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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Evening Gang

It's freaking offical - I have transfer addiction - OMG my closet is a mess - I have way too many clothes !!!

Got hair cut this morning went to the mall - tried on clothes - bought 1 dress - went to Marshalls got some candles .. The got home and went to hang up my dress and move some winter clothes out - omg - to over whelming - I have too many freaking clothes... I really gotta quit shopping - I am going to need a new hobby that gets me out of the house - I could go shopping but leave my $$$ at home ;0)

Candice - Not stressing much LOL yet anyway ... Just trying to plan food and what we are going to do... Am waiting to hear back from Phyl -

Tried taking a nap - didn't have much success - am sleepy but can't really fall asleep - well on the couch - should try the bed ;0)

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Good Evening Gang

It's freaking offical - I have transfer addiction - OMG my closet is a mess - I have way too many clothes !!!

Got hair cut this morning went to the mall - tried on clothes - bought 1 dress - went to Marshalls got some candles .. The got home and went to hang up my dress and move some winter clothes out - omg - to over whelming - I have too many freaking clothes... I really gotta quit shopping - I am going to need a new hobby that gets me out of the house - I could go shopping but leave my $$ at home ;0)

Candice - Not stressing much LOL yet anyway ... Just trying to plan food and what we are going to do... Am waiting to hear back from Phyl -

Tried taking a nap - didn't have much success - am sleepy but can't really fall asleep - well on the couch - should try the bed ;0)

Ooops...... what am I supposed to get back to you about??? I forgot and can't find an unanswered email. You asked about C.O.D. on Sunday..... that would be okay. There are lots less vendors on Thursday nights than at C.O.D. and I think everything on Thurs night is supposed to be "crafty" or handmade. I'm open to whatever.... but, Earl is kind of bugging me about the Temecula wine thing because if I don't go with you guys, we were going to go tour South Coast with another couple. Gas at costco was $3.64 when we filled up this morning around 9:30 a.m. and when we went back to get groceries later, after the Alzheimer's walk, it was $3.78!! So.... might want to reconsider taking any LONG drives!! $50+ to fill up our little Honda tank!!

So... site seems to be up and running just fine now. Wonder if my theory is correct??!

Couldn't walk the "walk" today, so rode the scooter. Knee giving me fits so I made an appt with an ortho doc for next week. Soonest they could get me in was Friday! This is the pits!! Concerned that maybe there is a problem with the hardware in that knee since that's the one my WA dr keeps telling me needs to be converted to a total. So I keep telling him, then LETS DO IT, and he says.... we'll watch it a little while longer. But it's never given me much pain until this week, and then all of a sudden. So wonder if I did something to screw it up. All I did the day before the pain started was walk around Costco, Walmart and the movie theater.

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Good Morning Peeps

Phyl Yep they fixed our Mentor thread - they deleted by accident trying to get rid of the spammer - I never saw the post...

Yep I have sent you 3 emails... Yep the cost of gas for us here in the States is the highest it's ever been - I haven't been waiting till I'm empty to get gas - I put 11 gallons in the other day $44 - I have an 18 gallon tank that would be about $69 to fill up...

On Temecula - what do you want to do go w/us or go to South Coast Plaza I hear that's a nice mall but expensive ;o) I have never been -

Hugs on the knee - would you get it fixed down here - I was on my way home around 12:30 yesterday - Fred Waring was bumper to bumper heading west - I wondered what was going on besides the street fair it must have been your walk - it was on the news right now..

Well went to bed early - 9 p.m. - slept pretty good - woke up once - up at 5:45 a.m. - have gym nails Target - Only necessary shopping wash soap etc household stuff NO clothes or pajamas

Dinner last nite was good calorie wise but not healthy - grits 140 cal per serving add 100 for the butter but I just wasn't hungry for meat and I hadn't taken anything out..

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Candice, I am so with you on house cleaning! Every six months is way too much!!! But I did get my laundry done and vacuuming done!

Other than house cleaning, I played all day. I dug out a 'block of the month' quilt that I started in the 90" sad but true. It is a paper foundation star sampler quilt. I realize the kit didn't come with any of the sashing fabrics, etc. So one I get it done I will have to try to find some fabric that will go with it. I need to decide if I am going to enlarge it to fit on my bed. I probbly will. What is the point of having a quilt that just lays there! It is a pain though to pull all the paper off the back when the block is done, bleck. What was I thinking!!!

Well if the scale is to be believed I have lost my 6 pounds plus a pound. So either my scale is WAY different than theirs (I can believe maybe 2 pounds), most of the 6 pounds must have been Water. But being back at work I am on my feet most of the time. Weird though, even with only 0.7 cc's I feel about right. dinner last night was about 3 oz of pork chop and a salad. My sweet spot is usually about 2 cc's. So I probably still have some swelling going on. lunch was 1/2 an apple with 3/4 oz of cheese. Breakfast was oatmeal with craisins and almonds, snack was some popcorn, and evening snack was yogurt with fruit.< /p>

Well I have a little homework to do today, but otherwise I am pretty open!

Janet, where are you?

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Candice, I am so with you on house cleaning! Every six months is way too much!!! But I did get my laundry done and vacuuming done!

Other than house cleaning, I played all day. I dug out a 'block of the month' quilt that I started in the 90" sad but true. It is a paper foundation star sampler quilt. I realize the kit didn't come with any of the sashing fabrics, etc. So one I get it done I will have to try to find some fabric that will go with it. I need to decide if I am going to enlarge it to fit on my bed. I probbly will. What is the point of having a quilt that just lays there! It is a pain though to pull all the paper off the back when the block is done, bleck. What was I thinking!!!

Well if the scale is to be believed I have lost my 6 pounds plus a pound. So either my scale is WAY different than theirs (I can believe maybe 2 pounds), most of the 6 pounds must have been Water. But being back at work I am on my feet most of the time. Weird though, even with only 0.7 cc's I feel about right. dinner last night was about 3 oz of pork chop and a salad. My sweet spot is usually about 2 cc's. So I probably still have some swelling going on. lunch was 1/2 an apple with 3/4 oz of cheese. Breakfast was oatmeal with craisins and almonds, snack was some popcorn, and evening snack was yogurt with fruit.< /p>

Well I have a little homework to do today, but otherwise I am pretty open!

Janet, where are you?

My post is right above yours dear ;0) ....

I think that we think tighter the better not true.. You are doing great - my scale and my doc scale are 6 lbs diff - I always go by mine -

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Good Morning Peeps

Phyl Yep they fixed our Mentor thread - they deleted by accident trying to get rid of the spammer - I never saw the post...

Yep I have sent you 3 emails... Yep the cost of gas for us here in the States is the highest it's ever been - I haven't been waiting till I'm empty to get gas - I put 11 gallons in the other day $44 - I have an 18 gallon tank that would be about $69 to fill up...

On Temecula - what do you want to do go w/us or go to South Coast Plaza I hear that's a nice mall but expensive ;o) I have never been -

Hugs on the knee - would you get it fixed down here - I was on my way home around 12:30 yesterday - Fred Waring was bumper to bumper heading west - I wondered what was going on besides the street fair it must have been your walk - it was on the news right now..

Well went to bed early - 9 p.m. - slept pretty good - woke up once - up at 5:45 a.m. - have gym nails Target - Only necessary shopping wash soap etc household stuff NO clothes or pajamas

Dinner last nite was good calorie wise but not healthy - grits 140 cal per serving add 100 for the butter but I just wasn't hungry for meat and I hadn't taken anything out..

Can't find any emails from you that I didn't answer so hope I didn't accidentally erase one. Sometimes I get doubles of everyone's emails, so I delete the dups. Only thing I can think of that I maybe didn't answer was what day to come over here for dinner. If you pick me up on Monday and I spend the night, then you'll have to bring me back, so maybe Tuesday would be a good day to spend some time over here. I'll have my weatherman check the forecast for next week and see if that's a good day!!


Wind is howling out here!! Neighbor behind us opened his shed door to get something out... one of those snap together plastic sheds... and the door flew off, then the roof fell off!! So they had to put the thing back together again. And we're supposed to be over on the street behind us for hor d'erves in 15 minutes! His neighbor in OR shot a cougar over the winter and Jim made it in to sausage... so we're all supposed to try it!! Might be too windy. He brought us smoked salmon that he caught last week, and some elk sausage.

This is NOT going to be a good food week. We went to church potluck today because we've only been about once all winter and Earl had this green bean casserole stuff stacked up on the floor all week that he got for something last week... the WA state thing, I think, and then we got a birthday cake for someone instead. So he's been wanting to make those Beans all week, so we went. Tomorrow... Red Hat luncheon at Melvyn's, Happy Hour party at another neighbor's at 4 pm! Tuesday Christian women's luncheon... might not go but it's the last one of the season!

Been whining about my knee all day and took 2 Aleve at noon time. Had a hard time standing up at church and struggled up and down the steps to the platform to get to the choir loft! GRRRR!! As soon as I see that doc on Friday and find out what new thing is going on, I'm calling my doctor in WA to see if they will get me on surgery schedule for May or early June!

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Phyl, I'm so sorry your knee is bothering you. Definitely get into the doc and see what is going on. Is it the one you had surgery on or the other one! We have had winds like that a time or two, blew over some huge pine trees. Some even fell on peoples houses!

Didn't want to get up this morning. I was way enjoying me weekend! I did some quilting and clenaing, even took the furries for a walk. Miss Molly who has become a sausage over the winder, was dragging he tongue about half way around.

Well only a week left before you all get together, have fun!!!

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Good Morning Gang

All of us sudden yesterday afternoon my left pinky knuckle is swollen and I can barely move it without pain.. Does arthritis strike over night?? I didn't do anything to injury it .. I had pilos at gym - got nails done - target shopped and home - nothing - just all of a sudden it hits..

Phyl sounds like you do have a busy week that includes food That's always hard for me too - I do good as long as I'm in a controlled place like home -but when out and about not as easy.. Yep it's the email showing you what I have planned and asking if what you think and if you want to stay the week too - don't know why I didn't think of it from the start - Heck I will be picking you up most days anyway so that's not a biggie - for whatever we have planned- .. I don't think we will know the weather till closer to next week - It's windy here too.

Karla - I hear you on not wanthing to get up - when the alarm went off I said WTH.. It's not time already - It's going to be a busy week for me trying to get my desk cleaned up..

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Phyl, I'm so sorry your knee is bothering you. Definitely get into the doc and see what is going on. Is it the one you had surgery on or the other one! We have had winds like that a time or two, blew over some huge pine trees. Some even fell on peoples houses!

Didn't want to get up this morning. I was way enjoying me weekend! I did some quilting and cleaning, even took the furries for a walk. Miss Molly who has become a sausage over the winder, was dragging he tongue about half way around.

Well only a week left before you all get together, have fun!!!

This is the right knee... had partial replacement on it a couple of years before my lapband surgery. But, in 2008, when I first saw the ortho doc in WA, he said the hardware was loosening and collapsing because of the weight loss. So he's been "watching" it ever since but reluctant to convert it to a total because it really wasn't bothering me much at all. But, this pain hit suddenly, last Sunday and I've been pretty uncomfortable ever since. So, I guess it's time to take care of it. Wish he hadn't made me wait this long. I just wanted to do it and have it over with!

Good Morning Gang

All of us sudden yesterday afternoon my left pinky knuckle is swollen and I can barely move it without pain.. Does arthritis strike over night?? I didn't do anything to injury it .. I had pilos at gym - got nails done - target shopped and home - nothing - just all of a sudden it hits..

Phyl sounds like you do have a busy week that includes food That's always hard for me too - I do good as long as I'm in a controlled place like home -but when out and about not as easy.. Yep it's the email showing you what I have planned and asking if what you think and if you want to stay the week too - don't know why I didn't think of it from the start - Heck I will be picking you up most days anyway so that's not a biggie - for whatever we have planned- .. I don't think we will know the weather till closer to next week - It's windy here too.

Karla - I hear you on not wanting to get up - when the alarm went off I said WTH.. It's not time already - It's going to be a busy week for me trying to get my desk cleaned up..

Pinky problem sounds like my knee.... no reason for the new pain. Don't know what to tell you. Does sound like arthritis, but could be something else, too. Look up swollen knuckle on WebMD.

Afternoon hor d'erves was interesting. Wind was howling, but we persisted for 2 1/2 hrs out on Jim & Barb's patio!! He is a retired butcher, and one of the original 40 owners of WinCo stores! So.. he makes all his own sausage. And he's quite an outdoorsman. He goes to Alaska for a LONG time every summer and they both fish for salmon, get crab, etc. And he hunts for elk and deer... just came back from 2 months at home doing that. So he travels back and forth with several small freezers and brings all kinds of stuff down here to share with us. He gave us some elk sausage and smoked salmon last week when he got back. So yesterday they served us Elk Kielbasa, Deer Wienies, Deer Chorizo and COUGAR Brats!! It was all GOOD! Very lean. Very tasty. And Jim had little toothpick labels on each platter so we knew what we were eating. It was an ADVENTURE!! Oh, yeah... and Pinot Noir from Italy!

Today's Happy Hour adventure is at the trailer of a German couple, so that should be interesting, too! That's after my Red Hat lunch at Melvyn's!!! OMG!! I better be very careful! I have Melvyn's menu on my computer, so I will pull it up and see what will be a good thing to order for lunch. Thinking of a spinach/oyster appetizer that I know they have for my lunch. But will see what else there is on the menu before I leave.

I can't find that email but I remember reading it. I told Earl I might spend more than one night and he was a little disgruntled, but will approach it again in a day or two!! LOL! OH, and Temecula wine tour might involve too much walking for Linda. And gas keeps going up and up. We might want to stay here in the valley!! But I'm game for whatever. I kind of think Earl wants to do the wine tour, so maybe we should go with that other couple. At least to South Coast. If the gals want to do some wineries, there are lots in that area.

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Good Evening Gang...

Phyl - I sent you another email just a few minutes ago.... So Don't delete it..

Ya I was thinking it's like your knee issue on of my bosses thinks I might have gotten a bite but I don't see any marks and it doesn't itch and I don't remember banging it - but it's red and swollen on the inside of my knuckle - who know's I'll give a while to go away LOL..

I live here so I don't think it's that interesting - I think Cabot lodge is closed - I think Candice would enjoy that - I can show them date trees LOL - but hanging out sounds good to me and going to Soma's and getting a couple bras - they are $50 but have been having coupon for $10 off... Oh just thought about going to the Historical musem here in Indio - I've never been..

I would love the home made meats !!!

Food today - Yogurt/blackberries for bf - Lunch- Homemade Spicy Ck Soup - dinner will be fish & broc...

Had Idrise tonite - arms - good work out...

That's about it - well gotta go feed the dogs - cbl

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Good morning ladies, sorry I didn't make it on last night, have a paper due on Sunday and needed to get a good start on it.

Candice? Where are you girl?

It sounds like you all will have a fabulous time. Yep, I'm jealous!!! Have a glass of wine for me!

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Good Morning Gang...

Up early 4:20 don't know why just woke up - have boot camp tonite - I am the only one who's going (2 gf of mine go too) one is sick the other is 62 and giving it up for a while - knee issues and it's just too much for her.

Ok Phyl and I got our email issues fixed -TG. I have so many email addresses for our tech queen...

Karla - Sorry that you won't be here - but how about we skype you :0) then you will feel like you are apart of it all.. WTG on your school work

Not much to report - Watched OC Housewives - and went to bed -

Well need to get in the shower - will ck in tonite

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Ooops...... what am I supposed to get back to you about??? I forgot and can't find an unanswered email.

o.k. I am killing myself laughing about the emails, back and forth...

You asked about C.O.D. on Sunday..... that would be okay. There are lots less vendors on Thursday nights than at C.O.D. and I think everything on Thurs night is supposed to be "crafty" or handmade. I'm open to whatever.... but, Earl is kind of bugging me about the Temecula wine thing because if I don't go with you guys, we were going to go tour South Coast with another couple. Gas at costco was $3.64 when we filled up this morning around 9:30 a.m. and when we went back to get groceries later, after the Alzheimer's walk, it was $3.78!! So.... might want to reconsider taking any LONG drives!! $50+ to fill up our little Honda tank!!

Ah, gas prices... man they are bad... but YOU are coming with Us Phyl.... he can live w/o you for a week!!!

So... site seems to be up and running just fine now. Wonder if my theory is correct??!

Couldn't walk the "walk" today, so rode the scooter. Knee giving me fits so I made an appt with an ortho doc for next week. Soonest they could get me in was Friday! This is the pits!! Concerned that maybe there is a problem with the hardware in that knee since that's the one my WA dr keeps telling me needs to be converted to a total. So I keep telling him, then LETS DO IT, and he says.... we'll watch it a little while longer. But it's never given me much pain until this week, and then all of a sudden. So wonder if I did something to screw it up. All I did the day before the pain started was walk around Costco, Walmart and the movie theater.

You probably didn`t `DO: anything to your knee to set it off... metal just wears out, and when it does its not a gradual thing.. its just like WHAM... glad you are going to get it redone.

Candice, I am so with you on house cleaning! Every six months is way too much!!! But I did get my laundry done and vacuuming done!

Other than house cleaning, I played all day. I dug out a 'block of the month' quilt that I started in the 90" sad but true. It is a paper foundation star sampler quilt. I realize the kit didn't come with any of the sashing fabrics, etc. So one I get it done I will have to try to find some fabric that will go with it. I need to decide if I am going to enlarge it to fit on my bed. I probbly will. What is the point of having a quilt that just lays there! It is a pain though to pull all the paper off the back when the block is done, bleck. What was I thinking!!!

Oh Karla, I hear ya, pulling it off of the paper peicing really bites"! »But, you do get those PERFECT points.... hummmm.... difficult decision.

Well if the scale is to be believed I have lost my 6 pounds plus a pound. So either my scale is WAY different than theirs (I can believe maybe 2 pounds), most of the 6 pounds must have been Water. But being back at work I am on my feet most of the time. Weird though, even with only 0.7 cc's I feel about right. dinner last night was about 3 oz of pork chop and a salad. My sweet spot is usually about 2 cc's. So I probably still have some swelling going on. lunch was 1/2 an apple with 3/4 oz of cheese. Breakfast was oatmeal with craisins and almonds, snack was some popcorn, and evening snack was yogurt with fruit.< /p>

Well I have a little homework to do today, but otherwise I am pretty open!

Janet, where are you?

If you can eat, 3 oz pork chop and salad that is AWESOME... good restriction, leave it alone... I agree with Janet... too tight is not the best.... you gotta be loose enough to eat the GOOD foods.

This is the right knee... had partial replacement on it a couple of years before my lapband surgery. But, in 2008, when I first saw the ortho doc in WA, he said the hardware was loosening and collapsing because of the weight loss. So he's been "watching" it ever since but reluctant to convert it to a total because it really wasn't bothering me much at all. But, this pain hit suddenly, last Sunday and I've been pretty uncomfortable ever since. So, I guess it's time to take care of it. Wish he hadn't made me wait this long. I just wanted to do it and have it over with!

Pinky problem sounds like my knee.... no reason for the new pain. Don't know what to tell you. Does sound like arthritis, but could be something else, too. Look up swollen knuckle on WebMD.

Afternoon hor d'erves was interesting. Wind was howling, but we persisted for 2 1/2 hrs out on Jim & Barb's patio!! He is a retired butcher, and one of the original 40 owners of WinCo stores! So.. he makes all his own sausage. And he's quite an outdoorsman. He goes to Alaska for a LONG time every summer and they both fish for salmon, get crab, etc. And he hunts for elk and deer... just came back from 2 months at home doing that. So he travels back and forth with several small freezers and brings all kinds of stuff down here to share with us. He gave us some elk sausage and smoked salmon last week when he got back. So yesterday they served us Elk Kielbasa, Deer Wienies, Deer Chorizo and COUGAR Brats!! It was all GOOD! Very lean. Very tasty. And Jim had little toothpick labels on each platter so we knew what we were eating. It was an ADVENTURE!! Oh, yeah... and Pinot Noir from Italy!

Today's Happy Hour adventure is at the trailer of a German couple, so that should be interesting, too! That's after my Red Hat lunch at Melvyn's!!! OMG!! I better be very careful! I have Melvyn's menu on my computer, so I will pull it up and see what will be a good thing to order for lunch. Thinking of a spinach/oyster appetizer that I know they have for my lunch. But will see what else there is on the menu before I leave.

I can't find that email but I remember reading it. I told Earl I might spend more than one night and he was a little disgruntled, but will approach it again in a day or two!! LOL! OH, and Temecula wine tour might involve too much walking for Linda. And gas keeps going up and up. We might want to stay here in the valley!! But I'm game for whatever. I kind of think Earl wants to do the wine tour, so maybe we should go with that other couple. At least to South Coast. If the gals want to do some wineries, there are lots in that area.

Dont worry about the GAS ladies, I`d be more than happy to PAY FOR THE GAS... what the heck.... I am not leaving my money to my daughter to blow!!!!

day is just FLICKED up... period! couldn`t sleep last night, was singing ìts a wonderful world to myself in my sleep WTH??? so I got up and slept on the basement couch... then got up, realized my GF was coming at 9 to sew our BLOCKS of the MONTH (they are due tomorrow!!!) we left it way to late as usual... anyways the directions SUCK the BIG one... and I am pissed... have unsewn my seams about 4 times now.... argh!!! I want WINE!!!!

oh yeah, and just about burned my house down this a.m.... I went into my quilt room to turn on the space heater (so that when Sally came we wouldn`t freeze to death sewing) well, just as »i was walking out of the room,,, I hear this snap crackle and pop... noise... I turned around and there were FLAMES coming out of the heater...!!!!! I ran and unplugged it and fortunately, that was all the intervention that it needed to stop.... OMG... it gave me pause....

I went upstairs to tell Peter to thro the thing in the garbage.... ya know what he said ? ``Well, you just can`t leave things plugged in all over the house```!!! WHAT????? are you kidding me.... blaming ME for the thing catching fire?????

It was MECHANICAL failure asshole!!!! shut the F__k up !!! I could just kill him..... I still might :angry:

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Candice, I can be a witness for the defense, he definitely deserved it!!! Electrical stuff can be scarey, I had that happen at the nursery one time, scared the begeebes out of me. But at least it was outside!!!

Nothing much going on here, have homework to do, bleck, oh well!

Candice did you get your block done? I always leave things for the last minute.

Well best get busy, ttfn

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Good Morning Gang...

Up early 4:20 don't know why just woke up - have boot camp tonite - I am the only one who's going (2 gf of mine go too) one is sick the other is 62 and giving it up for a while - knee issues and it's just too much for her.

Oh Janet; I was up at 4 a.m. also... whats with that??

Ok Phyl and I got our email issues fixed -TG. I have so many email addresses for our tech queen...

LOL, yup she does have too many.....

Karla - Sorry that you won't be here - but how about we skype you :0) then you will feel like you are apart of it all.. WTG on your school work

Cool Idea, we`ll do THAT for sure!!!

Not much to report - Watched OC Housewives - and went to bed -

Well need to get in the shower - will ck in tonite

Candice, I can be a witness for the defense, he definitely deserved it!!! Electrical stuff can be scarey, I had that happen at the nursery one time, scared the begeebes out of me. But at least it was outside!!!

Nothing much going on here, have homework to do, bleck, oh well!

Candice did you get your block done? I always leave things for the last minute.

Well best get busy, ttfn

Ya, Karla: Sally and I both got our blocks done today!! It was a biatch of a block... screwball directions... at least that`s my excuse and I``m sticking to it!!!

I`ll see if I can put up a picture of it. tomorrow after CLASS....

O/T... I saw my Bro on skype today, so I buzzed him... He lost his PILOT job in Jan... he is really depressed... I hated to see him like that... tried to cheer him up... but I dont`think THAT worked... at least I got to talk to him though w/o his wife present.... she was out for a walk. ( cooling off her jets) I think that they are fighting a lot... that`s the impression that he gave me... Its hard to find another job at 61!!!!

PLUS he looks llike CRAP... didn`t go thru with his Lapband SUrg in July.... and he weighs even more now... his breathing is aweful... I could HEAR it on the SKYPE.... jeez!!!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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