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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Okay ladies, got the phone call and I think I'm creeped out...

He calls and we chat for a while, then he says he wants me to meet him for a beer TONIGHT. So I say..ah sorry I have to hike St Mary's Peak and that I'm already in my pj's. So he says, "I know just what you need tonight and it isn't a beer." I say ummm...that I am not going out since I have to be at school at 6:30 am. He says that if I told him where I lived then he could come and "give me what I really need". Okay, so now I think I need to run and run fast. Someone who wants to sex me down in the first conversation is not interested in me, just sex. So thanks, but no thanks.

Yep, so now I know. Do you think all guys my decade are the same way? If so, forget it. Now the sushi guy just says, We should go to sushi and have FUN (yep, he capitalizes is) and workout. So am I just nieve enough to think he is talking about food and weights? Yeah, that's what I thought to, it's all about sex, which I haven't had in 13 years, and since I haven't tried it out since I have had reconstuctive surgery, I don't even know if it works. It could even be painful. I'm not about to hop into bed with someone I dont' trust. I'm all talk no show.

I'm going to bed so I can get up at 4 am and hike some gosh awful mountain with 82 6th graders and 30 parents. When I get home, I'm going to crack open a Mike's Hard Lemonaid Light, and contemplate chocolate. Then I'm going to email the man and say thanks, but he can keep his weener to himself!

Then I may even EAT the chocolate...and then drink another 96 calorie adult beverage and take my puppies for a walk. Come Saturday I'm taking DD#2's lab to the river and then I'm going to delete all Match.com emails and clear my trash and then I may drink another Mikes, and then I'm going to bed.

Thanks your your imput, this to will pass.k

Morning ladies, sorry for the melodrama. I will be sending the gentleman, and I use the term sarcastically, an email of 'Thanks, but no thanks'.

You all have a good day, think of me on the mountain.

Yes - guy looking for a booty call - tell him to jump in a lake

this is why I don't even bother to look !!!!

I will be thinking about you today - Hugs...

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Karla; are you dead after your hike??? how did it go with all the kids...?

Stephanie; YOu are awesome for completing the 3day... I could never hold out that long... plus I'd have to committ to training first!!! Perhaps I should make that a goal???

Janet: Men, you can't live with'em and you can't live without 'em...

Phyl; Send me your reg# for CampClubUSA and Peter will forward it with our application ... you might as well get some benefit eh??

Kari; getting cooler weather now in Mich eh? I am kinda liking the temp being down at night... I sleep like a bug in a rug when it's cool. Plus, I just LOVE fall... never used to when I was younger.. always cried when SUMMER was over... but now as I mature I can appreciate the nuances of Fall, NO MORE Tourists in my home town BONUS~~~ No more BUGS outside... BONUS~~~ and all the pick of campsites~~~~BONUS

Linda; make sure you take some ME time this weekend to recharge your batteries.. I know Sept is a killer month for you... Mel liked that email I sent about the Hydro guys.. too funny.. It was nice to hear from him.

Karri; how are you feeling today? Are you fluids all topped up again??

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I have posted pics from the 3day on Facebook. What an amazing trip that was. It was so very special to be able to meet Karri. What an amazing woman. Stubborn...but amazing. Just to let you know, I tried to get her to take the bus for the last 3 hours of the walk on day 1. She just kept telling me that it wasn't an option. I feel so horrible that she hurt herself so badly. I wanted her with me throughout the walk. She is so inspiring. If you haven't had a chance to meet her, make that a priority. wow!!!

I made all but 4 miles of the walk. Day 2 I quit early. I was having some serious hip issues that were causing foot issues. When I went to sports med at camp they had a really hard time stretching out the joint that was causing all the problem. They did get it stretched out and I was much more comfortable day 3. I have some foot pain still. I will go see doc on Monday if it's still here then. I have to say that the 3day was the most inspiring time of my life. The stories of the women and men and why they are walking....amazing. The "walker stalkers" that drove around all day every day honking, cheering us on, and inspiring us were amazing. I just can't explain it. If you are ever in a place where you can see a 3day, make the effort to go cheer the walkers on. You won't regret it.

I'm still having sticking issues. They are better now that I am unfilled, but still not great. Rice still gives me problems. Stuck on salad yesterday. On the walk I was having some trouble. I'm going to stay on mushies the next couple of days and hope that all goes well when I go in for my upper-gi on Tuesday.

Pictures are great. Enjoyed seeing them. Too bad we weren't able to connect on Saturday. But, I have to agree about the cheering stations... it was great to be there and cheer on the walkers.


Candice.... I can't find our CampClubUSA membership # and its quite possible it's not current. May have neglected to renew since we mostly use Passport America. Oh, well.

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Okay.... TWO laps around the condo loop just finished... 25 minutes fairly brisk walking..... for me, and not holding on to Earl's hand for dear life! All by myself. He will drive it with the car when he gets home so I can see how far that is, but I'm dripping wet with sweat.. good workout for me. I think it is probably farther than the 1/2 mile I did.... whatever day it was I did that. I forget. Temp in mid 70's today.

P.S. No.... it was just 1/2 mile, but that's good. No rest stop... 25 minutes walking is good.

Edited by phyllser

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I am back from the hike...I'm actually fine, have a raging head ache. One of our bus drivers decided to hike with us since his daughter was on the hike. No problem, but both he and his daughter are carrying some extra weight. About 1 mile into the hike, the daughter has stopped at least 6 times for Water, snack, snack, snack, snack, snack. About this time I notice that the dad's color is not all that great, he is sweating heavily, purple in the face, and gasping for air. So I begin to worry, that lasted another mile of 2 steps and rest, at this point I am going...Oh hell no, you are NOT going to stroke out in front of your daughter. He is determined to get his daughter up to the top, I haven't even broken a sweat and it is 80+ degrees out. At mile 3 I figure I either knock his walking stick out of his hand, or convince him to stop. I finally convince him that I will do my best to get his daughter to the top, but he WILL sit down and wait for us. I never got the daughter to the top, On the way down we pick up dad, take all their backpacks away from them to lighten their load and pray that when we get him back to the bus he can actually drive and not kill us all on the steep road.

Back to the dating thing. Now i am starting to see creeper sex fiends in ever email. Actually they are all creeper sex fiends. One guy wants me tell him about my previous relationships and my passion. Not what I'm passionate about, but my passion. Sushi boy, say that we have a lot in common and we should get together to have some FUN. Yep he capitolized FUN. So they are all only looking for sex, and anything else is immaterial. So I'm thinking I need to change my 'About Me' information to say: Only those that have proof of a negative STD & AIDS test need 'wink', and must include a photo of the equipment. And since none of you are interested in getting to know a female, let's just cut out the 'chitter-chate' and save everyone some time.

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Karla--that's just too funny! Do it and see what happens! Sounds like you guys need to be sure you have an AED on thoes hikes.

Phyl--You're beginning to sound like the Energizer Bunny--you just keep going and going. . . The people at Sky Valley are not going to believe that you're the same woman! What fun you are going to have this winter!!

Janet--I'm with you. If something happenes to Mel, I'm pretty sure I would have your attitude. Men are nice to have around when there's a spider to kill, but the rest of the time--well, what's the point? So what are you doing this weekend? How are the kitties? and Andrew? is he getting ready to move out on his own?

Candice-- Sound's like Peter's really getting into the RV. I bet you'll be upgrading sooner rather than later. And what is he saying about "The Dress?"

Steph, Still thinking about you and DS. Hope things are OK. Seems to me you started posting an update and had to stop abruptly? or was that someone else.

Jackie--I went through the same thing with my DD who is 22 now. We're still not close by any means--and I don't think we ever will be. Oh well. . . Keep us posted as to her progress--How wonderful that she can do this so young!

OK, It's Friday night and I'm pooped. Tomorrow I'm going back into work to get caught up a little, and then I promiced to help Jen wash dishes. She has a bakery and does wedding cakes. She has 4 weddings tomorrow, and is feeling overwhelmed so I promiced to help out for awhile. Jen's a single mom--I babysit for her little girl, Margo, once in awhile.

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Alright ladies. I have a few minutes so I'm going to try to get you into the loop with Michael.

Every time I leave all hell breaks loose. I just have to stop leaving I guess. Part of this, I honestly believe, is a cry for Jeff to step up and pay attention. He needs Jeff to be a participating parent and not just a guy who hangs around.

Anyways. I am getting ready to board the plane in Seattle when I get a message about questionable activity on my AmEx. Well, I thought I had left it at my mom's with all my other credit cards. Didn't take them with me in case there was a problem on the walk. Just took license and one credit card. By the time I land in MT. Jeff texts me that he has figured it out...that my mom found the CC in the computer room. Yep...you guessed it. Damned kid! I told Jeff he had to deal with it before I got home the next day, period. I told him to go to the sheriff and get the ball rolling. Screw this. He doesn't think I'll call the cops....hell yes I will! So now he is worrying about when the cops are going to show up. He's on house arrest. No freedom at all. He's lucky I didn't kill him.

He threw a hellacious fit when I talked to him about it. I'm ruining his life. His friends all hate him because of me. I should just butt the hell out. He would be perfectly happy if I fell off the face of the earth. How it warms a mother's heart!

Therapy the next day was tough. He just sat there and pouted. We'll see where that goes.

Okay...so there is the update. Gotta run for a bit but will be back. Take care ladies. Remember, when your life seems really tough, someone else's is worse. Those women walking the walk while going through chemo....I can deal with an @$$hole son for a few months.

Running....talk to you later!

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Karla; are you dead after your hike??? how did it go with all the kids...?

Stephanie; YOu are awesome for completing the 3day... I could never hold out that long... plus I'd have to committ to training first!!! Perhaps I should make that a goal???

Janet: Men, you can't live with'em and you can't live without 'em...

Phyl; Send me your reg# for CampClubUSA and Peter will forward it with our application ... you might as well get some benefit eh??

Kari; getting cooler weather now in Mich eh? I am kinda liking the temp being down at night... I sleep like a bug in a rug when it's cool. Plus, I just LOVE fall... never used to when I was younger.. always cried when SUMMER was over... but now as I mature I can appreciate the nuances of Fall, NO MORE Tourists in my home town BONUS~~~ No more BUGS outside... BONUS~~~ and all the pick of campsites~~~~BONUS

Linda; make sure you take some ME time this weekend to recharge your batteries.. I know Sept is a killer month for you... Mel liked that email I sent about the Hydro guys.. too funny.. It was nice to hear from him.

Karri; how are you feeling today? Are you fluids all topped up again??

Nope Candice I can live without them ... As stated my sex drive has dried up - I used it all up when I was young :(

So if I did meet a guy he would have to be perfect and I don't think there is such a thing.. I know I am :):thumbup: but I was born WRIGHT :thumbup::thumbup:

Okay.... TWO laps around the condo loop just finished... 25 minutes fairly brisk walking..... for me, and not holding on to Earl's hand for dear life! All by myself. He will drive it with the car when he gets home so I can see how far that is, but I'm dripping wet with sweat.. good workout for me. I think it is probably farther than the 1/2 mile I did.... whatever day it was I did that. I forget. Temp in mid 70's today.

P.S. No.... it was just 1/2 mile, but that's good. No rest stop... 25 minutes walking is good.


I am back from the hike...I'm actually fine, have a raging head ache. One of our bus drivers decided to hike with us since his daughter was on the hike. No problem, but both he and his daughter are carrying some extra weight. About 1 mile into the hike, the daughter has stopped at least 6 times for Water, snack, snack, snack, snack, snack. About this time I notice that the dad's color is not all that great, he is sweating heavily, purple in the face, and gasping for air. So I begin to worry, that lasted another mile of 2 steps and rest, at this point I am going...Oh hell no, you are NOT going to stroke out in front of your daughter. He is determined to get his daughter up to the top, I haven't even broken a sweat and it is 80+ degrees out. At mile 3 I figure I either knock his walking stick out of his hand, or convince him to stop. I finally convince him that I will do my best to get his daughter to the top, but he WILL sit down and wait for us. I never got the daughter to the top, On the way down we pick up dad, take all their backpacks away from them to lighten their load and pray that when we get him back to the bus he can actually drive and not kill us all on the steep road.

Back to the dating thing. Now i am starting to see creeper sex fiends in ever email. Actually they are all creeper sex fiends. One guy wants me tell him about my previous relationships and my passion. Not what I'm passionate about, but my passion. Sushi boy, say that we have a lot in common and we should get together to have some FUN. Yep he capitolized FUN. So they are all only looking for sex, and anything else is immaterial. So I'm thinking I need to change my 'About Me' information to say: Only those that have proof of a negative STD & AIDS test need 'wink', and must include a photo of the equipment. And since none of you are interested in getting to know a female, let's just cut out the 'chitter-chate' and save everyone some time.

So what happen to the daughter...

Well, I know internet dating is the thing to do now a days - but for me - it's not something I would do.. Ya I have looked at the site - and ck'd the men out - but I just don't think I could do it -

Karla--that's just too funny! Do it and see what happens! Sounds like you guys need to be sure you have an AED on thoes hikes.

Phyl--You're beginning to sound like the Energizer Bunny--you just keep going and going. . . The people at Sky Valley are not going to believe that you're the same woman! What fun you are going to have this winter!!

Janet--I'm with you. If something happenes to Mel, I'm pretty sure I would have your attitude. Men are nice to have around when there's a spider to kill, but the rest of the time--well, what's the point? So what are you doing this weekend? How are the kitties? and Andrew? is he getting ready to move out on his own?

Candice-- Sound's like Peter's really getting into the RV. I bet you'll be upgrading sooner rather than later. And what is he saying about "The Dress?"

Steph, Still thinking about you and DS. Hope things are OK. Seems to me you started posting an update and had to stop abruptly? or was that someone else.

Jackie--I went through the same thing with my DD who is 22 now. We're still not close by any means--and I don't think we ever will be. Oh well. . . Keep us posted as to her progress--How wonderful that she can do this so young!

OK, It's Friday night and I'm pooped. Tomorrow I'm going back into work to get caught up a little, and then I promiced to help Jen wash dishes. She has a bakery and does wedding cakes. She has 4 weddings tomorrow, and is feeling overwhelmed so I promiced to help out for awhile. Jen's a single mom--I babysit for her little girl, Margo, once in awhile.

Linda - Well -God willing nothing happens to Mel - but it if did you could move out here to Palm Tree Land and we could hang out - I can kill spiders no problem !!!!

Andrew's license is suspended so he's not going anywhere for a while - He's working for his Step-Dad in the office - He's ok not having any major issues at the moment - I gotta say for the most part I have been lucky with him - he gets mouthy sometime - but no real problems (not doing drugs- he did graduate from HS and he's working)

Oh the kittens are so cute 4 weeks - they can now climb out of their box - there were in my bedroom and here in the office when I got home from work yesterday - so put the baby gate up so they stay in the spare room - put some food & water & litter box in there.. I go in an play with them about once a day - so that they get use to humans - Andrew says they hiss at him - they don't hiss at me :thumbup:

Doggies go to the groomers at 8:45 a.m. - I have hair cut at 9 - So my workout in the morning is going to have to be fast and maybe a little short - gym doesn't open til 7 - and I will still need to come home shower - dress - get the dogs in the car - so it will be a bit of a rush...

I need to do some deep cleaning - since Andrew is working 5 days a weeks my house isn't getting cleaned like it use to and I need to go grocery shopping - but that's about it - no great plans...

Alright ladies. I have a few minutes so I'm going to try to get you into the loop with Michael.

Every time I leave all hell breaks loose. I just have to stop leaving I guess. Part of this, I honestly believe, is a cry for Jeff to step up and pay attention. He needs Jeff to be a participating parent and not just a guy who hangs around.

Anyways. I am getting ready to board the plane in Seattle when I get a message about questionable activity on my AmEx. Well, I thought I had left it at my mom's with all my other credit cards. Didn't take them with me in case there was a problem on the walk. Just took license and one credit card. By the time I land in MT. Jeff texts me that he has figured it out...that my mom found the CC in the computer room. Yep...you guessed it. Damned kid! I told Jeff he had to deal with it before I got home the next day, period. I told him to go to the sheriff and get the ball rolling. Screw this. He doesn't think I'll call the cops....hell yes I will! So now he is worrying about when the cops are going to show up. He's on house arrest. No freedom at all. He's lucky I didn't kill him.

He threw a hellacious fit when I talked to him about it. I'm ruining his life. His friends all hate him because of me. I should just butt the hell out. He would be perfectly happy if I fell off the face of the earth. How it warms a mother's heart!

Therapy the next day was tough. He just sat there and pouted. We'll see where that goes.

Okay...so there is the update. Gotta run for a bit but will be back. Take care ladies. Remember, when your life seems really tough, someone else's is worse. Those women walking the walk while going through chemo....I can deal with an @$$hole son for a few months.

Running....talk to you later!


Did you call the cops?? Ya Jeff needs to step up to the plate here... Well all you can do is take one day at a time and yes someone always has it worse than we do..

You are under alot of stress and that's most likely causing your problems - I know when I am stressed I am tight...

Hugs - one day at a time

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Steph I feel your pain with the teenager I have been called many names , horrible horrible things said to me. I am lucky in the sense they have never done or are doing drugs and the drinking and etc. My issues lie with the attitudes. Court has really started to come out of hers the past couple of months. I believe she is human again! Good luck and I am here for ya. The kids dad is deceaswd and my hubby is in no way a father figure or even another adult figure in the house. Leaves everything to me! I have called the cops to 'set the kids straight' and tell them who the law says is in charge before. I have to say that did have some effect.

DD and I went for all testing today. She is totally cleared for surgery. She then starts talking to dr as he is doing my fill about rouxen Y. We had talked about this before due to the fact that I worry when she goes off my insurance if she doesn't have a job that offers ins she will have to pay for fills and etc out of pocket. He gave us a lot of facts and info and told her it has to be her choice. I totally see Y she is thinking the other way because less visits and cost but I am scared shitless. She is approved for either or so she is thinking and researching before making a decision. I told her I will not tell her what to do but gave her my opinion on both. I have several friends who have had it and do wonderful but she is my little girl and I worry about it. I will support the decision that she makes. I just want her to be successful happy and healthy with this surgery. I will keep you all updated.

Well time to go read and take my new little yorkie puppy potty. Still miss my little yorkie who passed in March but I am happy to have another little one as well. Seems we were just not complete without 3 yorkies.

Goodnight all!

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Linda, no I didn't get the girl to the top of the mountain. She was pretty worried about her dad, so we went a little further and then stopped.

Did sent the thanks but no thanks to the phone call guy. He emailed me and was pretty rude.

Did email the sushi guy and asked him straight up if he was only interested in physical. His reply was very sweet.Karla,

"I am looking for my one and only. Hopefully we meet and we go hand in hand into the sunset. I want this site to be our memory. "

So we are meeting next week.

Phyl, excellent job!!! We are proud of you!

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Okay ladies where is everyone??? I'm sitting here and no one to gab with????? I'm bored...

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I'm going to bed, you all are busy with your lives, I'm hungry.......see you all later.

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Steph, I can relate to your situation is so many ways. I was always the bad guy and my (always out doing something else) DH was the good guy. DS #2 had "issues" several years ago and it all came down to my bad parenting--emotional abuse he claimed. He was very good (yeah, he's a psychologist now) and managed to convince his younger sister that mom's rules were overly restrictive and she had good reasons to be uncommunicative and lie. Oh, yes, thoes sweet little babies. . . And DH? He had nothing to say. Just shrugged his shoulders. So yeah, compared to him, I guess I would appear aggressive. I'm still angry about all of that. Hang in there, Steph. I'm on your side. Thankfully, I do have two other kids whos psyches I didn't dammage so much, and I have good relationships with them today.

Wow, this site is therapeutic. Speaking of therapy. . . I have a friend who is working on obtaining national certification as a Reflexologist. She gave me a treatment yesterday and it was wonderful! I felt so relaxed afterwards and I slept great last night--there's gotta be something to it. I get to have two more treatments--both on Fridays after work. If I feel as good next time, I might be hooked. Once she gets certified, she's going to teach it, so I might learn how to do it. If that happens, I'll give you guys treatments next time we get together.

OK--guess it's time to get going. Like I said, I'm going to work today. Andy (DS#1--Cora's daddy) is comming with me and we're going to work on some computer issues--it's great having my own personal tech support! Then I'm going to bring him home and go over to help Jen. I dont know if working in a bakery is such a good idea--kinda like an alcoholic bartender. This could turn out very badly.

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Linda, you won't have trouble with the bakery. I find that after I bake my specialties for my family, biscotti & shortbreads, that I don't feel like eating it. The last batches I made in July are still in the freezer. The kids eat them, but I don't even care. Yeah I've had a biscotti and a shortbread, good, but not worth the exercise.

I am pretty sure I'm going to have a fill, last night after dinner and was hungry in less than a half an hour. Not good.

Oh my oldest girls thought I was pretty horrible. After all, I 'left' when their dad and I got divorced. Long story, needs to be told over beverages, after all I'm a hedonistic -itch. Fortunately their dad and I have developed a working friendship and the girls and I have a relationship. Some closer than others. Remember, if you are doing things right as a parent, your kids will be mad at you. Steph, Michael is hitting where he knows it hurts worst. I still would be checking into residential facilities. Not necessarily for immediate use, but as a back up plan.

Going to take DD#2's lab and Jordan to the river today so they can go swimming. Then I really need to do some work. DD#2 gave us all some 'back-to-school' money, so I'm going to go looking for some shirts.

You all have a good day, TTFN

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Candice-- Sound's like Peter's really getting into the RV. I bet you'll be upgrading sooner rather than later. And what is he saying about "The Dress?"

Yes, Peter does like the dress... as a matter of fact he came dress shopping with me... I thought he'd faint when the girl rang up the sale $500 for my designer outfit.. but ya know what, my DD is never going to get married again right? ANd I feel gorgeous in the outfit, so its all worth it...

ANd its something that I can wear again, and again...

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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