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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Yep, we will enjoy Christmas and Celebrate Christ's birth. I haven't even figured out what Christmas dinner will be. Usually something nontraditional.

Candice, you aren't the lone stranger, I don't hear from Steph either. I hope she hasn't totally given up on the band, or at least finds the $$ to get the sleeve. She is such a beautiful lady, I don't want to see her back at her starting weight. Karri, well, just to much drama, but that is the difference in our age. Not her fault, more mine. But it is sad to see us down to 3.5 (Linda get's the 0.5). So then are we the Lucky 1/2 a 7, Still Hanging ON? By the way, I forgot to mention, how good you are doing. If I was trapped in the snow, I'd be baking up a storm and I don't bake low fat! I did splurge and have a piece of biscotti with my coffee, but I skipped lunch, so it balances.

Beaded some bracellets for Santa stockings. Nothing as nice as Phyl's, I just used what I had, Jasper and onyx, onyx and some green bumpy beads, black and black mother of pearl. I do have some fabulous labrador onyx I want to put together, but it needs something else with it.

I always made my dad peanut brittle and biscuit mix for Christmas. He did love my biscuits. I had a dream about him eating chicken wings (the only part he liked) and biscuits. He must have known I was missing him.

Janet, hell your life makes me tired just listening to it. Compared to you and Phyl, I'm a hermit. Well until summer. I have always hibernated in winter. I truely think I missed my calling as a bear.

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Good Evening Gang...

I didn't hear from Karri - she posted on FB that she was stuck in the airport - Steph talks to me on fb too.. But that's about it - oh like pics and prayers when needed - no email nothing really...

l really do chalk it up to our age diff - but still love them both and wish the best for them..

Karla - I'm not that busy - I'm really a lazy person LOL that's why Candice calls me the napping queen ;0) It just sounds busy ;0) and when I am out shopping I mozzy around - I am not a person who say wants liquid tyenol from walgreens (that's the only place I can find it - well at Ralphs/Krogers - but I rarely shop there) anyway - I go in and look around to see if there is anything I can't live without - I don't like power shopping - my gf Diane has to that cuz her dh is always with her and you know how most men are about shopping...

I get out of the house cuz when I'm in the house I want to eat ;0) - so I go mozzing around just to get out of the house...

I like napping - but really can't sleep like I use to - well I think it's cuz I don't eat like I use to either.

Hell you should have been on this thread 6/07 hell you would be gone for 1 hr and have 10 pages to read ...

Well had gym tonite - Arms - it was so so work out - have boot camp tomorrow - then legs Wed and after that Hot Hula.. Gotta exercise if I want to have treats at Christmas - Tamales are fattening - lard - masa - cheese

Well work was ok - not great not bad work..

I really need to color my hair but it's almost 8 - doubt I get it done tonite ;0)

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Good Evening Gang...

I didn't hear from Karri - she posted on FB that she was stuck in the airport - Steph talks to me on fb too.. But that's about it - oh like pics and prayers when needed - no email nothing really...

l really do chalk it up to our age diff - but still love them both and wish the best for them..

Karla - I'm not that busy - I'm really a lazy person LOL that's why Candice calls me the napping queen ;0) It just sounds busy ;0) and when I am out shopping I mozzy around - I am not a person who say wants liquid tyenol from walgreens (that's the only place I can find it - well at Ralphs/Krogers - but I rarely shop there) anyway - I go in and look around to see if there is anything I can't live without - I don't like power shopping - my gf Diane has to that cuz her dh is always with her and you know how most men are about shopping...

I get out of the house cuz when I'm in the house I want to eat ;0) - so I go mozzing around just to get out of the house...

I like napping - but really can't sleep like I use to - well I think it's cuz I don't eat like I use to either.

Hell you should have been on this thread 6/07 hell you would be gone for 1 hr and have 10 pages to read ...

Well had gym tonite - Arms - it was so so work out - have boot camp tomorrow - then legs Wed and after that Hot Hula.. Gotta exercise if I want to have treats at Christmas - Tamales are fattening - lard - masa - cheese

Well work was ok - not great not bad work..

I really need to color my hair but it's almost 8 - doubt I get it done tonite ;0)

Age difference???? NAH!! She loved having you as her MOM until you disagreed with her on something. So the relationship was conditional.... warm and fuzzy as long as she got nothing but positive affirmation. But, a little tough love and she wrote you off. She wrote all of us off, in fact. I take it Lee is moving to TX with her. And all she does is talk about how much she hates the system she is working for... AGAIN!.

I've had a little too much egg nog tonight so I better shut up. TEN HOURS in the car... too much. Didn't eat much al day, so went out for fish and chips tonight, and a glass of wine. Came back to the motel and had some egg nog... with all sorts of bad stuff in it...

Almost killed each other this morning. Hope tomorrow goes better!! LOL! I lost the I-5 vs. 101 argument, so I was sort of pouting, but not being a bitch... but that's what I got accused of. Someone had a melt down and threw Water all over the car and it wasn't me!

We drove 468 miles yesterday, probably about the same today, and have 479 to make it home tomorrow! But, at least we will be cutting back to I-5 somewhere north of here, since we are past the bad part of the mountains and there should be no further threat of snow. The wind and rain was awful today and it was a scary day!

Dog and cat are doing great. Cat is sleeping in my place on the bed right now, next to Earl, and Zoey is on the floor at my feet. She jumped off the bed when candy got up there. We'll both kick Candy out when I go to bed in a few minutes. Can't think anymore... Good Night Moon!

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Phy, ((HUGS)), sorry about the grumpiness. We all get that way sometimes, but driving in winter with a dog & cat isn't easy. Especially with a man! Just be safe and next time he throws Water, throw some right back at him. By the way, well said regarding the absent members of our thread, I'm too woosie. But we still miss them. Without Steph, I would have never gotten the band nor met all my favorite people. It is times like this that I hate not being close to all of you. I wish we could perform a little magic and get together at least once a month. Hey, someone needs to play the lottery and win enough $$ so we could jet together on a regular basis!

It is cold here today. Everything has hoar frost on it, it is beautiful, but foggy. Weird dreams again last night. Dreamed I moved into a house that was just a tumble down shack. paper walls, and I mean only paper. Doors that wouldn't lock. Dead animals everywhere. This really wierd scene, where horns were honking, and a big metal pounding machine making noise and someone going around shooting cows and pigs. Then skinned animals being wrapped up whole to put in the freezer. Anyone who says we only dream in black and white should have been in my dream. I am sure there is some significance to it, but it pretty much defeats me. Second night of weird dreams, I wonder what it is all about?

Have to run to school today to see where the sub is at and to deliver some gifts, then pay bills. DD#5 has a hockey game tonight, so think of me sitting on a slab of ice for 2 hours at 8 o'clock.

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Good Morning Gang

Phyl - Hugs Hugs Hugs - What a little butthead to throw the Water - how old is he... Please don't kill him, think about prison - it's not a fun place ;0)... But you can think about the ways to do it - just don't act on them ;0)..


I dream in color - I would say I don't dream much - but I know the last couple of mornings I am dreaming right before I wake up - but I don't remember them at all -

Did you watch Dancing w/ Wolves lately LOL

Well gotta get back to work .... CBL

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Good Morning Gang

Phyl - Hugs Hugs Hugs - What a little butthead to throw the Water - how old is he... Please don't kill him, think about prison - it's not a fun place ;0)... But you can think about the ways to do it - just don't act on them ;0)..


I dream in color - I would say I don't dream much - but I know the last couple of mornings I am dreaming right before I wake up - but I don't remember them at all -

Did you watch Dancing w/ Wolves lately LOL

Well gotta get back to work .... CBL

Oh you girls""" ! you made me laugh out load.. when I read that Earl had a meltdown in the car... Gosh Peter does that too... w/o the water works though :)

We once travelled with 2 Siamese Cats in the car and a PREGNANT Me... all the way from British Columbia to Ontario.... Oh MY that was not pretty... especially going thru the Detroit/Windsor tunnel... the cats freeked out and Peter Grabbed one cat by the head and YELLED MEOW into its ear!!! so funny to think of now!

Yes, I agree with Karla above.... I miss Stephanie and karri too... and HOLIDAY BEST WISHES for them both!!

Karla; we can be atogether on Christmas... we`ll do a group SKYPE or something like that ok.???

I`ve been busy, finishing a quilt for my SIL for Xmas... I am handsewing on the binding now... I had to scrimp and steal fabric bits for the border. but it looks grewat .... I`ll put up a picture.

PHyl; Safe driving today, glad you are almost there...

Karla: Glad you got some nice fluffy stuff to cover up all the brown YUK... it`ll look nice for Christmas.. are you getting out walking at all??? Don`t worry about going back to school, enjoy your TIME thoroughly now...

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crap, I forget how to attac h pictures

so I am sending the pic in an email....

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Candice, haven't walked yet, but hope to next week. Just going to school for an hour wore me out and put me back in pain. Should be fun at the hocky game. Oh well.

Yep, we will skype, does Janet have skype? can we skype with multiple people?

Saw the quilt, just beautiful. I actually love scappy bindings. I use any left over fabric for the back and binding. My other favorite binding is to use a narrow stripe cut on the bias.

Hope to do some quilting next week!!!

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Good Morning Gang

Phyl - Hugs Hugs Hugs - What a little butthead to throw the Water - how old is he... Please don't kill him, think about prison - it's not a fun place ;0)... But you can think about the ways to do it - just don't act on them ;0)..


I dream in color - I would say I don't dream much - but I know the last couple of mornings I am dreaming right before I wake up - but I don't remember them at all -

Did you watch Dancing w/ Wolves lately LOL

Well gotta get back to work .... CBL

Well, in all fairness... he didn't actually THROW the water... he was having a fit of rage and grabbed it and flung it across the car and it went everywhere! I guess that is sort of throwing it! LOL!! I was admittedly pouting because I was mad about going up 101.. which probably turned out to be a good thing because if it was snowing in the mountains as hard as it was raining where we were... we would have had a miserable drive if we'd even been able to get through! So... I wasn't speaking much to him... like hardly at all. So, I'm getting back in the car at McD's with a hot cup of coffee in my hand and there's no place to put it because he's put a bag of dog food in one cup holder and a cup of water for the dog in the other. So I said, "Why can't i ever have a place to put my coffee cup!??" And that's when all hell broke lose. Things flying everywhere, including the dog.. he tossed her in the back seat! But.. after 3-4 hours of HIM pouting, he apologized! TOO much driving. Maybe if he'd let me do some of it he wouldn't get so nasty!

At any rate, we are home! And I'm going to bed!! Exhausted!

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good morning gang

I hope my house doesn't flood - it's been raining 24 hrs - the side of my house if full of Water 5 more inches the pool is going to be flooding..

Phyl Glad you are home safe - maybe you can fly home and let earl drive ;0) lol I know that's not possible - but wishful thinking

Candice loved your quilt -

Karla - hope your pain is better

Not much to report had gym last night - then had to come and put gifts in bags that I have to take to work - still gotta get gift for boss - but that's just a gift certificate

but gotta do it today - and I have gym tonite too - 2 classes - well it will get done..

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Phyl, glad you are home safe and sound!!! Men...can't live with them, can't sell them!

Sorry I didn't check in last night. Froze my butt off, we actually my feet. Did you know that there are 3, yes THREE 18 minute periods in hockey. Who's bright idea was that. The game was in the OUTSIDE rink at 8 pm, with a lovely temperature of 5 degrees, and that ain't celsius honey! T,he only saving grace, was that she could have had the late game that starts at 11 pm. Didn't get to bed until 1 am, just trying to thaw out.

I now remember why I decided to give up beading. Big clummsy hands...itty bitty beads! I decided a quick stocking stuffer for my girls was to make them each a bracellet out of my left over beads. Well I get them made and decide that they need a second string added, then I'll use magnetic clasps instead of stretchy cord. THEN get them all done and...I forgot to allow for the thickness of the beads so they are too small. I'll have to tear them all apart auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggggggg. They are going into the stockings as is and I'll remake them with the correct measurements. Way mad at myself.

Candice...what's up?

Janet do you have your Water wings out. Hope your house is okay. I know when my sister lived in Riverside that the flooding pool water was not a good thing! Hang in there.

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Phyl, glad you are home safe and sound!!! Men...can't live with them, can't sell them!

Sorry I didn't check in last night. Froze my butt off, we actually my feet. Did you know that there are 3, yes THREE 18 minute periods in hockey. Who's bright idea was that.

THE CANADIANS lol !!!!! :D

with a lovely temperature of 5 degrees, and that ain't celsius honey! T,he only saving grace, was that she could have had the late game that starts at 11 pm. Didn't get to bed until 1 am, just trying to thaw out.

I now remember why I decided to give up beading. Big clummsy hands...itty bitty beads! I decided a quick stocking stuffer for my girls was to make them each a bracellet out of my left over beads. Well I get them made and decide that they need a second string added, then I'll use magnetic clasps instead of stretchy cord. THEN get them all done and...I forgot to allow for the thickness of the beads so they are too small. I'll have to tear them all apart auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggggggg. They are going into the stockings as is and I'll remake them with the correct measurements. Way mad at myself.

AH SO sorry about the bracelets... that really sucks ... especially since you had them all done!

ister lived in Riverside that the flooding pool Water was not a good thing! Hang in there.

Janet: I hope the raining has stopped and your water level has started to back off... gosh that is scarry so c lose to the pool... Crossing my fingers for you!!!

Phyl: So nice to sleep in your own beds eh? Are you talking to «earl yet? Oh my!! Winter driving conditions are enought to make anyone freek.... Actually Peter just bought 4 snow tires today on KiJiji (online) and he drove to T.O. to pick them up. they get installed tomorrow!!! I am so happy!! I have been nagging him for YEARS to get snows on his VAN... cause its always the VAN that he takes to gigs, late at night driving. You never know WHAT the weather is going to be doing... so 4 snows is the best PreParednes that yu can do.

Well, back to sewing the binding on that quilt.... more later babes!!!

Oh had a nother GREAT rehearsal with Mark last night... gosh he learns stuff quickly!!

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Good Morning Gang

Had 2 gym classes last nite - didn't get home till 7;45 and had a couple more xmas bags to stuff - food to fix for office party - Salmon- Cream (lite) cheese ;0) no one is going to like it but me - but who cares - it was easy - and not fattening.. I am saving myself for tamales on Xmas eve and a few cookies..

Rain stopped - Pool guy called me - said it wouldn't flood - ;0)... Just a little worrysome -

Candice - 10 days to go???

Karla - Why did you even go - too freaking cold ;0) - but again not a big hocky fan ;0) it's a Canadian sport ;0) or for those who have ice - I know CA had a team - the ducks I think but thats about all I know about hocky ;0)

Phyl - Glad you are home - my now you have food in the house and are getting settled..

Should get off work around 2 - so cbl

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Good Morning Gang

Had 2 gym classes last nite - didn't get home till 7;45 and had a couple more xmas bags to stuff - food to fix for office party - Salmon- Cream (lite) cheese ;0) no one is going to like it but me - but who cares - it was easy - and not fattening.. I am saving myself for tamales on Xmas eve and a few cookies..

Rain stopped - Pool guy called me - said it wouldn't flood - ;0)... Just a little worrysome -

Candice - 10 days to go???

Karla - Why did you even go - too freaking cold ;0) - but again not a big hocky fan ;0) it's a Canadian sport ;0) or for those who have ice - I know CA had a team - the ducks I think but thats about all I know about hocky ;0)

Phyl - Glad you are home - my now you have food in the house and are getting settled..

Should get off work around 2 - so cbl

Actually, I think CA.. has a couple of teams... the ANaheim DUCKS (disney get it?) and the L.A. KINGS... the LA kings had Wayne Gretzky for their owner and couch... Wayne is a CANADIAN Icon.... the best Hockey player that we ever turned out.... His wife is American I think and I believe they mostly live in Ca. now...

Hey did you know that a Canadian invented BASKETBALL??? just a bit of trivia for ya!

Off to do a GIG this afternoon, a Sr`s Home agian... they love it so much.. but I am dressing LIGHTER today! It was so HOT at the last place... I think they had the heat set at 85 for the old dolls.

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Good Morning Gang

Had 2 gym classes last nite - didn't get home till 7;45 and had a couple more xmas bags to stuff - food to fix for office party - Salmon- Cream (lite) cheese ;0) no one is going to like it but me - but who cares - it was easy - and not fattening.. I am saving myself for tamales on Xmas eve and a few cookies..

Rain stopped - Pool guy called me - said it wouldn't flood - ;0)... Just a little worrisome -

Candice - 10 days to go???

Karla - Why did you even go - too freaking cold ;0) - but again not a big hocky fan ;0) it's a Canadian sport ;0) or for those who have ice - I know CA had a team - the ducks I think but thats about all I know about hocky ;0)

Phyl - Glad you are home - my now you have food in the house and are getting settled..

Should get off work around 2 - so cbl

Yeah, Jim & Earl went to Navy base and got groceries and Christmas shopping done while Tracy and I fooled around! We went to Target, RiteAid, Surf Shack, Taco Time. We bought silly Santa hats that play "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer", Christmas shirts for our dogs, etc. RiteAid had all kinds of Christmas stuff 50-60% off so we both went out with arms loaded with bags!

Guys got back while we were still unloading the car! We watched Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation after that, had dinner... Earl did steaks on their grill that Jim's sister sent from Omaha steaks! I thought they were small filets, but Jim said no. So... don't know what they were, but small and tender. Then we watched another movie and made gingerbread house. Was after 10pm when we went home.

Stomach feeling rocky this morning. Hasn't really been right in almost a week... cramps, etc. Burping, belching, yuck!

Heard from youngest son this morning. His son turned 18 today and thinks his girlfriend might be pg!! That would make him a grandpa and us great-grandparents! Not a happy scene, though. As I told Steve, Kurtis changes girlfriends as often as he changes his underwear. And.. I've been bugging him for over a year about getting his GED because he wants to go in the Marines. He keeps telling me he has to wait until his mother gets him a laptop so he can do it online!! Lame excuse. Get off your butt and do it! You don't need a laptop to get a GED! At least he's working now..... in a pizza place. I'm sure there is no healthcare. He's going to follow in his father's footsteps, I'm afraid.

Four of us are going to Jo & Al's church for Christmas Eve service tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. then to their house for dinner. Then back here to Tracy & Jim's church by 9 p.m. They're still not coming to Tracy's on Christmas, but will come up on Sunday afternoon. Then the kids are staying with us while they have their anniversary getaway.

Glad to hear the pool didn't flood!! There was flooding in some of the buildings at Sky Valley.

Candace.... no more snow, right?!

Karla.... hockey game??? outside??? No way!! LOL

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

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        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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