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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Checked into flood insurance today, I am not eligible because the city doesn't belong to the National Flood Organization, so we will just have to pray. God will decide what is best and I have to leave it up to him. I can't see Him slapping me with a flood damaged house. I am on an old creek bed, now I understand the rocks in my yard. Evidently no one remembers the Water ever getting this high, but we are expecting a '100 year' flood, what ever that means.

I took the furries for a walk yesterday and today, man THEY are out of shape, I ended up dragging their butts the last 1/2 mile. That should keep them quiet for the night. We are in the low 70's, just glorious. I really enjoyed my walk. a first!! Probably walked only about 1 1/2 miles, but since I spent most of the winter on my butt, it is best to start out slow!

Candice, what did you buy at the flea market, I DO love a good flea market!

Janet, glad that you are feeling better.

Phyl, what is the news?

Linda, feeling better?

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Good Evening Gang

I can't freaking figure out how to down load my pic's like I use to with this new computer - I think I did it - it's diff than before - will ck after I post -

Candice - What else do I need to see the doc about - what else are they going to ck - had ekg - it's fine - Had blood work - it's find - had mamo it's fine - blood pressure fine - what else are they going to do in a physical - I haven't I had one.. I have appointment 5/27 w/new doc - made it when I wasn't feeling good - will most likely keep it - but really don't know what else a doc can do to ck me out - except a complete mri/cat scan of my body and that's not covered by insurance - there has to be a problem for a cat scan and hell they cost tons of $$$ - I gotta pay 35% after insurance pays..

So you are going to go see Linda and go to her retirement party - glad to hear that Want first hand knowlegde of how our Linda is doing

- Just cuz you are traveling doesn't mean you have to go hog wild w/your eating - even on vacation - I may have a little more sugar than I do at home - but I don't go hog wild - I really have made this a lifestyle change - so I'm not dieting and I'm not worrying about my weight 24/7 - gotta say my plan has worked for me - I'm almost 4 yrs out and gotta say that I haven't really had a problem maintaining my weight for the last 3 yrs..

Karla - 100 yr flood zone means that 100 yrs may have a flood - I don't write much of it anymore since I do commercial lines not personal - so if your agent says you can't you can't - You will be fine Glad you were able to get out and walk !!!

Karri - Glad you are sleepimg I remember when you couldn't - so that's good - it's good for healing - I know you said a long time ago you might end up in AZ - sound like you just may ;0)

Melissa (dil) got her surgery date 7/11 !!!! Sleeve - so if Debbie will come and watch the dogs I will go up there for a day or 2 when she has surgery.. I may ask Andrew too - Jospeh's 40th bday is 7/15

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Good Evening Gang

I can't freaking figure out how to down load my pic's like I use to with this new computer - I think I did it - it's diff than before - will ck after I post -

Candice - What else do I need to see the doc about - what else are they going to ck - had ekg - it's fine - Had blood work - it's find - had mamo it's fine - blood pressure fine - what else are they going to do in a physical - I haven't I had one.. I have appointment 5/27 w/new doc - made it when I wasn't feeling good - will most likely keep it - but really don't know what else a doc can do to ck me out - except a complete mri/cat scan of my body and that's not covered by insurance - there has to be a problem for a cat scan and hell they cost tons of $$$ - I gotta pay 35% after insurance pays..

So you are going to go see Linda and go to her retirement party - glad to hear that Want first hand knowlegde of how our Linda is doing

Ya, we are at Linda's now... we cant stay until next week when her party is... but she is taking good care of herself.

- Just cuz you are traveling doesn't mean you have to go hog wild w/your eating - even on vacation - I may have a little more sugar than I do at home - but I don't go hog wild - I really have made this a lifestyle change - so I'm not dieting and I'm not worrying about my weight 24/7 - gotta say my plan has worked for me - I'm almost 4 yrs out and gotta say that I haven't really had a problem maintaining my weight for the last 3 yrs..

Oh Janet; its the SOUTH and all the food is SO good, had to try everything.... it will come off when I get home... no worries

Karla - 100 yr flood zone means that 100 yrs may have a flood - I don't write much of it anymore since I do commercial lines not personal - so if your agent says you can't you can't - You will be fine Glad you were able to get out and walk !!!

Karri - Glad you are sleepimg I remember when you couldn't - so that's good - it's good for healing - I know you said a long time ago you might end up in AZ - sound like you just may ;0)

Melissa (dil) got her surgery date 7/11 !!!! Sleeve - so if Debbie will come and watch the dogs I will go up there for a day or 2 when she has surgery.. I may ask Andrew too - Jospeh's 40th bday is 7/15

Hey great news foro Melissa!!! I know you've been concerned about her and her weight for a long time... HUGS to her.. and she is getting it in JULY... that's a coinkydink for sure!

Well, pooped here and going to bed... sleep tight everyone!


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I've been feeling a LOT better the last couple of days! So thankful for Candice and Peter's visit. They've really lifted my spirits and helped more thank they'll ever know. It's good to start feeling human again and go shopping and think beyond myself. I think it'll be down hill from here! Candice has been making sure that I take my Tylenool before the pain gets too bad. Why didn't I think of that? It really helps.

Phyl-- not much from you. Hope that knee of yours isn't getting you down.

Janet--happy to hear about Melissa. You'll be good support for her--lucky girl!

Denise--I can not wait to meet you in person. Candice is still mimicking your accent and telling us about the great time they had with you. I think the next 7s reunion will have to be in New Orleans!

Karri--Az sounds promising. Looks like things are coming together for you. Any ideas on what research you will be doing for you doctorate?

Karla-- is your class over yet? Will you be taking classes this summer? Did you get a fill, and did it make a difference?

I have to go to graduation on Saturday and my boys and Nicole will be coming Sunday for the big party so it'll be another chaotic weekend. It's all good!

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Good Evening Gang

Got gym at 6 - then will see who get voted off idol - hope it's lauren cuz the other 3 are my fav

Linda - yep having others around help you think about other stuff instead of how bad you feel

The kids where suppose to come here for Joseph's 40th on 7/15 but since Melissa having surger 7/11 I think I will be going up there..

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Well back from the gym - had a good work out - feeling really good.. Have boot camp on Saturday - have broc steaming - dogs feed - waiting for Idol..

food today - BF - PT cookie ;0) 160 cal 15 grms pt snack popcorn - lunch green salad avocado onion yogurt dressing and turkey - dinner - fish - broc - dessert ??? I think black cherry greek yogurt - almonds & oj ;0)

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Linda, yep I have classes this summer. Two weeks on campus, then a two credit online course. I'm doing preclass homework right now. Well okay, I should be doing preclass homework, but I am really not in the mood. I have two weeks of weather data to gather, then a month of solar and lunar observations. Not bad except you have to take observations on a regular basis. Right now I don't have a regular basis on anything.

More RIFing went on yesterday. We will lose 3 positions in the middle school. People are scared. I'm secure because I have been in the middle school the longest, But it means that everyone will have to have larger classes. We lost 2 positions in the elementary and I believe 2 positions in the high school, plus some of our classified staff. Basically we lost over 10% of our staff. Makes everyone grouchy and nervous.

No Linda I haven't had a chance to get a fill yet. Since I am out of sick days and the doc doesn't take paitents after 4 pm, I haven't figured out how to go about it yet.

Took the furries for another walk last night, their tongues were draggin. Came home and did a little yard work, then read most of the evening.

Well should get busy, ttfn

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I don't know if you heard about all the conterversity in Wi this spring, Karla, but what you're going through at your school is exactly what our governor was trying to avoid. By weakening the bargaining power of the unions it frees up the local school boards to determine wages, thus avoiding lay offs. of course, it's all theoretical, which is why it's such a hot topic! Times sure are changing!

Well, sadly, Candice and Peter have moved on :(. They're heading a bit south to Indiana, and then I think they'll head on home. We are just so blessed to have friends like them! I don't have to do a thing--they made sure the house is ready for the onslaught this weekend. I actually took a nap after they left--so spoiled am I.

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Linda, glad you got a nap and some good company. You are right, it helps to get our mind off ourselves. I finally called and made a fill appt, I have absolutely NO restriction. I ate a sandwich, I normally can't. I even forgot to chew and still no problem. Unfortunatley the earliest they can get me in is May 31st. My pants are getting tight, a lot of it seems to be gas, sorry, to much info. But my stomach is bloated like I was 8 months pregnant.

I have gone on a walk every day this week and have to work at the nursery this weekend, so that will help. I am starving, all I want to do is eat! I am way disappointed with myself! Also worked in the yard for an hour after the walk. Building more dripline. Another one down and 4 more to go!!!

I'm very frustrated with myself. If it doesn't move, I eat it. Hell the doxies are starting to look good. I am eating a lot of fruit and veggies and protien. But I can't stop eating.

Anyway, sorry to vent, I know I shouldn't go on....it will get better. Only 4 more weeks of school!!! yeah!

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Good Evening Gang..

Karla - some days you are just hungry - I ate a grill cheese for lunch - I don't need a fill (rye bread - havarti cheese) I was full - but I ate it w/no problem.. Now that you can get out and walk that's going to help - No saying you don't need a fill - but be very careful cuz it seems like the last 2 had to be removed - also - DON'T BUY THE CRAP !!! That's where you have to exercise your control - if it's not in the house you can't eat it.. That's what I do - I exercise control in the grocery store so I don't have to rely on will power when I am home - cuz at home i have NONE...

Linda - Glad you got to see Candice it's good for your soul.. There are still houses here for sale !!! one like mine for $171,000 (no pool) but you can always use mine ;0)

Karri - How are you feeling today

Phyl - where in the heck are you - have you had your bond scan - how's Jackie

Candice On the road again - how long till you get home

Well my heckit day - Joseph is suppose to come to take bmw back to MIL cuz she doesn't wnt it in her name anymore (her dh is behind this) the kids can't refi it cuz it has $100k - they have tried to sell it but haven't been able to - plus it's in MIL so kind of hard and they are upside down too - so they are taking car back to her and she can sell it.. Anyway - figured they would be here around 10ish - got call @ 5 that they weren't comming cuz guy who was going to help drive (joseph doesn't have a license) flaked and they are going to rent car to go back home and Kaitlin can't drive a rent a car - so this is after I spent $150 at the store for weekend food for them - food I don't eat - so then I was pissed - well then they call - I guess when Melissa gets off work at 7ish they will hit the road - so that means they wont be here till 2 a.m ish ... I have boot camp at 8 a.m. OMG - I hate this kind of crap - plus I am babysitting Andrews dog till he gets off work - poor thing has to stay outside cuz she and the cat aren't freinds lol... So she got some ck w/her dog food tonite ;0)..

Well that' s about it for me

All our schools are talking lay offs - police (riverside county sheriff - including our whole county) is talking about having to lay off 500 pple.. I really don't understand why now that when things are suppose to be looking up - there are more lay offs.. I guess it's all about the pension ?? Calpers that these pple are getting - got email from boss today saying that there are alot of pple in calpers getting $100k plus a year in their pension $12000 a month retirement - these are higher ups - but omg they are collecting the bucks - where as I will get like $1700 a month from SS when I'm 62 or maybe 65..

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Hi Everybody,

Janet- You are my idol!

Linda- What accent, Ey?

Ya'll all are welcome to come here, that's off course if we don't wash away. Which I pray we won't. The Water is serious high in the river! They say it has not been this high since 1927. That is before my Mom was born. If's that's true, that have NO clue what it will be like, or if the levees are high enough. They will open the Morganza spillway maybe tomorrow. They just said on the news it hasn't been open in 45 years. Imagine the people that have moved in that area in 45 years, having no clue they were in harm's way. That spillway will be opened to avoid flooding New Orleans. That will let the river north of us empty some into the gulf which will flood the Houma area, so if this happens Monday we will start hearing about people close to home flooding. Houma is only an hour away. We have family and friends there.

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Here I am! I've been reading, but just hiding and escaping to FB and silly games. Bummed over the knee stuff, but more so over Jacki's situation. Spot on T8 is NOT good news. Kind of a bad sign when it moves to bone. Her sister flew down there yesterday so they're having a good time... Red Hats, out to lunch, just enjoying.

Bone scan is Tuesday. I saw ortho doc on Monday and he referred me to back guy in their clinic. I saw him yesterday morning. So, now I am scheduled for injection in my back 8:30 a.m. on Tues. Then at 9:45 a.m. I have to be on the other side of Everett at the hospital for dye injection for the bone scan on my knee. Then I have to go back at 1 p.m. for the scan. Thurs 1 p.m. is echocardiogram and Friday morning follow-up w/ortho to review bone scan report. So doesn't that sound like a fun week?? Spine injection is supposed to be first of a series of three. I didn't know that when I agreed to it. I told the doc I didn't think the pain was bad enough to do that right now but he encouraged me to do it. And he said he'd fax orders for physical therapy to the place I went to last summer. Primary care doc was supposed to do that but I don't think it's happened because they haven't called me, and Monday afternoon dr's office fax machine was calling our phone over and over until I called and told them. So I think they were trying to fax the order to me instead of to the PT place!

Anyway.... today was grandson Charly's birthday, so we are going there for lunch to Celebrate his birthday tomorrow. And Sunday it's Lindsey's 21st birthday. She LOVES Red Robin and we take her every year since she's been here at the U of WA on her birthday. Last year I told her I'd buy her a drink on her birthday! So we're taking her there on Monday..... after I go to TOPS!!

Speaking of.... my stupid scale is So erratic, but it looks like I've lost at least 3 lb since we've been home, but the scale fluctuates between 3 and 7 lb down!!! So I take the highest weight... then if it's a lower number, I can be happily surprised. At any rate, the scale is going down.

Linda... congrats on your retirement! Wish we could all be there at your party to help celebrate!! We are coming through WI in August, so maybe we can stay at Te's on the way one night, and at your place on the way home. But..... only if you can handle Zoey and candy, too!! When we travel we've had success by confining Candy to one room by herself. Then she doesn't freak about being in a new place. I was surprised with how well she adapted to even a motel room when we came home for Christmas.

Well, it's almost midnight so I suppose I should go to bed.

Oh... what happy news. Showers moving in according to the weather report!! Geez! I guess one day of sunshine is all we're going to get for now!

Thinking of you Denise! And worried about our son. Hope they are paying attention to the flood reports. I think he has his trailer parked fairly close to the river. He told me on Mother's Day but I can't remember if he said 1 mile or if it was more. Painting trains down there.

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Well we made it to Arizona. It was an all night drive but we tag teamed and made it in time. Lee is in an interview right now for a Southern AZ school near Yuma (I think!). I don't care where we end up as long as he has a job. We have scrimped and saved all year and I get a big bonus for retiring early and I took out substantial student loans so we should be okay even if the pay isn't as great as he would like. Then the following year I will go back to work so it won't be an issue. We just need to survive next year!

On a good front, it turns out my lactose intolerance may not actually exist. I was getting sick every time I ate my sugar free pudding so I just assumed that since I had a problem with milk and the band that it was most likely the return of my lactose intolerance. However I was hungry and there were not any places to get food around here so I just got a glass of milk. Eventually I found Beans but I was able to sip on the milk with no problems. I'm wondering now if it was the whey Protein I was adding to the pudding or the sugar alcohols. I had to quit adding protein to my food as I was breaking out in hives and itching everywhere. My nutritionist said it can be a side effect so as soon as I stopped mixing it with everything my hives and itching went away!! Now I just have to be VERY careful about the foods that I eat because everything must be high in protein to make the goals they have given me. It will be much easier when I get to go to pureed foods next week and can add pureed tuna, pork and other meats. I don't think I have ever been this excited to eat meat!

Well I need to write a paper so I had best get going.

I'll let you know when I hear from Lee!


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Morning ladies,

Janet, I don't buy junk food. What I have been eating is 'real' food, just too much of it and too often. Yesterday was better. We where hopping at the nursery, so all I had time for was lunch and now inbetween meal snacking. All of my Snacks are either fruit or veggies. But I did eat some almond butter the other day when I was starving and you know how many calories it has!

It was almost 80 degrees yesterday, got a little burn on the shoulders, but it sure felt nice to be in the sun!!!!

Nothing much else going on just work, school, and homework for school. Been doing some reading!

Phyl, I know it is frustrating with the doc. Let us know when you find out if they can do surgery!

Candice, enjoy the rest of your trip. Have you been hitting some cool quilt shops?

Linda, it sounds like you have turned the corner, congrats on the retirement!!!

Janet, hoe you had a restful weekend!!

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Good Morning Peeps

Sorry been MIA -

Kids got here at 4 a.m Sat morn - boot camp at 8 came home made Breakfast - both Joseph's eyes were swollen - rash on belly - so instead of driving to El Centro - we went to ugrent care - dermities ?? He got steriods - antibotics - creams - got home around 3ish - cooked dinner - When I got home Kaitlin & her gf where in my bathroom getting pretty for what I don't know - but it was bugging me they just took over my bath room (i am so glad I had boys they don't get in your stuff) so I ended up kicking them out - then Had to tell her how come you didn't take out trash or make the couches back up after they had slept there - My house was clean friday nite (andrew came during the day) - now it's a mess - I love my kids - but hell I just saw them 2 weeks ago.. They are leaving around 4 I think today..

Karla - gald you got some sun.. You are most likely ok w/your food ;0)

Phyl - Hugs on Jackies condiion and yours - I know how it is - fb games mindless junk but they help I do them all the time..

Denise - why am I your idol -;0) praying you are safe from the floods

Candice - read on fb you are almost home?

Karri - How did DH intervew go - so are you going to have to switch to soy prt?? or just try and get it from reg food...

Linda - I know you had a busy weekend too - how are you doing

Well need to get dressed and get my weekend shopping done..


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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