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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Well, the baby is a boy....what am I going to do with a boy? I don't even know how to diaper a boy. But Elyse went into town with me after school so we had a nice evening. Yes I bought some baby stuff. I kept drowling over the girl stuff, but found some boy stuff I could live with. What is the problem with the designers of boy stuff, it is all pea green and light blue. Don't boys deserve color? I had a chat with Elyse about how she is going to have to take charge if this baby is going to have half a chance. The BF's 6 year old son has already been suspended from school 3 times for violence and rarely makes it to school and NEVER does homework. He can't even write his name. I pray to the dear Lord that this boy doesn't take after his father. Okay, enough of that. The baby has all of his fingers and toes and all structures look good. AND that is the biggest blessing of all.

Well it is 10 and I have to work tomorrow so best go.

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A little boy! Yeah, shopping for them isn't as easy, for sure, but what fun they are! sounds like you and Elyse had a good evening; glad to hear that! Have they picked out a name for him?

I've caught a cold. What next? I just wish it would warm up, but then I'd feel guilty-- there is so much yard work to do. Still can't bend or sit on the floor/ground, and the weeds are taking over. It's too cold for anything else to grow.

What happened to Steph? Missing her.

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Thinking of Linda tonight... her retirement party. Bet they had a GREAT time.

I had a very busy day. Bone scan was much more involved than I expected. They said this morning would be quick... just get the radioactive dye injected. Well... I was there over an hour. Radiologist couldn't find a vein. Then he finally got needle in and got too aggressive injecting saline and it collapsed. So then he tried another place... literally digging around in my arm trying to find a vein. Finally he called for the I.V. team. By then I was freezing & very uncomfortable flat on my back on this very narrow, hard table. He brought me a warm blanket. I.V. nurse didn't have too much trouble, but I have two bruises near my elbow and one on the back of my hand. Then I had to go back 3 hrs later for more pictures..... 3 different views, almost 10 minutes of staying absolutely still each time. I was cranky by the time it was over! Go in to review it with the doctor on Friday. Echocardiogram on Thursday. Are we having fun yet!

Dinner at Tracy & Jim's tonight. He made "healthy" spaghetti... whole wheat noodles, gr. turkey, sauce w/diced tomatoes. It was very good.

Tired. It's late!

Well, the baby is a boy....what am I going to do with a boy? I don't even know how to diaper a boy. But Elyse went into town with me after school so we had a nice evening. Yes I bought some baby stuff. I kept drowling over the girl stuff, but found some boy stuff I could live with. What is the problem with the designers of boy stuff, it is all pea green and light blue. Don't boys deserve color? I had a chat with Elyse about how she is going to have to take charge if this baby is going to have half a chance. The BF's 6 year old son has already been suspended from school 3 times for violence and rarely makes it to school and NEVER does homework. He can't even write his name. I pray to the dear Lord that this boy doesn't take after his father. Okay, enough of that. The baby has all of his fingers and toes and all structures look good. AND that is the biggest blessing of all.

Well it is 10 and I have to work tomorrow so best go.

WOW, great news Karla! A boy... that is so cool... You'll be able to show him all about Yard Creativitly, he can help you plant bulbs in the Spring, and when he's older... you can teach him the proper way to RAKE LEAVES... I know that's your favorite!!

Phyl, holy cow you had a FULL day.. sorry about all the pokes.. glad that's over with... what were the results? do you know anything yet?

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Good Morning Peeps

Had boot camp at 8 - I was pooped yesterday..

Karla - Boys are so much easier to diaper - since boys don't have cookie (my niece's saying for the vajj) it's easier - the only thing is if they get curicumsize which they did back in the day but now welfare won't pay for it - Joseph was curcumsized Andrew isn't and all you gotta do then is push the skin back and clean - but poop doesn't go there either - I perfer boys to girls as far as raising - I think they are easier - I had my niece (same age as Joseph) who I would dress up an play with her hair - then Kaitlin & Brooke and have had 4 step DD's so I have had my share of girls - the thing is if she were having a girl then all you would see is cute boy clothes - and when it's a boy you see all these cute girl clothes - it's just like when you are a 18 you see cute 10's but when you are a 10 you can't find shit LOL

As far a DD's bf kid - that has a lot to do with his mom too and how he was raised - it's not all the bf's fault - Temperment etc ya can come from him but also it can be just to lack of displine and maybe adhd. Who knows - quit thinking the worse - this child is a blessing and it will have love - you will be their to help guide the way.

Phyl - Hugs on the doc issues - If they can't find a vein after a couple trys tell them to get someone else - I do - but truly now a days my veins show and are easy to get - less body fat covering them up is what Idrise said.. Echo isn't bad they just hook you up with Patches - no biggie it won't be as hard as the other test.

Linda - Since you have a dh - that's his job LOL I'm old school - trash and yard man's work - the rest mine - but since I don't have a dh - it's all up to me - I hate taking out the trash - that was Joseph's & Andrews - Once Joesph got old enought he did the yard - I did it sometimes - but then when he left and i got to a certain age (like in my late 30-40) I got a gardner as it would take one whole Sat to mow the front & back and clean up - my old house had a big yard..

You gotta take care of those hips so that they will work correctly in the future - you gotta heal - Hugs on the cold - put on TMC - get your beading out and chill and drink oj ;0) doc Janet orders

Candice you are up bright and early today - what's on your agenda today..

I am finishing Andrew's wash so I can wash - he never cleaned yesterday - so I need to vaccum today - everything else is ok - I'm not moping - got the back yard all washed off from Brooks sidway chalk last weekend my roses dead headed- candles lit - now a shower - boot camp had me sweatind maybe a little food shopping - I need veggies and something for dinner..


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Ugh! Low grade fever and chills. Had backache and headache last night, not today. Just feel yucky. Think I got flu from Tracy and she got it from her two little granddaughters. I've already done too much this morning and now Earl wants to go to Walmart! Our Walmart on a Saturday afternoon is a ZOO. I really don't want to go. WA state TOPS does a "Walk" every May.... in CA we do it in the fall. But this one is statewide. So, even though I was feeling crappy and knew I had a fever, we went at 9 a.m. I rode my scooter though. Last year I walked. But.... with back & knee issues and not feeling well today, I rode! We did two loops... probably about 3 miles. When we got home, Zoey and I took the other scooter and went to Surf Shack and Target. Now resting with my blankie.

Been doing better with food this week. Made some really good stir fry type thing last night... not fried, but sauteed in some butter spray and a little olive oil.... onions, green peppers, minced garlic, zucchini, diced tomatoes, cilantro and other Mexican seasoning. Then Earl put the prawns in when we were almost ready to eat and cooked a little rice. We'll have the leftovers for dinner tonight. Had an Adkins Protein Drink this morning, then my SF, FF latte, Healthy Choice Soup for lunch.... 120 calories.

Ortho doc reviewed bone scan with me yesterday. He said it was "suggestive" of hardware collapse but not "conclusive" so he prefers to treat it conservatively. He seems very reluctant to operate on me even though he's been telling me for 4 years that the right knee needs to be converted to a total. He's gradually changing his tune and I am wondering if it has something to do with inadequate Medicare/Tricare reimbursement or if my fat thighs are his problem. Last time he was very worried about infection and healing because of that. I had no problems at all.... good recovery, no complications, successful rehab. I think I was walking 1/4 mile within 2-3 weeks. I worked very hard because I knew I had to get back in shape quickly so we could leave for CA. But, looks like no surgery this year! But he gave me a steroid injection in that knee. Those are always so pleasant. It's the 5th time for me..... had 1 steroid, 3 hylagen in that knee before they operated on it the first time. Big long needle injected right in to the joint. I'm actually a pretty good patient, though. I didn't hit him or anything and only winced fairly quietly once or twice. It doesn't hurt as much as you'd think it would. He put in some Lidocaine, too, so the pain was better pretty much instantly. Hylagen injections did nothing for me, but the one steroid injection I had in it probably 10 years ago or more, gave me about 6 months of relief.

Since my weight loss, techs usually have no problem finding my veins. But this guy... for as many years as he said he's been working there doing that, he was awful. But I do have deep, very small veins and they roll. As soon as he touched one with his fingertip it wiggled away. The nurse got in right away when she came down. I tried to tell him where I had a good vein... on the outside of my elbow, but he went over about 1/2 inch too far and couldn't find it. Nurse went in to my hand. Still have a huge bruise on the inside of my elbow because of the poking around he did and the vein he blew.

Diapering little boys is not so fun when they pee in your face, which happened to me many times! Boys are easier in some ways, girls in others. Think we're going over to Spokane with Tracy & Jim next weekend, speaking of babies! We're going to meet DGS's GF, Taniesha, and take her a bunch of baby stuff. DIL gave us baby clothes she got on sale at Kohl's and a little round walker thing when we were there last month. And Tracy and I bought one of those fold up cribs at Target the other day. Baby is due in July... a little girl whose name will be Kayla, I think she said. Kurtis is still in New Orleans with Steve painting trains. Hope he's saving his money like he said he would. He needs to have funds to rent a place to live if he goes back to Spokane before the baby is born, which I think is his plan. Steve would like him to stay and go back to school when they move on to Houston. Kurtis doesn't have a HS diploma or a G.E.D. Neither does Steve, for that matter! He quit school at about the same age as Kurtis did.

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Good Evening Gang

Well got the house vacuumed - candles all lit - house clean enough and smells good - got dressed went to Walmart on Montery to see if they had my yarn I need amount 15 more - they had 5 - gf got me 2 from the LQ walmart - so need another 8 more to finish blanket.. Got a cute dresses - think I will wear it to the Earth Wind & Fire Concert next weekend - it's really a bathing suit cover up I think - but maybe not - navy & white strips - got some paints & brushes (picture painting not house ;0) - then went to Ulta (like a sephora - went hog wild there - you know me the makeup whore ;0) - then stopped and got chineese for dinner (shrimp & veggies and mongolian beef (2 half orders) won't eat the rice - and got this great sf ralphs brand ice cream..

Now drinking coffee so I don't go to sleep ;0) - think I may go to pilo tomorrow -

Phyl - Hugs on being sick !!!! WTG on your food.. The Walmart on Monteray is set up so diff than the La Quinta one ;0)..

Well this coffee isn't working or maybe my eyes are tired..

Sweet dreams - will ck in tomorrow



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Phyl, how frustrating. I hope the shot works to reduce the pain so you can get walking again.

Linda, keep drinking our fluids. It isn't surprising that you caught a cold. You have been running on fumes the last week or so. Rest and catch up your energy.

Busy day at the nursery yesterday.But I get next Friday off. No school and the nursery is closed. Hopefully I can get the rest of the pond done and set up!!

Janet, it is nice to have a weekend without much you have to do!! Is this furlough Friday so you get a 4 day weekend?

Not much going on here. Both of my science classes are completing labs over the nest couple of day. So pretty uneventful.

Candice, when is your next gig!

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Good Mornimg Peeps

Karla - I have no more furlough fridays - I am taking 2 pto days (thursday & friday) monday a holiday - 5 days off ;0)

Yesterday did my Target shopping home - tv & crocheting... Now gotta get ready for work -

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Morning, awful quiet around here?

Janet, now I remember you talking about no more furlough Fridays. Good for the $$ not so good for the sanity time. But that must mean that the company is doing better financially.

Raining Cats & Dogs right now. So much for yard work tonight. But that is okay, I'll come home and do some quilting or reading. Maybe even cook a little dinner!

You all have a great day!!!!

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Good Morning

Yep Karla - I rather have the day off.. It's been really windy here .. I dislike the wind very much..

I ck'd last night but no one had posted - Yesterday - work - gym - home.. Nothing much to write about...

Idol tonite !!!!

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Hi ladies: Well, the last of my company just left so I got the first load of laundry into the machine... so I have a few minutes to type.

Phyl; With your new SHOT will you be able to go out more and walk? That would be nice... bummer on not getting your replacement surgery... that woulda pissed me off.

Its been a busy week here! My cousin Laurie came for the LONG weekend, and Peter's cousin PATricia came up as well... so a Girly weekend.. had a few good laughs... but now its nice and quiet around here.Plus yesterday Mark came over for a rehearsal so we got to play for the COUSINs... he also brought his computer and recording stuff so we got to RECORD some of our songs. What we hope to do is open up a WEB page witha sampling of our songs so we can better PROMOTE our trio and get more jobs.

Some of them sounded really good, and Mark hasn't even done all the mixing yet.... stay tuned

Oh Crap, just got a phone call from my counselors office.... I missed my appt today!! Oh, she was VERY nice abouty it thank GOD or she could have charged me for the appt.!!!! She said she'd just get caught up on paperwork. phewf!

food, not so good this weekend, went to the Village of Blue, listened to some music... walked past the FUDGE store and had to go in for a taste...ya right... then wine, wine, wine

pizza last night cauase I was tired of cooking for 4 all weekend!! I am out of practice.!! I made seafood spinach lasagne the first night, then my Sicilian Meatloaf for the other night... Hoummus, and spinach dip for snacking, Egg salad and ham salad for lunch time sandwiches...Last night Laurie bought the PIZZA's for all... it worked out great.

Well better go check on the laundry... man watched the news last night, all those people in Joplin Missouri...OMG what a terrible thing. So many people in need of some GOOD LUCK breaks... man the weather is terrible this spring...

Janet you are right, I should turn off CNN!!!

Love all you guiys


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Seems like now that I'm back, everyone's hiding. Whats with that?

End of the semester and Karla and karri are probably swamped on both ends. Any news about Kerri's job situation?

Phyl should be hearing about all the testing.

Like said, where's Steph?

Candice, what's up chika? Let down after that whirlwind trip? I hope the weather is warmer where you are. We still haven't see 70, and there's no sight of it happening in the next week. I am so darn tired of being cold all the time. I know I should be out walking more, but with the raw wind, its just too hard.

Janet, are you protected from the wind on your patio? That is so nice how you can just step out there and enjoy fresh air. Does your company insure any of the businesses that are affectedly the tornados? How devastating. I guess I shouldn't be so bitter about the weather here when the people down south have it so much worse. Mindy outran a tornado Sunday night. There's no safe place in her apartment complex, so she just got in her car and drove in the opposite direction. Hope Denise is high and dry.

Today's our 36th anniversary. If mel's in a good mood, maybe well go out for dinner. . . We'll see. I thought Cora was coming today, but apparently her mommy "forgot". Look at all this free time I suddenly have--pretty soon I'll be cleaning closets and drawers.

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Good Evening Peeps

Candice - it's sure good you are a pple person - all that traveling - company - hell I'm pooped just reading about it - Yep you gotta u-tube your stuff - pple get discovered all the time off of utube..

I saw a little of the hospital in Joplin this morning - I really don't watch the news except to ck the weather - I said a prayer for all those pple..

Linda - Nope we don't insure pple in MO - we really just insure pple here in the Desert - some out of state and northern Cali and AZ but mostly local business - have had lots of tree/wind claims though - under our country club program trees are covered by wind damage - and it's been really windy here and these are big old trees that are blowing over

Sorry you didn't get Cora today - Happy Anniversary - Mel better do something - hell you have put up with him all these years

I saw on FB that Lee got a job in Yuma AZ - Karri will be a housewife - well sort of - she's only going to cook LOL no ironing or dishes LOL

I don't know where Steph went..

Got new server at work things been hecktic this week - tomorrow my last day ;0) - Made appt for the 3 kids to go to groomer on Friday morning - I go to my groomer on Sat morning - need to color hair before that visit - white is really showing..

Well gotta go vote for Scotty on Idol...


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Good Evening Peeps

Candice - it's sure good you are a pple person - all that traveling - company - hell I'm pooped just reading about it - Yep you gotta u-tube your stuff - pple get discovered all the time off of utube..

I saw a little of the hospital in Joplin this morning - I really don't watch the news except to ck the weather - I said a prayer for all those pple..

Linda - Nope we don't insure pple in MO - we really just insure pple here in the Desert - some out of state and northern Cali and AZ but mostly local business - have had lots of tree/wind claims though - under our country club program trees are covered by wind damage - and it's been really windy here and these are big old trees that are blowing over

Sorry you didn't get Cora today - Happy Anniversary - Mel better do something - hell you have put up with him all these years

I saw on FB that Lee got a job in Yuma AZ - Karri will be a housewife - well sort of - she's only going to cook LOL no ironing or dishes LOL

I don't know where Steph went..

Got new server at work things been hecktic this week - tomorrow my last day ;0) - Made appt for the 3 kids to go to groomer on Friday morning - I go to my groomer on Sat morning - need to color hair before that visit - white is really showing..

Well gotta go vote for Scotty on Idol...


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Hi ladies: Well, the last of my company just left so I got the first load of laundry into the machine... so I have a few minutes to type.

Phyl; With your new SHOT will you be able to go out more and walk? That would be nice... bummer on not getting your replacement surgery... that woulda pissed me off.

Its been a busy week here! My cousin Laurie came for the LONG weekend, and Peter's cousin PATricia came up as well... so a Girly weekend.. had a few good laughs... but now its nice and quiet around here.Plus yesterday Mark came over for a rehearsal so we got to play for the COUSINs... he also brought his computer and recording stuff so we got to RECORD some of our songs. What we hope to do is open up a WEB page witha sampling of our songs so we can better PROMOTE our trio and get more jobs.

Some of them sounded really good, and Mark hasn't even done all the mixing yet.... stay tuned

Oh Crap, just got a phone call from my counselors office.... I missed my appt today!! Oh, she was VERY nice abouty it thank GOD or she could have charged me for the appt.!!!! She said she'd just get caught up on paperwork. phewf!

food, not so good this weekend, went to the Village of Blue, listened to some music... walked past the FUDGE store and had to go in for a taste...ya right... then wine, wine, wine

pizza last night cauase I was tired of cooking for 4 all weekend!! I am out of practice.!! I made seafood spinach lasagne the first night, then my Sicilian Meatloaf for the other night... Hoummus, and spinach dip for snacking, Egg salad and ham salad for lunch time sandwiches...Last night Laurie bought the PIZZA's for all... it worked out great.

Well better go check on the laundry... man watched the news last night, all those people in Joplin Missouri...OMG what a terrible thing. So many people in need of some GOOD LUCK breaks... man the weather is terrible this spring...

Janet you are right, I should turn off CNN!!!

Love all you guiys


Wow! You sure have been busy!! You make me tired!

I'm walking once around the condos everyday..... about 3/10 of a mile... 10 minutes. Not much relief in my knee but I'm going to start trying to make it around twice. And now that things are slowing down a bit, I will call and see if PT place got orders faxed from my dr. yet. It took about 24-36 hours for the lidocaine he injected to wear off. Then the pain was pretty much back to normal. Aching behind BOTH knees tonight. Don't know what that is about. Had the epidural (another steroid injection) in my back today, too. So that's over with. Not bad at all. Knee injection was worse. I am to go back in two weeks for possibly another back injection. I will make an appt for the same day with the knee guy ( same building) if the knee pain isn't better by then. Have to push myself to do anything because I just want to sit here. So, get out around the neighborhood every day and usually down to the lake besides taking a walk.

Seems like now that I'm back, everyone's hiding. Whats with that? End of the semester and Karla and karri are probably swamped on both ends. Any news about Kerri's job situation?

Phyl should be hearing about all the testing.

Like said, where's Steph?

Candice, what's up chika? Let down after that whirlwind trip? I hope the weather is warmer where you are. We still haven't see 70, and there's no sight of it happening in the next week. I am so darn tired of being cold all the time. I know I should be out walking more, but with the raw wind, its just too hard.

Janet, are you protected from the wind on your patio? That is so nice how you can just step out there and enjoy fresh air. Does your company insure any of the businesses that are affectedly the tornados? How devastating. I guess I shouldn't be so bitter about the weather here when the people down south have it so much worse. Mindy outran a tornado Sunday night. There's no safe place in her apartment complex, so she just got in her car and drove in the opposite direction. Hope Denise is high and dry.

Today's our 36th anniversary. If mel's in a good mood, maybe well go out for dinner. . . We'll see. I thought Cora was coming today, but apparently her mommy "forgot". Look at all this free time I suddenly have--pretty soon I'll be cleaning closets and drawers.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Hope you got to go out for dinner to celebrate!!

Are you working on any of your beading??? I need to start on some of my unfinished projects.

I think I posted this, but... ortho doc said the bone scan was "suggestive" of hardware failure but not conclusive. That's why the steroid injection. He said he prefers to treat it conservatively for now. But, like I said, if no relief soon I will make another appt for 2 weeks from today to go tell him it didn't work! I'll just keep bugging him all summer if I have to. I'm not anxious to have another surgery, but I am anxious to be more mobile and get some relief from the pain. He keeps telling me it will be a much more difficult surgery and a much harder recovery than the last one.

Good Evening Peeps

Candice - it's sure good you are a pple person - all that traveling - company - hell I'm pooped just reading about it - Yep you gotta u-tube your stuff - pple get discovered all the time off of utube..

I saw a little of the hospital in Joplin this morning - I really don't watch the news except to ck the weather - I said a prayer for all those pple..

Linda - Nope we don't insure pple in MO - we really just insure pple here in the Desert - some out of state and northern Cali and AZ but mostly local business - have had lots of tree/wind claims though - under our country club program trees are covered by wind damage - and it's been really windy here and these are big old trees that are blowing over

Sorry you didn't get Cora today - Happy Anniversary - Mel better do something - hell you have put up with him all these years

I saw on FB that Lee got a job in Yuma AZ - Karri will be a housewife - well sort of - she's only going to cook LOL no ironing or dishes LOL

I don't know where Steph went..

Got new server at work things been hecktic this week - tomorrow my last day ;0) - Made appt for the 3 kids to go to groomer on Friday morning - I go to my groomer on Sat morning - need to color hair before that visit - white is really showing..

Well gotta go vote for Scotty on Idol...cbl

Voted a bunch of times for Scotty.. online and on my cell phone. I hope he wins but have to admit, Lauren was excellent tonight, too. They are both so worthy and so talented!

I keep hearing that the wind down there has been pretty awful for Sky Valley folks on FB.

Larry & Wanda & Rick & Dolly are all still there. Larry & Wanda moved their 5th wheel (with our permission) to our spot for now because they bought a used park model for $5500 and moved it to their site. Larry is in the process of fixing it up. I think they are going to leave the 5th wheel down there somewhere and try to sell it.

Rick & Dolly (behind us) found a steal deal on a double wide mobile on the other side of the ponds so they're busy moving in to that. And remember last winter's "Palm Tree party"?? The one where my evil twin so misbehaved??!! LOL! Well, this week the four of them are moving all those palm trees the guys planted that afternoon to their new digs. So the neighborhood will be a little different this coming winter.

Wild weather has had me watching a lot of weather channel. Two different pastors we were close to when we lived in OK... one still there, the other down near Dallas, both touched by these storms. (Well, we still keep in close touch with both couples, actually Had dinner with both when we were in Ok & TX last summer.) The couple from TX has strong ties in Joplin. They are going there in the next few days to help some friends who lost everything in the tornado the other day. We saw a few in the years we lived in OK, but only one very bad one in the OKC area .... think it was under Bill Clinton's reign... he came to survey the damage. It was an F-4, I think, 3/4 mile wide,too, but only on the ground for about a mile in the metro area, and it bounced around. It did a lot of damage to the Boeing building where Earl worked so his office was relocated for a while. But, you can't really appreciate the magnitude of the damage from the pictures they're showing on the news. To be up close and personal to those mounds of rubble that used to be homes is unbelievable. Cars tossed about like Matchbox toys. Semis overturned on the highway. We've seen it all, but not to the extent that Joplin experienced. And it never came closer than a mile from our house.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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