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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Well Said Candice !!!

Steph - listen - we are suppose to do things w/o being thanked - just doing it should make you happy... I know thank yous are what they should do - but some pple don't get it..

You are an angel !!!! Be proud of that....

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Ladies. I guess I didn't make myself clear. It wasn't the fact that she didn't thank me. I did the right thing and will do it over and over again. I didn't think twice about it and I don't need kudos for that.

What crushed me is that after 10 years in her brother's life she says that a cousin that she sees possibly once every year or two is the closest thing she has to a sister. I hurt because I feel like I'm not good enough for her. That I'm invisible. That no matter what I do in her life, I'll never be important. Yesterday was just one more in a long list of things I do for her that doesn't seem to matter.

I have to agree with Karri. Ladies, I don't need anymore tough love. Those in my every day life are giving me enough right now. What I need now is support. and someone to say, "Yeah! What a hag! Shame on her. Who needs her!." I'm not feeling that here anymore. I know you are all wrapped up in your own drama and mine is just as ordinary as anyone else's. Maybe I am a drama queen. I don't know....but it makes it very hard to post here when all it feels like is 5 more people judging. I guess a break is needed here. I'll just lurk. I'm sure when I'm feeling a little less beat up I could take your comments but right now ... nope. It just hurts.

Karla, good luck on your unfill. You are doing such an amazing job and your so busy. You should be so proud of yourself. In every aspect of your life your new found confidence shines through. Love you darling.

Candice, your gigs sound like so much fun. I so wish I could come up and listen. I miss you and Peter so much. Have fun with the election stuff. It's so good of you to step up and do that. So many people are sitting back hoping our governments will run themselves. I hope you really enjoy it!

Phyl, don't let the heat eat you up. I find it a little funny that for so much of summer it was so cold in the NW that all you wanted to do was go back to DHS and now that you got back there it's too warm. Isn't that just the way it goes? I would be living in the pool. I think I would probably be Water logged by the end of the day. Give Earl a kiss on the forehead for me and tell him I hope he feels much better soon and to back off a little on my darling gma! I hope you plan on starting your beading again soon.

Linda, best wishes to Mel. It will be a long tough day when he goes into his biopsies. It's going to tough to have that many removed at once. Let's hope he is kind to you during his recovery but will probably act like all men :smile2: Enjoy your little darlings and keep counting down to retirement! You'll enjoy it so much.

Janet, you never seem to need any encouragement. You have it all together! You are such a beautiful woman and now your outside matches your inside. So very lucky! Have fun in Vegas.

I'll be lurking ladies. See you on the flip side.

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STEPHANIE! You get back here! Your SIL is an ungrateful oaf and I'm glad that I don't know her. You did the right thing--she should have been grateful. Instead, she disrespected you and of course, you are hurt. Who wouldn't be? We get that! We were just trying to help you see beyond that. We don't always get it right, but we do care about you and all the things that are going on in your life.

Don't you dare stop posting. We need your support here too, and you give a lot to this fourm. You can take out your anger here, and it sounds like you're plenty angry right now--for good reason, but we're not the bad guys here. Take a few days if you need to and lurk, but don't you dare quit posting or I will haunt you.



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Did I completely miss the boat here?

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Candice, I way am the hell missing the boat with you. I guess you and I are stuck on the dock?

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Steph, if I said something or DIDN'T say what you needed to hear, I'm sorry.

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I'm sorry that you feel the way you do and that you don't get support from us.. We love you and we are here for you..

Well, she's the closest thing to a sister I've ever had." Are you kidding me? Not thank you, not I'm so glad you could do this, didn't even hardly acknowledge my presence....but....this cousin who lives in Minneapolis is the closest thing she has to a sister??? REALLY?

Why do I even try? Anyways....I'm trying not to be bitter but dammit it hurt! And I feel like I can't say anything about that, because .... I mean....she's just had a really bad thing happen. I guess it goes to show me that even in the worst of times I'm still not up to par for her. Oh well.....letting it go. Shutting up now.on

You are an angel - be proud of that.. How much more supportive can we be..

I guess you wanted to call your sil all kinds of bitches - Well can't do that when they just were life flighted to the hospital - I'm not going to talk bad about someone who might die..

Well we all know that she is (a witch) - Like Linda said - We got that we - know that - We just were trying to make you see that you are a good person with out her thanking you or saying you were her sister and shame on her .

For some pple it's more about blood - blood will always win over inlaws..

And the Karri remark.. Didn't get that one either - I guess it's where she posted on FB that she got criticized on another board - again - I don't think we criticized her..

Giving pple suggestions on ways to look at a situations isn't criticizing or being un-supportive - it's trying to get them to look at things from a different perspective and how they might change things...

I know you are hurt and angry right now - Hope that you realize it's not you that's the bad person here that it's her and we love you and don't want you to stop posting

As Linda said you - have great insite and we need each other's view points - as a friend says - about advice - take want you want and leave the rest -

Hugs - sure hope you don't quit us cuz we aren't going to quit you..

Love Janet

P.S. - My life has drama and far from perfect - I don't think anyone has a perfect life - don't think there is such a thing.

But I have a few years on you and that makes a bit of a difference on how I look at things - Like I'm always telling Andrew - it's an age thing

I have a Sister who could die at anytime - and she's pissed and not talking to me.. But what am I to do - I love her and if she doesn't want to talk to me so be it - I have learned in my life you can't change other pple - so why try ..

As Candice once said - Definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a diff result.

Love you dearly and sure hope you come back...

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Good Morning!

Hope we ALL have a better day today!

And that's all I have to say about THAT!!!


P.S. BTW.... I don't think I ever complained about the weather!

I AM glad to be back in the desert.

Earl is complaining about the heat, but not me.

I would much rather be here in the 100+ weather

than back home in WA where it's 60 and raining!

Edited by phyllser

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Okay ladies, I agree with Phyl, let's move on.

Well just back from my band doc and boy did I get a chewing out. He threatened to totally unfill me, oh hell no, not over my dead AND his dead body. Then he said, okay 1cc, remember I only have a 4 cc band. I said a quarter, we agreed on 3/4. But when he put the needle in almost 1 cc forced it's way out under it's own power. So we went with what was forced out, as long as I promised not to wait 2 1/2 weeks to come back in. I feel so loose. Then we talked a lot about food choices and how I have been eating easy foods. He wants me on solids..as in steak..and lots of fruit and veggies. I haven't been able to eat any of that all summer. So tomorrow is still liquids, he said that I probably was almost swollen shut. But the good news...my official doctor weigh in...163 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I have met the goal Dr. Ortiz suggested (166) and on my way to 100 pounds, can you believe it? Now I have to be super vigilent. I decided to stop and buy new bras on the way home, tried my normal size 40D um..3 other boobs could have fit in there. Tried a 38D, still not right, so gave up. Here is my lame thinking, I tried on a pair of jeans that were size 12 and they were loose, I almost bought them, why?? for when I gain weight. STUPID. So I didn't buy any, bought the furries new toys and new walking vests for the winter.

Well should get going, ttfn

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Good Evening Gang...

Sorry haven't been on today - busy at work - 10/1 renewals

Then had gym - stopped by to see Andrew at work and Janelle who works next doors haven't seen her in ages (Andrew's cousin who went on the cruise w/us) then went to Target - for got salami (it's the dogs treat went I leave).

Got home Joseph calls - I guess they are coming tomorrow - 1st I've heard from them since the 1 a.m. call ;0) - I have a hair cut at 5 - won't be home till 6:30 so - am packing tonite.. So that I can spend some time w/them - Joseph said why didn't I move my appoint I knew they were coming - I said it was made a month ago and I didn't know at that time you were going to be here and after last friday - didn't know if you would or not - anyway after 2 hrs we will be getting on each others nerves ;0)

it's 8:45 p.m. and havent' eaten

Karla - CONGRATS ON YOUR 163 !!! WTG.. Now GF I am going to kick your butt - you take those pants back - you are not allowed to have any baggy clothes - it's too easy to slip back into to them if you start gaining weight - for me my clothes are the indicator I use as to where my weight is - I don't need a scale.< /p>

So take them back - get a 10 - on the bra you most likely are a 36 - so when you take those pants back try on a 36 C..

I am glad you got to see the doc - yes gf you are suppose to eat really food... ;0) It's good to be able to eat meat - I couldn't live w/o it ;0) that and veggies -

Phyl - Hugs on Earl - is he feeling better ;0) - At least you will have 2.5 days of peace - I think you and I make good room mates :0) -

Well - gotta ck my other thread Will ck in tomorrow..

Hugs and love to all (including the lurkers :drool:)

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Well just back from my band doc and boy did I get a chewing out. He threatened to totally unfill me, oh hell no, not over my dead AND his dead body. Then he said, okay 1cc, remember I only have a 4 cc band. I said a quarter, we agreed on 3/4. But when he put the needle in almost 1 cc forced it's way out under it's own power. So we went with what was forced out, as long as I promised not to wait 2 1/2 weeks to come back in. I feel so loose. Then we talked a lot about food choices and how I have been eating easy foods. He wants me on solids..as in steak..and lots of fruit and veggies. I haven't been able to eat any of that all summer. So tomorrow is still liquids, he said that I probably was almost swollen shut. But the good news...my official doctor weigh in...163 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I have met the goal Dr. Ortiz suggested (166) and on my way to 100 pounds, can you believe it? Now I have to be super vigilent. I decided to stop and buy new bras on the way home, tried my normal size 40D um..3 other boobs could have fit in there. Tried a 38D, still not right, so gave up. Here is my lame thinking, I tried on a pair of jeans that were size 12 and they were loose, I almost bought them, why?? for when I gain weight. STUPID. So I didn't buy any, bought the furries new toys and new walking vests for the winter. Well should get going, ttfn

Congrats on the weight!!

NO... she didn't buy the 12's, Janet! But she needs to go back and get the 10's! And you need to go somewhere to get a good bra fitting! Candice posted a site that explained how to measure, didn't she???? Where are you Candice??

Good Evening Gang...Sorry haven't been on today - busy at work - 10/1 renewals

Then had gym - stopped by to see Andrew at work and Janelle who works next doors haven't seen her in ages (Andrew's cousin who went on the cruise w/us) then went to Target - for got salami (it's the dogs treat went I leave).

Got home Joseph calls - I guess they are coming tomorrow - 1st I've heard from them since the 1 a.m. call ;0) - I have a hair cut at 5 - won't be home till 6:30 so - am packing tonite.. So that I can spend some time w/them - Joseph said why didn't I move my appoint I knew they were coming - I said it was made a month ago and I didn't know at that time you were going to be here and after last friday - didn't know if you would or not - anyway after 2 hrs we will be getting on each others nerves ;0)

it's 8:45 p.m. and havent' eaten

Karla - CONGRATS ON YOUR 163 !!! WTG.. Now GF I am going to kick your butt - you take those pants back - you are not allowed to have any baggy clothes - it's too easy to slip back into to them if you start gaining weight - for me my clothes are the indicator I use as to where my weight is - I don't need a scale.< /p>

So take them back - get a 10 - on the bra you most likely are a 36 - so when you take those pants back try on a 36 C..

I am glad you got to see the doc - yes gf you are suppose to eat really food... ;0) It's good to be able to eat meat - I couldn't live w/o it ;0) that and veggies -

Phyl - Hugs on Earl - is he feeling better ;0) - At least you will have 2.5 days of peace - I think you and I make good room mates :0) -

Well - gotta ck my other thread Will ck in tomorrow..

Hugs and love to all (including the lurkers :drool:)

Earl is much better today. He went to Walmart with me when I got my nails done. He dropped me off at SBX and he went to costco. Zoey and I went from SBX to Walmart nail place. He finished at Costco and came over to Walmart, did a little more shopping and then just waited for me.

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Good Morning Gang

Woke up by THUNDER & RAIN this morning - dogs were barking and it sounded like someone banging on my garage door - then realized it was thunder - took the dogs out - well bella and bear aren't afraid of the rain but my Princess Angel - God forbids doesn't want to get wet... This is when the garage comes in handy.. 4:45 a.m. !!!!

Well got the bed made - coffee and coffee stuff packed for tomorrow..

Phyl I bet that thunder woke you up for sure - being in the MH I bet you really can hear it..

Well I'm packed I think - if not too bad now got to figure out what I am going to wear today..

103 today - and humid cuz of the rain ;0)


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Hello Ladies! I am here and so FLIPPING excited about Karla's news... whoo-hoo yu skinny assed biatch!!!!

Just kidding, you've worked hard hon and I am so proud of you, and especially proud of you for getting to the doctor and looking after yourself.. It will be o.k. You'll be able to eat meat and you'll be fine!!!

I agree 36 bra, C or D cup it depends... but definetly not a 38 or 40!! You way past those sizes... I have 20 lbs on you and I wear a 36 DD... my ribs aren't that big, its just my boobs!!! argh, won't go there today...

Except to say that I am still on the band wagon and its day 4 !!! I have found that I love chicken Jerky... found it in a store and buying some more today. Really helps me curb the hunger between meals... it stays with me!! Thank you God!!! Ive been praying hard to stay the course and eat what HE would want for me, not what I want for myself..;-)

Getting my hair cut at 4 oclock really need it too.. Can't wait, my old hairdresser so we;ll probably gab our heads off the whole time and I;ll come home with fresh gossip!!


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I do miss not being hungry!! But I am enjoying my fruit & veggies for the first time all summer. I will have to go in for a fill in awhile, but I am going to let things heal and get my energy back. I hadn't realized how malnurished I was until I ate last night. My body was perky for the first time in weeks. I am sitting here enjoying my skinny latte, first time in weeks, contemplating dinner, first time in weeks. Tonight I have to keep it to mushies, but tomorrow is a turkey loin and steamed veggies. I honestly thought for a while there that I could live without food. It had no appeal, now it probably has too much, but I will find the balance.

Candice, Linda, it is just you and me babe. Janet & Phyl are off for the weekend, so we can talk about them,,,heheh. okay you know we won't.

Well I want to go to a women's comedy show tomorrow night and I can't unless the paper is done, so I'm gone for right now, TTFN

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Good Evening Gang

Drive by ;0) Kids are here - had steak and baked potatoe - Melissa bbq is the best - steak just right...

Got hair cut - went by the bank got $$$ for the weekend - all packed except for the usual make up hair stuff..

Karla - good that you can eat - I have to eat ;0) - I'm still a foodie ;0)..

Get the paper done so you can go have fun..

I'll drop by in the a.m.


P.S. talk all you want - cuz I already know what you all are going to say - Janet's a tight ass about this eating healthy and exercise - she needs to give it a rest ;0) xoxox Janet

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