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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Janet, you are a sweetheart, I end up buy a few groceries for Elyse once in a while. They actually have to go to Pantry Partners to get free food. While I find it embarrassing, at least I know she is eating. The BF isn't working and I get the phone calls about her delinquent bills. I wish I could just shake her out of her stupidity. But I guess that is what growing up is all about.

Phyl, I agree that it is about the lying. Earl needs to see that/ Smoking is one thing, but lying about it is the hard part. But I understand the addiction., not an excuse though.

Candice, I want to know how you can get all your UFO's done in just a few days, it would take me a couple of years, but that is my plan. This is the year, they will ALL get done!! One down, one on the quilting frame and probably over 30 to go. But I'm getting there. I am not going to enjoy going back to school!

Had freezing rain last night, so not much is moving out there. But I don't have to go anywhere so not a big deal.

Janet, so cleaning is on the agenda?

Yep Karla - I cleaned out my linen closet - bagged up old bedspreads - I hate throwing them away - always come in handy when you need to make a pallet ;0) - then when to Marshall's candles towel exercise pants - pj's (which I didn't need) then to Target - for washing stuff (soap & softener - Candices Ultra Sensitive Tide ;0) and I got a Shark (steam cleaner) and some more towels - going to need beach towels this summer - all mine are 7 yrs old and very raggie - but not ready to spend $12 a towel - ..Got my clothes washed - the 2 other beds stripped and washed and remade (still have one to do - dryer just went of)

Tomorrow - Yoga and relaxing and oh ya menu planing and shopping - cuz I won't have time during the week..

Hi ladies. Glad to see that the site is back. Stepped on the scale this morning. Doesn't look like I'm going to be losing this week. Not gaining, but not losing either. I guess I've earned it though. I haven't been nearly as diligent as I was the last month. If I lost while being negligent then I wouldn't learn, right? There are some other reasons.....

Now ladies, I need some helpful advice. The last 3 months or so the weeks before my period have become almost unbearable. First are the horrific cramps when I'm ovulating. They double me over and make me miserable for about 2 days. Then they are gone and the truly unbearable starts. My chest gets absolutely horribly painful. It has been getting worse the last few months. It's gotten so bad now that I only take my bra off to shower and that is getting iffy. That lasts for about 2 weeks. So, it's 2 weeks of pain, 1 week of TOM, and then I can have about a week where my body doesn't feel like it's trying to kill me. In my reading online, I guess this is completely normal in the years leading up to menopause. While I am not sure how I feel about THAT, I am positive that I can't take this getting worse for YEARS. The only real advice is anti-inflammatory and wearing your bra. The only thing this pain seems to be a symptom of is menopause. I did start worrying that it was something more horrible, but I guess not. Have any of you gone through this? Is it really going to be years before this stops? Is there anything else I can do. The last thing I need to do is irritate my band by taking anti-inflammatories. God knows, it's irritated enough most of the time. Any advice would be helpful.

On another not-so-positive note, Nick seems to be sick now. Jaimi last weekend, now Nick. He seems to have it worse than Jaimi did. He started with a cough/sniff/phlem yesterday then last night about midnight when I checked on he had a fever. About 103 and he was complaining that his head hurt. Tylenol last night and he came up about 4am saying his stomach hurt too. This morning, fever, chills, headache, his body hurts and stomach pains. He looks horrible. No food for him today. Poor kiddo. I feel so bad for him. He is so miserable.

I need to fix things for Jeff's superbowl party tomorrow. I think I'm going to make some popcorn that was in the Eat what you Love cookbook. It sounds really good. We will see. Other than that, I'm going to take some sliced ham, spread some cream cheese on it, and then wrap them around pickles. Really yummy. They are so good. I will try to control myself while making them and hope that he doesn't bring any home. I will have to have serious control. I'll let you know about the popcorn. If it's yummy I will post the recipe.

I'll talk to you guys later. Have a great Saturday, ladies!!!

Steph I got the 2 taste of home cookbooks - comfort food and diet - OMG great recipes - I love that they have all the nutritional values..

Have you gone to you gyn??? Had blood work done - they can tell by your hormone levels if you are pre-menopausal..

I always bled like a freaking pig.. I bleed for a solid week - clot and all - toward the end - I would have my period every 23 days and they lasted 1 week - it seemed like I was on me period all the time ... But I have never been bothered w/cramps - well except when I had an IUD..

Go see your gyn ;0)

Hi gals, glad the /??$?&&$//* site is back up, what was with that?

Anyways, worked this a.m. at the clinic for one of the girls, Sat. is easy!!! Yeah and a cool $75 for my MAD MONEY Account. (aka California account)

O.k. Stephanie, I`ve forgotten how old you are? dah... but what happened with ME was that the last 5-6 years of periods were really whacked out.. I`d get a period that would last for 2 weeks!! then I`d go a month, have a regular one, then 2-3 months NO periods, then WHAMM another 2 week horror... luckily for me I was on Mood stabalizers anyways for my Bi-polar so maybe that helped me eleviate the wild mood swings... but bad cramps, oh yeah. and very heavy CLOTS... so bad that I`d wear 2 super tampons + pad, and sometimes overflow that!!! I hated it at night... used to put a plastic sheet under my mattress cover on my bed... just in case. I hated surprises in the a,m.

Now, Naproxen is good, as well as ibuprofen... but yup with band issues - maybe there is a better Rx choice like Karla said. Also, sorry a bit gross. ... but SEX always relaxed my uterus, so if you can swing it... sex DURING your period is awesome. ANtispasmodic, and also your body produces ENDORPHINS which make you feel better emotionally... Sorry about the TMI... my daughter still kids me about the ````Purple towel`` that I kept for just such an occasion... God, I hope nobody else reads this thread

But alas, it will all pass.... it is great to be done with it all.... but now, we contend with Hot flashes and dry hoo-hoo`s.... we are never happy.

OMG LOL on the sex on your period - gotta say most of my men freinds weren't down with that LOL I had one guy who didn't mind LOLGot you beat - I had to wear 2 overnighter pads !!!! and one time I thought I was losing a baby as big as the clot was LOL -- Tampons were a waste of time for me - but ya I would wear 2 and 2 pad too like at work.. I am so lucky - no hot flashes or mood issues for me in menopause :0) it's been a piece of cake..

o.k. another question, how c ome we can`t SEE how is currently viewing the thread anymore??? weird

Thanks been gone since they changed the site...

Candice, good advice, those things worked for me as well. Towards the end before my hysterectomy, I could overflow a super maxi in 15 minutes, but I had 'feeder' viens that were contributing to the issue.

Well got another quilt quilted, one UFO down, just need to put the binding on which I will do tomorrow, along with homework. Man I don't want to go back to work.

I hear you on work Karla - I wish I didn't have to go either

Candice, thanks for you advice. I'm 39 and really don't think I'm ready to go through all this crap but then again, will I ever be? Oh well. If the flashes and sweats are worse than this pain I could lose my mind. I can hardly hold Jaimi anymore because of her elbows.

As for the TMI issue, you didn't gross me out, but I also know that Jeff will not even consider it. He's funny that way :) Love him, but some things that gross him out are so weird. I keep telling him that THAT is when it would be the best but he won't hear of it. Oh well. There's more than one way to skin a cat...LOL I'm with you though, I hope no one else reads this thread :)

I had a good enough dinner. Stuck on it though. I guess it's time to go back to liquids for a few days. Let everything settle again. I did break and lunch liquids hoping that would be enough but no go.

I'd better run for now. I need to make the tortilla roll ups for tomorrow's game. I'm glad they will be there and not here because I have a feeling I could eat a whole plate. Later ladies. Have a great evening.

Well Steph since Jeff won't on your period - you could alway use bob (battery operated :0) and get the same relief LOL - Gosh we sound like powder room gone wild LOL

Phyl - How did your day go today - still pissed - DH still pouting

Well need to go make the bed while sheet are warm and start another load

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Good evening!! Had to get over being pissed. Too much effort. He quit pouting. Out to breakfast/lunch with our elderly friends from OK this morning. Then we went to Von's for a few groceries for tomorrow's Super Bowl party. Earl did his pork shoulder roast thing...12 1/2 lb. Roasted it all day long. Then shredded it. We bought hamburger Buns for it, and BBQ Sauce.

Went to craft fair at the clubhouse this morning... took four bracelets to put on my teacher's table... she sold nothing.. none of mine or hers! No one in a buying mood today! Sat and visited with her and others for an hour or so. Went down to beading teacher's park this afternoon to buy more beads. Then stopped by Red Hat Queen's park to drop off card w/check. Then came home, took Zozo for a golf cart ride to get mail and go visit her other "mom & dad". He is very sick... cancer throughout his body plus heart problems. He loves his visits from Zoey and gets down on the floor and plays ball with her.... she has her own ball over there that they bought for her. By the time we got home.... Barbara... Red Hat Queen... had called hysterical, distraught... telling Earl she couldn't accept check, had Water leak problem in shed, was trying to go thorugh her husband's stuff, etc... largely incoherent and having a major melt down. So I got in the car and went back. She was calmed down by then and very embarrassed that she had cried over the phone! I spnet the next hour and a half helping her go through stuff on one side of the shed.. all Roger's tools, etc, plus boxes and boxes of stuff... Christmas decorations, clothes, etc. Left with a promise we'd come back in the next few days so Earl can do a few chores for her... repair shop vac cord, etc. So sad.. he died so suddenly and she is devasgtated. Has to turn RV back to finance company and will probably have to sell her house in WA as she says she can't afford the taxes. So she has a mess of stuff to sort through up there, too, and says she doesn't know how she can even face going back to the house let alone start sorting through all the stuff... too many memories. What set her off today.... a fly swatter that they bought in Branson!! Too many memories!! We're not that close, but I was the last one she saw before the melt down, and I told her... we're right down the road... if you need anything call me! So less than an hour later... ???!!!!

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Phyl, you are a good woman and friend, but we knew that. Your poor Red Hat Queen, not only to loose you husband, but you home also. Hopefully she is just overwhelmed and things will work out for her. Glad Earl is being human again. You are right, fighting is too hard. I guess you just have to accept. But this way, you can shop they way you want and when he throws a fit, smile sweetly and say, "Um, would that be worse than cigarrettes?"

Janet, my SIL has a Shark Steamer and just loves it. As soon as I get my laminate in, I am getting one.

Read until 1 a.m., just couldn't sleep, but got up with the alarm, so tonight should be better!

Happy Super Bowl, let the game be close and the best team win. (Although I don't even know who is playing.)


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Good Morning Peeps..

Stayed up til midnite - then woke up 2 or 3 times with leg cramps - I drank coffee yesterday but no water... Don't think I'm going to gym this morning - going to get nails done and weekend shopping so I can come home and chill -

Phyl I can't imagine how hard it is for your friend - I guess another reason not to get married/attached - I know I'm missing out on the good but not the bad - and they didn't plan - why would she loose everything - that wasn't too smart on their part - I guess I am a planner - to make sure I have enough to live on when retired - don't over extend myself.. I have no debt. If I couldn't pay it in cash - then not buying it.. Or if that's not an opition like a house or car - then I would make sure I could make the payments.. No life insurance - no retirement... Yep as a single person - household stuff can be over whelming... Glad you were there for her..

Well it's 9:22 need to get dress.... CBL

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Ah Phyl, you are such a sweetie... Those kindnesses you show her now will come back to you in spades... what you sow, you reap... I like Janet cannot beleive she'll lose her trailer and home up north.. that is just aweful... living beyond your means like that is just plain living a lie... and now she gets the mess to clean up? Is that what he called love? leaving her with all that mess????

Ya know, I just had a bolt of lightning strike me in the HEAD!!! Earl and Peter would NEVER leave us in that shape... Let's Celebrate their CHEAPNESS today!!! Rah, rah!!!

I hate thinking about being a widow... it would just suck so bad... My heart goes out to your Red Hat Queen... I pray that she has the strength to live thru all this...

Janet, I am going to tell Peter about CALI today... come hell or high water...

Stephanie; God that post was AWEFUL.. see how much candor I am capable of with you girls.... Geez... I don't bare my soul like this to ANYONE!!!

Karla; Good job on geting the UFO done.. whoo-hoo... dosn't it feel good? LIke cleaning out your oven, good.... I did that this weekend too... looks spotless!!! Now Peter beter not get it all gunked up with his eggs in the morning!!! I finally found a great product for Stainless Steel cleaning...

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Phyl, you are a good woman and friend, but we knew that. Your poor Red Hat Queen, not only to loose you husband, but you home also. Hopefully she is just overwhelmed and things will work out for her. Glad Earl is being human again. You are right, fighting is too hard. I guess you just have to accept. But this way, you can shop they way you want and when he throws a fit, smile sweetly and say, "Um, would that be worse than cigarrettes?"

Janet, my SIL has a Shark Steamer and just loves it. As soon as I get my laminate in, I am getting one.

Read until 1 a.m., just couldn't sleep, but got up with the alarm, so tonight should be better!

Happy Super Bowl, let the game be close and the best team win. (Although I don't even know who is playing.)


Happy Sunday, Gals!! Beautiful day here and the SuperBowl excitement is building!! Gals and guys outside, taking tables, chairs, etc. next door for our big SuperBowl "Tailgate" party! Larry has moved his new big screen TV out to the patio!! Earl cooked 12 1/2 lb of pork shoulder yesterday and now it's in the crock pot warming.

I can't believe you don't know who is playing!!

Green Bay vs. Pittsburgh Steelers

Earl was born in Pittsburgh so I suppose I should root for them, but the Packers are my team and Aaron Rogers is my Fantasy Quarterback!!

18_1_38.gif 18_1_323.gif 18_1_332.gif 18_1_37.gif

Yeah, he's back to normal. How many times a year do we go through this anyway!?? Tells me he quit... maybe he does for a few weeks, then he just pretends like he quit until I catch him smoking or someone lets it slip like the other day! What makes me mad is that if I ask him, "are you smoking again", he gives me a very indignant "NO!" (Not right this minute!) Or else, one of his favorite lines is, "I don't have any!" Which simply means I'm not holding any in my hand right now! Next time he tells me he quit, tell me it's bull shit, okay!!???? LOL

My only regret.... that I was so mad I put it on FB and didn't delete it for a few hours. He doesn't know that. I don't know how many saw it, but at least one of our friends was SHOCKED! Since he's a sneak smoker, very few of our friends know that he smokes! And the one who saw it happened to be our friend who is fighting cancer!

My beading is getting out of hand!! LOL! Staying up til midnight, 1 a.m. working on bracelets! I could have worse habits, and it gets me off the computer!

Good Morning Peeps.. Stayed up til midnite - then woke up 2 or 3 times with leg cramps - I drank coffee yesterday but no water... Don't think I'm going to gym this morning - going to get nails done and weekend shopping so I can come home and chill -

Phyl I can't imagine how hard it is for your friend - I guess another reason not to get married/attached - I know I'm missing out on the good but not the bad - and they didn't plan - why would she loose everything - that wasn't too smart on their part - I guess I am a planner - to make sure I have enough to live on when retired - don't over extend myself.. I have no debt. If I couldn't pay it in cash - then not buying it.. Or if that's not an opition like a house or car - then I would make sure I could make the payments.. No life insurance - no retirement... Yep as a single person - household stuff can be over whelming... Glad you were there for her..

Well it's 9:22 need to get dress.... CBL

Yeah, she's been married a couple of times... 18 years to Roger, but she commented yesterday that she never wanted to be a widow and that's one of the reasons she stayed single for 10 years. I think he was in his late 60's and in good health, so this was completely unexpected, and, yes, they did NOT plan ahead, except that they had prepaid their funerals right after they got married. She must have lost significant income due to his death, because I don't think they had any $$ problems with his income. I think he was retired military, and then had a 2nd career, but if they've only been married 18 years, she undoubtedly does not get any of his military pension. If Earl dies before me he selected an option when he retired from the AF that costs us a significant bite out of his monthly pension, but makes provision for me to get a large percentage of that after death. She probably just has social security now. She said RV payments were $800 a month so she had to let it go. And if they had no savings or back up, WA state property taxes are out of sight because there's no income tax, so I'm sure that's why she's saying she won't be able to afford to keep the house. So, she'll be living down here in her new park model full time.

Ah Phyl, you are such a sweetie... Those kindnesses you show her now will come back to you in spades... what you sow, you reap... I like Janet cannot beleive she'll lose her trailer and home up north.. that is just aweful... living beyond your means like that is just plain living a lie... and now she gets the mess to clean up? Is that what he called love? leaving her with all that mess????

Ya know, I just had a bolt of lightning strike me in the HEAD!!! Earl and Peter would NEVER leave us in that shape... Let's Celebrate their CHEAPNESS today!!! Rah, rah!!!

I hate thinking about being a widow... it would just suck so bad... My heart goes out to your Red Hat Queen... I pray that she has the strength to live thru all this...

Janet, I am going to tell Peter about CALI today... come hell or high water...

Stephanie; God that post was AWFUL.. see how much candor I am capable of with you girls.... Geez... I don't bare my soul like this to ANYONE!!!

Karla; Good job on geting the UFO done.. whoo-hoo... dosn't it feel good? LIke cleaning out your oven, good.... I did that this weekend too... looks spotless!!! Now Peter beter not get it all gunked up with his eggs in the morning!!! I finally found a great product for Stainless Steel cleaning...

Yes, she did express some anger towards Roger yesterday.... why did you leave me this mess to clean up. It was really just a matter of hanging up some of his tools... most were hung up, and going through some shoe boxes, plastic containers, etc. full of "guy" junk like nuts and bolts and sorting out extra Christmas tree lights, etc. Then we moved a bunch of containers so she could get at the back corner... where she thinks the leaky valve or pipe is. I guess Earl will go take a look at that.. probably tomorrow. Roger was a really friendly, outgoing guy, but Barbara was pretty much wrapped up in her Red Hat world! She needs to expand her horizons... Red Hats is about the only thing she has going in her life, I think. She tells me she doesn't know any of her neighbors.

She showed me her bedroom and closet and cupboards a couple of months ago when she was showing me through her new park model. It was a Red Hat shrine!! All the bedroom walls were covered with hats, etc! Closets were all RED clothes, jewelry, etc! Roger told me his clothes were out in the shed!! LOL ... and they had to be because there was no room for any of his stuff in t!here!!

I have just one comment in regards to that other "stuff" you all were discussing and that is "endometriosis"??? That could be causing the pain. And I'll withhold my views on your various suggestions for remedying the problem!!! LOL

I was down a lb at TOPS last week, but I don't have a good feeling about this week!! We went out to Chinese food on Thursday.. that lasted two meals. Then yesterday we went to Breakfast with friends... that will last one or two more mornings. Today.. SuperBowl party. Tomorrow... supposed to go to Red Hat luncheon. I was thinking of skipping it, but after I saw Barbara's vulnerability yesterday... I'm thinking maybe I better go. Want to see how she functions with the group, and... it is a comfort to her when there is a good turnout at these things. I'll go online and check the menu. Don't know this restaurant. Okay... so then Tuesday... Christian Women's "Tea Party" here... that means more food. salad, etc., luncheon... I may skip that. and go to beading instead.

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ah, sorry Phyl if I offended!!! Pay me no mind!

Well, the cat is out of the bag. When Peter came home today(gone since Fri) I said ``I have a proposition for you!``` How would you like to go to Cali with me in March? We would FLY together from To. to Indio , then you could fly from there to Victoria, B.C. on the weekend for your work...? and I`d fly home alone from cali? :````

so he thought about that and said, nah. .I`ll just fly from T.O. to Victoria for the week.... I said I``ve already got my ticket for free.... he never said anything like OH YOU CANT GO....!!! So yeah, I``m, over that hurdles.... Oh yeah, then I said `` Oh Earl will be so disappointed!!`` that you are not c oming....


whew, now I CAN stop worrying about that...

has anyone heard fdrom LINDA??

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Okay ladies. Just one quick comment on that "other stuff". A lot of what you guys were talking about was the down below problems. My big problem right now is my chest. The down below stuff works just fine for now. It's the can't remove my bra without tears that is driving me crazy. Phyl you mentioned endometriosis....that's only a down below problem isn't it? I'm going to take the advice of going to see my PCP. I just hate doing that because he's a he and he always makes me feel stupid with girl problems. I'm going to call tomorrow to see when my last annual exam was. I'm pretty sure I'm due because Jai just had birthday and I think I've timed it that way...I just can't remember. Do you think I should wait to do it until after TOM comes to see me or before when I'm still hurting? If it doesn't hurt then maybe he won't be able to figure it out, but if they do he won't be able to touch me to figure anything out. AHHHHH! I hate this!!!

Okay. For now, that is all. There is stuff I want to say about your friend, Phyl as well as the smoking stuff. I just don't want to go into this right now because I'm in the middle of a movie with Jeff. So....I'll do that tomorrow.

Night ladies. Love you!!

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Good Morning Peeps

Lbt was down for a while yesterday.....

Went to get my nails done - the shop was closed for Chinese New Years - WTH they are Vietnamese LOL So did my target shopping - got some pics developed and got all our vacation pics in albums Kaitlin called and we talked for a while - Joseph called and we talked for a minute too- OMG it is so cool to look at these pictures - really did make some great memories - I did that while the game was on so really didn't watch it - listened to halftime - I know alot of pple say it sucked..

Candice - You really know how to work Peter don't you !!!!! That's too funny - I'm not good at that - maybe another reason I'm single LOL

Phyl - Hugs on the Queen's issues - Yep I'm all about planning - that's why I am working Need a couple more $100 ks to retire - I don't want to be an old lady eating cat food.. Insurance is the most important thing too..

IMHO just quit asking him if he smoking - leave it alone.. Then you won't have to get pissed off - and tequilla and fb don't go together LOL - I have to many work pple who are my friends so I can't complain about work LOL -

Steph - Can you find a new doc who doesn't make you feel stupid - I know you are in a small town but can't you go somewhere else... Never had the boob pain - hormones is all I can think of.

Karla - Where are you...

Well it's Monday... Woke up in the middle of the nite to pee thought it was Saturday.. Hate that..

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Janet, I'm here, when I went on LBtnight it was down. DD#5 come home to do laundry and some food. Yesterday I had homework to finish up and then worked on UFO's.

It is snowing like the blazes here and I have to run to the store. WHAT was I thinking? I should have went yesterday, but got engrossed it what I was doing.

Ah, Janet, maybe I need to move in with you and be YOUR kept woman? Need to have a few $100K? I currently only have $100 in savings. I would do all the cleaning and carry all your bags when you go shopping.

Candice, glad Peter didn't blow a gasket about Calif. I just wish I could go. But I will be thinking of you all. I don't think I will go to my sister's during my spring break, it is better if I work and get bills paid.

Steph, it definitely is worth getting a new doc if your local guy makes you feel like he doesn't understand. If you were local, I have two that I could highly recommend, one is a GP and she is excellent, really listens. The!y other is an ob/gyn who did my surgery, and while he is a guy, he isn't your every day guy. He really listens, besides, he was the one who said, "Your vagina is putting out beautiful Vagina Vibes!"

Man, had one of those strange dreams where you have to get somewhere but can't. It involved lots of missing keys, my mother's house being condemned because of a fly infestation, a very nice RV (with no keys), etc. I must be starting to stress about work.

Have a great Monday, by the way, who won the big game? Remember I don't watch much TV. Criminal Minds had an all evening marthon, so was watching that.

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Karla - Green Bay won !!!

Karla - I am very fortunate - I inherited some $$ - or I would be in the same place as you.. Plus I have worked since I was 19 - have had some kind of retirement since then from the majority of my jobs .. So I have been saving for a long long time.. I really need more than a couple K's more like $400 - would give me a good cushion - but that's a lot of freaking money and with the market the way it is - I will be working for sometime..

I'll have to look for my dream book :0)

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Hi ladies. Nick woke up with a horrid headache so I kept him home. Poor little guy. He has a doc appt. at 345 anyways for a med check so I will have doc see if maybe he has a sinus infection. He can hardly breath and it's icky green. I've always thought he had nose issues anyways so maybe this is the time when it can be checked. While I am there I will ask him about my chest. I really do think my doc is a good doc he just sometimes makes me feel like I'm worrying about nothing. I know that if it's nothing, it's no big deal but that doesn't mean I'm not going to continue to worry. He is highly respected across the state as being very thorough. I shouldn't be so harsh about him. He's good, his bedside manner just sucks. I will ask him.

As for going somewhere else, I think there might be an OB/GYN taking clients in Sidney which is 100 miles away. Williston stopped taking new patients. If not in Sidney it would be Glasgow which is 150 miles. It just isn't a hop and a jump. I actually was thinking that I'd email my uncle who was an OB for years and see what he says. He's in WA so it isn't like he could see me, but he could at least tell me if it is normal.

Okay...onto other matters.

Phyl, I so understand your frustration with Earl and his smoking. Rose is the same way with me. She will tell me she quit and then sneak around. Drives me crazy. Not that she is still smoking but 1. that she lied, 2. that she thinks she NEEDS to lie to me, and 3. that she acts so infantile. She is a grown/independent woman. If she wants to smoke then do it, but don't act like a child sneaking and lying to me. Have at least enough respect for yourself to say, "I want to smoke and I know the risks and therefore, it's my decision." I also completely understand that it isn't worth staying upset over.

Phyl, I also remember how mom would go through the same sort of panic over incedental things after dad died. It was so hard to watch. Thankfully dad had most things in order but mom would go right into a panic when she had to find a tool or do something that dad always took care of. Your friend has so much more on her plate. Poor lady. She is really going to need your support. If she is that active in her Red Hat world, aren't there other hatters that can support her down there? Hopefully she can sell her home up in WA quickly so that she can take that load off. You're such a good friend to run right over there. Bless your heart!

Candice and Karla, your UFO dedication is amazing. I'm so excited for you. I wish I could do the same thing. Oh well...I could but I don't. My problem.

Karri, you've been quiet. What's up? How are you feeling? Has that flu taken a ride? I hope you enjoyed your snow days. I was going to ask you about your body bugg. Are you using it anymore? When you have a chance, let's talk about it. I'm curious.

Oh....my weekly weigh in. I told Jeff that he was going to have to carry the team this week. He called this morning and said he dropped us. He gained 2. I don't think he truly gained 2 but with the Super Bowl yesterday and strange intakes the last couple of days, he probably took in a lot more salt then normal. I told him we would really focus this week and get back on track. I'm going to make meat loaf tonight. Portions are going to have to be key I think. Especially for him. For me, I think it's liquids again for a few days. I'm still getting stuck and I really have to give my stomach that rest. I just so badly want to chew! Dumb! Focus focus focus! I am starting Zumba tonight with a group. Then on Thursdays we are starting a different group at our church. So twice a week I will be doing that out of the house and the rest of the days I should be doing something here in the house. I hope I don't break a leg trying to move my hips like that :) I think it could be entirely possible. We will see.

Alright ladies. There was more, but, as usual, I forget. Love you. Talk to you later.

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Morning girls; Well after my success in dealing with Peter and the CALI issue... I went to bed on a high note.... only to find out this a,m. that I have high cholesteral.... and I`ll be seeing my Doc this thursday for my annual physical... I am going to go on Cholesteral lowering meds... I have wanted to avoid this all these years... as everyone else in my family is on heart medications.... I was the LAST holdout, and because I got the band 4 yrs ago, and am down 65 lbs.... I thought that I would have dodged the bullet....

I am pissed, and disappointed... that I was not able to out sneek heredity... Crap I already got family curse No.1.. Bipolar like my DAD and Fraturnal Grandmother. and now Family Curse No.2.. Heart disease... Fuck, fuck, fuck....

I iknow, it only means anothwer pill.... but I was hoping,,,,, just hoping....I could avoid it.

Dsister has been on BP meds since she was in her 40`s, and so has Dbrother too... plus he`s been on Cholesterol meds since 45... but he is WAY overweight.. my sister, maybe 10 - 15 lbs overweight... nothing serious... she was always SKINNY her whole life... I was thew chubby one, then my brother took on THAT role... but `I`` have always been the crazy one... (sister is questionable)

Just having a wee pity party here, I`ll snap out of it....

So taking a poll here, who else of the 7`s is on Cholesterol medication? anybody??

My Detrol LA is working VERY well for the Overactive Bladder problem.... its great, only pee 4 times a day now, instead of 12 times..!!!

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Candice, I had hogh cholestral before I was banded and my lipids were horrid. Now it seems to be fine. My mom, sister, & brother are on high blood pressure meds. My sister and brother are over 6 ft. and way skinny. So I got the fat gene, but no the HP gene...yeah me..yah right. Hang in there, this is another reason to lose those last few pounds. I have cleared all the junk food out of the house and have been eating oatmeal for the last 2 weeks, so hopefully I won't have a gain when I step on the scale at the fill doc. Have an apptment tomorrow for a wee tweek. My scale hasn't bugded, so hopefully it is Water. I have been good...honest.

Well, way back in the 70's & 80's I was a Steelers fan, but Green Bay is good also.

One more UFO almost done. It is the first wool applique I ever did (like 10 years ago) and I am WAY ashamed at it. The work is lousy, but I am forcing myself NOT to redo it. It shows how far I have come...I guess. I keep finding more projects. Way sad.

Well, evidently my homework didn't post to the schools web site, so I had to reload it today, which means an automatic 10% off of the grade, dang that ticks me off.


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Okay ladies. I don't have time to post more until later but the doc told me: fibrocystic breast disease. I'll look it up later but it doesn't sound so horrible. Maybe. I'll have to do a lot of research. Gotta run, just wanted to let you know what the doc said.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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