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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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hi everyone, just getting all caught up with the posts of the last several days.... Denise showed us a fabuous time, New Orleans is Awesome, Awesome, Awesome... Cant wait to go back there some day!!!

Ronny (Denise`s DH) is an absolute doll!!!! And they were so much fun to hang with. Southern hospitality is everything you`ve heard and Then SOME!!! Denise`s DD and SIL to be were a real treat to meet. They were so much fun to be with and they didn`t mind partiing with us OLD FOLKS... and today, I am feeling 55!!!! OMG we partied like nobodies business. and thew things we SAW out on the street in N.O. was , well indiscribable... I`ll have pictures for you all once I get organized and I`ll put them up on Facebook, much easier than on this web sitew anymore....

Karla, hugs on the paper, I know how hard you work on it. Chin up girl

Linda; so happy to see you posting... you must be feeling a bit better eh? I hope so.

Janet so glad you are getting your results soon, keep us posted.... we love you!!!

Kerri; Soon all the waitng will be over... it will be worth it to be on the WL road again.

Phyl, your trip is sounding good, no driving problems eh.... relaxing trip, that is nice... soon you`ll be home in your own little bed again... and close to Tracy & Jim...

Stephie; I know you are out there lurking.... keeping busy with your new addiction aren`t you???

Briget is really pooped out today... she had so much fun playing with Denise`s doggie COPPER... what a sweet dog.... I can see why she loves him so much.... a real cutie pie.

THe Plantations, French Quarter are beyond discription... it was just so incredible to expericne everything... oh and did Denise tell you? I can such the head off a crawfish!!! Just like a Louisianian!!! LOL

You know, it was so great meeting Denise in the FLESH. as I meet all of you in person, its so awesome that it seems like we`ve all, just ALWAYS been friends... I am so very blessed to have you ALL in my life....

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Denise, I really don't care if I lose any more weight, I am slightly below what Dr. Ortiz recommended, I want to maintain. I can maintain as long as I don't become obsessive. When that happens all I want to do is eat. So with my new mindset food is back on track. It may not always be solids, but it seems to work for me. Tonight I am having curry coconut chicken a a tiny bit of rice. Yep I know I should add veggies, but I had a good serving of raw carrots for snack. These are the things the doc doesn't want me to eat, carrots, blueberries, grapes because they are too high on the glycemic scale. But if I don't snack on sweet things I go for the chocolate. I tried eggs for lunch today and I almost puked them up after 2 bites. So went for popcorn. Again this would be things the doc doesn't approve of. But, what I did before worked so I'm sticking with it!!! And yes, I can handle it if you all yell. I am working on adding more solids, but I love my Blueberries/Kashi/light & fit yogurt for Breakfast. I have added deli meat and a small piece of cheese for lunch, but I also love cheese and apples for lunch. AGAIN too high on the glycemic index.

I am mostly over the grade issue, time to move on.

Came home and quilted. My carpenter fixed my kitchen drain. I now have 2 sinks again!!!! He started ripping out the bathroom walls. I found a devine tile for the bathroom, so I will email it to you all to get your opinion.

Well glad everyone is enjoying their trips. Linda, hang in there. Is there some type of handwork you could do. I crocheted 20 hats during recovery. It was mindless, but kept me from going bonkers.

Enjoy your evening. Janet, what's up?

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Good Evening Gangs

Linda - Hugs Hugs Hugs - you need just healthy food - have someone go get you Pure Protein Grape Shots (you too Karla)- I found them at Target over the weekend - 25 grams pt - 110 calories - I put them in the fridge - then pour them over ice and add some Water - grape koolaide - Yep the car trip might not have been the best thing..

Denise - One of these days I will take you up on your invite - NO is somewhere I have always wanted to go...

Candice - Ronnie is a hunk ;0) I have told this to Denise before LOL Glad you had a good time

Phyl - I haven't been feeling 100% for a while - I never got around to calling doc today - they never called - I think on Wed they only work till noon - will call tomorrow for sure - the pain issue has been a while - at 1st my IT band - then thights now it's moved to my shins - I just am pooped - sorta blah - will call tomorrow I promise.

Karla - Girl just do what works for you - my bf was popcorn and pt shot - lunch cobb salad - dinner will be fish & veggies - have you have you had your blood tested lately??? I think your mood may be like mine - lack of vitimans... Just lie to the doc about what you are eating - you have lost your weight - so just do what works for you... Get the pt shots (they are low in sugar) and use them to boost your pt.

Well had gym tonite - again tomorrow - then Sat morning...

Going to have to look for the fb pic.

Oh ya - Watch the Voice - NBC at 9 cali time - it's a GREAT show - great singers !!!!

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Good Morning Peeps

Seems like this week is flying by - it's Thursday !!! Only 1 more day..

Not much to report - watched Idol - then bed..

Have gym at 6 to nite - arms


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Janet, did you hear from your Doctor yet?

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Just finished a short walk outside. Too cold and windy to stay outside very long, but the fresh air was good and I made it around the cul- du-sac, so that's progress.

Candice, have you ever been anywhere that you didn't love? You just seem to find the best in everything and enjoy being in the moment. Your joy is infectious. Lucky Denise to get to show you around. She sure sounds like she'd fit right in the next time we all get together. Denise, stay connected!

Janet, did you call the doctor?

Karla, I'm trying to learn how to bead--Phyl got me started, I might feel up to it next week, I was just too tired and doped up to concentrate on anything. I have a couple of books i'vve been wanting to read too.

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Just finished a short walk outside. Too cold and windy to stay outside very long, but the fresh air was good and I made it around the cul- du-sac, so that's progress.

Candice, have you ever been anywhere that you didn't love? You just seem to find the best in everything and enjoy being in the moment. Your joy is infectious. Lucky Denise to get to show you around. She sure sounds like she'd fit right in the next time we all get together. Denise, stay connected!

Janet, did you call the doctor?

Karla, I'm trying to learn how to bead--Phyl got me started, I might feel up to it next week, I was just too tired and doped up to concentrate on anything. I have a couple of books i'vve been wanting to read too.

LInda: WHoo-hoo... good job on walking the culdesac..how did you feel afterward? You are doing well, trying a bit more every day.

Have I ever been anywhere that I didnt' LOVE? hummmm yup, North Dakota!! LOL...folks there not too friendly.

Oh yeah, and Shannon Mississippi, the RV park manager did NOT like Canadians and told us so!!!

Oh Denise is so cool. I just LOVE her accent, and they have some pretty cool 'sayings' down south... HOT MESS was one of my favorites!!!

oh yeah and Denise's version of how the world will come to an end...... Alfred Hitchcocks BIRDS are all going to peck out eyes out and peck us to death.... OMG it was SO funny when she says it....

Karla, what are you up to today? Janet? you are being quiet girl.

Phyl, still traveling or she is partying with friends.

Stephanie. has a new cat? is that right????? oh yeah, and she is becoming a QUILTING nut-case!!!

Kerri? well she's out there lurking somewhere... common home girls... and post

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No I never called the doc today - got too busy at work.. Hell if it was bad like I was going to die - they would call.. Feel good today - legs sore from work out last night ..

Not quite really - I can't post at work and hell everyone post about once a day - except for me and Karla - usually Morning and Night.

Not much going on - work - home - gym - tv - crocheting - dogs & cat... No drama LOL Just the way I like it ...

Were told today no more furloughs - shucks - I liked have 1 free day off a month LOL - Guess I can use the $$$ with the price of gas going up $4.21

food today - BF String cheese - lunch - Fish/Veggie - dinner Fish/Veggie - snack ??? popcorn ??? SF Ice Cream ??? Oj & Almond - Oh ya - just ate a black cherry greek yogurt 150 calories - Have Gym @ 6

Linda - Glad you got out of the house - cold - hell 96 today and sunny - but the winds are suppose to blow tonite 90 tomorrow and 85 Saturday 90 Sunday.. Pool will be ready soon with these warm days..

Candice - Yep I know that Denise would be a kick in the butt - So there are pple out there who don't like Canadian - how stupid - they like your $$$ that's what I would have told them

Ya Denise - I wish you would pop in more - I love hearing all your stories

Karri - How you doing

Karla - How was your day - what did you eat today - if you need ideas of what to put in your food diary - I'll give you a list

Egg beaters 1/4 cup w/1/3 cup 2% Cheese

4 0z of pt (chicken) 1/2 cup Veggies

Snack String Cheese

Dinner - 4 oz fish - 1/2 cup salad w/lite dressing

Snack - SF pudding

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I would like to get up to see the Royal Wedding. I am googled for the time, and it said, "At the buttcrack of dawn."

Anyone know what time that is? Central time? I need to set my alarm clock.

I miss Candice!

Took DS to take his senior pics today. I get the proofs Wed.

Janet- I just talked to a friend a few hours ago. He was in the hospital for 5 days, and they couldn't find what was wrong. He said his shins hurt first, then on to his joints, everything hurt, he was getting fever everynight to 103. They said his liver was also enlarged, but can't find what caused anything. He said he feels better, but his liver is still enlarged.

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Denise, sorry about your friend, I hope they find out what is going on, sounds like some type of virus.

Janet, come on, call the doc. But I'm the same way. I don't really like dealing with docs, even though DD#2 is one.

Nothing much went on last night, REALLY tired. Just am in a lousy mood. School is just being irratating. We are $250,000 short for next year on the budget. But do we cut sports or anything non-educational...NO. We cut the position of a lady (one of my quilting friends) who has worked for the school district for 40 years. The savings of cutting her is a whopping $6,000. Are you kidding me. Just feeling frustrated.

Got my final grade for my sememster's master's class,..98%, so even though I got a B on my paper I am not going to complain. Okay, yes I am, I worked too dang hard for a B.

Going in tonight after school to look at tile and laminant. I have enough saved up to buy the tile and part of the laminant. I may just buy both and put some on my credit card. I have enough $$ coming in over the next 2 months to cover it.

Well, best get going, you all have a great day!!

Yep Janet, when I have time, I'll hit you up for food journal ideas.

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Good Morning - Afternoon & Evening...

Denise - I'm not that interested in the Royal wedding that I would not get up at 1 am ( buttcrack of dawn lol) - I am watching the highlights ;0)

Hugs on your friend hope they find out what's wrong - Yep you miss Candice your road dog !!! She loves to party ;0)

Karla - Ya doc's a pain in the butt - I did call today - but doc wasn't in - next week..

Not much to report -

BF - egg beater/turkey keblasa - lunch 1 shimp tostada - shrimp & 1 corn tortilla - dinner who knows - I need to cook the fish that I didn't cook last night

Weekend adgenda - pay bills - clean house - wash - and that 's it..

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Hi Ladies; Well I got up at 8 a.m. today... guess what? the people who own the RV park opened up the party room, and turned on the TV for me and another Canadian (from Woodstock) to watch ! WHoo-hoo, now by 8:30 a.m they were already married but we watched them kiss twice on the balc. at Buckingham Palace.. (never been done 2x before!!)) Oh the shame of it!!!

Then we turned on another channel that was in a diff time zone and watched the BEFORE wedding stuff, DURING stuff... it was all grand!

Peter was pissed that "I" delayed our leaving of the RV park, and he was a cranky ass all damn day... We finally get to Natchez and find an RV park, it has wifi, but DAMN it dosnt work in our Camper, we are surrounded by BIG RIGS grrrr, so I am sitting in a grove of trees in the middel of the PARK... annoying, but The view is the Mississippi river!!! So what a biatch I am to complain huh???

Ya, Denise - I miss you too! I'[ve been prac tising my DRAWL all day long, How Y'all Doin' down He=ah!!!

My favorite is " a Hot Mess" love that one, cant wait to use it back home in Canada...

Got an email from my Welsh friends today, they have bought their AIR tickets and are coming to see us in JUNE.... for 2 weeks, so I'll have to plan lots of stuff for us all to do... should be fun.... and ah, oh! more partying Y'all!!!!

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LOL you guys belong to the Queen - so I think he would have wanted to watch to LOL - Glad you are having a good time - when do you get home

Phyl should be home today...

Karla - How was school

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Good Evening Peeps

I guess I didn't post this a.m. - thought about it - (must have had conversation in my head lol) but had gym this morning - then went and got hair color - came home - Angel needed bath - dingly berries (tmi lol) then Bella who hates a bath was bugging me while I bathed Angel - so she got one too - then when and dead headed my roses and cleaned up a little outside - came in colored hair - watched t.v. washed and had 1 hr nap - still watching t.v. and crocheting - just fed the dogs - I'm going to have scallops - add them to my lean cusizine alfredo ;0) need to vacuum and mop but that may wait till tomorrow

Linda I love the hats - I just don't go anywhere to wear them.. I don't like the pill box ones - I like the ones w/brims ;0)

How's your hips doing??? Hows your blood count - Pain -

Karla - what did you do today

Phyl - Where are you -

Candice what state are you in

Denise - what ya doing

Karri - how's the pre-op going - and why do they have you on one any way??

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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