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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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The puppy is an Australian Terrier, I researched a lot before I got him. I wanted the same personality as my Westie, but not fur I had to cut. He is a little smaller that the Westie, and brownish red. Candice says almost the same color as my hair.< /span>

Friday Jazz Fest was not the best day. Willie is getting old, 78, he doesn't really sing anymore, just talks his songs. We left early. I would have NOT walked out early on Tom. HELL NO!!!

Today I went back with a friend. We were front row for Cowboy Mouth, then he had to leave to catch his flight back to Boston, so I stayed by myself at the Jazz Fest (can you believe that?) to see Kid Rock. A friend that has been to more concerts than you can count told me he was one of the best shows she's seen. He was GREAT!!!!

He really put on a good show. Then I went to the gospel tent for a while, then the blue's tent for a while, then I l?eft. I bought a Bracelet with little dragonflies on it. One stabbed into my wrist, and I had to pull it out. OUCH!!!

Today was a great day at the fest! I just started to go last year, and I think this is gonna be a yearly thing. I had a blast!

I could not sleep last night, slept from about 2;30 To 5:30. I gotta go to bed. Back to work tomorrow.

Oh, and now the puppy has diareha (I can't spell that shit, no pun intended) Lord knows what he ate this time.

I have been walking all day, and jumping up and down, and rocking, I am sore!!!! But it was worth it!!!!

Hey there Denise: Glad you enjoyed the Jazz Festival so much. Willie Nelson let you down huh? Well, he is really old now...and run a hard life... too bad they still try to bilk you for ticket money though to see an ICON..that has faded... :-(

Poor Copper, what on earth is in his gut? Little turkey, he just has to put everything in HIS mouth still. Perhaps some of that towel still has to pass threw.

HOpe you get rested up in time for school tomorrow... Mondays suck LARGE.

Karla; You worked hard all day!! But your masters by July ^?^? that is so cool.. and a pay raise to boot... Good work!!

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Happy Mothers Days Peeps - Belated - I really didn't get on the computer yesterday - was out of the house by 9 - Winco - Target & Marshalls - got this painting set at Marshalls yesterday - and that's what I did once I got home - you all know how I say I want to paint - well that's what I did till 11 p.m. last nighty - they look like a kid did them - I need to learn to mix colors better and shadowing - but it's something I have alway wanted to do... I don't like Mothers Day anyway... Kids sent me flowers and card - Andrew was suppose to come by - but his work called - he called and ask if it was ok - I said of course go to work I know you need the $$$ - I was painting anyway and very invloved in that -

Bootcamp was fine - it was the time at my Uncle that exhausted me on Saturday - Had great visit with Uncle & cousin - learned that my great great grandma - who 1st married a johnson (my maternal grandma's last name was johnson) well I guess she remarried and she married a man name Wright - I think that's very interesting since my Dad is a wright - My maternal GGM was a full blooded Cheorkee Indian.. I have always known that - but that she married a wright and my mom married a wright ;))

I was bushed after that visit - I mean bushed - didnt get home till like 5 - hadn't eaten all day - (sorta rude of uncle not to feed us - but I did get all my liquids ice tea and water..) Great to see my Cousin Bobby..

Karri - Glad you are doing so well - LOL that the port site is still a pain in the side LOL - Yep I remember that - 150 will be a good weight for you 1/2 every 4 hrs - ya gotta love that..

Denise - Kid Rock is great - I like him.

Karla - Glad you are getting your tile - your nursey job will be ok

Candice Wanna Bee trailer park - LOL

Well it's Monday another work week = lets see I'm off in like 2 weeks - taking thurs friday off the weekend of Memeroial weekend so I will have like 5 days ;0) Cb

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Happy Mothers Days Peeps - Belated - I really didn't get on the computer yesterday - was out of the house by 9 - Winco - Target & Marshalls - got this painting set at Marshalls yesterday - and that's what I did once I got home - you all know how I say I want to paint - well that's what I did till 11 p.m. last nighty - they look like a kid did them - I need to learn to mix colors better and shadowing - but it's something I have alway wanted to do... I don't like Mothers Day anyway... Kids sent me flowers and card - Andrew was suppose to come by - but his work called - he called and ask if it was ok - I said of course go to work I know you need the $$$ - I was painting anyway and very invloved in that -

Bootcamp was fine - it was the time at my Uncle that exhausted me on Saturday - Had great visit with Uncle & cousin - learned that my great great grandma - who 1st married a johnson (my maternal grandma's last name was johnson) well I guess she remarried and she married a man name Wright - I think that's very interesting since my Dad is a wright - My maternal GGM was a full blooded Cheorkee Indian.. I have always known that - but that she married a wright and my mom married a wright ;))

I was bushed after that visit - I mean bushed - didnt get home till like 5 - hadn't eaten all day - (sorta rude of uncle not to feed us - but I did get all my liquids ice tea and water..) Great to see my Cousin Bobby..

Karri - Glad you are doing so well - LOL that the port site is still a pain in the side LOL - Yep I remember that - 150 will be a good weight for you 1/2 every 4 hrs - ya gotta love that..

Denise - Kid Rock is great - I like him.

Karla - Glad you are getting your tile - your nursey job will be ok

Candice Wanna Bee trailer park - LOL

Well it's Monday another work week = lets see I'm off in like 2 weeks - taking thurs friday off the weekend of Memeroial weekend so I will have like 5 days ;0) Cb

Morning everyone; Well temperature is 50F... so back into Canadian Clothes!!! We are inching our way back home to Canada....ever so slowly.. My Mom isoo.k... spoke to her yesterday. MY Sister is back from Mexico too... so she stopped in to Visit my Mom... its also my Mom's 89th Birthday in a few days!!! Gosh, I can't beleive she is that old...such a trouper!

But it is nice to know that longevity runs in my family :-) her other remaining sisters are 87 and 80, and a brother is 82 yrs old...thats all that remain of the 9 children born to Scottish Immegrants. I am an 8th generation Canadian. A second or third cousin of mine is a historian (dah!) and she researched the family tree and published a book on it... Very cool, glad I got a copy of it ... as this cousin is very, very old too. On my Fathers's side of the family.. it is mostly English immegrants, although on that side I am only 2nd generation Canadian. My Pat. GF came to Canada to be a Blacksmith in 1890's,,,,,

Well, more exploring today... drinking my first coffee of the day with my SF Hazelnut Coffee Mate... alright you yanks, you have converted me!!! No more milk in my coffee, but I still have to have MILK in my tea.... can't ruin it with coffee mate.

Janet; before I leave the states, but am closer to home I am going to buy myself a case of the liquid parkay spray!!!!! PLus, I found ZESTRA at Walmart here... &8.49 cents a box vs. $13.59 at home in Canada. sheesh... is it all shipping differences????

Well thats about it for now... have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning! It's been a busy few days! I've started a post several times only to be interrupted or distracted! And then I have this lap ornament that doesn't like me typing on my key board. But I have kept up with your posts.

Ortho appointment this morning and have to leave in an hour, so must keep this short so I can drink my coffee and read the paper.

Had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend and hope all of you did too! Loved the "Stories from The Shack" last night and Danny Gokey was GREAT!!

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Haven't forgotten you, just had a wild weekend. Did I tell you guys that my son, Luke and whis wife, Nicole were in an accident a couple weeks ago? So, of course my DH had to get the car so he could fix it, thus allowing Luke and Nicole to pocket the insurance money. They live in Minneapolis, so early Saturday am we took off. It's about a 6 hour drive. Mel was able to get the car in a somewhat drive- able condition Saturday afternoon, so we all went out to dinner. After ordering drinks, Nicole shoves a Mother's Day card in my hand. I opened it to find an ultrasound picture and recording of their baby's heartbeat! Yup, another grand baby in November. From that point on, Luke never stopped smiling for the rest of the weekend. Oh sooooo happy is he! If your counting, that's number 3! We drove back yesterday afternoon/evening, and I was sore and tired, but it was a good. They'll be coming here next weekend for my retirement party; I'm getting spoiled getting to see them so many times.

Still using the cane, and restrictions are still in place, but the good news is that my doctor gave me another month of work release, so I guess I'm officially done. Feels good, but I feel guilty at the same time. I didn'T Think I would be off this long and I would have been able to finish things up. Guess not.

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Seriously, ladies??? KID ROCK???

Isn't he the guy who is so crude many stores won't even sell his CDs???? C'mon!!

Haven't forgotten you, just had a wild weekend. Did I tell you guys that my son, Luke and whis wife, Nicole were in an accident a couple weeks ago? So, of course my DH had to get the car so he could fix it, thus allowing Luke and Nicole to pocket the insurance money. They live in Minneapolis, so early Saturday am we took off. It's about a 6 hour drive. Mel was able to get the car in a somewhat drive- able condition Saturday afternoon, so we all went out to dinner. After ordering drinks, Nicole shoves a Mother's Day card in my hand. I opened it to find an ultrasound picture and recording of their baby's heartbeat! Yup, another grand baby in November. From that point on, Luke never stopped smiling for the rest of the weekend. Oh sooooo happy is he! If your counting, that's number 3! We drove back yesterday afternoon/evening, and I was sore and tired, but it was a good. They'll be coming here next weekend for my retirement party; I'm getting spoiled getting to see them so many times.

Still using the cane, and restrictions are still in place, but the good news is that my doctor gave me another month of work release, so I guess I'm officially done. Feels good, but I feel guilty at the same time. I didn'T Think I would be off this long and I would have been able to finish things up. Guess not.

Wow! Your recovery is not going as well as I thought it would! You certainly have had some struggles!! But, glad you don't have to go back to work. Ortho doc told me this morning that he's not sure he can do anything for me. He's sending me for a bone scan. If it confirms that hardware in the right knee, the partial, has loosened, then he'll convert it to a total but it will be a difficult surgery and a more difficult recovery than the left knee. If it doesn't show failure, then there's nothing he can do for me! GREAT news either way!! Every visit he tells me that they never should have done a partial in the first place, especially since I was 100+ lb heavier. He said the hardware is too small to support all that weight. They should have done a total and not a partial.

More bad news.... when our good friend, Jacki, had her CT/PET scans 2 weeks ago, showed no liver cancer, which they were worried about because her liver enzymes were elevated, BUT, spot showed up near T8 on her spine and her tumor marker blood work is up, so... more chemo has been added.

But... on to brighter stuff... CONGRATS on the new grandchild, Linda!! Good Mother's Day news!!

I had a GREAT Mother's Day weekend. Lots of good stuff... flowers, movie gift cards, mani/pedi, phone call from Steve!

Hope you're all having a wonderful Monday!

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Hi guys, quick check in..

Linda congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know how much you love those grandbabies.

Janet, I understand the Mother's Day thing. I have always just asked my kids to come and spend some time in the yard getting it ready for summer. But this year...not happening, nor a card, but I imagine those are with the birthday cards, Okay I being a witch.

Actually I have a Migraine, so I'm going to take my meds and climb into bed. Can't even read, I'm too sensitive to light. I usually don't get Migraines, but I had junk food yesterday, so I imagine it has triggered something.

See you all in the a.m.

Safe travels Candice, how is Bridget doing?

Phyl, keep us informed!!

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Good Evening Gang..

CONGRATULATIONS LINDA !!! You are catching up w/me :0) - 3 is enough for me ;0) What a great Mother's Day Gift !!! Glad you are progressing with the hip

Don't feel gulity - you put in your time...

Phyl - Well can't you get a 2nd opionion ??? Why would the surgery be harder than the last one ??? Prayers for Jackie - she's one tough cookie - she will be this..

Kid Rock - ya he has explict songs - but they all do - He's sexy and has a good voice - I do like some of his songs - But I like the forget you song - which on satalitte it's F U - those are the real words but they clean it up for radio..

Well not much to report - work - gym - home - got my fish wrapped and in the freezer - broc steaming - then will cook my fish - and that's about it - need to go watch apprentice from last nite..

Karla how was your day at school

Candice - I use the sf flavor Creamers not milk - you gotta get in the 2000's ;0) I go back and forth between the hazelnut - and vanilla - I like southern pecan too but haven't seen it sf in a long time..

Well time to feed the animals...

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Well was in bed before 8:30 last night and slept the night through, must have been tired. I will probably repeat that tonight and see if I can get caught up.

Phyl, I'm with Janet, check out a second opinion. Although I know it can be hard to get.

Candice, I love the Creamers, but I want about double the serving size and that puts it into too many calories, even with the low fat or sugar free. But currently I am drinking mainly tea.

Rained most of the day yesterday. Our ground needed it, it sure was drying out fast.

Have a good one.

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Good Morning

Karla - I hear you on getting your rest - I love it when I sleep thru the night... I don't use that much Creamer my coffee still looks like coffee not a mug of milk ;0)

Not much to report - dinner - fish & veggies - popcorn - skinny cow bed

Windy here - last week in the 100's yesterday 77 = 80's today..

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Hi All,

Congratulations Linda!!

Janet, I'm not a Kid fan, well I wasn't before I saw him, but I was told he does a great show, and he DOES!!!

He wasn't nasty. He asked us if he could say a curse word. He doesn't sing the FU song, that's Cee Lo Green. I love that song. If you haven't seen the video, look at it on utube, it's hilarious!

He did sing a song about being 40 this year, it was hysterical. I'm gonna google to see if I can find it.

The river is SCARY down here. It won't crest till the 23rd. I don't know how the hell they figure that out. It's gonna be bad. A lot of people are going to flood. I'm gonna get DH to go walk on the levee with me tomorrow to see it.

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Denise - Hugs & Prayers for all those affected by the flooding hoping for divine intervention - Ya I know Cee Lo sings the FU song - I love it ;0) - He's a weird charecter - I watch him on the voice - a throw back from the 70's - Kid Rock is sexy !!!

Well gang as usual not much to report - food today - bf - pt shake - snack popcorn - lunch fish/veggie - dinner is going to be something mexican - maybe chilli rellenos w/o the breading - or maybe taco - don't know yet - I have been feeling a lot better lately and think I was exercising too much - not having enough down time - well 4 days a week isn't a lot - but cutting it back to 2 - 3 is giving me more time - and i am the kind of person who needs their down time..

Phyl - When do you go for your bone scan

Karri - How are you feeling - how long on liquids - how much weight have you lost so far

Karla - How was school today - summer is almost here

Candice - Where are you today..

Linda - are you beading..

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A glorious day yesterday. I came home and took the furries for a walk! Stopped at the city offices and asked about the flood warnings and whether my house is at risk. They said it was a possibility. So today I am going to check into flood insurance. Janet, is that something you can buy for a few months or do you have to buy it for a year?

Nothing much else going on. Trying to work on some homework, but I am feeling sluggish, not in the mood.

Candice how far are you from home?

Linda, I know that you wish you were there to wrap things up, but healing is more important.

Phyl, when do you have the bone scan?

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Yesterday I felt great...today I feel like donkey poop!! I'm more tired than anything and it isn't because I haven't been sleeping. I usually take a nap after work and then go to bed by 9 but I just haven't been able to wake up today and I am really achy. So I am taking a half day off of work today. It is more money that I can't afford but I'm not going to kill myself for this job.

I have lost 4 pounds in the first week since surgery but I'm still swollen so I have probably lost a bit more than that. I lose about 1/2 pound a day. I might not lose that much today as I don't plan on getting out of bed once I get home! Well I will have to go for my afternoon walk but other than that I have been on my feet since Monday. I'm not going to lose weight quite as fast as a typical bypass patient because I am not starting out at a typical bypass patient high. I was less than 200 pounds which is not exaclty normal for a bypass patient. My doctor wants me to get to goal weight within 6 months because that is the "honeymoon" period of malabsorbtion. Since I have less than 40 pounds to go, that shouldn't be a problem. At 6 weeks out I can start to run again so I will do the couch-to-5k and hopefully get back into running in time to do some of the fall 5K's.

On a good note Lee has an interview today with a district in Phoenix so hopefully he will be employed today and I will be on my way to unemployment!! Well at least not PAID employment. It will give me more time to focus on the online curriculum and my doctoral classes! Plus I will probably sub...at least that is what Lee keeps telling me that I will be doing!

Gotta go...class starting soon.


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Karri; I am glad you are hopeful about Lees job prospects... good news on that front for sure... I cant'\ beleive you are back to work already though girl!! You are a TROUPER for sure. Good job on the walking and weightloss.

Phyl; Man that doctor shoudl be shot , that messed up your knee... I am going to pray that there is enough bone to alllow for the second and complete knee replacement for you...How is Earl? Is he busy still unpacking the RV? Are you settling in to Everett? Are you missing your down south buddies? How many beaded bracelets have you made recently... or have I just missed all the pics on Facebook?

Sorry, I've had intermittant WiFi while traveling so I havnt been as good as keeping in touch with FACEBOOK. I'll do better once home.... and I'll be back on my Lapband wagon too... so that always makes for more COMPUTER time, as it is far away from the kitchen!! LOL

Denise: be safe, and take care walking on those levees!!!! I hope the waters all recede soon.... how is your Harvey canal?

Janet: 3 x per week working out at the gym is GREAT, especially when you WORK as HARD as you do while there.... Maybe your body is just talking to you... But it was worthwhile to get yourself a complete physial... HUGS on doing that.. I know you hate doctors, can't blame you for that...

Karla; you are worried about flooding in Montana too? gosh... its just bad everywhere this spring.... Did you get all your underground tubing done for your plants.?

We stopped in Sheboygan for a couple of days then we are homeward bound... following a brief stop in Shipshiwana, Indiana.... the worlds biggest flea market!! \Whoo-hoo more shopping. Linda is getting ready for her big Retirement party next week.


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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