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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hi ladies. I hope you all had and are having a good day. Yesterday was a not so busy day with Jaimi. We had an afternoon playdate and then I had a ladies night of "crafting." Though I didn't do any project, just went for the company. Had a great time.

Food yesterday.....hmmm. Why do I have such a hard time remembering from day to day?

SF/FF latte, 2 Protein Shakes, 1/4 c wild/brown rice, a couple turkey swiss roll-ups that came back. I did manage to get 60 oz of Water in.

This morning Jaimi woke me up with a fever and a sore throat. When I finally got her to take some tylenol she went back to sleep for a couple of hours. The poor thing just sobbed that her throat hurt so bad. When I looked in her throat her tonsils are ginormous yet again. So, we went back to the doc this morning but the quick test came back not strep. They are sending it to culture for a couple of days because the quick test isn't always accurate I guess. For now it's just rest and tylenol. Poor little darling.

Jeff took Nick to therapy today. He really is having some behavior problems. The doc thinks its because of Michael leaving so we will see. I was going to take him but Jeff preferred to take him over staying home with the dear little sick one. Imagine that. Hopefully we'll have some good news when he gets home.

Karla, we will never be free of our addiction. You know that, but it's so easy to fall back. Same way that mentally ill people think they have control after being on their meds for awhile, or drug addicts think they can just take one hit. Why are we our own worst enemies? It's crazy. At crafting last night we were talking about a book called "Made to Crave." I thought of you while we were talking about it. It has to do with food addiction and that what we are really needing is a fulfilling relationship with God. You might try checking it out. It might make you feel better about the faith conversation we were having at the beginning of the week. After I finish my current book I'm going to download it. I also thought of you as on of my other friends there was telling about her problems similar to your female parts. She was so funny about it. She said when they did her last surgery they left a couple of staples in and so instead of having an inviting woman part (her words) she has a "snapping turtle." She is going to Denver in a couple of weeks for surgery and will have to spend 8 weeks on complete bed rest. She was so funny. Reminded me of you.

Janet, you always have just the right thing to say. Love you! Have fun with the kiddos. I'm sure in a couple of days you will be ready for them to leave...you love your private world. But, enjoy it while it's here. As much pain we have all seen the last few months with loved ones being diagnosed with cancer, or car accidents, or all the other nutso things happening, we need to make that extra effort to enjoy the time we do have with each other.

Candice, you are just becoming a musical sensation up there, aren't you? How much fun is that? Retirement has been so good for you. I love that.

Karri, welcome back. I know how hard that first post is. It took a lot of strength to make it. Obviously I know because it took me a LONG time to find the courage to do it myself. However, this is our family and we all understand how horrible you must be feeling about your band. I don't think any of us can imagine the fear. I know it is a hard decision. Heck, I've been putting it off for well over a year. I am sure that I need to revise. I know that I need to be able to eat real solid Protein and that I will never be healthy without it. But....it's so scary and frustrating and if you're anything like me you spend time thinking "I messed this up, why won't I mess that up." That's just our own little devil talking to us and trying to win the only way it knows how. We talked last night so I know you know my thoughts. I agree with Janet. I wouldn't go anywhere but to Wasa's doc for a revision. We do understand the fight and you are in the exact right place. We love you. We've missed you. Welcome back. I hope you will feel good about posting through your struggles here. No tough love from me. Just unconditional love and support. Hugs my friend. Welcome home!

Okay...now off to find something soft for Jaimi to eat. Have a beautiful day ladies. When does Phyl get back? I really need to get some help for my memory. It sucks. My forgetter just keeps getting better though.

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Hi GIrls, good day today... went to the bank and had disc ussion with our Financial planner... all is well...

Markets are starting to come back... patience, patience...

I talked to my GF with the Breast Cancer today.. MY Gosh, she is one brave lady... she is keeping positive and is TALKING about ways to Quit Smoking.... I am so happy to hear that!!!! I don`t want to be a nag about it, but I am glad that she was asking me about quitting methods.

I think I am going to `take my self out`` to the movies tonight, I wanna go see THE KINGS SPEECH... its up for a lot of oscars, and I love ANYTHING Royal... so I am there... I`ll let you know if its good or not...

A bit broken out in my rash again today.... grrrr! I was being so HEALTHY yesterday, that I included some GREENS + in my blueberry, mango, whey shake.... and dumby that I am... forget to check ALLingredients...

- Kelp

- Bee Pollen

dah!!! I am allergic to IODINE (its in the Kelp) and I am allergic to BEE STINGS.... so I guess thats close enough to BEE Pollen to react...

gosh, i wish I had someone elses SKIN!!! and Immune system

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So I may have gotten great news. There is a surgeon in Dallas that specializes in bariatric revisions. He bills insurance claiming that there is damage to the stomach and therefore the only way to fix it is to perform a bypass surgery. I don't want a complete bypass...just the sleeve so we are hoping that maybe we can get it through that way! If we can't get the to just cover to go to the sleeve, there is a chance I would end up with bypass. I'm not sure I want that...but...I might have to make the choice between a free bypass or an 8000$ sleeve. Decisions!! My appt is Tuesday. I'll keep you informed. Thanks for welcoming me back.

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If this posts it will be the third or fourth time that I have typed this out but I have just deleted it every time. I'm not sure if this is where I should be or not. Last time I posted, I will honestly say that I when I read what people had to say, I told Steph that I would never come here again. But at this point I have no place to turn and I have hit rock bottom. After having a minimal fill for almost a year, gaining 50 pounds, and having some pain with my band I finally found a doctor in Texas that would take on an already banded patient. When I went in today, I found out that the reason that I have been so hungry and have been gaining weight so rapidly was because my band has slipped. The doctor here said it is a fairly major slip and that he recommends that I have the band removed as quickly as possible with a revision to gastric sleeve. They completely unfilled my band and I am on liquids for two weeks. Lee and I are considering Mexico as that is all that I can afford. The doctor of course was completely against that decision, but I have done a lot of research. I really don't know what I should do. We can't afford it right now without using EVERY dime in our savings. I am waiting to see what is going to happen next year as far as my job goes (though that is something that I will NEVER discuss on this board again). I just wanted to let you know what is going on with me. I would like to start coming back here more, but I can't really handle any "tough love" or judgements right now. I just need to be around friends that might be able to understand a little what I am going through. Right now I feel very alone. Lee is doing his best but he just doesn't get it.


Wow, I have been considering my reply post all evening... and if its something that is stuck in my craw, well its better just to let it out.. So here goes, I am only an expert in one feild - ME.

I am only speaking for myself here. But honestly, Karri, when you stopped posting on OUR thread months back.. I was hurt. Disappointed too, but hurt mostly.

I thought we had a connection. I had thought that we had further strengthened our connection in July. We had some pretty good talks then. I thought that you KNEW I cared about you and your feelings. If you perseaved that you were being JUDGED or Tough Loved.. I can't do much about that except to say.. All of my comments to you over the years have been from a position of Respect and Love. I always considered it like family here, only better. Cause we all chose one another. Don't get to that priviledge with family.

When you feel that you have been misunderstood, just say it and lets clear the air and move on... Not take all our Snakes N'Ladders and leave. Family sticks it out.. thru thick and thin.

I wish you only the best in your upcoming surgery, and I hope that you are glad that you came home.


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food good today!!

Been working on a couple of hand projects and reading a book on my kindle. It was a free ebook and started out pretty good, but got bored with it. So now I need to find another.

I don't find out until Monday if the sick leave bank with grant my request for days. If they don't, my paycheck will be $0.00 for this month. I have decided I may have to start pan handling. We will see.

Anyway, you all have a great evening!

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Good Morning Gang..

Just got up and have ton's to do before hair appointment... Don't know that I always say the right thing - I just speak from my own experience ;0) and like I always say no one understands a fat chick like another fat chick does ;0)

Yep Steph - I love them here - but my house is always in a mess when they are here - they leave lights on - use way too many glasses - and they eat like pigs - DIL goes in Feb for a seminar about lapband - but she's still eating cheese on her fries and yesterday we got starbucks - DGD doesn't need whip cream on her mocha - but she ordered it that way... All those little things count as we all know - I just kept my mouth quite - but inside - I'm saying start making the changes now..

Karri - Hell I wouldn't want by pass either but free vs $8000 that would be a tough decision - Prayers good thoughts and ju ju being sent your way..

Karla - Yep food is hard... Always will be - but you are a fighter - you will do it..

Candice - Ya I want to see that movie too - I'm not much of a movie goer - always fall asleep ;0) How was it..

Phyl - THANK YOU FOR THE Bracelet & EARRING !!!!

Sorry about the drive by - but I gotta pick up the house etc before I leave at 9..


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Okay, gang! Time for just a quick post!! Crazy week here!! Wed-Thurs AZ & MX, yesterday was a whirlwind! Water aerobics, then off to DHS for lunch with our elderly friends from Ok. (See their photo on FB. They are same age as my mother!) Stopped at Starbucks/KMart on the way home. Dog groomer at 2pm, choir practice at 2:30 pm, off to birthday party at Olive Garden about 4pm!! Nuts!! Birthday party was funny. About two weeks ago I came home from beading and Earl tells me we were invited to this birthday party for "Herm", an old German guy, at Olive Garden Jan. 28 at 5:30 pm. So I get a funny t-shirt for Herm in Quartzsite, got a birthday card at KMart yesterday. So off we go to Olive Garden. We were WAY early, so sat down at the bar to order aglass of wine. Soon some neighbors wandered in. I said are you here for Herm's birthday party??? They said, no... it's Ruth's birthday (Herm's wife). So I said... she's going to look funny in the t-shirt I bought! (Old Fart's Agenda). So, we giggled and visited and sipped our wine together. Eventually.... about 25 people, we had a private room. And then I find out Ruth & Herm aren't even coming.... they've gone to dinner with our next door neighbors, Larry and WAnda!! And the birthday party was for four people and I didn't have cards for ANY of them!! I'm going to give the shirt to Herm anyways!!

Olive Garden menu has ALL calories on the menu now, even for the drinks.< /span>

So>>> I ordered 1 glass of house red wine, seafood capillini (690 calories and I brought half home!) BUT, salad, one bread stick and small piece of birthday cake!! :(

Okay... gotta go.... want to go to Ham Radio "HamFest" this morning if I can get Earl o the stick! He's dragging this morning.

And tonight.... music and dancing at our clubhouse.

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Okay, gang! Time for just a quick post!! Crazy week here!! Wed-Thurs AZ & MX, yesterday was a whirlwind! Water aerobics, then off to DHS for lunch with our elderly friends from Ok. (See their photo on FB. They are same age as my mother!) Stopped at Starbucks/KMart on the way home. Dog groomer at 2pm, choir practice at 2:30 pm, off to birthday party at Olive Garden about 4pm!! Nuts!! Birthday party was funny. About two weeks ago I came home from beading and Earl tells me we were invited to this birthday party for "Herm", an old German guy, at Olive Garden Jan. 28 at 5:30 pm. So I get a funny t-shirt for Herm in Quartzsite, got a birthday card at KMart yesterday. So off we go to Olive Garden. We were WAY early, so sat down at the bar to order aglass of wine. Soon some neighbors wandered in. I said are you here for Herm's birthday party??? They said, no... it's Ruth's birthday (Herm's wife). So I said... she's going to look funny in the t-shirt I bought! (Old Fart's Agenda). So, we giggled and visited and sipped our wine together. Eventually.... about 25 people, we had a private room. And then I find out Ruth & Herm aren't even coming.... they've gone to dinner with our next door neighbors, Larry and WAnda!! And the birthday party was for four people and I didn't have cards for ANY of them!! I'm going to give the shirt to Herm anyways!!

Olive Garden menu has ALL calories on the menu now, even for the drinks.< /span>

So>>> I ordered 1 glass of house red wine, seafood capillini (690 calories and I brought half home!) BUT, salad, one bread stick and small piece of birthday cake!! :(

Okay... gotta go.... want to go to Ham Radio "HamFest" this morning if I can get Earl o the stick! He's dragging this morning.

And tonight.... music and dancing at our clubhouse.

YES, Happy Birthday Janet!!!

Phyl, your bday party escapades had me laughing my ass off... but the best part is that you had a BLAST anyways.. and I think made pretty good food choices bearing in mind that is WAS a celebration. When I eat out in a rest I always take home at least 1/2 the meal.. or I just order an appetizer for supper.

Dancing and Music tonight - such fun!!!

Peter;s ROCK band is playing tonight at a bar in Barrie, so me and a few friends are gonna go dance our Hiney`s off!!

Stephanie, what is your cold weather plan for today like?

Karla: I know you will busy yourself with some project, I have to get off this computer and INTO my quilt room I am behind 2 months in my Block of the Month club... and I do not want to pay the $10 penalty next class!

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Janet, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you beautiful, sexy woman!!!

Candice, not is the quilt room. Just finished reading a pretty good book, Deed to Death. Not by my normal authors, but it was $0.99 for the kindle version, so I decided to try it. Probably an author I will look into.

Well, need to go take a shower and run to the store. Going to see if I can find some Steam-a-Seam 2 for a project.

Phyl Great food choices!!


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Morning ladies. I thought I'd better get this posted before it isn't morning anymore.

Jaimi is still running a fever and coughing. She was up about 4 and 5 and 6. After that I told Jeff it was his turn. I slept until 9 and then the kids came begging for Breakfast. Jeff said, "What do you want, I'll make it." And they both said, "No, we want mom to." Well all they wanted was toast, Nick's with peanutbutter on it, so I don't know why they wouldn't let Jeff do it, but whatever. He tried. Then we snuggled for awhile while Jeff went to the shop to get some work done.

Now it's time to get some errands ran and then Jaimi wants to do a craft project that she got for her birthday. Nick is a little bent out of shape that the therapist said we need to take him back down to "Disney level" on everything. No Mario, Pokemon, or Lego Warriors on his games....heck it's not like he was playing Call of Duty, but she wants it all to be light and fun without any kind of battles. So, he's playing Disney friends now. I hope we can get outside and play in the snow today. He always fights me to get out there, but always loves it once we do. Last night we brought out the Wii Outdoor Adventure game and Nick and I were doing a teamwork game or five. It was tough. We had to do everything in perfect timing. It was so much fun. After the kids went to bed I got Jeff up to play it with me, but he wasn't nearly as impressed. The two of us just don't fit on the mat very well :) Nick had me huffing and puffing and sweating though. So maybe we will pull that out when Jai goes down for her nap.

Jeff wanted to go out for dinner tonight and I wanted to go to the HS basketball games, but with Jaimi still running a fever, that is a no go. Jeff's nephew is playing so I'll probably kick him out of the house so he can go watch.

Phyl, your birthday party story was so funny!!! At least you weren't the couple that the others were having dinner with and you went to the wrong place :) It sounds like you had an amazing night and celebrated perfectly. Did you find a new RV at the show? How did Zoey take your trip?

Janet, I hope you have an amazing wonderful fun birthday! I know you have saved calories so you can have your cake and eat it too! I also know you will have great stories to share with us tomorrow about how much fun you had. I hope you toast yourself at least once for the 7's! Love you!

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Wow, I have been considering my reply post all evening... and if its something that is stuck in my craw, well its better just to let it out.. So here goes, I am only an expert in one feild - ME.

I am only speaking for myself here. But honestly, Karri, when you stopped posting on OUR thread months back.. I was hurt. Disappointed too, but hurt mostly.

I thought we had a connection. I had thought that we had further strengthened our connection in July. We had some pretty good talks then. I thought that you KNEW I cared about you and your feelings. If you perseaved that you were being JUDGED or Tough Loved.. I can't do much about that except to say.. All of my comments to you over the years have been from a position of Respect and Love. I always considered it like family here, only better. Cause we all chose one another. Don't get to that priviledge with family.

When you feel that you have been misunderstood, just say it and lets clear the air and move on... Not take all our Snakes N'Ladders and leave. Family sticks it out.. thru thick and thin.

I wish you only the best in your upcoming surgery, and I hope that you are glad that you came home.



I am sorry that you were hurt by my decision to not continue to post on here. We did and I hope still do have a connection. The reason that I stopped posting had nothing to do with anything you have ever said. There were two comments that at the time that I stopped posting almost put me over the edge. I have have been suicidal since I left RPA and when I reached out to the people here, I was insulted at the comments that were made by two people. Normally I would have just been bent out of shape for a day or two and then said "whatever". However, I was at one of the darkest moments in my life, and instead of love, I got insults. Unfortunately for me, the actions by a couple of people on here did exactly represent my family...that of intolerance and mean spiritedness. I can honestly say that I have had more than one day in the last six months where I was so close to suicide that lee contacted students to just call and talk to me. Though they never had an inclinations that I was suicidal just talking to them was the only thing that has gotten me through the last several months. However, at no point did I ever feel that I could come here, not because of you, but because I didn't know how to face the rejection of some of those people. It was honestly a defense mechanism for me...I'm not sure that if I had experienced the comments again that I would have been able to overcome the urge of suicide. I have been on medication now for a while and my symptoms are better. I am no longer suicidal, but it is still an tenuous situation. I have to do what is best for me. At the time, I couldn't express my feelings, because I was so full of hurt, anger, and rage that I am sure that I would have burned bridges that I may never had been able to rebuild. I apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings...it was nothing personal. I just needed to make sure that I could stay alive for my husband and my kiddos. Frankly...while I no longer have strong suicidal urges, I still do not have an strong urge to stay alive for myself...I am working towards getting there. As I said earlier, I am sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings here, but I do not apologize for making the decision that would keep me alive for my husband and my kiddos.


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Phyl, your bday party escapades had me laughing my ass off... but the best part is that you had a BLAST anyways.. and I think made pretty good food choices bearing in mind that is WAS a celebration. When I eat out in a rest I always take home at least 1/2 the meal.. or I just order an appetizer for supper.

Dancing and Music tonight - such fun!!!

Peter;s ROCK band is playing tonight at a bar in Barrie, so me and a few friends are gonna go dance our Hiney`s off!!

Stephanie, what is your cold weather plan for today like?

Karla: I know you will busy yourself with some project, I have to get off this computer and INTO my quilt room I am behind 2 months in my Block of the Month club... and I do not want to pay the $10 penalty next class!

Hope you are having fun dancing your hiney off!! LOL

We have a band coming here tonight. Looking forward to hearing them and watching the dancing. Probably won't do too much of that myself!

Candice, not is the quilt room. Just finished reading a pretty good book, Deed to Death. Not by my normal authors, but it was $0.99 for the kindle version, so I decided to try it. Probably an author I will look into.

Well, need to go take a shower and run to the store. Going to see if I can find some Steam-a-Seam 2 for a project.

Phyl Great food choices!! TTFN

Have you spent any of your THREE REST DAYS yet?????????

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Hey Phyl, reading is resting, so in a way yes. I did go to the store today, and was hurting by the time I got back, everytime I think I'm getting there, I get smacked back.

Anyway, DD#3 had to take my mother to the ER today. Evidently she has not been taking her bloodpressure meds, and her magnesium level was extremely low. So the fixed that and my sister is flying up tomorrow to stay with her for a few days. I haven't been very nice about all of this with my siblings, I guess I am mad at my mother for being a drama queen and I need to let it go. I guess just too much time at home. Oh well, thats life.

Janet, hope you had a nice evening!

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Hey Phyl, reading is resting, so in a way yes. I did go to the store today, and was hurting by the time I got back, everytime I think I'm getting there, I get smacked back.

Anyway, DD#3 had to take my mother to the ER today. Evidently she has not been taking her bloodpressure meds, and her magnesium level was extremely low. So the fixed that and my sister is flying up tomorrow to stay with her for a few days. I haven't been very nice about all of this with my siblings, I guess I am mad at my mother for being a drama queen and I need to let it go. I guess just too much time at home. Oh well, thats life.

Janet, hope you had a nice evening!

That is good news that your sister is flyng home to look after your Mom.... Gosh our parents health is so precarious in their later years... I know its impossible to not worry, but she is being cared for by family...Its o.k. to let someone else share the load...

I know what you mean about the recovery process... your brain thinks you can to allthings, then whammy you start to feel tired agina.. just listen toyour body, you've been through 2 major surgerys in the last 2 months. and I know that you are not a 'sitter'... you are a 'dooer''.. so that makes it challenging.

Home now from Peter's gig.. It was a fun night out. I took my good friend Darlen with me.. she is widowed so she likes any opportunity to get our and socialize... Also, she is not too embarrassed to get up and dance with me... It was so cold in this bar tonight, that you had to dance to stay warm!!!! - 20 degrees again... sheesh, these crazy fluctuations in temp. are goofy.

My HIVES are back, man o man... to bed tonight with an ice pack on my thighs again.... we'll see what its like in the morning, may have to break down and go to a Walk-in-clinic tomorrow for some more prednisone....

Peter is happy as a clam with his Ereader by Sony... has 500 books downloaded onto it now!! We got them from a Torrent download site free... and I dont' have to look at his STACK Of novels anymore, or try and dust around them

Well gonnasign off now and hit the bed... sleep tight everyone!

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Good Morning Gang...

Thanks for the bday wishes had a great day!!! Nothing really funny to tell - my bro brad & joseph got a new light hung in my nook - oh what a diff - I have been here almost 7 yrs - that light makes all the diff - got a new towel rack hung too now I need a curtain rod and I will be done w/all house hold projects..

Karri - we love you and weren't rejecting your or meaning to insult you and like I said before we are of a diff age bracket and look at things a little diff - I love that you want to change school system - it needs changing - just don't want you to get so involved that you are killing yourself over it - that's all little girl ;0) - We love you and no insults were intended.. I sure hope you are in a better place now.. Know you are loved and we sure don't want to lose you.. Hows the liquids going ...

Karla - Reading is resting - I think I will be doing that after gym..

Steph - Yep I saved calories - had a couple adult beverages - a piece of chicken - guca & chips and 2 pieces of cake - don't want to go to gym today - but will - need too - not that pilos most likely burns to many calories - but its something.. Kids going to DIL moms so I will have a quite afternoon..

Hope your kids are feeling better and Mommy always makes better food than daddy ;0)

Phyl - OMG what a fiasco :0) but you had a good time and that's what counts - Yep got new bbq - natural gas doesn't get as hot - but that's ok - I don't have to refill propane tanks...

Lbt was down for awhile this a.m. - gald it's back up - time to eat some breakfast - gotta get this sugar out of my system - got a bit of a headache this morning - and I don't think it's from my 3 drinks...

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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