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Took Elyse to her first OB appointment today, they have changed her due date AGAIN to Oct. 17. I was able to see the little 'squid' rolling around on the ultrasound, very active, they had a hard time getting a good shot of the heart because it was too busy rolling. We then went to a gently used maternity and infant store and got her 2 pairs of capris, a sweater, and 7 shirts for $30 and then went to Ross and got two nice pairs of pants for $20 AND two bras that actually fit. She was trying to wear her Victoria Secret bras that are too small with major falling out. She now has enough clothes to get her over the summer. I know I shouldn't have 'caved', but I don't want to totally alienate her, but I don't want to make it too easy either. I don't know what the answer is.

Tomorrow is a new food day, I bought some meat and all kinds of veggies, none of which I enjoy eating. I'll go to the store and buy eggs, etc. I found a microwave poacher that I can make eggs at school for Breakfast. I usually leave before I am ready to eat.

Anyway, I'm tired and so I'm going to head to bed,

See you in the morning.

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Good Morning Peeps

It's FF - got bed stripped - sheets washed & in dryer - go for massage at 10 - then a/c gets serviced between 2/4 - but it's not like we need it - it's going to be 65 today - 67 tomorrow - last week in the 90's - got house vacuumed and mopped..

Karla you aren't caving - she's your DD - it's your grandbaby - hell my dad wasn't happy when I came home at 16 saying I was pg and by a black guy on top of that.. They stilled loved me and took care of me - My stepmom took me to get clothes and I made some too..

You don't like veggies - I love veggies in fact last night dinner was just veggies - didn't feel like meat - just had squash - going to have to make sure I get my pt today..

Karri - I'm sure glad you are going to be able to work this out !! IMHO bypass may be good for you - you will get sick if you try and eat sugar - which I know is a down fall for you ;0) - be sure to take extra vitimans !!!!

Candice - How's Llinda

Well dryer is done - gotta go put sheets on the bed..


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Karla, I bet that was fun shopping for Preggers Clothing... well, you can't let her go without a good bra!!! Glad you got to see the baby...

Janet; no more news on Linda just yet, hopefully she's home from the hospital by now... (FRIDAY) I'lm sure they kick people out of the hospital for over the weekend if they can.

Heard from my friends in Wales, looks like they are coming to Canada in June!!! That'll be fun!

Karri, great news on the funds for surgery... that is a releif now for you... just the planning ahead.. GOOD luck.

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Spent the day outside rebuilding a flowerbed, there wasn't enough compost or soil pep so it wasn't draining last year. So I had to dig up all the plants, then add compost, etc., mix it up and replant everything, one down and another to rebuild, but not this weekend. Its was cold, but nice to work in the dirt, even snowed part of the time.

Now I'm inside after a hot shower and tea, and going to be lazy for the rest of the evening.

It was fun to spend the day with Elyse, it is possible that next appointment we will find out if it is a boy or girl. But it appears to have all of its appendages...those that are formed anyway.

Doing laundry, but the house is a disaster...at will stay that way until Sunday. I hope to get it cleaned up a bit.

Well going to find some dinner!

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Good Morning Peeps...

Got up at 7 - dressed went to the store - going to make me a pot of pinto Beans - got some food for Andrew - did a load of wash - made the bed - cleaned up the Kitchen..

Phyl aren't you home yet -???

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Pretty quiet here. Peter got the RV truck camper out of the backyard today!!! The Ice has melted enough to get the tarp pulled off of it. We put the batteries back in and now we need to do an oilchange etc... should be ready to roll out Wed or Thursday..

I finally finished Geo. W. Bush's autobiography Janet, remember I started it on my trip to Cali.... was a pretty good book, all in all.. You know I am not a GOP enthusiast but It was interesting to learn his thoughts on the process of governing... always a good I idea to look at both sides of the COIN.

Anyways, now I need a pockey novel for my trip... glad I got finished that one cause it was a hard cover and heavy!

Havnèt heard anything from Linda or Mel... so I am taking that as good news!

How many days left of school Karla, are you on the countdown yet!!!


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Home from work and I'm pooped. Not even going to do my 45 min. of quilting tonight. Just too tired. One more day of 'freedom' then back to school. Too tired to even cook.

Hope you all had a good day, looks rather quiet. Janet, did you get all your shopping done? Candice what you up to?

Check in later, TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Candice - I have crocheted - watched tv -want to go to pilo this morning but am afraid too - vertigo has been ok - but don't want to push it- think I will go walk tread mill insteas..

Karla - girl Im w/ you work on Monday - had 3 days off could use a week of doing nothing

Phyl hope you got in the gates last night LOL like me forget my gate code - why don't they give you openers - 5 hrs lay over in lax just way too much - I bet you are pooped

Prayr for Linda

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Good Morning Gang

Candice - I have crocheted - watched tv -want to go to pilo this morning but am afraid too - vertigo has been ok - but don't want to push it- think I will go walk tread mill insteas..

Karla - girl Im w/ you work on Monday - had 3 days off could use a week of doing nothing

Phyl hope you got in the gates last night LOL like me forget my gate code - why don't they give you openers - 5 hrs lay over in lax just way too much - I bet you are pooped

Prayr for Linda

Okay.... lost my damn post when I ws almost done! So... yes... we got the gate code..... everyone here goes to bed so early, but I knew of one lady who stays up late like me but I didn't have her phone number in my phone. So I posted on FB and within a few minutes she responded. She thought we were already at the gate and came to let us in. When I realized she was doing that, I texted her back but she was gone to the gate! I had messaged her with my cell number, so she then called me and I was still within cell range so she gave me the code!

So.... ate too much, drank too much, all swollen up.... feet, ankles, legs. Left foot somewhat more than the right... and the left is the one that is numb. Back issues still a problem, but only severe for a couple of days when we were down there and I think I only took Alleve twice. We hung out at the adult pool most of the week, which was just a few steps outside our door. We had a nice patio with table & chairs and a hamock. Earl and Tracy both said it'd be a GREAT place for an LBT reunion!! And Tracy said, oh, my gosh, you and your sisters would have a GREAT time down here, too!! Oh.... and we had an outdoor bar right off our patio, too... my own special barmaid, Alma took care of my sugar free Margarita mix and kept it in her fridge and used it to mix drinks for me and I shared it with anyone who wanted some.

We went to Cabo twice.... once for shopping, once for sunset dinner cruise, and we went to San Jose twice for shopping... took a cab and "walked" back... of course, not me! Damn back and knee kept me captive a lot, but I have my 1 hr Water aerobics on my itouch and I did the whole routine a couple of times. We had a regular little "family" there by the "adult" pool..... also called the "quiet" pool, so by the 2nd time I did it, I had lots of folks cheering me on and making comments like, are you STILL not done???? One lady started doing it with me, but she lasted less than 5 minutes. When I told her there were 3 20 minute segments she said, "I'M NOT DOING THIS FOR AN HOUR!!!" and she quit!! Turns out she should have because a day or so later she was hammered and took a bad fall in her room and ended up in emergency and her shoulder is out of commission! She can't lift her arm away from her side AT ALL and has to wear a sling for 6-8 weeks. Her husband has to bathe her which he is somewhat enjoying and telling EVERYONE... I've been trying to get Michelle to take showers with me for YEARS!! He was a real character.... big BSer.... one night, AFTER her accident... he takes the late night shuttle to Cabo and doesn't come back until 5 in the morning. He was all over the resort telling people about his escapades. The story kept getting better and better and by noon time, he'd spent from1 a.m. until 4 a.m. with Nick Nolte and his "old lady"!! Yeah, right!! LOL.... Marashall from CANADA.... B.C. Everyone at the resort knew him within a day or two of his arrival.

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Hi girls, just got this email From Mel, regarding Linda:

Linda had her surgery this morning. Everything went well and she is back in her room resting now. She hopes to be home by Wed night. I will try to help her with the therapy at home. I think that is all a matter of setting the vacuum cleaner out! I may have to point out the places she missed because she will not be able to bend at first.

All kidding aside I will be home for the next two weeks to wait on her every need. Thanks for checking on her

Mel And Linda

Ah, Karla... that is so sad about the dog being given away!!! I would want to Cuddle with something that "loved" me.... but then I am such a sucker!

O.k. the CHOPCHOP quilt... pick 2 very contrasting fabrics, cut 10 inch squares,(40 in total) lay right sides together.... now on the top right corner measure down the right side 2 1/2 inches, make a mark with a pencil in the 1/4 margin... you will use tis point to sew from.

THen on theLEFT bottom corner, mark with a pencil 2 1/2 inches up from there. SO no you have 2 pcsof fabric lying face together and diagonally aposing pencil marks - right?

o..k. take the squares, pinned together to the sewing machine. Start sewing at the RIGHT TOP pencil mark downward, get to the bottom RIGHT corner and pivot your needle(do not take it out) then continue to sew down the full length of that side... let the threads go all the way to the bottom.... TAKE IT OUT OF THE MACHINE and TURN the squares 180... Put your needle back int the Fabric at the PENCIL mark at 2 1/2 inches... repeat as above, pivoting when you get to the corner. Complete sewing as above.

NOW, what you should have is a SQUARE sewn all around the 1/4 " edges EXCEPT for the two places of 2 1/2 " that are not sewn. THey should be on diagonaly apposed corners...

WIth the TOP RIGHT (open) pocket facing right.... and the BOTTOM LEFT open pocket facing down the left side.... PLACE your 24" straight ruler DIAGONALLY top left to bottom Right...

CUT thru both layer, including the stitchig lines....

Take the top right corner and FOLD it DOWN and t the left bottom corner. Making sure to line up the triangles on topof one another perfectly!!!!

You will now have the widest part of the triangle at the bottom LEFT o.k.???? placed diagoally left to bttom right. DO NOT MOVE THE TRIANGLES!!!

take your long ruler and place it vertically against the LEFT edge of the fabrics, measure 2 1/2 " and cut completely top to bottom. DO NOT TOUCH THE FABRIC, do not disturb it.

Take your long ruler and place it now HORIZONTALLY across the bottom edge of the fabrics. AGAIN cut 2 1/2" Right to left horizontially.

SO now you have done the CHOP CHOP....

Pieces yeilded are... two squares from the bottom insides.. these will mae a 4 patch.... sew them.

Then there will be 4 peices recangles really with pointed ends. Yellow on one side BLUE on the other.... two of these get sewn to each apposing sides of the 4 patch. This is UNIT ONE.

There will also be 4 triangle peices(singles) sew one each of these to each side of the" Pointy arrow looking peices(2 colors) " These then become UNIT 2 & 3

Join UNit 2 to Unit 1, nesting at the seams.... PRESS... then sew Unit 3 to Unit 1.... BLOCK is now complete...

Take your large Square Ruler ( 12 1/2 " guy) and square up your BLOCK to 11 1/2" sq....

I make 20 blocks in total,large lap size quilt, add borders,, one skinny, one 5 1/2" wide... and you are DONE!!!!

that is clear as MUD, but maybe I'll send it to my DIL. She likes to make quilts. She's the one who made a breast cancer one for one of Steph's fund raisers.

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Phyl, it sounds like you had a glorious time. I didn't even know that they made SF margaritta mix! Shows how worldly I am. So how long are you in Cali before you head home to Washington? Have you made your appointment with the ortho guy yet?

Nothing exciting here, work at the nursery, laundry, dinner. BORING stuff! But glad to be home. This week will be crazy for me, so I don't know how much I will be in, my research proposal is due on Sunday for my thesis. How is Linda doing?

Phyl, we missed you, you add spice to our lives, we are pretty dull without Earl stories to keep up jumping!


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Morning, back to the regular grind. I need to get my brain back into school mode. Not an easy chore after a week off. Don't even really know what I'm doing in class today. Definitely could sleep in for a week,

Last couple of days I have had some deli turkey and cheese for lunch and it seems to be holding. Still too many carbs for breakfast. dinner tonight will be veggies & halibut in a foil pouch. Hopefully it will taste okay, we will see.

Well stay out of trouble...or don't get caught, check in tonight!

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Ok My vote is Cabo Next yr - Karla - start saving now !!!!! If I am going to spend $$$ on vacation - want it to be like one at an all inclusive - where I don't have to do anything but show up for bf/lunch/dinner ... Since I'm not much a of a drinker lately - but maybe if I had more pool/beach days I might be -

Phyl how was the weather... Hugs on the back/knee issues - I bet the back is acting up due to the knee issue...

Karla - I'm with you I'm at work in body but not mind ;0) - got quite a bit done on my Crocheting - watch Elizabeth Taylor movies yesterday - RainTree which I have seen - Butterfield 8 which I hadn't - Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - which I have seen before too - but didn't remember all of it - I am looking at the calendar as I type - I am going to take a week off and do nothing real soon - I really enjoyed my down time - I really need the recharging badly.

Candice - What are you up to - getting ready to leave - Have you heard from Linda???

Well I'm at work - don't want to get caught so signing off for now..

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Phyl, it sounds like you had a glorious time. I didn't even know that they made SF margaritta mix! Shows how worldly I am. So how long are you in Cali before you head home to Washington? Have you made your appointment with the ortho guy yet?

Nothing exciting here, work at the nursery, laundry, dinner. BORING stuff! But glad to be home. This week will be crazy for me, so I don't know how much I will be in, my research proposal is due on Sunday for my thesis. How is Linda doing?

Phyl, we missed you, you add spice to our lives, we are pretty dull without Earl stories to keep up jumping! TTFN

Yes we did have a marvelous time!! We vacation well with Tracy and Jim. Tracy and I like to shop. Jim and Earl like to grumble about us shopping. Jim is right between our age and Tracy's age and he & Earl both worked at Boeing for a lot of years, so they have a lot in common. They were out in the ocean just about every day.... watch the video on FB that Tracy posted. I put it on my profile page.

Found the SF margarita mix by accident at Walmart when I was looking to see what flavors of Crystal lite and Walmart's brand of same was there. And there it was... Great Value, SF Lime Margarita mix.

It would be a GREAT place for our 7 reunion!! You can get rooms with 2 beds. Ours had a king, but then there was a little sitting room by the sliding glass door that had a table and chairs and a pull out sofa bed.

food was good.... BF buffet every morning.... lots of fruit, yogurt, Cereal, custom omelets, scrambled eggs, beans... but not refried... more like bean Soup that we make and I loved it so I had a little every morning with my eggs. lunch time they have another buffet, but we always ate outside at this little cabana type place where they would make you a hamburger/cheeseburger, fish sandwich, chicken sandwich, tacos or quesadillas.... fish, beef or chicken, and they had salads available. I was a little leary of eating the lettuce, but everyone else did and no one got sick. But I loved the chicken and fish tacos/quesadillas and I had those every day. Okay.... I had some onion rings, too!! My bad! Dinner time there was always a buffet again, but there was also one restaurant that was sit down w/reservations every night and that's what we did. You had to go early each morning to make your reservations. The dinners were fabulous! I had filet twice and I'd say it was the best I ever had. Cooked perfectly, served with some kind of veggies, no carbs with them. Had great baked fish one night... little scoop of rice came with that and black beans... I love black Beans and had those with my meal a couple of times. So... food would have been okay if I hadn't indulged in dessert every night! And I drank too much.

Everything is included, but it is nice to tip a few bucks at meals, at the bar, and I left a couple of dollars for the maid every day. Earl complained a lot about that and threw a fit when I wanted to leave $20 for the pool barmaid before we left. Little does he know I also tipped the gal who always served us lunch at the cabana another $20!! Day before we were leaving we had a bit of a confrontation because I wanted $20 for the tip and $50 to buy 2 purses I'd bargained for... one for the lady who watched Zoey (he paid her $100 before we left, too). So, when he finally agrees.... he takes away all my cash and gave me $70... so then I would have no money again! So I went to the cash machine in the lobby and took $600 pesos out of my Wells Fargo account. Foolishly, later when I'd had a couple of drinks and he asked me if I had any money left, I told him what I did. I should have just said, no... you took it all away! So then he told me I was stupid for taking out more pesos when we were trying to get rid of all our pesos before we left! He did apologize for the "stupid" comment later. But I never did tell him exactly what I took out and that I'd used $200 pesos to tip the gal at the cabana!! LOL!! So we get to the airport and he gives me all the rest of his pesos to "go shopping"! Funny... I'd already bought a Cabo sunvisor and hid it in my purse!!! So I took off with his money, went and bought him a Cabo t-shirt... for his birthday, which was that day, and took the sun visor back out of my purse! So when I got back he told me what a good job I did with just that many pesos!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! So... there ya go, Karla.... another Earl story to spice up your life!! LOL

Ok My vote is Cabo Next yr - Karla - start saving now !!!!! If I am going to spend $$ on vacation - want it to be like one at an all inclusive - where I don't have to do anything but show up for bf/lunch/dinner ... Since I'm not much a of a drinker lately - but maybe if I had more pool/beach days I might be -

Phyl how was the weather... Hugs on the back/knee issues - I bet the back is acting up due to the knee issue...

Karla - I'm with you I'm at work in body but not mind ;0) - got quite a bit done on my Crocheting - watch Elizabeth Taylor movies yesterday - RainTree which I have seen - Butterfield 8 which I hadn't - Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - which I have seen before too - but didn't remember all of it - I am looking at the calendar as I type - I am going to take a week off and do nothing real soon - I really enjoyed my down time - I really need the recharging badly.

Candice - What are you up to - getting ready to leave - Have you heard from Linda???

Well I'm at work - don't want to get caught so signing off for now..

Still catching up on posts, but did see that you apparently went to ER about your vertigo. Sounds like it's improved... that's good!! Wonder what triggered it!? Sure a puzzle!

Candice... forgot...

where are you going this time??? RV trip?? Did you see pics on FB of rig DD & SIL bought??

Jodie & Al... took it on their "maiden voyage" this past weekend and had a great time even though the weather is still quite cold. They bought a used Ford crewcab truck and a "bunkhouse" 5th wheel. They're quite thrilled with it. Al's grandparents were RVers with a very nice 5th wheel so he's always been very enthusiastic about camping with the kids.

Weather was fantastic... not too hot, breezy at times, cooled off at night, perfect really. When we left Saturday they were expecting a cool down.. probably the weather you had up here while we were gone!! Tracy was very sad to go back to the cold and said they had rain mixed with snow this morning!! She LOVES the sunny, hot weather and HATES the cold and rain!

Don't have an ortho appt yet but have talked to them and surgery scheduler assured me they could get me in quick as soon as I get clearance from my primary care doctor. So that will be my first order of business.

We are dragging our heels about getting out of here. Knowing what the weather is at home, I want to be home, but I don't want to be cold!!! We'll probably head out next Sunday. Not sure about stopping at 3Rivers because Jacki and Stan... are now in Seattle and when they get home they are going to Temecula for the weekend and won't be home until Monday the 18th. DIL wants us to be in bay area by the 20th to go to Justin's Lacrosse game, but he has another on the 22nd. She said the 20th would be a better game. But... one more day would be nice to have. Have to be there on the 21st because our nephew with the baby twins is coming to Chris & Kellie's for dinner that night. My sister will kill me if I don't show up.

So... Earl started getting things ready to hit the road today... went through the storage compartments under the kitchen benches and repacked and reorganized them. Then he put the table down because we travel with that down and a lot of stuff piled on top of it. so... that much is done. And I started sorting through my stuff, too. Have appt at pain clinic on Thurs about the back thing... maybe I'll get an injection in my back. and Zoey has a grooming appt at Petsmart on Wed. I really should see the gyn lady, but don't know how I'll fit it in this week! Do like the med changes she made and will need a refill on one, so will probably try to get an appt. And Earl has to get the oil changed at the Honda place. Lots to do.

Zoey did great with Ruth! And today I took her to visit her "grandma and grandpa". Saw them before we left and want to see them twice this week. Mary has been very ill again... lung issues, on oxygen off and on and has to go to hosp for I.V. every day. Bud is dying of cancer and he won't be here when we get back in the fall. He just LOVES Zoey and gets down on the floor to play with her every time we come over. Zoey loves them both and they love to see her. I keep the visits short so I don't tire them out too much.

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Okay Phyl, what is the bottom line on cost to Cabo? Next year I have a week on campus in Bozeman, sometime in July to defend my thesis. This year it is scheduled the first week in July, but I'll let you know when. If we go in the winter/spring, the only time that would really work is during my spring break, I'll know when that is in a couple of weeks. I assume airfare as well. I'll work on savings, but I need to figure out how much per month I need to put away.

Well, I have homework so best go. Oh Janet, you will be proud of me for dinner. Low cal Asian halibut. Halibut with lots of veggies and a small amount of rice vinegar, seseame seed oil, and ginger. It all goes in a foil packet and then in the oven. If it is good, I'll let you know. Has deli turkey and a small slice of muenster cheese and lots of veggies for lunch. Only had a few grapes, the doc wants me to cut back on high glycemic foods.

Check in later if I have time, TTFN

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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