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Hey Gang

It was so nice not to have to rush home to change and go to the gym tonite (Idrise had something to do so we have make up on Saturday @ 8)

Went and got dog food and a gate for Bella - But Mr Pissy (my GS who acts like a DH) says I am just teaching her to pee on the pad - she's not learning to go out side - Hell it's the best i can do - I work - I'm not here during the day and I am not leaving her in a crate from 7 a.m to 4:30 then come home for 15 minutes - then put her right back in.. Just not doing it - I don't beleive in it why have a dog.. So I have a portion of the laundry room gated - a pee pad behind the trash can (she has used it) - He's being such an ASSHOLE..

Steph - WTG the scales are moving back in the right direction. I understand about cleaning the house - not my fav chore either - but it does feel good when it's all done..

Candice - Are pple staying w/you - How cool that you will be singing ;0)

What are you serving - or is it a pot luck..

Phyl - How did the day go.. Yep can't believe you didn't have a dog before - Zoey is like having a 1st child ;0)

Karla - Did you say something about being gone tonite ....

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Nah Janet, I am actually home tonight. I have unpacked 8 boxes...of books, 3 boxes so far for the yard sale. Going to throw it all together for a sale on Friday and saturday. I'm going through all my craft stuff and am selling everything but my quilting stuff, so goodbye to...wool yarn, candle stuff, lotion stuff, weaving stuff, potpourri, wooden ornament projects, wire jewelry projects, femo projects, stamping projects, rug making stuff, ceramic stuff, more wood stuff, concrete stuff...crap, how much stuff do I have. I'm selling my antique quilt frame. That is just the stuff I can think of. I know there is more, I can't even think about all the videos and DVD's. Candice, remind me...this is going to be liberating????

Phyl, I'll go through my beading stuff and send it your way. I am going to keep some of the smallest beads for some crazy quilting.

I think I will keep my embroidery stuff. Um...what about my leather stuff?

Okay, what about... Ah forget it, I can't even think of everything else....

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Hey Gang

It was so nice not to have to rush home to change and go to the gym tonite (Idrise had something to do so we have make up on Saturday @ 8)

Went and got dog food and a gate for Bella - But Mr Pissy (my GS who acts like a DH) says I am just teaching her to pee on the pad - she's not learning to go out side - Hell it's the best i can do - I work - I'm not here during the day and I am not leaving her in a crate from 7 a.m to 4:30 then come home for 15 minutes - then put her right back in.. Just not doing it - I don't beleive in it why have a dog.. So I have a portion of the laundry room gated - a pee pad behind the trash can (she has used it) - He's being such an ASSHOLE..

Steph - WTG the scales are moving back in the right direction. I understand about cleaning the house - not my fav chore either - but it does feel good when it's all done..

Candice - Are pple staying w/you - How cool that you will be singing ;0)

What are you serving - or is it a pot luck..

Phyl - How did the day go.. Yep can't believe you didn't have a dog before - Zoey is like having a 1st child ;0)

Karla - Did you say something about being gone tonite ....

Ya Peter`s birthday party is going to be fun.... as long as I don`t let my SISTER stress me out... she called yest. to tell me she was Bringing her own drinks... Ò`Dooles near Beer... oh good I said, I hadn`t thought to buy any of that... GOod for you pacing yourself between REAL beers... she says``« òh, so you think I have a drinking problem?```

ah, I was not the one who suggested you bring fake beer!!! So now she is pissed with me :)

Then she says, ¨` how about we all go the casino overnight on the SUNDAY??? `` Ya, like Im gonna be doing anything exept CLEAN... is she on crack???

OH man, give me strength!!!

Peter is still making ICE and I went out to buy finishing touches today... got him some Fake Viagra pills as a joke... plus Fake MONEY, I`m gonna put something in the card like.... Here`s all the loonies and twonies that you SAVED by making your OWN Ice for the party:biggrin:

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Candice, I love it!! I don't even make my own ice now. I like the flavor of store ice better, filtered Water and no hassle.

Finished up at school today. Didn't get anything done for class, but have completed my commitment for behavior stuff. Went into town for a costco run for DD#5, had a nice visit.

Tried to get DD#4's phone bill put into her name, Verison refused and since she hasn't made any payments since the natorious 7000 textmessages a month, Verison has turned me into the collection agency. So thank you very much. Let's just pray I don't have to buy anything on credit for SEVERAL years.

I have school tomorrow and Thursday, yard sale Fri & Sat and work Sat & Sun and then students on Monday. Found out my classes will be 30 plus students each, so I will be seeing 180 students a day AND my budget just got cut by 15%. It is going to be a fun year.

Okay, enough, I have -itched enough, back to the positive me. I am going to look for a yoga and meditation class. I think that will be the only way I am going to be able to deal with the stress. Good think about stress, today all I have eaten was a Protein Bar. I use to eat my stress, now I just get stressed, whowhowho!

Where is everyone?

Well need to go unpack a few boxes, TTFN

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Good Evening Gang...

Candice - LOL O'doul's - when pple try to give me a Water down drink when I am drinking - i tell them put more alcohol in it - I am one of those drinkers who think they can drink all nite - cuz I use to - but again back then I had help from those things called diet pills - could drink all night and not get falling down drunk -

I know you all don't think I'm as much of a drinker - not on a daily basis - but like when I go out - I can drink too much.. But I'm a fun drunk ;0)

Love the $$$ saved by making ice that's cute...

Hopefully pple will help you clean up - I know when my gf has a party pple are always helping clean up..

Karla - Yes you will be set free from letting go of all that junk that you are never going to have time to do...

We have the same problem here in CA with # of kids in a class - I'm sure glad I don't have any kids in school.. Hugs you will survive

So are you going to take a yoga class ?? Good for you...

Well not much to report - back from the gym - boot camp tonite - then started my dinner - a one pot wonder - I didn't eat veggies last night so I have to get them in tonite.

Tried to teach Bella to walk on a leash - but it's freaking hot - car said 119 at 6:30... Its the hottest it's been all summer - I can usualy go out at this time of nite and be ok not sweat - but tonite - hell no - we will practice more later..

Steph - How are you doing... How's Michael - is everyone ready for school to start - how's the house cleaning going

Phyl - will be glad when you have regular internet - we sure do miss you..

Denise we haven't heard from you in AGES..

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Yep, I think that taking a yoga class and possibly some meditation will help me cope with stress. I did find a zumba class, but it is 40 miles away and I really don't want to drive that far after school nights. I found a yoga class here in Stevensville, but the price is high. I know you guys are use to paying a lot for a gym, but normally around here it is about $50 a month. The yoga class is 5 passes for $55 or basically $11 a class. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

I did buy some of those salmon burgers from costco today. do you remember what all they put on them?

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Hi ladies. It's quiet around here. Candice is busy with party stuff, Phyl is travelling, and all the real teachers are getting back to classes. I guess that leaves you and me Janet!

Karla, for now, go on youtube and search for guided meditation or guided imagery. Try one that is about 10 minutes long and see how you like it. You might have to hunt through a few because some of the voices are definitely not meant for relaxing. It's a little cheaper than a yoga class. At least for now. You can also do them at school during lunch break. If they work for you, let me know. I've got 5 or 6 cd's of them. I'll make you copies. I thought it would drive me nuts to sit and do them but they really do help me out a lot. When I get cranky, stressed, or overwhelmed I sit down for 10 minutes and it really helps out. Just another option.

For me, lots of stuff happening. I got a call today from another fair board asking me if I'd come down this weekend and sell kettle corn. I already have other commitments so I had to say no.

Did you hear that? Yes...I said NO!!!

I have gotten my bathroom deep cleaned, the laundry room and dining room swamped out, and Nick's room walkable again. Tomorrow is kitchen, livingroom, and Jai's room. It's crazy how destroyed this house has gotten. I know it's because I haven't had time to breath, but it really is embarrassing. Tomorrow the kids start school so it's my first "girls day" with Jai. Tomorrow morning after they are gone, it's her and me, a blanket and a chick flick! Not sure if it's going to be barbie or tinkerbell, but it will be GREAT!

Sheriff came over tonight and showed me a copy of this stupid note that's been causing all Michael's issues. I wanted to see it just to make sure that I was backing the right horse. If I thought he wrote it I was going to push him to "man up!" Well, you can tell, if you are a teacher, that a girl wrote that damned thing. There is no doubt in my mind. Not in a million years could Michael have written it. Even the wording isn't his. So, my mind is more at ease over that whole situation. We go to court on Monday over the TROs and I really hope they all go away. I also hope that the judge impresses upon these young girls how incredibly dangerous it can be to make false statements like that! They could ruin a person's entire life! We'll see if we get an apology. Doubt it.

Okay....so I've been pretty stuck most of 2 days. Even softs are giving me fits. Lots of tea and pain in my ribs. Papaya isn't working. Forgot the pineapple juice when I went to the store. Hating life, but at least when I'm stuck like this I can't be putting crap in my body. I don't even think that right now I could be eating chocolate or any other crap. Not that I'm trying.

Night ladies. Love you all.

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Steph, thanks for the idea, I never thought of utube.

Hugs on Michael issues. But you are right, as a teacher we know what girls write like! This is your time to champion Michael, I know he will be impressed and it will be helpful in the long run. Hang in there!

School today, but no students, just meetings all day. Hope to get some stuff done in my room, hummm, not likely.

Love you all, but need to kick it in gear, decided to sleep in until 6 instead of getting up at 4 like I usually do for school. See you tonight!

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Yep, I think that taking a yoga class and possibly some meditation will help me cope with stress. I did find a zumba class, but it is 40 miles away and I really don't want to drive that far after school nights. I found a yoga class here in Stevensville, but the price is high. I know you guys are use to paying a lot for a gym, but normally around here it is about $50 a month. The yoga class is 5 passes for $55 or basically $11 a class. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

I did buy some of those salmon burgers from costco today. do you remember what all they put on them?

Karla darling, I don`t n( think), I KNOW that Yoga class WILL positively (not possibly) reduce your stress. You WILL love it I promise. Pay whatever it costs hun, cause you are worth it!!!

How much does mental health cost anyways huh?

You can`t be beating up children (although I am sure some of them deserve it )

If you go to the gym 6 times per month, then you;ve paid for all of the visits and the 7 -20 times is FREE... my YMCA charges ?50 per month or $ 9 per day....

Gotta run CBL:crying:

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Yep, I think that taking a yoga class and possibly some meditation will help me cope with stress. I did find a zumba class, but it is 40 miles away and I really don't want to drive that far after school nights. I found a yoga class here in Stevensville, but the price is high. I know you guys are use to paying a lot for a gym, but normally around here it is about $50 a month. The yoga class is 5 passes for $55 or basically $11 a class. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

I did buy some of those salmon burgers from costco today. do you remember what all they put on them?

Karla - I add a little garlic powder - spray a pan w/butter pam and fry them - I did bbq them once - but I don't know I don't think they are as good as those we had in WA.. Maybe I am over cooking them and they aren't home made - but they are ok - I eat mine with a little tarter sauce or wasba sauce..

You will find that the $$$ is well worth it - why do you think I still pay for a trainer - cuz I'm worth it... Exercise helps so much - I can be pissed at the world prior to going to class - but by the time the class is over - I'm not even thinking about stress - or whatever issue is going on - You have to consintrate too much to keep up w/the class - the endorpines get moving and it's better than drugs (well almost :0) - JK - no it really really does help !!! You are worth it - so you better take your butt to yoga !!!

Hi ladies. It's quiet around here. Candice is busy with party stuff, Phyl is travelling, and all the real teachers are getting back to classes. I guess that leaves you and me Janet!

Karla, for now, go on youtube and search for guided meditation or guided imagery. Try one that is about 10 minutes long and see how you like it. You might have to hunt through a few because some of the voices are definitely not meant for relaxing. It's a little cheaper than a yoga class. At least for now. You can also do them at school during lunch break. If they work for you, let me know. I've got 5 or 6 cd's of them. I'll make you copies. I thought it would drive me nuts to sit and do them but they really do help me out a lot. When I get cranky, stressed, or overwhelmed I sit down for 10 minutes and it really helps out. Just another option.

For me, lots of stuff happening. I got a call today from another fair board asking me if I'd come down this weekend and sell kettle corn. I already have other commitments so I had to say no.

Did you hear that? Yes...I said NO!!!

I have gotten my bathroom deep cleaned, the laundry room and dining room swamped out, and Nick's room walkable again. Tomorrow is kitchen, livingroom, and Jai's room. It's crazy how destroyed this house has gotten. I know it's because I haven't had time to breath, but it really is embarrassing. Tomorrow the kids start school so it's my first "girls day" with Jai. Tomorrow morning after they are gone, it's her and me, a blanket and a chick flick! Not sure if it's going to be barbie or tinkerbell, but it will be GREAT!

Sheriff came over tonight and showed me a copy of this stupid note that's been causing all Michael's issues. I wanted to see it just to make sure that I was backing the right horse. If I thought he wrote it I was going to push him to "man up!" Well, you can tell, if you are a teacher, that a girl wrote that damned thing. There is no doubt in my mind. Not in a million years could Michael have written it. Even the wording isn't his. So, my mind is more at ease over that whole situation. We go to court on Monday over the TROs and I really hope they all go away. I also hope that the judge impresses upon these young girls how incredibly dangerous it can be to make false statements like that! They could ruin a person's entire life! We'll see if we get an apology. Doubt it.

Okay....so I've been pretty stuck most of 2 days. Even softs are giving me fits. Lots of tea and pain in my ribs. Papaya isn't working. Forgot the pineapple juice when I went to the store. Hating life, but at least when I'm stuck like this I can't be putting crap in my body. I don't even think that right now I could be eating chocolate or any other crap. Not that I'm trying.

Night ladies. Love you all.

Steph - WTG on saying NO !!!! :( OMG from the drift of your post those little girls made some very bad accusations (sp) Hugs - Kids - if it ain't one thing or another - even if not's their fault - drama ... But you will get thru this..

Stress= a tight band - we all know this and you are stressed - glad you aren't eating around your band . Thats super !!!

It's so easy for the house to become a mess - mine looks clean - but needs a major deep cleaning..

Karla darling, I don`t n( think), I KNOW that Yoga class WILL positively (not possibly) reduce your stress. You WILL love it I promise. Pay whatever it costs hun, cause you are worth it!!!

How much does mental health cost anyways huh?

You can`t be beating up children (although I am sure some of them deserve it )

If you go to the gym 6 times per month, then you;ve paid for all of the visits and the 7 -20 times is FREE... my YMCA charges ?50 per month or $ 9 per day....

Gotta run CBL:crying:

Candice - so very true !!!!

Well gang - drive by - I'm at work and got tons of stuff to do and tonite is my weights & yoga - so may not get a chance to ck in between classes - - cuz I need to get dinner done cuz when i get home at 8:45 p.m. I really don't want to cook..

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Hi ladies. From Janet's reply I wonder if I didn't tell you all what the latest Michael drama was. In case you are interested, read on. If not, skip it, it isn't that important.

Anyways, while we were in Glendive at the last fair, Michael was staying with a friend of ours. He had a curfew and someone to answer to the whole time and she's an older mother so I trust her judgement. Anywho....On Saturday we get a call from Jeff's sister saying that she had heard that Michael's "girlfriend" was going to get a restraining order on him, but she didn't know why. Talked to Michael but he didn't say anything. Sunday he called and said that the cops had been by the house 4 times and he was really upset. So we get home and sit down and I let him tell me his story. I then grilled him for about 1/2 hour to make sure his story didn't change and to determine whether I thought he was telling me what REALLY happened. By the time he was finished I felt pretty comfortable saying he was being honest. It goes like this. This "girlfriend" that he "dated" for a week got tired of him for one reason or another. Instead of telling him to leave her alone or maybe other reasons, I really don't know, she convinces a friend of hers to put a note in a lady's car. This lady is a sort of mentor for the "girlfriend". This note says, "Stop making her decisions. If I can't have her, no one can! M.H." Woman takes the note to the sheriff's office and files a restraining order because she is "afraid for her life." The TRO says stalking, which is crap but whatever. Well, in Michael's version of events, he was talking to a couple girls across the street at the park and one admitted to Michael that SHE put the note in the car because the "girlfriend" talked her into it. She won't tell the police though, she'd "cut her throat first." (freaking drama queens!) So at the end of this conversation I'm pretty sure Michael's version is fairly accurate. In the meantime, the judge's secretary, who is a little different in the first place, calls the cops because Michael has been riding his bike past her house repeatedly. Well, the street is the street we live on and one of 4 main streets in town. Sheriff came and told Michael to stay off of their property and leaves. Michael has no idea what THAT is all about, but seeing as where she works, she's just a little paranoid. I also heard SHE was going to get a TRO against him but that hasn't materialized.

So....We wait all of Monday for the sheriff to come talk to us about all this stuff and no one shows. We call a lawyer Tuesday morning and then go visit with sheriff, school, and judge. I ask to see this note and of course the investigating officer has it and he'll get us a copy we can look at. Well, we took Michael's cell away from him to block numbers of these girls and I went through his text history and there is a conversation between him and the girl who wrote the note where he is asking her to give him the original copy that the "girlfriend" gave her to copy. She says yes but she won't testify, slit her throat drama, then says she'll talk about it later. So, we call the sheriff and tell them we have these texts and would like to give them as evidence....that was Tuesday. Wednesday they come to serve a TRO from the "girlfriend" and her mom. That statement made Michael sound like a psychopathic serial killer. Talk about a drama queen! Finally Friday, after they hadn't come and gotten them, we took the phone to the sheriff's office and got it taken care of ourselves. So then yesterday, since we have heard NOTHING, I call the sheriff's office again and ask YET AGAIN to see this note and get the run around. Finally last night about 930 the deputy came over and showed me a copy and I just rolled my eyes. I told them they were out of their minds if they thought that was from Michael. We will go to court on Monday and get this shit thrown out.

So...that's been the drama. Stupid shit but in a little town like this, everyone is talking about the "stalking" and how the girls here aren't safe and shit. All with Michael's name involved. Great for a kid who is trying really hard to turn his life around and work on his issues and get himself straightened out. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't! These girls need to understand that their stupidity has consequences! They need to know that false accusations, even when proven false, have damaged someone. I'm so overly angry about it that it makes me crazy!

So there's the story....it will all be over on Monday. Then I'll be able to sleep a little easier.

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Hugs Steph - Teenagers are so full of drama these days - it doesn't matter if you are a small town or big.. OMG these pple are really taking things out of context..

I wouldn't have given my cell phone - I would have given it to my attorney - I don't always trust the cops..

Yep once you get a reputation it's hard to undo the damage..

Prayers that it all works out - I am pretty sure it will but still drama -

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Hugs Steph - Teenagers are so full of drama these days - it doesn't matter if you are a small town or big.. OMG these pple are really taking things out of context..

I wouldn't have given my cell phone - I would have given it to my attorney - I don't always trust the cops..

Yep once you get a reputation it's hard to undo the damage..

Prayers that it all works out - I am pretty sure it will but still drama -

Thanks Janet. We didn't give the cell to the sheriff, we took it to them so they could take notes and pictures. Then we took pictures and sent them to our attorney.

It just seems like kids have gone OVER THE TOP these days. Everything is a crisis, a drama, and the END of the world...and since little things are so "trivial" they have to top themselves over and over. It's NUTS!!! I'd hate to see it in 50 years!

Okay...off to do laundry.

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Drive by - in between gym & yoga - got the dogs fed.. I'll have eggs when I get home - it's quick and easy..

Steph you are so right Kids are so full of drama now a day... It sure wasn't that way when I was in school nor when Joseph was

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I just saw of FB Phyl is in Buffalo

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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