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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Morning ladies, I agree with Janet, I love the virgin comment.

Came home last night and worked on my drip system. Hope to get it going soon, managed to set up one flower bed. After that, tried to eat some dinner, but I was having amajor anxiety attack, so dinner didn't go down well. I am just feeling overwhelmed. I wish the world would stop for a couple days and I could get off. So bailed on dinner, had some kashi and yogurt later, read, did laundry, fixed the door that was trying to fall off and went to bed. I'm just tired, Over 6 weeks working 7 days a week always takes it tole about this time of year. I'll take a day off from the nursery when DD#2 comes up so we can lay tile.

Well, short night and long day ahead, so I best get at it, TTFN

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Good morning,

I am at the hospital. I don't check in until 8:30 but Lee had to drop me off before heading to work. He isn't going to come back tonight because gas is killing us! That's fine though because if I had gone to Mexico he wasn't going to come.

I have a paper to write this morning before I head into surgery so I had best get busy. I probably won't be posting here for a little bit because I'm sure I will be too tired to post in both spots.


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Good Morning Peeps

Karri - Hugs Hugs & prayers for safe surgery and speedy recovery !!! I will ck fb to see what Lee post.. I know that you must be so happy to have all this behind you - don't know how you are writing a paper - nerves get to me before surgery... Don't think I could consintrate..

Karla - Hugs to gf - yep you need a week of no computer - no work - just doing stuff you want to do..

food yesterday - pt shake for bf w/fake peanutbutter & banana - lunch salad w/turkey - dinner - taco meat Beans avocado and then some yogurt (greek lemon w/whipped cream cheese) gym 1 hrs of arms

Still no answers on blood work - will call today

Linda - sure hope you are feeling better - vicoden is ugly - good thing it doesn't agree w/me (makes me sick to my stomach when I take a 2nd one)

Phyl - were in the heck are you

Candice - Where are you (what state ;0)

Denise - hope the a/c gets fixed

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Hi girls, this will be short, in MCdonalds using WIFI stayed at a fairgrounds lastnight to ride out the T-storms.... holy crap glad this is all NORTH of us.... \\

On to Memphis Tn today, seeing some miuseiums first... my nails are so long I can't type well.... sorry

Kari, good luck on surgery.

Linda, I am not avoiding fattening foods, I am enjoying the Southern experience food wisse.... oh my gosh... catfish are my main staple, oh and Shrimp....

but everything, and I mean EVErything IS FRIED...

I am going on Denise's plan when I get home...

LOVE to you all

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Hi everyone, stopped for the night , just south of Memphis, Tn. We will explore there tomorrow, perhaps for a couple of days. THe flooding around here, and to the west to the Mississippi River is just terrible.. These poor folks, they don't need more trouble.

This town we passed thru TUNICA, MS, is a gambling Haven, just 45 mins south of Memphis... 4 or 5 very large Vegas Style casinos... alll under Water today... they are CLOSED for 4 weeks until the river crests... terrible for their economy down here...

Found a NICE r.v. spot today... (phew, thanks passport America!) WE have laundry (done) excellent WiFi (thanks!) and clean, clean, clean restrooms and Showers (yeah!)

We might stay 2 nights here... before progressing north again. I want to stop at Shipshiwana in Indiana (I think) and do some serious shopping while there...

Linda: we are having BBQ'd Brats tonight on the barby... YUM... I can hardly wait.... onto my 2nd glass of wine...

Made SURE I bought my WINE before we hit Kentucky, don't want THAT experiance again!!! :rolleyes:

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Linda, I avoid vicodane as well, not because it makes me ill like Janet, but because I REALLY like it. I can tell I would become addicted in a heart beat.

Stressful day at work today, community is voting whether to pass the levy or not. If it doesn't pass many personel will lose jobs and I can kiss any classroom monies goodbye. It is also teacher appreceation (sp) week and in the middles school we are sitting here without any recognitions. High School gets a luncheon, brunch, and treats in their boxes everyday. Elementary get something everyday, from a gift bag to a tree. So I guess we don't exist. Not that I really want the stuff, but I would like the acknowledgement that we exist. All so got an email from the person in charge of a Water education program that I have been accepted into for the summer of 2012, I get material, credits, and $200 a day for a week. Well, evidently my superintendent has not approved my being allowed to participate. He has only had a month to decide. I finally stopped him and told him that the program needed a yes or a no, but they have to have an answer. His response..."Well how many days are you going to miss from school," (the program pays the district for any subs that are needed). Are you kidding me, you had a month to ask me that question, or even better, read the darn information they sent you.

Okay enough bitching.

Came home and vacumned my car out. I had hauled a big pot of dirt home from work this weekend and evidently when I had the window open a whirlwind occured and spread the dirt everywhere.

Talked with DD#1 in New York, and she was telling me about the 2 tornadoes they had. Scarey.

Has anyone heard from Phyl? Candice safe travels. Eat a catfish for me. I am going to try to find some next time I am in town.

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I'm getting really fed up with this new laptop. Seem to be forever accidentally hitting keys that do weird things! Just lost my post AGAIN!! Frustrating and annoying. It happens almost every day and usually when I'm almost finished typing a long post! Then I get mad and don't feel like typing it all over again!

I think my external keyboard is still in the RV. May have Earl get it for me. Can plug it in to a USB port and use that instead.

Still trying to get unpacked. Yesterday I saw my primary care doctor. She gave me Rx for NSAIDS that she says is easier on the stomach..... Meloxicam. She said its been around for a while but I never heard of it. She said I can go back to my therapy place and she'll sign whatever they order! Glad for that because they'll supervise me exercising in the pool for an hour a couple of times a week.

Today we both had dental appointments, too. Next week I see the ortho doc.

So that about sums up where I've been and what I've been up to!! Still have to get dog and cat to the vet, too.

Linda, glad you're able to get out and walk.

Wonder how Karri is doing tonight. She posted photo of I.V. on FB! Saw that a little bit ago.

Janet....... DOCTOR??????

Karla..... really frustrating to hear about some of the things the school pays for and others that it denies!! Doesn't make any sense.

Candice..... enjoying the photos, etc. of your road trip! Looks like fun! Especially the time in New Orleans with Denise. We're all jealous!!

Denise..... my Zoey puts everything in her mouth, too. She especially likes to eat paper and kleenex! Day we got home we had dinner at youngest daughter's. She's not a great housekeeper and has 3 kids under 10 yrs old so we have to watch her closely when we're there. Forgot for a few minutes and found her lounging by the kids' bedroom doors chewing up a purple crayon!!

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Good Evening Gang

Karri must have made it through surgery - cuz she's posting on FB LOL - Karri - glad you are well enough to try an text LOL with that IV LOL - you and phyl - always gotta be connected LOl

Phyl - I didn't get a chance to call today - will call tomorrow - I think I need a new doc - type your post in word then past here - I don't really care for my key board either - you get use to your old one ;0) I will have to google that med - cuz tylenol just doesn't cut it sometimes..

Candice - What's Denise's plan?? Yep in the south everything is fired - but I bet you can find some healthy stuff now and then expecially if you are cooking on your barbie ;0) Have some good bbq in tenn ;0)

Karla - Work is a bitch - I hear you on that one..

Well I didnt have gym tonite so stopped to get oil changed - well needed this flushed - that flushed - a tuneup (I have 16 spark plugs aka Hemi) well I got flushed too o;) $900 later - thank God I got my State refund today - but gotta say the car is runing like new... The tuneup was $380 alone.. Don't think I had one since I got the car - so I guess I'm set for another 30,000 miles

food today

2 hard boiled eggs for bf - lunch - green salad & turkey - dinner - 1 taco w/beans - snack - ???

To nite is the Voice - great show !!!!

Well it's already 7:30 gotta feed the dogs -

Linda - How are you feeling today??

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Kerri, glad you made it out of surgery ok. I'll have to go ocer to FB to gewt the update

Phyl, yeah, you made it home o.k.... yes, when you have a new keyboard it can makee you nuts.... PETER just fixed my laptop tody=ay... I've been typing with WEIRD key setupsa for a long time.... HAH, now I have to re-get-used-to it.... all over agian :angry: I didn't ask him to, he just went ahead and changed MY computer!!!:blink:

Today, was laundry day in the camper...hee,hee so fashioned a makeshift clothes line INDOORs... to bungy cords strung together, attached to opposing walls in the RV... you just had to duck and weave to cook supper!!!! LOL

Talkd to my dBROTHER ON Skype today, he found some contract work flying over in Hong Kong for one month, so he is happy again!

So that takes us off the hook for NOT visiting Him in FLA...

Janet, what happened with the Doc? you never explained

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Janet, I'm with Candice, what went on with the doc? Or is it that after a week he STILL hasn't returned you call with your lab results. Remember, you are paying him, and it isn't worth your time or money if he isn't meeting your needs.

Phyl, thanks for the info on the NSAID, my arthritus is horrid lately. Wake up every night with shoulder/back pain. My hands don't want to work. So next time I go to the doc I'm going to check it out.

Quiet night last night. I read for most of the evening. There is definitely something said for curling up with a good book and a cup of tea.

Candice, look at all that room!! I love your camper!! You must really be enjoying the space. Does it have bathroom facilities?

You all have a great day!!

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Good Morning

Nope the doc hasn't called - I will call today - I am feeling pretty good - I really think I was over doing it - exercise wise.. Right now just doing weight training 2 x week and then boot camp on Sat Morning..

Watched t.v. Vioce & bed - now another day ;0) Glad to wake up this a.m

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I'm getting really fed up with this new laptop. Seem to be forever accidentally hitting keys that do weird things! Just lost my post AGAIN!! Frustrating and annoying. It happens almost every day and usually when I'm almost finished typing a long post! Then I get mad and don't feel like typing it all over again!

I think my external keyboard is still in the RV. May have Earl get it for me. Can plug it in to a USB port and use that instead.

Still trying to get unpacked. Yesterday I saw my primary care doctor. She gave me Rx for NSAIDS that she says is easier on the stomach..... Meloxicam. She said its been around for a while but I never heard of it. She said I can go back to my therapy place and she'll sign whatever they order! Glad for that because they'll supervise me exercising in the pool for an hour a couple of times a week.

Today we both had dental appointments, too. Next week I see the ortho doc.

So that about sums up where I've been and what I've been up to!! Still have to get dog and cat to the vet, too.

Linda, glad you're able to get out and walk.

Wonder how Karri is doing tonight. She posted photo of I.V. on FB! Saw that a little bit ago.

Janet....... DOCTOR??????

Karla..... really frustrating to hear about some of the things the school pays for and others that it denies!! Doesn't make any sense.

Candice..... enjoying the photos, etc. of your road trip! Looks like fun! Especially the time in New Orleans with Denise. We're all jealous!!

Denise..... my Zoey puts everything in her mouth, too. She especially likes to eat paper and kleenex! Day we got home we had dinner at youngest daughter's. She's not a great housekeeper and has 3 kids under 10 yrs old so we have to watch her closely when we're there. Forgot for a few minutes and found her lounging by the kids' bedroom doors chewing up a purple crayon!!

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Hi Phyl, I ve been on ghag drug too. I up here they call it Celebrex or Vioxx ,,, works well for me too... I sometimes take a a Zantac with it just to be sure its easy on my stomach... but you should notice a big improvement in couple of dayss.

Just had to cut my bangs this a.m. they were gettng in my eyes.... ahgf, now PETER IS VACCUMMING because I made such a mess of the camper.... ah nbever mind that Bridget walks in and out of here with 4 paws carrying dirt all day !!!!!

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Good Evening Gang

Well you all know my blood test came back EXCELLENt - cholestoral very good - vitimans just fine - nothing wrong with my blood - just old age I guess

Phyl - I would suggest taking nasid on empty stomach - then eat so that it doesn't sit in your pouch - I take advil occassionally - but I will only take it on empty stomach - I don't have stomach issues never have - but I think I test my band enough am afraid to push the limits too far.

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Hi Everyone,

Janet- glad your test came out OK.

Puppy still putting everything in his mouth. He pooped a wad of chewed up towel. I hope it all came out OK. I may have to make him stay in his kennel with no towel when I put him in there. What else can I put that he won't chew up? He's loco! ( It's Cinco de mayo)

Saw Karri's post on FB, sounds like she's doing well.

Candice- are you seeing any flooding? Record highs on the Mississippi, we have to open our spillway to avoid flooding. Predicting crest at 19 with spillway open. Our levees are built to protect to 20 feet.

Going to Jazz Fest tomorrow to see Willie Nelson. I was gonna take a 1/2 day, but my boss asked me to go on a field trip to the fest with some students. So I'll go with them, and just stay there when they leave.

A lot of schools are taking kids tomorrow. I hope they don't tick me off. Kids everywhere, yuck!

I'll just hide under a tree till they leave. Willie comes on after 5. That dude that sings that country song, You shoulda seen it in color, comes on before Willie. I wanna see him too. I thought Montgomery Gentry sang that. But it's Jamey Johnson. I checked out some of his songs, he's good!

I typed a message last night, but I couldn't finish cause bookit.com called me. I was waiting for a call, cause they screwed up my booking. They also charged me 417.00 for a booking modication. I said, "Ahhh What?????"nnI didn't modify my booking, you made my booking." I did it over the phone. WTH

They said they will have to investigate that. So we'll see if they fixed it, or they can investigate me telling credit card company to deny payment.

I was on the phone Sat. for 1 hour making the reservation. Last night, over 1 hour, trying to fix it.

So I gotta go call them again, and see if they fixed it. Talk about a damn hot mess! Dis is Loco!

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