doing better. But now I am thinking on revamping my entire research project. Probably not a good idea!

Well, you all have a great day!!!

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Morning ladies! Hope you all had a great Saturday! It was beautiful here. Were steady at the nursery. Got a lot done, all the Water features spruced up, sold a lot of water plants.

I came home from work and started planting my water plants and was busy with watering. Things are starting to dry out now that we have had warmer weather. Not as warm and Janet, but at least it was in the 70's.

My mom shows up today. Fortuanately she is only staying until Wednesday. But I have Monday & Tuesday off, so should get the pond finished. It is Elyse's 25th birthday, so will take her out for dinner and ice cream. Mom is bringing my new quilting machine, so I am excited. I don't have time to play with it yet, but should be able to in a couple of weeks.

Linda, I'd love to meet in at Janet's some time. We could have a mini lampband get together. Maybe sometime this winter when we are both freezing our butts off.

Well should get at it. Phyl Candice, what are you both up to?


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Good Morning! Tracy and I got back last night... I think it was a little after 9 pm. The guys left at noon yesterday, we stayed until 4:30pm.... had a glass of wine on the patio in the SUN and some triscuits and homemade hummus from a little store on the corner. It was so good. Tracy was talking about how good that hummus that Candice made was! Candice.... do you have a recipe? I have a can of chick peas and I want to try and make some. The one I bought is garlic & olive.... good thing I can't taste the olives cuz that's one thing I do NOT like! Olive oil.... okay. Olives.... NO! Anyway, we were going to stay until 6pm, but we got bored so we packed up and left. Just checked my phone... Earl called 5X between the time he left and the time I got home!! I think Jim called twice.! We told him several times, and Jim told him.. he could wait and ride back with us. He had to stick to the plan. But the plan was for him to go over with Jim to help him load and unload furniture... two big boxes of outdoor furniture, toddler bed, etc. But no need to ride back with him. But, Tracy and I enjoy the together time.

What I bought thursday was the wireless keyboard/mouse combo that I wanted. And I can't remember what else I bought, but that was the main thing I wanted. We already have about 3 BP cuffs... 2 wrist, 1 arm... they just don't seem to work on me. so I go to the store!

Loved your drunk post, Denise. Hope you get answers soon. Daughter works for the school system with the homeschooling program... parent partnership or something... She skipped a meeting last week during which they were given a choice... get your hours cut or your pay cut! So she's not sure what is going to happen, but she says if they cut her hours she'll quit because it will end her benefits and that's the main reason she's staying.

Janet... my cheese Snacks are usualyy 1 Baby Bel Lite these days.

I dropped Karri on FB. Have patiently read her opinionated rants for a long time now. But her assaults on everyone who believes differently have gone beyond insulting to brutal and hateful and I've had enough of it.

Beautiful sunny day here today and it's supposed to be in the high 60's. Can't complain too much about that. Hope you all have a great day. CBL

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Hi Girls, here I am at my GF house... drive here was a nightmare... Dropped offf the Welsh friends at the airport and then continued another hour to my GF's house.. It is beautiful.. and she is doing Very well... albeit thin... wish I could donate her some of my blubber!!! LOL

We are having a nice visit, going to the casino soon... didn't have the heart to say NO... what the FLICK its only money and you only live once.!!

Phyl, I understand you Unfriending on FB... I totally get it..

Karla; try to enjoy your Mother time... remember she is just a flawed human like the rest of us :-)

Denise: I had to laugh t your DRUNK post... I know this is hard... just take it a day aty a time... it will all get sorted out soon... And I pray that YOU get what YOU want out of the whole mess.

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Hi Girls, here I am at my GF house... drive here was a nightmare... Dropped offf the Welsh friends at the airport and then continued another hour to my GF's house.. It is beautiful.. and she is doing Very well... albeit thin... wish I could donate her some of my blubber!!! LOL

We are having a nice visit, going to the casino soon... didn't have the heart to say NO... what the FLICK its only money and you only live once.!!

Phyl, I understand you Unfriending on FB... I totally get it..

Karla; try to enjoy your Mother time... remember she is just a flawed human like the rest of us :-)

Denise: I had to laugh t your DRUNK post... I know this is hard... just take it a day aty a time... it will all get sorted out soon... And I pray that YOU get what YOU want out of the whole mess.

Why was the drive a nightmare?? Traffic?? Where does she live?

Yeah, only live once! Wish I could convince someone of that! SIL is trying to tell him he needs to invest some of his retirement $$ in some property! Nice double lot near their new place for sale... already landscaped, utilities all there... just need to pull the RV in! He won't even listen! SIL says market is going to tank and we're going to lose a lot of money if we don't invest it somewhere else... real estate!

Yeah, I've had enough toxic spewing. Have to listen to enough of it at home. Don't need it coming at me on FB.

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Hi Everyone,

I talked to someone today who may help. So hopefully she can do something about the job. Went shopping with DD yesterday. I need clothes for vacation. We are going to Mexico in July. Got DD a darling dress. I got a dress too, and I am NOT a dress person. We are packing very light for the trip. I have been shopping for excursions this weekend. I have to go make the schedules for the summer camp kids. Have a nice rest of the weekend everyone!

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This is crazy, Denise! You need to kow what the heck is going on. How can you plan anything? At least you have the Mexico thing distract you. When are you going and here sre you going? There are so many pretty dresses now--not like a couple years ago. Even I am wearing more dresses and skirts now than ever!

Phyl, do you think that it is possible that in some way, your problem with food is somehow connected to Earl being so controlling? How do you deal with so much micromanagement? I am not as nice as you. I get really bitchy when Mel pulls that stuff. I know that my eating in some ways is in response to the powerlessness that I feel in my own life. I can't have the things that I really want, so I find a way to substitute things that i Can--like food

Ok, I'm really frustrated with this keyboard, so I'm going to quit for now. I'll try again later.

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Good Morning peeps

Had a busy weekend - Sat boot camp - bank - toe & nails eye lash extensions - then home to shower for hair appt - ck out Facebook for my new short hair do.. Love it.. then home to get ready for concert sat nite - it was really good - old school - rose royce (car wash) dazz bank - lisa lisa - jo jo - danced alot - had a few cocktail - an a head ache yesterday morning - didnt get out of t he house tiil noon - target then home - oh ya on sat bought a painting to go over fire place- hope it's not too big - 7x5 - medterian (sp ) it will be deleived on Tues and I asked if they would hang it ;0)

Denise - I can't post drunk - LOL - Hope all goes well with the job - Mexico in July VERY HOT AND THE HUMIDITY - I have been in June when I was 240 and almost died LOL - beach was like a bath tub and so were the pools -

Karla - Enjoy the time w/your mom - I know it will be a little trying - but try to enjoy..

Linda - I hear you on eating when you feel powerless - I know that was the reason I use to eat - but it just makes things worse - I so don't eat when he pisses you off go shopping in stead

Well gotta get going... Will ck back tonite

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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